MTL - Cannon Fodder Counterattack System-Chapter 69 Counterattack through the species. Ma Wen (seventy-eight)

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Yesi had a cup of tea without a bite, and Jessica was eating a banquet feast with a sigh of relief, while dancing and talking about Gu’s anecdote on the set.

He was naturally born with great character, and at this time he has been identified as a good friend with Mu Feng, so there is nothing to talk about, and when he is happy, he still laughs at the table.

Gu Yu has always been a quiet and low-key person. When he took the first drama, he was obviously a newcomer that everyone did not know, but it was a major supporting role in the drama. It’s awesome, although everyone doesn’t say it on the bright side, but privately, there are some unspoken rules of unspoken rules.

Jessica was not a big director at the time. Although he also won some awards at the time, but the foundation was not stable, the deterrent power in those actors was not enough, so the rumors were passed down. It is getting worse.

The crew in the crew are sure to climb the bed of the investor, and this has gotten such a good role, but Gu Yu has never explained it, so everyone is even more convinced that there is a reason for the wind.

It’s also a coincidence that at the time, the crew next door had an investor to visit the class. When they accidentally saw Gu Yan, who was acting, the female boss of the middle-aged husband was shocked to him, and he caught with the cat. Like, after going back, I will ask for it, and then I will release my words to support him...

"After that?" Ye Si Nian's smile on his lips slightly converged, and the phoenix that was upturned at the end of his eyes slanted and glanced at Gu Yu.

This man really grows very well, the facial features are chilly, and a pair of black and black scorpions can almost be stunned. The temperament of the whole body is indifferent and strong, and the expressionless look seems to have such a ban. At first glance, I was firmly grasped by the heart, and my eyes seemed to be difficult to move away.

But I understand clearly that people who think of such a person will be jealous of others, and his heart is still rising with an unspeakable anger.

It’s like, I’ve been collecting it for a long time, and I’ve only been able to take it out when I’m no one’s own. I’m so eager to sneak in my hand’s treasure for a lifetime.

The hand holding the cup was tight, and Ye Si Nian smiled and smiled, his eyes slowly passing over his unconscious strait.

After a cold heart, Gu Yufei quickly stunned Ye Si Nian next to his eyes, facelessly facing the opposite Jessica.

Really a pig teammate!

Jessica is having a good time at this time. Where can he notice the look he has brought over? Besides, his expression has not changed! How can he see it?

Drinking a small drink with a smile, Jessica waved his hand and said: "Ha ha ha! After that, Gu directly acquired their company! Also changed the name to... Hey!"

Jessica jerked back and slammed, apparently being shocked, stunned and looking at the opposite face with no change in expression, and the rest of the words were taken back.

Calmly retracting the foot, Gu Yu seems to have nothing to happen, fluttering and squinting at the opposite side of the old friend who almost sold himself, when looking at Ye Si Nian, his face is full of gentle smile: " A Feng, when the film is about to start shooting, will you come to visit the class?"

I heard this very intimate name. Ye Si Nian’s eyebrows picked up, and Feng Xiao slanted over the past, but still did not say anything, only nodded and said: “Nature will go.”

The pair of eyes are like a phoenix eye that will catch a ghost. Gu Yu only feels a sway in his heart, can't help but slowly pull the distance, his eyes are almost condensed on his handsome face, the eyes are a little bit pan Obsessed with the meaning.

"That... speak and count?"

"What do you say?" The curvature of the corner of the lips was slightly upturned. The phoenix phoenix seemed to be simmering in the water. The red lips of Ye Si Nian were slightly open, and the sharp tongue of the tongue was looming between the white teeth of porcelain.

Gu Yu’s throat was rolled up and down a few times, and the hand that had been clenching the fist on the table finally couldn’t help but stretched over to the white slender hand...

"Cough and cough!" suddenly burst into a coughing earth-shattering, and the atmosphere between the two was instantly destroyed.

The fingertips just touched the smooth back of the man and found that he was not being evaded, and Gu Yu, who was excitedly full of emotions, suddenly retracted his hand.

The eyes were full of deep anger, and Gu Yu looked sharply at the maddening teammate Jessica.

Jessica coughed his face flushed, and he looked at the two faces with a calm expression on his face, as if the picture that just flashed the human eye was just his own illusion.

This person... How can you act like this? You said? !

Jessica’s heart was almost collapsed at the moment when he looked at the opposite side with a horrified look as if nothing had happened.

