MTL - Call Me Daddy-Chapter 8 , Educated Youth Dad (8)

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The Hongqi Commune Primary School is not big. There are six rooms in a row of brick flat houses, one is the teacher's office, and the other five are classrooms for grades one to five.

There is a large open space in front of the bungalow, half of which is a place for students to move freely. In the middle of the open space, there is an iron pillar with a national flag tied on it, and the other half is planted with crops such as sweet potatoes and vegetables. On weekdays, students have agricultural and labor classes. In this land, the things grown belong to the teachers of the school, which can be regarded as a kind of teacher welfare.

In general, this elementary school is a bit shabby.

"Dad, just wait a little longer."

Su Mingcheng turned his head to look around, not knowing who he was looking for.

They have all arrived at the door of the classroom, and the children playing in the open space in front of the classroom all saw Mr. Su, who hadn't appeared for a long time, bringing Su Mingcheng to school. Didn't everyone say that Mr. Su fled back to the city and never came back again?

The children were in small groups, whispering on the sidelines, because Su Aobai was present, they didn't dare to ask about the situation.

Su Aobai thought that this was what his son wanted. Now that so many students have seen it, and the purpose of spreading it has been achieved, he can go to the city himself.

But Su Mingcheng tugged at the hem of his clothes, hesitantly refusing to let him go.

"Dad will pick you up after school."

Su Aobai has business to do, the town is too small, it is easy to meet acquaintances, so he is planning to go to the county seat, and it will take at least two or three hours to go back and forth like this, and if it is later, he will not be able to come back for lunch in time.

Seeing his father's serious expression, Su Mingcheng could only get off the back seat of the bicycle obediently, with a twisted expression, a bit reluctant.

At that time, Su Aobai didn't think much about it. He got on his bicycle and was about to leave, but he was stopped by a girl who looked like a reed just as he rode to the door.

"Teacher Su, are you still coming back to teach?"

Su Aobai recognized her. This was the student that Yuan Shen took before leaving the next brigade. She was in the first grade before, and now she is in the second grade at the beginning of school. Not surprisingly, if Su Aobai came back to teach, he would still bring the same students as before.

This girl's name is Chu Ni, and she is eleven years old this year. At her age, if school starts normally, she should already be in the fourth grade. In fact, she didn't have the opportunity to study at first, but because the only seedling at home, Chu Jiabao, went to school. Young, the adults in the family were afraid that this precious son would be bullied at school, so they gritted their teeth and offered an extra amount of money so that Chuni could go to school with him.

Chuni has six older sisters, the older one was married off by her parents in exchange for a gift money, and the younger ones are also working as cows and horses in the family. In comparison, Chuni who works as a personal nanny for the Chu family Fortunately, at least I have the opportunity to study.

Chuni cherishes this hard-won opportunity very much. Although she is young, she also knows that it must be a good thing to read and write, otherwise her parents would not send their beloved Chu Jiabao to study. When she was on a errand, and when she returned home to do housework, she had to sneak in and read a few more words. Not only did she learn by herself, but she also taught a few older sisters who were not married.

Since Mr. Su left, the school has replaced Wang Fangfang to teach them. Wang Fangfang is the daughter of another brigade captain's family. salary.

Most of the time, she is too lazy to teach the children how to read, so she lets the students read it by themselves during class, or changes the normal curriculum into a labor class. It has been more than a month since the school started, and Chuni has only learned a little new knowledge, and the progress is full. It can't keep up with when Mr. Su was teaching.

That's why she had the courage to come over and ask Su Aobai if he would return to school to teach.

Regarding this point, Su Aobai hadn't actually thought about it yet.

It is now 75 years, and the college entrance examination will resume in two years. However, at his age, it is a bit embarrassing to take the college entrance examination. Su Aobai no longer needs to rely on a diploma to prove his talent and learning ability. What he is looking forward to is the golden period after the reform and opening up. period, before that, he can also do a wave of primitive accumulation first.

To be honest, the job of a teacher, especially a temporary worker in a commune primary school that is not valued, is a waste of his time. It's just that this job was obtained by the original father-in-law with a lot of favors, and it's not appropriate to quit suddenly without a suitable reason.

In fact, to change the way of thinking, there is nothing wrong with continuing to be a teacher. Money is only a number to a certain extent, and he does not necessarily have to become the richest man. He is already tired of being a rich person.

At the beginning, it was just an inertial thought. I always felt that if I didn’t seize the opportunity to make a fortune in the 1960s and 1970s, it seemed like a trip for nothing.

"It still depends on the arrangement of the commune leaders."

Su Aobai gave an ambiguous answer.

When she didn't get a definite reply, Chuni couldn't hide her disappointment on her yellow and thin face.

Su Aobai looked at her back as she left in frustration, and then pedaled away on his bicycle.


Before entering the city, Su Aobai made a disguise for himself.

Last night he took some flour from the kitchen drawer, mixed it with soil, added some water, and made a crude version of liquid foundation.

