MTL - Call Me Daddy-Chapter 66 , Alternative "Apocalypse" (2)

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When she first went to the hospital to register, Deng Caihua still felt that her son was making a fuss. She just felt a little uncomfortable. Maybe she had suffered from heatstroke. She drank some Huoxiangzhengqi water and slept for a while. It was a waste of money to come to the hospital. , It cost more than 30 yuan to hang up an expert account casually, which made Deng Caihua suddenly feel that her chest didn't hurt anymore, and her flesh hurt.

However, this pain turned into happiness after all the inspection results came out.

It turns out that the night sweats and angina pectoris these days are early signs of myocardial infarction. If the old son hadn’t come back suddenly and dragged her to the hospital when he saw her complexion, I’m afraid she would have a heart attack and collapse at home. Know.

As for a problem like myocardial infarction, even if it is sent to rescue in time when it occurs, it may not be able to save her life. By the time someone finds her, I am afraid that her body will already be completely cold.

As for the little granddaughter Susu, such an older child, when she saw grandma fell down, she probably thought grandma was asleep. How could she run out and call for someone? When she gets older, she should be more obedient when she thinks about it. I feel sorry for myself.

Deng Caihua had lingering fears in her heart, and she didn't feel bad about money anymore. She followed the doctor's advice honestly and chose to be hospitalized for observation and treatment.

When such a thing happened, Su Aobai was arranging all kinds of hospitalization procedures for his mother, and watched her lie on the hospital bed, waiting for the nurse to draw blood for a series of inpatient examinations, and ran outside the ward to call his elder brother. made a phone call.

Su Yiqing immediately became anxious when he heard that, but it would take some time for him to ask for leave. Fortunately, his wife Kong Yao is a primary school teacher, and it happened to be summer vacation during this period. After receiving a call from her husband, she hurried to the hospital.

Deng Caihua's poppiness is famous outside, but internally, she is the best mother and mother-in-law, because she has a characteristic, that is, she protects her weaknesses.

According to Deng Caihua, a daughter-in-law is one of her own when she marries in. If she has the skills to train her daughter-in-law to engage in internal friction, it is better to quarrel with that woman Ma Aifang eight hundred times.

Therefore, after being married to Su Yiqing for so many years, the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law have also cultivated a good relationship. When she learned that her mother-in-law was sick and hospitalized, and she happened to be on vacation, without Su Yiqing mentioning it, Kong Yao offered to let her take care of it during this time. Take care of mother-in-law.

It may be that the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law have been together for a long time, and Kong Yao has also been moved by her mother-in-law's behavior.

She was such a gentle little girl when she and Su Yiqing were in love, but now she is doing things in a hurry, and the family is walking outside. People think that Kong Yao is Deng Caihua's daughter, and Su Yiqing is Deng Caihua's son-in-law.

For example, as soon as Kong Yao arrived at the hospital, he asked Su Aobai first, for fear that he might not be doing well.

It wasn't that Kong Yao didn't trust this little uncle, but that the whole family had protected him so well that if something urgent happened, his first reaction was to call his mother and ask the couple for help.

Seeing that he didn't panic when things happened this time, and arranged the old lady in an orderly manner, she didn't speak so urgently.

"Erbai, I'm here with mom. Go home and help mom pack a few changes of clothes, as well as the melons and vegetables that mom cares about the most. Please ask Aunt Fu to take care of them for a few days."

The old lady couldn't stay idle. Apart from the two vegetable fields in the front and back yards of her house, she also rented two acres of land from the village. Instead of growing food, she grew some seasonal vegetables and fruits.

She also rented a small piece of forest land at the foot of the mountain, and planted some common fruit trees such as grapes, oranges, and winter dates.

They don’t grow much, enough to feed their own family and at the same time sell some to subsidize their living.

In this way, the old lady not only does not need to be filial to her children, but can also solve part of the food expenses for her children.

The few lands at home are the most precious things for the old lady after her children and grandchildren. If she finds that her precious melons and vegetables have withered due to no one's care after she recovers and leaves the hospital, I'm afraid she will suffer from another illness sadly.

"You take Susu back too. It's not good for a child as old as her to stay in the hospital all the time."