How can these two people seem to be non-existent when they are so big?


Jessica blinked as he glanced at the equally handsome faces of the two men.

Not to mention that this person looks really good when it looks good. Even if the behavior is so bad, it makes people feel unreal.

Looking at the two of them, the same exquisite but distinct styles of appearance, Jessica suddenly moved in the heart, patted the belly and tested the authenticity: "Mu, have you ever thought about acting?"

"Lecture?" Once worked as a movie emperor, he still regards acting as a routine. Even if there is a addiction, he has already vented his life. Ye Sinian raised his eyebrows and was not too interested: "Why ask?"

"Oh!" The more I think about my own idea, the more I think Jessica’s eyes are brighter. He smiles and licks his hand and says, "This is not the thing of this drama! You know, this Has the script been modified?"

"Gu and I have said it." Ye Sinian slightly squinted at Gu Yu, and nodded: "Is it a scene to delete the heroine?"

"Yes, then do you know that the role of this play has not yet been finalized?" Jessica squinted and sat down not far from Ye Si Nian, and could not attend the table full of delicious food, quite excited: "I think there is a character in it that is especially suitable for you!"

"What role?" The script Ye Si Nian just glanced at it. The general story is still known, but he thought about it and found nothing suitable for his role!

"It is the elf priest who sacrificed his sacrifice for the world." Jessica sneered a little embarrassedly.

"The bad guy who died in less than three minutes?" Yesseye frowned and ruthlessly revealed the most critical things inside.

"This... Concentration is the essence!" Jessica felt that her brain was a hot idea at this time. Mu Feng is also the boss of the sky entertainment, and he has excellent family conditions. If he really wants to film. In a minute, you can invest in a movie as the protagonist! Why not just be a character who plays less than a few minutes?

But now he is more and more impressed that Mu Feng is suitable for the role of the elf priest. Other than that, the priest is the only *oss in the movie that can make the protagonist eclipse! If it wasn't for his last unexpected choice to sacrifice himself, then the protagonist and his party could survive and say two more!

It’s not impossible to let others play, but the priest’s playing time is short, but he’s playing with him, but Gu Yu! If this is not the kind of domineering, isn't that a big fight?

In fact, this circle is not big. Although there are many stars and actors in various colors, they can perform the role of the domineering in front of Gu Yu, and they can meet the appearance of the elves' beautiful and super-deaf mortal. There are not many people like this!

Although he can't say that he is nitpicking, but now there is a suitable person to put in front of him, he has to work hard to do it!

Besides, even if you only consider the box office factor, Lamu Feng guest string is also a good gimmick! Although his movie is not uninhibited, no one in the box office is as natural as possible!

The more I think, the more I feel that my idea is awesome! Jessica stared at Mufeng, who was opposite, for fear that he would shake his head and refuse.

At this time, Gu Yu, who was interrupted by a good mood, couldn’t take care of the pig teammates. He thought that he might play against the opposite person, and his heart was full of excitement.

In my mind, I flashed through the scenes of the protagonists and the priests. Gu Yu looked at Ye Si Nian’s eyes brighter and brighter, and couldn’t help but swallow.

If he can promise...

Hey! ! !

The two pairs are full of anticipation, and they are staring at themselves. Rao Yes, Ye Sinian also feels pressure and the fingers on the table move slightly. He hesitates: "Where... I will go back and watch the script?" ”

Hearing the hesitation in his tone, Gu Yu slammed his hand and held his wrist. A pair of deep eyes looked straight into the depths of Ye Si Nian's eyes: "Need to consider?"

The man’s low voice is in the ear, like the legendary enchanting singer’s song. The dark scorpion is too deep, and there is a trace of enthusiasm inside, which makes it difficult to give a trace of resistance. .

Ye Si Nian's pupil was slightly enlarged, and the phoenix phoenix gently swept through the hand that seemed to hold his pulse, and slowly confronted the pair of focused eyes.

The line of sight meets in the air, and Yersian’s lips slowly swell a light arc. He gently shook back gently, with a cool fingertip on the man’s wrist.

Gu Yu’s heartbeat was stagnation, and the eyes in his eyes focused on a moment of darkness. He looked at the glamorous man in front of him and gently slid his lips. The voice seemed to carry his little hook and gently licked him. heart.

" don't have to think about it."

Sitting back to Jessica, he glanced at the picture that almost flashed his old eyes and silently shattered the crispy shell in his mouth.


