MTL - Card Room-Chapter 500

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Chapter 500

The world twenty years ago.

Shao Qingge and Ye Qi looked at the vines hanging down the cliff and hesitated to follow. Ye Qi said in his mind, "This Ren Yuan takes us to climb the cliff, in case he is a murderer, what should we do if we want to kill us?"

Shao Qingge thought about it for a moment and said, "Well, you pretend to climb up first. I put a entrance to Taohuayuan nearby. If the situation is not right, we will retreat immediately. It is not so easy for him to kill us."

"Okay, I'm blocking his sight. You should call Tao Yuanming as soon as possible." Ye Qi raised his head and pointed towards Ren Yuan. "Brother Ren, wait for us, I will come up."

Ye Qi climbed up the vine slowly. Shao Qingge summoned Tao Yuanming in the dark and opened the Taohuayuan-Fortunately, Xiao Lou gave him two Tao Yuanming cards. The first skill was cooling, and the second one came in handy. For the next three hours, he and Ye Qi can return to Taohuayuan to take refuge at any time, even if they encounter a murderer.

Shao Qingge arranged the peach blossoms and climbed up behind Ye Qi.

This vine is woven from weeds, with the arms of adults thick and very strong. Someone must have climbed this cliff frequently, and there are many concave pits artificially stepped on the cliff, which can be used as a foothold.

Ren Yuan climbed quickly, and within a moment, the three of them reached the top of the mountain.

Twenty years ago, the summit was not a mass grave. The bright moon hangs in the sky, almost as if it is within reach. The wind at the top of the mountain was very cold, and the surrounding dry trees rustled by the cold winter wind. Ren Yuan put his red hands in his sleeves and walked forward quickly, while he said with a deep voice, "Two, keep up."

Ye Qi and Shao Qingge followed behind him.

Just after a few steps, Ye Qi almost tripped over a corpse. He hurriedly supported the tree trunk next to him, pretending to be frightened, "What are these corpses?"

Ren Yuan made a "hush" gesture on his lips and lowered his voice to say "these robbers. They robbed the gold and silver treasures in the town. They ran to the mountain and wanted to occupy the mountain as the king. Was killed."

Ye Qi had long guessed the identity of these corpses and asked Ren Yuan to inquire, but for confirmation.

Shao Qingge's eyes quickly swept around, and he leaned over to check the nearby body. Although he was not a forensic doctor, he also learned a lot about autopsy under Xiao Lou's ears. Most of the corpses had obvious knife wounds on the chest and abdomen, and there were blood stains on the ground. Obviously, these people were killed in the fight. The weapon used by the other party should be a sharp knife.

Ye Qi wanted to take a closer look, but Ren Yuan urged "Go away."

The two had to keep up with him.

Walking a long way along the winding road, a humble wooden house appeared in front. The location of the wooden house is very hidden. It is located behind a few big trees. If you don't look closely, it is easy to be ignored.

Ye Qi said in his heart, "I remember, there wasn't this wooden house in the mass grave two decades later?"

Shao Qingge said, "Yes. There are graves everywhere on the top of the mountain 20 years later. But now, there are no more than ten dead bodies on the top of the mountain. Those who starved to death were not discarded here in large numbers. The bodies are in the town. Throwing everywhere."

Ye Qi nodded and said, "There should be important people living in the wooden house. We will pay attention to observe later."

The two communicated with each other in their hearts, and Ren Yuan suddenly said, "The two are here waiting for me, and I will come when I go."

He stepped forward alone, knocked gently on the door of the cabin, and whispered, "Grandma, it's me."

A moment later, the door opened from the inside with a "squeak", and a wrinkled old lady came out with a hoarse voice, "Ren Yuan? You came up to me in the middle of the night, what's the matter?"

Ren Yuandao "I want to get some food back."

The mother-in-law nodded and said, "Okay, come with me."

The two went into the wooden house one after the other. Shao Qingge and Ye Qi glanced at each other. Ye Qi quickly threw a bug into the house, and soon a footstep came from the terminal of the bug-it should be two The individual stepped down the stairs on the wooden steps and followed closely. It was a dialogue. There was a clear echo of the dialogue, probably in a closed room.

Ye Qi raised her ears and only heard Ren Yuan whisper, "Mother-in-law, today two people suddenly broke into my house and found my cellar. The two people looked very strange and said they fled from outside the country to Qingfeng Town. The robbers here robbed us of their luggage. They grabbed me but didn’t hurt me. They just asked me for some food. I don’t think they are like bad guys, so they left them temporarily.”