He evenly spread the brown flour on his face, then put on a straw hat for himself, and hung a towel around his neck. His back was bent, and he looked like a cautious countryman who rarely entered the city.

There is no way, too handsome can easily impress people, so I can only try my best to dress up in the ugly direction.

Su Aobai didn't go to Dachang or the family building. There are many people there, and there are many red armbands patrolling. You don't know if the big customer you think is a plainclothes.

There are a few black markets in Yuanshen's memory. These are passed down by word of mouth from the educated youths and some workers, because they are the only people who have spare money to buy high-priced goods. Yuanshen has also visited the black market before, and it is relatively safer there.

He rode a bicycle to a relatively remote place in the east of the city. Many factories in the county are located in the west, and most of the family buildings are located nearby. Therefore, the east of the city is much more depressed than the west of the city.

At this time, a few people stood on the street in twos and threes, looking around, showing vigilance.

As soon as Su Aobai appeared on his bicycle, he was followed by people on the street, but no one came up to strike up a conversation, they just watched him carefully.

Su Aobai parked the bicycle aside. There was a hanging basket on the back seat of the bicycle, covered with steps. Su Aobai seemed to reach into the basket to pick up things, but actually transported some smoked fish in the space to the inside the basket.

Because it is a reward provided by the system, he can take back the smoked fish at any time in case of an emergency.

He took out one piece of smoked fish, which was still steaming.

The smoked fish provided by the system is just out of the pan, steaming hot, crispy and crispy.

In a certain life of Su Aobai, he was the descendant of a big restaurant. His grandfather was a master of cooking. He began to recognize spices and memorize recipes since he was sensible. He inherited 70% to 80% of his grandfather’s craftsmanship before he was thirty. He thought he was the successor of Huaxia's culinary arts, but unfortunately he met a man who sold fried rice with sky-high prices, and the man defeated him with his amazing cooking skills.

At first, it was nothing to him if it was just a failure, but after that, he seemed to be demented. He insisted on fighting with that man. In the end, the restaurant went bankrupt, and he was interrupted by someone breaking his right hand for throwing the spoon. His father paid for it. Only by following the recipe handed down from his family did he save his life.

After being selected by the system, Su Aobai knew that it was the life planned for him by the will of the world, not that he was really inferior to that man.

The essence of the existence of the system is to oppose the original fate planning. Su Aobai actually has a lot of resentment in his heart. Although he occasionally complains about his own system, he is actually very willing to bind with the system.

Even if it's not his lives that have been changed, it's still a kind of resistance.

This one hundred catties of smoked fish is Sumu's handiwork. The quality of the ingredients is very high, the meat is plump, with the unique oily aroma of conger eels, and the fried fish will shape the meat. The fragrance bursts out just as you chew.

Su Aobai tasted it in his heart, the heat was a bit too high, the fish was fried a bit burnt, this overly burnt smell covered up the freshness and sweetness of the sea fish, in fact, you can add some sugar when seasoning, the sugar can make the body fresher, and it will highlight the sea fish the original taste.

In addition, the quality of the colored soy sauce is not good enough, maybe for long-term storage, a little too much salt is added...

Of course, this is due to his overly picky tongue. In the eyes of most people, this crispy smoked fish just out of the pan is a rare delicacy.

Especially in inland areas, sea fish is rare, and its value has been increased several times.

After eating that piece of fat belly meat, Su Aobai took another piece of tail, which has no meat, but it is easier to deep-fry and crispy, and it makes a crackling sound when bitten down, and the few people who are close I heard.

What is this eating?

I tried my best to inhale my nose, and smelled a scent of sauce and oil.

A lean man walked up to Su Aobai's side. His hands were in his pockets, which were bulging, and he didn't know what was in them.

Su Aobai remembered this man, who often appeared in the black market, he seemed to make a living by being a second-hand dealer, and his shipment volume was larger than that of ordinary people. Yuan Bo once bought a few meat tickets from him.

This time, Su Aobai's main target was also him.

Scattered sales sell at a higher price, but Su Aobai doesn't want to waste that effort, and doesn't want to be frightened. He plans to sell the batch of smoked fish in his hand at once, so that the price may be lower, but it also avoids more risk.

Seeing that the bait was hooked, Su Aobai simply stuffed the remaining piece of smoked fish into his mouth, and the man who heard the crisp chewing sound accelerated his saliva secretion.

"Brother Hei."

This is what other people call this man.

The thin man raised his eyebrows, is he an acquaintance? But Su Aobai made a disguise, he didn't recognize the other party, but he also saw that Su Aobai had deliberately dressed up.

"I brought a batch of sea fish from the south and made it into cooked food. You can try it."

He took out a piece of sea fish and handed it to Brother Hei.

In the black market, there are often things brought back from other places, because some food is not convenient to preserve, and it will be made into semi-finished products or cooked food, which is not special.