Kong Yao gave birth to a son. Susu, a niece, was raised in the countryside since she was a child. As an aunt, she spent more time with the child than the child's father, just like her own daughter.

There are many germs in the hospital, don't let the children get sick.

At this moment, the nurse came over with a bunch of instruments and wanted to draw blood from the old lady.

Kong Yao couldn't think of anything else to tell her, so she waved at her uncle, and then followed the nurse into the ward.

"Dad, needle, poke the needle."

The chubby Susu was picked up by her father, and she was ready to go home to take care of his mother. The little girl saw through the open door of the ward that the scary sister nurse was holding a needle and poking grandma's arm, her eyes widened. It's round.

She was hugged by her father, and nervously placed her chubby hands on his shoulders, with an expression of eagerness to go back.

"Grandma is crying, Susu wants to comfort grandma."

She thought that grandma's injections were the same as hers, and she wished to summon all the wild boars on the mountain.

Su Aobai explained dumbfoundingly: "An injection for an adult is different from an injection for a child. Adults won't cry when they get an injection."

The little girl's eyes widened even further, thinking of the ten-meter-long needle in the nurse's hand, and the adult was not afraid to poke it. The adult is really amazing and powerful.

"Grandma wants to drink medicine. Dad, buy a lollipop for grandma. If you have a lollipop, grandma will definitely not feel bitter."

The child has no concept of life and death, and only thinks that grandma is sick like she used to be, and she just needs to be poked with a needle and drink some bitter medicine to be cured.

Seeing that her father had carried her away, the little girl reluctantly looked away, and turned to look at her father cautiously.

"It would be great if Dad could buy one for Susu when he bought lollipops for grandma. Susu was so sad to see grandma get sick. If she ate lollipops, Susu would be as happy as grandma." You'll be healthy and healthy soon."

Two chubby fingers were sticking at each other, looking like he wanted to beg for candy with confidence, but he was a little guilty.

"Okay, I'll buy candy for grandma and Susu later."

Facing such a lovely girl, Su Aobai couldn't bear to refuse at all.

"Dad really is the best dad in the world."

The little girl cheered happily in his arms, and Su Aobai almost didn't hug the chubby girl.

"Dad is so nice."

The little girl seemed to know that she had made a mistake, and was afraid that the candy would be confiscated. The little girl hugged her father's neck tightly, and rubbed her soft, meaty face against his father's face. The touch was like the most fluffy jelly.

Although she was raised by Deng Caihua's side since she was a child, the child was taught by her grandma to have no relationship with her father at all. Since Susu can remember, the old lady has shown her father's photos every day, no matter whether the little girl understands it or not, she will He told her tirelessly that Dad is the person who loves her the most in the world, and the reason why he didn't stay by Susu's side was to earn money for her to buy beautiful clothes, the best snacks and the most fun toys.

Moreover, Deng Caihua asked her son to call home or make a video call every day no matter how busy he was, so that the child would not feel unfamiliar with his voice and face. It is rare to go home on vacation, and I must bring beautiful clothes, delicious snacks, and fun toys to my daughter.

Therefore, in Susu's small brain capacity, her father is equal to everything she loves. In this case, how could the father and daughter not kiss each other.


"Hey, stay away from me, you sweat so much, you'll be buried by so many people."

There was also a small episode when I got on the bus back to the village.

I saw an old man yelling at the young man sitting next to him. Everyone followed the sound and saw that the gray T-shirt on the accused young man was soaked into dark gray with sweat, and the sweat glands on his body were like Like faucet pipes, one after another came out of him, and there was now a small puddle of puddles on the spot under his buttocks.

This sweating speed is amazing, no wonder the old man sitting next to him couldn't help complaining.

"Yes, I'm sorry."

The young man was stared at by so many people, sweating faster and faster, anxious and ashamed, his face turned a liver color.

During this period of time, the weather was a bit hot, and he was sweating faster than in previous years. In the past two days, he had really reached the point of sweating profusely.

He originally wanted to take the bus to a hospital famous for its dermatology department, but before he reached his destination, he was accused by an old man for sweating too much.

Under the surprised eyes of everyone, the young man could only lower his head and get off the bus in a hurry.

Su Aobai looked thoughtfully at the shallow puddle left on the stool after the man left.