The mother-in-law sighed and said, "We are all insecure in this world. You still have the leisure to save people... but don't save the two white-eyed wolves. When the time comes, grabbing your stuff will hurt you."

Ren Yuan smiled and said, "I don't think they look like fierce generations. I can't make up my mind, so I asked my mother-in-law to decide."

The mother-in-law was silent for a moment, and said, “We don’t have much food, so many children can’t afford it. Where else can we give food to foreigners? It’s not a good time. It’s better to take advantage of them in the middle of the night. Fainted and thrown out of Qingfeng Town. Life and death are life and death, depending on their character, we don’t owe them anything."

Ren Yuan hesitated for a moment, then gritted his teeth and nodded, "Okay, just do what my mother-in-law said. Later I will call them into the house, give them a full meal, and then throw them into a dizzy mountain, which also It’s a matter of benevolence."

Shao Qingge and Ye Qi listened to the conversation from the bug and glanced at each other, crying and laughing.

Although the methods of mother-in-law and Ren Yuan are not very kind, but in troubled times, even self-preservation is difficult, food is limited, and one more mouth will make more relatives starve. No one is obliged to save two strangers. The decision is considered normal. If Ren Yuan really left the two of them and shared them with them, it would be a virgin.

Ye Qi said in his head, "This mother-in-law's voice sounds familiar, is it the one we have seen in town during the day?"

Shao Qingge said, "It should be her. Her hoarse voice is highly recognizable. Maybe her voice is not good, and she has mild asthma."

Ye Qidao "What's next?"

Shao Qingge smiled helplessly and said, "You can only count on the plan. They want to stun us. We simply pretend to be dizzy, reduce their vigilance, and go up the mountain to investigate later in the night."

Ye Qi also agrees with this approach. "They may poison the food. Be careful later."

The communication in the spiritual world just came here. The door of the wooden house opened again. Ren Yuan walked in front of them and smiled and said, "Two, mother-in-law, please invite you in."

Shao Qingge and Ye Qi followed suit, and Ye Qi asked curiously, "Who is this mother-in-law?"

Ren Yuan said, "Mother-in-law is a very nice person. She adopted many orphans in the town. I was also brought up by her. By the way, my craft of rattles is still taught by my mother-in-law."

orphan? Rattle?

These two key messages inspired Shao Qingge and Ye Qi.

It turned out that the source of the rattle was not Ren Yuan, but the "mother-in-law" 20 years ago.

Since her mother-in-law is a master of making rattles, it is likely that the children she raised have a rattle that she sent. Perhaps, this is also the murderer who has a deep obsession with the rattle, and even left the rattle at the scene of the crime. the reason?

Shao Ye and the two entered the chalet with doubts.

The interior area of ​​the house is much larger than expected, with second floor, first floor and three floors in the basement.

The two were brought to the table on the first floor by Ren Yuan. This is a long table enough to sit eight people at the same time. After Shao Qingge and Ye Qi sat down, the mother-in-law poured two glasses of water and took one. The pan-roasted buns said, "Listen to Ren Yuan, the two are his friends? I don't have anything to entertain guests here, just pad your stomach."

Shao Qingge glanced at the water in the glass-the drug should be added.

Ye Qi also knows that the water is definitely not clean, pretending to take a drink from the cup and laughing, "Thank you mother-in-law, we just ate at Brother Ren and we are not hungry. In other words, how could mother-in-law live on the mountain?"

The mother-in-law sighed and said, "We poor people have no title deeds and cannot build a house in the town. We can only build a house in the wilderness of the wilderness with wood to shield the wind and the rain."

Ye Qi said sympathetically, "It turned out to be like this... Let Brother Brother say that he was raised by you too?"

The mother-in-law smiled, looked at them, and did not answer.

Ye Qi estimated that the drug was about to take effect, and pretended to fall on the table. Shao Qingge also lay on the table in coordination. Ren Yuan came over and gently patted Shao Qingge's shoulder. "Brother Shao? Wake up."

Shao Qingge continued to pretend to be dizzy.

The mother-in-law stood up and said, "My drug is effective soon. You can move them out." She shouted upstairs, "A Feng, A Ran, come down and help Uncle Ren."

The two children ran down from the second floor, and together with Ren Yuan, dragged Shao Qingge and Ye Qi down the mountain.

