MTL - Call Me Daddy-Chapter 76 , "Alternative" doomsday (12)

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This time it was a platoon that came to Tuanjie Village. The platoon leader was Xu Chao, and he was also responsible for contacting the village chief.

The construction of the walls for each village was the result of a meeting between the leaders of the local garrison and government officials. For this reason, most of the materials from the local building materials dealers were collected forcibly. As for the compensation given to those people, it is unknown.

However, under special circumstances, these building materials have to be used sparingly, so local materials need to be obtained, such as stones, wood, etc., and the villagers have to help carry them from the back mountain.

You must know that various places have issued repeated orders to protect the environment before, and many trees in the back mountain are not allowed to be felled, but now the government has ordered to allow some timber to be cut, which shows that the government and the army attach great importance to the construction of the fence.

Tuanjie Village is not small, and the houses of the villagers are scattered. It is definitely unrealistic to enclose the entire village. Therefore, the so-called fence actually closed some roads that could enter the village.

Village head Deng Guohua noticed that all the fertile fields in the village were within the range of the fence, and he suddenly had some thoughts in his mind.

It seems that the main protection of these walls is still the fields.

Building the fence is a good thing for the villagers. Everyone put down their work and offered to help the soldiers. Of course, they also have a little bit of their own ideas. They can build the fence near their fields by themselves. The building is stronger. Besides, I also want to ask the soldiers for some news.

Perhaps it was because the villagers remembered their kindness after hitting a wild boar. Xu Chao and the others seemed very kind, except for some confidential news, they all knew everything.

"Do not sell any food."

Xu Chao knows that there are a group of merchants who collect grain at high prices everywhere. The price they pay is very high, and they sell it in cash. Some farmers are blindfolded by the money, and regardless of the current situation, they sell their grain by chance. .

Perhaps they still feel that even if there is no food, the government will not ignore them.

But Xu Chao knows that now the army’s food storage has been completely controlled. In the past, the food of their troops was very good, especially the special operations troops. Opportunity for snacks.

As for the several granaries here, the government has sent troops to guard them, and they are not allowed to use them easily. Most of the food that people in the city receive according to their accounts is distributed by the government after negotiation with some local businessmen who own supermarkets and rice, oil and grain stores. .

"It's best to organize young people to patrol in shifts every day in the village."

Hearing Xu Chao's words, Deng Guohua straightened his face, expressing that he had listened.

"Platoon Leader Xu, is it just a power outage and a signal outage in this world? Why do I feel that something is wrong with those beasts?"

A villager couldn't help asking.

"During this time, the animals in my family wanted to run out of the sky. My dog ​​is so close, and it doesn't listen to it recently. Isn't that wrong?"

The villagers said with a sad face, it was just a power outage and a signal failure, how could poultry and livestock react like this.

This doubt has been echoed by many people, and Deng Caihua also pricked up her ears, because the chickens, ducks and geese in her family are very well-behaved, which are different from those of other families. She thinks that this may have something to do with her and her granddaughter.

However, there is a difference between her and her granddaughter. She seems to be recruiting those livestock, while her granddaughter can calm those animals down.

Deng Caihua felt a little guilty. Could it be that she caused the restlessness of the animals in the village?

"The same goes for the pigs in our team."

Xu Chao's answer overturned Deng Caihua's guess. The army station is far away from her. Can she still be able to seduce those animals?

"The animals seemed to be restless and no longer willing to be kept."

The army also raised a lot of poultry and livestock, firstly to save military expenses, and secondly to digest the leftovers in the army canteen. Of course, Xu Chao and others knew about the restlessness of the animals.

"It's not clear why, but it's better to keep it tight, but some animals are useless."

They would keep crashing into the fence. The breeder in their team had no choice but to kill all the pigs after a boar was killed and pickle them and eat them slowly. Now the army no longer raises those pigs.

The villagers were a little disappointed when they heard that there was no solution in the army.

I have to keep it. If I don’t keep it, how can I eat meat, and now I can’t buy it outside.

"It's really strange. They all run to the back of the mountain. Do they have to go hunting in the mountains in the future?"

Someone muttered, Xu Chao listened, did the animals run into the forest? This can be reflected with the above.

"You don't need to worry too much. Although the water and signal are cut off now, when electricity was not popularized decades ago, or when there was no electricity or signal at all, everyone was not living well."

Xu Chao comforted, as long as there are no natural or man-made disasters, it is always possible to live.

This is reasonable, but it is always a gradual process for people who are used to enjoying the convenience of a technological society to return to the farming era.