He still eats well...


Yang Yuru wrinkled his eyebrows and rubbed the sweat of his forehead. The original ruddy and white face was also pale, and it looked like some weak feelings of illness and beauty.

At noon, the sun was a little sun-baked, and the temperature was a bit high. She didn't want to go into the coffee shop, so she had to endure the heat wave coming from the store, waiting at the door of the store.

It’s been the third day since Mu Feng and her said that she broke up. She insisted on not eating or drinking at home for the past two days. It’s so good that her well-maintained face looks weak and pale.

Mu Feng’s mother went out to shop with her sisters every two days. This coffee shop is the place where they must come every time. She has already planned, and then she pretends to be hurt by herself. Come to sympathy and say.

Regardless of whether Mu Feng and Lin Biao said that they broke up, and no matter what Mu Feng said, Lin Biao has always liked himself. Even if it is polite, he will definitely ask himself why he broke up.

When she can cry and complain about her grievances, she will not believe it, collecting so long information, studying the long-term preferences and personality, she can still make Lin Biao!

As long as Lin Biao helps himself explain to Mu Feng, I think Mufeng will not be too persistent.

After all, this is not her fault! And the gentle gentlemen before Mu Feng are not pretending! He must have a crush on himself! It’s just that it’s been smothered by Shangbei’s little means! When the gas head passes, naturally, I will not anger myself again. Maybe I will be jealous and immediately get engaged with myself!

Her heart is arrogant, but people are not as good as days.

Yang Yuruo frowned, and there were a few middle-aged women carrying bags around the corner of the street not far away. They all had good temperament and looked good and always looked pampered.

In my illusion, her future life is like them. Yang Yuru’s eyes flashed through a longing and deep desire.

It is now noon, there are not many pedestrians, Yang Yurou is standing outside their destination, and of course those people can not ignore her.

Yang Yurou quickly changed the face of the intolerance, she pretended to turn around inadvertently, but her expression was awkward.

To her surprise, although the group of people is also a broad-minded wife, Lin Biao is obviously not among them.

The heart was a little bit uncomfortable. She was busy walking a few steps to intercept the group of women who turned a blind eye to her. Some cautiously said: "Excuse me... Why is Aunt Lin not?"

All of these women’s families are rich. If a man has money, he will inevitably want to create some romantic debts outside. Although they have not had any marriage crisis, they have been guarding them! Yang Yurou's pitiful look is good for men, and it is very unsightly in the eyes of these women.

A woman in a red dress tightened her slender eyebrows and looked at her up and down. "Who are you?"

They are a group of good sisters who are tired of going to the store to rest their feet. This person has stopped their way and put on this look. What do you want to do? !

"I am Yang Yurou, is the girlfriend of Mu Feng!" In the face of her hostility, Yang Yu's eyes crossed a trace of hatred, but the face was silent, and shyly opened his mouth.

"Hey! This is not the one who wants to climb the branch!" The woman in red suddenly realized that she had stunned and listened to her words and Yang Yurou, who was sobbing, said: "Okay, don't pretend, Lin Biao." I told you, I can't understand, a girl's family, why do you always think about it for nothing? You said?"

Yang Yurou's eyes suddenly widened, his hands tightened, and the slender and beautiful nails were almost broken, and several white marks were drawn on the bag.

Strongly resisting the panic in my heart, Yang Yuji said: "Auntie, have you misunderstood something? Aunt Lin? Why didn't she come today?"

"Lin Biao and Mu Yu traveled, and I will probably not come back for a while. As for the misunderstanding, I will not misunderstand..." The woman in red screamed and said, "You know what you know."


"I have done it, don't you, mine, we don't know you, you explain it, we won't believe it, just like this!"

Said, the red woman never looked at her again, and took a good sister into her own cafe.

On this hot day, what is the meaning of screaming outside? It is better to go in for a cup of iced coffee!

Yang Yuruo was in the same place, she held the bag in her hand, and her face turned pale.

She... was discovered? !

how is this possible? ! I clearly hide very well! How could it be discovered? !

Breathing moments quickly rushed, and the amount of sweat on the forehead rolled down. Yang Yu's eyes flashed a slap in the eye.


It must be him!


On the other side of the city, in a small rented house.

Shangbei gorged on the cheap meals in the bowl, his bloodshot eyes staring at the computer screen.