The news of Deng Caihua's hospitalization quickly spread in the village. The people in Tuanjie Village are just like the name of the village. Except for a few people, most of the villagers are doing well.

So after hearing the news, everyone talked about going to the hospital to visit her.

But I didn't expect Ma Aifang to be the first to come to the hospital.

"Yo, what wind brought you here."

As soon as she saw Ma Aifang looking at the door, the antenna above Deng Caihua's head immediately received an alarm. The old lady who was a little depressed because she was constantly being pushed out for various inspections these days suddenly regained her energy. Larger supplements work even better.

"I heard that you are angry with your youngest son. Let me come and see you."

Ma Aifang gloated.

Who passed on that Deng Caihua is about to die? Ma Aifang didn't even notice that she was still so energetic. Seeing Deng Caihua's cockfighting face, she couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

"Isn't it because my son was fired by the company? That brat in my family is quite capable. I told him to arrange a decent job for Erbai."

Ma Aifang walked boldly to Deng Caihua's hospital bed.

There are rumors in the village that Deng Caihua was so angry with her precious little son. She helped him raise the little girl, but now even he has lost his job and came back in despair. How can a woman of Deng Caihua's age support their father? What about the girls.

Deng Caihua was worried and became seriously ill.

"Which wicked and smoky person is foolish?"

Deng Caihua was about to curse, when she saw Ma Aifang's long face, she suddenly changed her style of painting.

"My family's Erbai is filial. I casually said that I was not feeling well on the phone last time. Who knew that this kid was relieved all of a sudden. He resigned and said that he would take me for a physical examination. After that, he will find a job nearby. Work, so convenient to take care of me."

Deng Caihua said angrily.

"Don't tell me, if it wasn't for the child's filial piety and keeping my casual words in mind, I might really disappear at home and no one would know."

In fact, there is no phone call, but how could Deng Caihua admit defeat in front of her old enemy.

"So, it's one thing for a child to be successful, but it's another thing to be filial. Now there are not many children like our Erbai who are willing to live with the elderly and take care of their parents nearby. In my heart Ah, it’s more comfortable than drinking hot water in the cold winter.”

Only rivals know how to step on each other's sore feet.

Everyone praises that Ma Aifang is blessed, but the old lady lives in the country alone, her son is far away, and it takes two to three months or even longer to come back. The daughter-in-law is not used to life in the country, and she may not bring her grandson with her all year round. When her granddaughter came back to see her, only Ma Aifang knew the pain in her heart.

Money, money, for women like them, living with more money is meaningless without their children around.

"Hey, sometimes it's annoying if my son and daughter-in-law are too filial, like my eldest daughter-in-law, who competes with Erbai to take care of me. My family's Yaoyao cooks three meals a day. I said don't bother." For that matter, just buy some from the hospital cafeteria, but she refused, saying that the dishes in the hospital were not good, and they were not as clean and delicate as the ones she made herself. They all got fatter…”

What Deng Caihua said made her eyebrows dance with joy. Seeing Ma Aifang's face getting darker and darker, her voice gradually softened.


Deng Caihua coughed lightly.

"Your gold bracelet is not bad."

She pointed to the gold bracelet on Ma Aifang's wrist that was almost as thick as a thumb.

"Hey, the boy insisted on buying me this thing for my birthday, and he had to choose a solid one. You said it was so heavy that I couldn't lift my wrist when I wore it on my arm. Look at my arm. Has it become a lot thinner during this period of time, and they are all thinner by raising their hands."

Ma Aifang regained her spirits all of a sudden. Fortunately, she put the new bracelet on her wrist when she came, just to let Deng Caihua take a look.

On Deng Caihua's birthday last year, his eldest son bought her a pair of gold earrings, and his younger son bought her a thin gold necklace, which weighed only a few grams, and couldn't even compare to her fraction.

Seeing that Ma Aifang's tail was raised again, Deng Caihua's face suddenly changed. She really shouldn't be soft-hearted towards this old godly woman.

"What on earth are you here for? Seeing that the patient doesn't even bring a fruit basket, walk around, our family Yaoyao will come to bring me lunch later, she didn't prepare your portion."

Deng Caihua turned her face and chased people away.

"Look at your swearing, you don't look like someone who is seriously ill, why would you give me a fruit basket?"