Speaking of them, they are lucky, at least they were born and raised in the countryside, and now the hardest ones are those who live in high-rise buildings in convenient big cities.

Deng Caihua pricked up her ears and remembered all the important and unimportant things in her heart, and silently calculated.

There was no shortage of things in their family in a short period of time. Firstly, she had the habit of hoarding food before, and secondly, her son and daughter-in-law purchased supplies everywhere in the first few days after the power outage, and added a lot of things to the family.

What she cares about now is the changes that happened to her and her granddaughter, whether these changes are only experienced by her and her granddaughter, or whether other people also have these changes, whether such changes are good or bad.



"That's about it. These people have special abilities just like those in some movies and novels."

The brothers Su Yiqing and Su Aobai were secretly talking at the corner.

"Actually, some time before the power outage, supernatural beings appeared, but at that time the government kept it secret, and most of those supernatural beings were sent to the central government. Now we only have two supernatural beings who haven't had time to transfer away. Those who are capable, it is said that one controls water and the other controls fire."

Su Yiqing said with a serious expression.

"Now even people in my position know about this matter. It can be seen that the above decision is not going to be hidden. It won't be long before this news will definitely spread."

It's not that I don't want to hide it, but that everyone will know this secret sooner or later. Since we can't hide it, we might as well make it public. This will also guide those who have inspired their abilities to come forward.

Su Yiqing had a headache. If a group with supernatural abilities appeared, there would definitely be trouble. Who could survive with superhuman abilities? What's more, who can guarantee that those with superpowers must be good people?

Fortunately, the army is not in chaos now, and thermal weapons are strictly controlled. At least this part of the force can still compete with the supernatural beings. As long as the government can absorb some supernatural beings for their use, people with two hearts will not be able to make a big difference. trouble.

Su Yiqing looked at his younger brother, and it was a pity that neither of them had such luck, otherwise, the safety of the family would be guaranteed.

"Susu...she seems to have changed a bit."

Su Aobai knew these things very well, but he couldn't show it. In front of Su Yiqing, he hesitated to tell a secret he had observed.

"Now the poultry and livestock raised in the village are all starting to be restless, but the animals we raise are very strange, they are still as good as before, no, they are better, but this is only when Susu is at home. Going out to play with Susu, those chickens and ducks pecked open the cage."

They flapped their wings one by one, and almost drowned the old lady. Fortunately, Susu turned back halfway because she found out that she forgot to bring candy. Otherwise, those chickens, ducks and geese could fight each other to be the one closest to the old lady Until the other party's fur is pecked off.

For this reason, Susu gave them a serious lesson that day, teaching them to love each other and not to fight.

Su Aobai briefly described his discovery, "Is this also a special ability?"

Su Yiqing knew about the restlessness of the animals. Many residents in the city kept pets. Those pets that used to be docile all became manic without exception. They didn't take the initiative to attack people. , never came back.

This is the very dear pet that was raised as a sweetheart in the past, not to mention the poultry that was raised for meat.

Now there is a saying that these animals have returned to their nature and began to yearn for nature, just like the sudden loss of electricity and signals, the earth is reshuffled and returned to its most primitive state.

But the emergence of supernatural beings does not seem to be the same thing, it is more like the earth is starting another evolution.

It is a good thing that a niece may have special abilities. Although the concept of equality for all has been propagated for so many years, how can everyone be equal in this world? In the past, having money and power meant having special rights. , People with special abilities can also have special status.

Of course, as long as the government has not lost control and the government leaders have not gone in the wrong direction, the special status of supernatural beings is also limited.

This was probably the best news Su Yiqing had heard these days. A smile rarely appeared on his solemn face all day long, but soon his face became serious again.

"Hide this matter first, and I'll look at it later."

In front of this younger brother, he not only plays the role of elder brother, but also plays the role of father. Although Su Aobai is an adult and a father, Su Yiqing is still worried about him and feels that he is immature.

He was afraid that his younger brother would be unsteady and gossip everywhere. Susu is still so young, it would be bad to be targeted, so let's wait for the government to introduce a series of mature policies.

"Brother, I know, so I told you first."

Su Aobai had my most obedient expression, his eyes were full of trust in his brother.

Seeing this, the forehead wrinkles on Su Yiqing's face were smoothed out a little.

He felt warm in his heart. He never kept any secrets from this younger brother, and the first thing he thought of was him as the eldest brother.

"Old father" is very relieved, so what if his younger brother is a little immature under the care of his mother and him, being obedient and obedient is his greatest advantage.