The face that was originally very thin was even thin and scary. The meat that he had been able to raise back before had disappeared, and his face was sallow and yellow, but his eyes were bright.

The script on the screen has come to an end. He didn't intend to fight like this. After all, it is useless to earn more money. He is a dead person. Naturally, he will love this hard-won second. Second life, but since Yang Yurou insulted him that day, he couldn't bear this breath anymore!

Why? !

He is born again! The body still carries a huge golden finger, and God loves him. Then why should he endure the insults and look down on others? !

Yang Yurou does not mean that he is nothing? Didn't she insult him with money?

Then he will let her be good! He is still successful in North China!

He will have a great reputation and will have the wealth that ordinary people can't imagine!

He must let Yang Yurou regret it!

Thinking of the novels that I have seen before, the heroes who had failed in their original lives have achieved great success after crossing each other. The fame and fortune have not been said, but they have harvested a lot of confidantes. Emotionally!

Those who win in life are not the portrayals of him in the future?

I think that I will pass the kind of money and money in the future. I want to have beautiful women and beautiful women. If I look at people, I will trample on his happy life. Shangbei’s heart is full of pleasure.

Yang Yurou, those who can't avoid seeing others who are penniless, those who hurt themselves...

one by one! Waiting for his successful day! He must make a bad breath!

By the way, there is the old man on Yang Yuruo!

If it weren't for him, he wouldn't die so badly in his life!

Although this life and the last life cannot be the same person, who cares? ! The man put a green hat on himself. Why can't he let him pay the price? !

The heart is full of revenge, and the protagonist's style of action in the movie is even more grievous.

Shangbei clenched his eyebrows and felt that if he really copied the film completely, would the box office be ok?

Think about it, the grace of life is to be with you! That beautiful woman said that she should serve the grace of the public, why should the protagonist refuse? !

And this is clearly the treasure that the protagonist first discovered! Why do you have to give them to the bastard? ! Those people have also hurt the protagonist before!

There is this! This person obviously likes the protagonist! How can the protagonist push her out? ! Is it silly! What if she is a bad person? ! The key is she is a beautiful woman! And the main character is single-minded, and after being rejected by the protagonist, he committed suicide! So infatuated, how can the protagonist not? !


The more you look at it, the more you are wronged. Shangbei snorted, and his heart has to modify these resentful plots. Otherwise, those viewers will not be able to die when they see it.

The beauty of the world is the hero of the protagonist, the gold and silver treasures are the protagonists, so much cool!


In the office, Ye Sinian knocked on the table and said, "Is there no contact with the author of this book?"

Shen Assistant pushed the glasses and said: "I have already contacted, but she said that she can be adapted into a movie, but she must agree with her role in changing the script."

"There is no requirement for remuneration?" Yesnian raised an eyebrow and wondered if it was not bad money.

"She only said that the characters and scripts should be checked by themselves, and the others should be discussed." Shen Zhuyi thought: "According to the information found, their family is very wealthy and does not care about that money."

"Agree with her request." Ye Si Nian indulged for a moment, said: "Other work should be put on the agenda as soon as possible, but pay attention to the confidential work first, I am very optimistic about this play, can not mess up."

"But the boss..." Shen helped the ideal, but still tangled with a face: "This novel is very popular on the Internet, but ... but after all, the controversy is too big, the key protagonist is finally deadly miserable! If there is a case, is it not our company's signboard?"

It’s not that he is too timid. It’s really that the development of the novels in the past few years has been too fast, and all kinds of strange and fascinating types of themes have come out. There are also a lot of novels in this protagonist, but if you want to make a movie, After all, it is still very risky!

Although the reader can accept this novel, but... the readers and the audience are still different after all!

In the early stage of the protagonist, the act of acting evilly was only based on the mood, and it was so utterly extreme, but in the end it died so badly. If this caused public anger, could this be done? !

Ye Si Nian fainted him and said: "The tragedy naturally has the charm of tragedy."

When Shen Shen was on the back of the cold, he stood up and went to work, and he never dared to say any objection.

Anyway, he advised and persuaded him. Even if it was messed up, the boss should not deduct his own bonus.

Oh...should not...

Huh? Will it be?

In the office, Ye Sinian glanced at the actor's fascinating actor on the cover of the novel, slowly evokes the lips.

A kind of deliberate and willingness to hate, but in the end, for the sake of justice, to go to death, a full of morality and morality to the chivalrous, but the key moments only consider their own interests.

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