MTL - Chang’an Peasant Girl-Chapter 3020 Fanwai Finale (23)

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   Chapter 3020 Fanwai Finale (23)

   Just as King's Landing came to look for Su Su, he heard Su Min's words, and he immediately folded his arms and leaned against the door frame and sneered: "What kind of pot goes with what kind of lid."

   "You are...?" Su Min was very surprised. This person with arms crossed, but Yushu is in the wind, and his aura is also very strong. It is estimated that her grandfather's aura can't hold him down.

   Seeing Jun Lin, Jun Ling felt very complicated, but he said quickly, "He is my eldest brother."

  Su Min was surprised: "You are King's Landing!?"

   King's Landing didn't even bother to take care of Su Min, but asked Su Su, "Where did you get my chess for me?"

  Su Su was annoyed: "Don't you just put it in the cabinet in your room, otherwise I can put it somewhere."

   As soon as King's Landing knows where the chess is, he turns around and leaves.

  Su Min was extremely stunned, and it took a long time before she could speak: "Sister, I kind of understand why you like him, but, I don't understand, why are you acting as a maid for him again?"

  Su Su said: "It's not really a maid, right? It's just that some of his things are not allowed to be touched by others, only me."

Su Min was silent for a while, then said: "Last time I heard the second brother say that King's Landing might like you, but I still don't believe it, but now I believe it a little bit, looking at his arrogant look just now, it seems that there is only one you in his eyes. of."

Su Su directly ignored Su Min's statement as if there was only one in her eyes, she just agreed: "He is indeed defiant, but as long as you don't provoke him, you will be fine, you can talk less about him in the future. , you really messed with him, and I may not be able to save you by then."

   "Grandpa will definitely save me."

   "Grandpa can't save you." Su Su was very sure.

  Su Min frowned: "Is he really that powerful?"

Su Su said: "Aren't you with Jun Ling every day now? You can ask him to know. Even if he doesn't know much, you can ask my brother. He wanted to compete with Jun Ling yesterday. I can't move for 12 hours as soon as I take the shot."

  Su Min said: "Well then, I'll talk less about him in the future, and it will save you from having any quarrel with me. I actually know that you don't like to hear what I say."

Su Su laughed: "You're thinking too much, we grew up together, how could it be so easy to have quarrels, but you really have to say less things I don't like to hear, and say things I like to hear, then I will be happy Yes, otherwise I'm really angry, you have to make a small compensation for me, and coax me, how troublesome."

  Su Min was immediately amused: "Cheng Chengcheng, I will try my best not to say things you don't like to hear in the future."

   After Su Min and Junling left, Su Su went to the study to deal with things.

While    was handling it, Su Su thought of the scene of Jun Lin playing chess alone. He really felt that Jun Lin was lonely and pitiful, and felt very sympathetic, so Su Su put down the ledger in his hand and stopped reading it.

   First, she sighed helplessly before she got up and went to find King's Landing.

  Jun Linguo was really sitting on the kang by himself and playing chess with himself. With his back, Su Su looked very lonely anyway, and Su Su's heart twitched when he saw it, and it hurt a little.

  If she guessed correctly, King's Landing has been so lonely for more than 20 years.

   This made her feel that if she didn't accompany him, he would always be so alone.

  Standing at the door of Junlin's room, Su Su watched the scene of Jun Lin playing chess alone. After watching for a while, Su Su sighed softly in his heart again, and then he raised his feet, crossed the threshold, and entered Junlin's room.

   (end of this chapter)