The most obedient and obedient Su Aobai still nodded to his brother with eyes full of trust, expressing that he would definitely not spread the news about his daughter.

In this life, this good brother will definitely not die prematurely because of his brother's stupidity and ignorance, as the original body remembers.


The efficiency of the soldiers was very high. It took less than three days before and after, and the simple wall was built. They still had other villages to maintain, so they evacuated after teaching the villagers to continue to strengthen themselves.

And Deng Guohua also heard Xu Chao's previous words in his heart, and held a village meeting to form a patrol team.

The team mainly recruits middle-aged men between the ages of 18 and 55. People in the village do farm work all year round, and most men in their fifties are also in good shape. In addition, some women with relatively strong physiques can also join the patrol team.

This proposal was opposed by some people. There are always a few black sheep in the village, who only want benefits and are unwilling to pay. You must know that patrols do not distinguish between day and night. There's a lot of work waiting to be done.

Some of them feel sorry for the children at home and don't want them to suffer.

But Deng Guohua has already said it before. Everyone has selfishness. When patrolling, you must go to your own house or your own field more diligently. If your family is not willing to contribute a little bit, why should they help you guard the house?

The implication is that the wall is not a panacea. If someone has no one to contribute, the village will not be responsible for being robbed by someone.

Hearing this with dissatisfaction, he could only obediently obey.

Su’s family is in a special situation, the old is old and the young is young. There are only two young people, Su Aobai and Kong Yao, but there are also people in the village whose situation is worse than his family. For example, Ma Aifang is the only one whose son cannot be contacted in other places. Lonely old man.

Therefore, Su Aobai and Kong Yao still signed up for the patrol team, but the leader will specially arrange them to keep one of them at home.

During this period of time, there were indeed several waves of people who wanted to climb over the wall, and one group managed to enter the village, each with knives and sacks in their hands, but they were bumped into by the patrol, and faced with The members of the patrol team with hoes and axes, those people failed, and were detained for a few who had no time to escape, and were finally sent to the police station by Deng Guohua.

Because of this incident, no one in the village said that forming a patrol team was bad.

They lived their own lives inside the fence, without a signal, and had no way of knowing the outside news immediately, but the appearance of several waves of robbers also let them know that the world is still a bit chaotic, and they began to be more vigilant.

They began to pay more attention to the crops on the land. The villagers who did not regard planting as their main business had even started to reclaim wasteland spontaneously. For those fields, there were some quarrels and disputes among the villagers.

Everyone has an idea in their hearts, to stock up more vegetables and food.

Such a busy and peaceful day was broken in one night.

Another group of refugees appeared outside the village. At this time, the patrol team happened to be patrolling here. Facing the members of the patrol team with weapons, this group of refugees did not show any fear at all. Some of them even took the initiative to challenge the patrol team. clamor.

"Open the door on your own initiative, and offer five thousand catties of grain, otherwise, you may see some blood tonight."

The man in the lead seemed to have something to rely on. He wanted five thousand catties of food, and his attitude was extremely arrogant.

The members of the patrol team naturally refused. After a while, the sound of a gong sounded in the village, which was a reminder for the villagers to gather urgently for a meeting.

Why do you have to gather for a meeting in the middle of the night?

The villagers felt sorry for each other, put on their clothes and sent all the representatives of the family to the brigade headquarters.

Kong Yao was left behind to take care of the two children. Su Aobai and Deng Caihua did not forget to bring protective weapons when they went out. Who knows the reason for the request to gather in the middle of the night.

When a group of people came to the brigade headquarters, they were stunned by the scene in front of them.

All the people in charge of patrolling tonight were tied up, and there were completely unfamiliar faces standing on the stage.

What was even more shocking was the middle-aged man standing among the group of strangers, with a puddle of water in his palm, as if by magic.

The villagers suddenly became agitated. When they gathered in the middle of the night, everyone was a little bit on guard. Everyone was armed, but they didn't dare to act rashly in the face of the patrol team members who were **** around them.

"What do you want to do?"

Regardless of his daughter-in-law Fan Xiaojuan's pulling, Deng Guohua pushed away from the crowd and walked to the front. He was also a little afraid of the middle-aged man's weird tricks, but he was the village head, so he had to stand up at this time.

The author has something to say:

Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2021-12-2005:31:20~2021-12-2117:34:34~

Thanks to the little angels who threw mines: Feixue and Xu Xiangxiang;

Thanks to the little angel of irrigation nutrient solution: 10 bottles of Chihuo~ Chihuo;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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