Ma Aifang muttered, "Isn't this coming in a hurry? How can I have time to buy a fruit basket?"

"Think about work again. Hmph, who cares about the food cooked by your wife? My son gave me a lot of money. I'll have a big meal later."

As she said that, Ma Aifang raised her buttocks and was about to leave. At this time, Su Aobai and her sister-in-law Kong Yao came in with two children and a pile of insulated boxes.

"Aunt Ma, come to see my mother, have you eaten? I happen to have cooked a lot of dishes, let's sit down and eat some."

Kong Yao looked at the old lady and then at Aunt Ma, always feeling that her mother's spirit seemed to improve after Aunt Ma appeared.

Aunt Ma, who had already lifted her buttocks, sat down again.

What she said just now, she has forgotten.

If you can't eat meals made by your own daughter-in-law, can't you eat other people's daughter-in-law?

She ate up Deng Caihua's share of food and starved to death!

Deng Caihua was stunned by Ma Aifang's face, but her daughter-in-law invited her and was embarrassed to drive her away to embarrass her daughter-in-law.

She would eat more, so that Ma Aifang could not get enough to eat, and she would starve to death.

During this meal, the two old ladies used their chopsticks to make a fuss, and the end result was that both of them were full.

Since Ma Aifang appeared, the old lady must have been inspired to fight. She wished she could go back to the village to argue with Ma Aifang for another 800 rounds, and help her son clear up those false rumors. Her physical recovery has improved rapidly.

After staying in the hospital for half a month, he was finally allowed to be discharged by the doctor.

"Now this problem is strange. Some time ago, the ambulance brought back a man whose clothes burned for no reason. More than half of his pants and clothes were burned, and only his skin was a little red."

While her daughter-in-law and youngest son were sorting things out, Deng Caihua was still talking about the strange things they heard in the hospital.

"Impossible? I guess someone spread rumors."

Kong Yao thought to himself. The clothes were all burned, how could it not have burned the skin? It is probably another rumor.

Deng Caihua just said by the way, she didn't believe this rumor in her heart, and her heart had already flown back to the village, she felt that the hospital's feng shui was not good.

Her hospital bed is near the window. From time to time, some stupid birds will accidentally bump into the window, which seems to make their brains even more stupid. They will hit it a few more times without giving up, and then one will fall on the onion, flapping. Wings fly again.

This is not the strangest thing, the strange thing is that Deng Caihua actually thought that those silly birds banged on the big window for her sake.

Deng Caihua felt that she might be sick from boredom in the hospital, so she had such an illusion.

At this time, I need to go back to the village to find Ma Aifang and quarrel a few more times, then I guess I won't be thinking wildly.

Su Aobai borrowed a car to pick up the old lady from the hospital. Just as he put his luggage in the trunk and was about to open the door for the old lady to get in the car, a German shepherd suddenly appeared not far away.

"Be good! Be good!"

The male owner dragged the German shepherd named Guaiguai, and with great effort, pulled the dog who was circling around the old lady and wagging its tail to his side.

"I'm sorry, I don't know why my boy is so excited today. He's usually really good, so he didn't scare you."

The owner kept saying sorry, but the big dog still wanted to pounce on the old lady, and the traction rope drew red marks on the owner's palm. He had no choice but to squat down and hold the dog's head tightly in his arms.

"it's okay no problem."

With such a good attitude, Deng Caihua couldn't get angry, "Young man, you are a big dog, you should hold him tighter in the future, or it will be bad to scare the children."

Deng Caihua looked at the dog frantically wagging its tail at her, and her heart was flustered, so she didn't care about it, so she hurried into the car and left.

At this time, both Su Aobai and Deng Caihua thought it was an accident, but no one thought that this was actually the beginning.

The author has something to say:

Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2021-07-05 19:25:37~2021-07-07 21:20:54~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the landmines: I am the only one on the North Star with 2 small fairies; 1 boiled water;

Thanks to the little angels who irrigate the nutrient solution: Ao Ziqiang, Qian Huan, Mai Jiu, November, a big fat man in one bite, Bing Bing, Gai Pengpeng, Sang Yu. 10 bottles; 7 bottles of JaneL; 5 bottles of my old imperial father; 1 bottle of Lonely Grass;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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