Being dragged all the way like a "corpse", Ye Qi was dizzy on the surface, but actually seized the opportunity, and attached a bug to each of the three feet. The three threw Shao Ye at the foot of the mountain and turned away. Ye Qi opened his eyes and asked Shao Qingge in his heart, "Shall we go back and check? Or wait for the zero?"

Shao Qingge said, "Go now. If it is sent back to the original world after zero, we will have no chance to investigate."

Ye Qi nodded, and Shao Qingge quickly moved to the wooden house on the top of the mountain with a teleportation card.

Ren Yuan has gone down the mountain.

It can be seen through the window on the second floor that there are four beds upstairs and bunk beds, and four children are sleeping on the bed, only one head is exposed. Judging from the hairstyle, it should be two boys and two girls.

Ye Qidao said, "These four children are all orphans adopted by mother-in-law?"

Shao Qingge said, "Well. Is it possible that the murderer twenty years later is still a child?"

It is impossible for her mother-in-law to commit crimes. She seems to be more than 60 years old now, and the longest-lived person in Qingfeng Town 20 years later is less than 70 years old. So, is the murderer Ren Yuan or these children? Or maybe these people are just plot characters related to the case?

Ye Qi analyzed and said, "Mother-in-law has four children. Just now when her mother-in-law called them downstairs to help, she called two names. Have you noticed that one Ah Feng, one Ah Ran, that'A Feng', will not Will it be Qin Feng 20 years later?"

The mother-in-law called the children's names and nicknames.

Will A Feng be Qin Feng?

If so, the other three children who grew up with Qin Feng are suspected. Obviously, Qin Feng had something to do with the Li Guisuo murder case. He wrote a roster with the names above marked with red crosses, and most of those people have disappeared, and a few are still alive. He must know something.

Shao Qingge said, “Xiao Lou said at the time that Qin Feng was suspect, but not necessarily the murderer. The evidence about Qin Feng is too obvious and too simple. So, he probably knows who the murderer is. He grew up with him. We must focus on these three children."

Ye Qidao "Unfortunately they are asleep. Unexpectedly, Ren Yuan and his mother-in-law will throw us and lost the mountain together. We can't continue to find Ren Yuan to help, and think of ways."

Shao Qingge suddenly bent his lips. "I have an idea."

Ye Qi said anxiously, "Hurry up."

Shao Qingge said, "We copied the mask of Nine Brothers before, and that card is right in my hand now. I can pretend to be Ren Yuan, enter the house and chat with my mother-in-law to figure out the identity of these four children. ."

Ye Qi's eyes lit up, "Good idea!"

Shao Qingge, dressed as Ren Yuan, stepped forward again to knock on the door, and Ye Qi was lying on the rooftop and listening with a bug.

The mother-in-law opened the door and saw "Ren Yuan" who came back, wondering "How come you are back?"

Shao Qingge said, "I'm worried about a few children. Are they sleeping?"

The mother-in-law said, "I have fallen asleep."

Shao Qingge said, "Just now, you let A Feng and A Ran help me to throw those two outsiders down the mountain. I think A Ran's complexion is not very good. Has he been sick recently?"

The mother-in-law said helplessly, "Qi Ran caught the wind and cold when he went to dig the weeds in the woods under the mountain yesterday. However, he has a good foundation and I showed him this morning. It should not be serious."

Shao Qingge’s pretense suddenly realized that “the weather is cold recently, the children still have to be more careful, in case they get sick, it will be troublesome to leave the root of the disease, especially for the two girls who have to take care of them.”

The mother-in-law smiled and said, “Ning Shuang and Xiao Yun don’t have to worry, they have been with me all the time, and these two children are smarter than each other. You can rest assured that you can go back to town. Don’t walk around recently, or you will get caught. Today The sweet potatoes we brought were enough for us to eat for several days. I thank you for the children."

It turned out that Ren Yuan went up the mountain, in addition to discussing with the mother-in-law how to deal with the two of them outsiders, and secretly brought food to her mother-in-law.

Shao Qingge said, "It should be. Then I will go back first, and take care of my mother-in-law."

He turned and left the chalet and said to Ye Qi in his mind, "Qin Feng, Qi Ran, Ning Shuang, Xiao Yun, four children, two men and two women, are orphans who depend on their mother-in-law. Ren Yuan has been helping them and giving them Send sweet potatoes."

Of these people, who was the murderer who killed Zhao and Chen more than ten years later?

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