MTL - Card Room-Chapter 557

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Chapter 557: Crisis and Turnaround

The Black Death, even if Lu Jiuchuan was not a medical student, has heard of the tragic outbreak of the epidemic in Europe through many channels.

At that time, there was no specific medicine for the plague. In addition, the disease was extremely contagious. Often people in the entire village and town would die in a short period of time. The epidemic spread rapidly in Europe, with corpses everywhere, and the people killed by the Black Death accounted for one-third of the total European population. It was like a genocide of bacteria on humans.

The most frightening part of this disease is that the course of the disease progresses extremely rapidly. After being infected, there is often no time for treatment, and the patient will die within three days. There are even examples of infection in the morning and sudden death at night...

Thinking of the last link of the Double Kings Chamber requiring everyone to survive for three days, Lu Jiuchuan's face became more and more ugly. He whispered to Xiao Lou, "If you can't find a special medicine for this disease, Han Jiang and Long Sen, are you hopeless?" ?"

Xiao Lou nodded with a pale face, "Yes. Before we clear the secret room, they are likely to die of illness..."

When Qu Wanyue heard this, her hands trembled suddenly, and there were a lot of bruises on the skin of Long Sen lying on the ground, and she was unconscious. Obviously, his condition was already very serious. Qu Wanyue was red. "We don't even have enough water and food. Where can we find medicine in the desert? If we get such a serious infectious disease, won't we die?"

Xiao Lou thought about it carefully, and suddenly said, "Maybe there is hope, do you remember the mirage that you saw before?"

Hearing this, Lu Jiuchuan's mind also showed the illusion of the time-clear spring water, beautiful women dancing by the water, and many caravans riding camels...

He narrowed his eyes slightly, "You mean, there might be medicine in the oasis town that exists in the desert?"

Xiao Lou looked at Lu Jiuchuan cautiously and said, "Among the vast desert, only places where people gather can there be pharmacies and perhaps antibiotics for common diseases. Mr. Tang said that the mirage is an illusion caused by the refraction of light, an oasis. Since the small town can appear in front of us through light refraction, it must really exist in a certain corner of the desert. As long as this oasis town is found, Hanjiang and Longsen will be saved."

Lu Jiuchuan nodded, "It makes sense. The phantom I saw before, I remember there are many caravans riding camels, merchants in the desert, besides selling various spices and silks, are likely to bring some common medicines. "

Xiao Lou continued, "There must be antibiotics in it, otherwise, we won't be able to pass the customs this time."

Qu Wanyue also calmed down at this time. She took a deep breath, placed Long Sen flat beside the tent, walked to Xiao Lou and asked, "Is Team Yu also infected? How is his situation now?"

Xiao Lou opened the tent with a worried look. Yu Hanjiang was already asleep with a high fever, there was an abnormal flush on his cheeks, and a bruise similar to Long Sen began to appear on his neck, which was a sign of subcutaneous bleeding. . Xiao Lou closed the door of the tent and whispered, "Han Jiang's condition has not progressed as quickly as Long Sen, but he has already begun to bleed and he is not too optimistic."

Qu Wanyue analyzed, "Long Sen was caught by a poisonous scorpion before. He lost consciousness when we were swept away by the quicksand, and his ankle was obviously red and swollen. It was probably because he had been infected with scorpion venom. I was bitten by a mouse, so the disease will develop so quickly?"

Xiao Lou nodded and said, "Perhaps there is a reason for this. Long Sen is already in septic shock. We must find the Oasis Town as soon as possible. Otherwise, in his case... he will not survive for a day."

Qu Wanyue clenched her fist hard, gritted her teeth and said, "I'll find it."

Xiao Lou stopped her and looked back at Lu Jiuchuan. The latter quickly understood what Xiao Lou meant. He patted Xiao Lou on the shoulder and said, "No wonder you woke me up. My Suzaku flying is the fastest. I'll go. Find an oasis."

At this moment, Tang Ci walked out wearing a coat and said softly, "I will accompany Brother Nine."

Lu Jiuchuan looked at him unexpectedly, "When did you wake up?"

Tang Ci said, "I woke up when you got up. I heard everything you just said."

He walked up to Xiao Lou, nodded towards Xiao Lou, and said, "Why not, if Brother Jiu and I can find the oasis smoothly, we will simply bring the medicine back first to cure Team Yu and Long Sen. This It's faster than pulling a group of you over."

Lu Jiuchuan frowned slightly, "Are you worried, there might be hunters on the oasis?"

Tang Ci's tone was determined "At that time, I saw a phantom with many beautiful women dancing, caravans, and local people dressed in strange clothes. The town looks very lively and there should be a large population. The hunters have definitely been mixed. Among them. If we all act together, it would be very dangerous to take the two sick teammates of Yu and Long Sen."

Xiao Lou thought of Long Sen who had been in shock, and Yu Hanjiang who was having a high fever, and also thought that Tang Ci's method was more reasonable.