Brother Hei has long been greedy, and he is not welcome to take the piece of smoked fish that Su Aobai handed over.

He has also eaten a lot of seafood, but the traffic is not so developed these days, and he is not a big man. Most of the seafood he eats are dead frozen seafood, and the taste is not the same as that of Su Aobai, who was killed alive and then fried. Certainly not.

"Good guy, it was fried in oil."

Brother Hei ate a piece of smoked fish in two or three mouthfuls, and spat out a main thorn.

I thought this fish is good, there are no small thorns, children can eat it, and the fish is slightly salty, oily and fragrant, especially suitable for drinking.

"How about it?"

Su Aobai pulled the brim of his hat, and since he handed Brother Hei a piece of smoked fish, the people in the distance seemed to be a little restless.

Brother Hei also noticed this, and he said decisively, "I'll accept as much as the price is right."

He was so shrewd, how could he not understand that this person in front of him was coming for him, which shows that his brother Hei also has a bit of reputation in the Tao.

Su Aobai asked for a price of one yuan and two yuan per catty plus a bill of equal value or other bills of equivalent value. This price is a bit high, and now the first-class meat is only 72 cents.

It's just that he is cooked food, not only deep-fried, but also a relatively scarce local sea fish, and Su Aobai proposed that if the bill is not enough, you can use money instead, and the price per catty will be changed to one yuan and thirty-five cents per catty. It is more valuable than money. Many working families do not lack money, but they lack a lot of votes.

After hearing Su Aobai say that he had more than 90 catties of smoked fish in his hand, Brother Hei felt that this was a big customer, and there might be a business to take care of him in the future, so he didn't bite the price too hard.

In the end, 60 catties will be settled at 1.33 cents without a ticket, and the rest will be settled at 1.15 cents per catty plus a ticket or other equivalent bills.

Brother Hei had to find his companions to raise money for the ticket, so he bought the smoked fish in Su Aobai's basket first, just as Su Aobai wanted to "go back" and take out the rest of the smoked fish.

At the end of the transaction, I changed the change again, and in the end, there were two catties of smoked fish left in Su Aobai's space, and there was an extra one hundred and ten yuan change and a pile of receipts in his wallet.


When he came back from the city, the rear basket of the bicycle was filled with the things he bought from the supply and marketing cooperative.

After leaving the city, Su Aobai first found a small stream to wash off the camouflage on his face. He rode a bicycle and hurried on, just in time for school to leave.

Su Mingcheng ran out with his classmates, and saw his father riding on a bicycle with one foot on the ground from a long distance away.


Seeing his father carrying a small army green shoulder bag in his hand, his face flushed with excitement.

When I followed my mother to the city to buy New Year’s goods during the Chinese New Year, Su Mingcheng once saw that backpack in a supply and marketing cooperative. The army green labor cloth was durable, and a five-pointed star was embroidered with red cotton thread on it, which looked very stylish.

Seeing that her son liked it, Jiang Lianmei asked the price.

Seven or eight yuan, not counting cloth tickets.

At that time, Jiang Lianmei was a little distressed about money, so she told her son that she would cut him a shoulder bag like this after pulling a piece of army green fabric, but because army green fabric was hard to buy, Jiang Lianmei never fulfilled this promise .

Su Mingcheng was quite sensible, and never mentioned this matter again.

Seeing this shoulder bag in his father's hand now, he immediately felt that it was bought for him by his father.

Su Mingcheng was so moved that he forgot about his father Hades who supervised his homework last night.

The favorability of Suming City is 65, 68, 71, 72.

The tsundere son overtook another car on a bend, and his favorability actually soared ahead of his sister and daughter.

In Su Aobai's mind, the reward for his son's favorability breaking through 70 also appeared.

One hundred new primary school tutoring materials!

Su Aobai looked around him foolishly, fixed his eyes on the son with the shoulder bag in his hand, and suddenly felt fond of him.

Why pity? Nonsense, who else can the elementary school textbooks be used for?

"Teacher Su."

Several teachers who came out of the school also saw Su Aobai, and went up to greet him.

Su Aobai got off the bicycle, supported the faucet of the bicycle, and stood on one side.

He was a little hesitant before, but now that such a reward came, Su Aobai felt that his future life plan might have a direction.

After those teachers appeared, Su Mingcheng, who was still agitated, calmed down a little.

He stood beside his father, squeezed the hem of his clothes with his hands, and raised his voice in the direction of several teachers, "Mr. Wang, my father is back. My mother is not the idiot you say that even men can't control."

When he opened his mouth, the atmosphere froze instantly.

Several teachers looked at a female teacher among them.

And the other party didn't seem to have thought that Su Mingcheng would say such words suddenly, his face was flushed, and he wished to find a hole in the ground with shame and indignation.

The author has something to say:

Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2021-05-22 20:58:53~2021-05-2400:19:35~

Thanks to the little angel who irrigates the nutrient solution: 7 bottles that become a big fat man in one bite; 1 bottle that I like so much;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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