It is better to ask Brother Jiu and Tang to go to the Oasis and find a way to get the medicine back than to send everyone to the Oasis. Xiao Lou made a decisive decision and looked at Lu Jiuchuan and Tang Ci, "Thanks for your hard work, let's set off as soon as possible."

Lu Jiuchuan simply rode on the Vermillion Bird, grabbed Tang Ci's waist and hugged him to his side, and said, "Let's go!"

Xiao Lou summoned Qin Guan, connected with Lu Jiuchuan, and said, "Brother Nine, communicate with heart and soul in some situations."

Lu Jiuchuan nodded, and reached out to touch the wings of Suzaku's neck. The big red bird opened its wings and hovered and disappeared into the sky. Lu Jiuchuan's voice came in his mind, "I will leave it to you, my brother. Xiao Lou."

Looking at the black spots disappearing in the air, Xiao Lou said softly in his mind, "Don't worry, I will take care of him."

Qu Wanyue set up a tent next to him. Xiao Lou helped her carry Long Sen in. The noise outside was Shao Qingge, Ye Qi, Gui Yuanzhang, Chu Huaying and others. Xiao Lou simply informed about the plague. Teammates.

For a while, everyone's faces were very ugly.

Ye Qi couldn't help but said, "This is too bad, isn't it? You got the plague after being bitten by a mouse!"

Shao Qingge reluctantly rubbed his temples. "I felt something was wrong when I treated Team Yu at the time. The wound was so small that even if I didn't need me to treat it, I could put a band-aid on it. Biting a sesame seed-sized wound, what is the meaning of those rats ?...It turned out to be spreading the plague."

Chu Huaying frowned and said, "I don't know how big this desert is. What if Brother Nine can't find an oasis?"

Everyone looked at her together.

Chu Huaying put her hands on her chest and calmly said, "We have to prepare for the worst. If, I mean, in the worst case, Brother Jiu and Tang Ci can't find an oasis, or if they find an oasis, they can't find it. You talked about the special medicine. Then, Yu Hanjiang became unconscious with a high fever, Long Sen shock was in danger, Liu Qiao and Lao Mo couldn't find anyone. What if we have the remaining six, if we encounter a sudden attack again?"

Everyone "………………"

That's too bad.

Gui Yuan Zhang sighed lightly and whispered, "We were destroyed in the Meihua J group, and it was a similar situation. A few teammates fell shortly after the beginning of the secret room, and the rest had to deal with the hunters. On the one hand, we have to take care of sick and injured teammates, which finally led to the destruction of the group. Huaying said that we must consider the worst situation in advance, so as not to get rushed and unable to cope."

Xiao Lou's eyes swept across the crowd, saying, "I will not give up sick teammates."

Chu Huaying said lightly, "How are you going to take care of them?"

Xiao Lou calmly said, "This kind of plague will be contagious. From now on, everyone should stay away from Hanjiang and Longsen. I will turn Hanjiang into the size of a thumb and carry it with you. Teacher Qu, you will sand Longsen with a chameleon card. Place him in a hidden place you can find and let him merge with the sand to prevent him from being targeted by animals or hunters suddenly."

Since he dared to promise Jiu Ge that he would take care of Yu Hanjiang, Xiao Lou naturally had plans in his heart.

He never speaks empty words, he has already prepared for the worst in his heart, but before that, he will do his best to protect his teammates, especially the person he loves on the tip of his heart.

Seeing Xiao Lou's calm look in front of him, Gui Yuanzhang smiled slightly, and said, "You really are suitable to be the captain. Since you have already figured out how to arrange these two teammates, then do as you said."

Xiao Lou nodded, turned around and entered the tent.

Yu Hanjiang's complexion was flushing, and the bleeding spots on his body were increasing. His brows were tightened, obviously very uncomfortable. He was restless, and his hands kept tearing the collar of his shirt.

Xiao Lou took out the duplicate Thumbelina card, turned Yu Hanjiang into the size of a finger, put it into the bottle of drinking mineral water, and then poked two small holes in the bottle to breathe.

Looking at Xiaoyu Hanjiang in the bottle, Xiao Lou felt very distressed.

He held the bottle up and said softly, "Han Jiang, is it uncomfortable?"

Yu Hanjiang was already in a semi-comatose state at this time, and couldn't hear Xiao Lou's words at all. However, the familiar voice from Xiao Lou made people feel at ease. The person in the bottle gradually stopped rolling and struggling, and fell asleep quietly.

Xiao Lou said softly, "Sleep for a while, Brother Nine will get the medicine back soon."

At this moment, Chu Huaying's voice suddenly sounded outside, "Everyone is on alert, there is a situation around."

Xiao Lou immediately raised his ears, but only heard a slight wind around him.

Chu Huaying's senses of hearing and smell have been strengthened and are much sharper than normal people, but she can hear what her teammates can't hear.

She frowned on the beach and listened for a moment, then stood up, and quickly retreated to the edge of the tent, her face cold and serious, "It's a pack of wolves, many wolves are approaching us!"

Xiao Lou "..."

The worse situation is still coming.

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