MTL - Call Me Daddy-Chapter 126 , the last lesson of being a father (1)

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"Old Su is back. I went shopping so early. What good things did I buy? Huh, big soft-shelled turtle. This soft-shelled turtle is wild. It doesn't look cheap."

Su Aobai came back with several big bags of vegetables. While waiting for the elevator, he ran into a neighbor across the door who greeted him with a smile.

"It's okay, the child has worked hard in studying, so I want to buy some good ones to supplement him."

Su Aobai nodded in greeting. Ten minutes ago, he had just entered this body, and he was already carrying these large bags of vegetables at that time.

"It's time to make up for it. I remember that your family, Pengfei, should also take the senior high school entrance examination this year."

The neighbor was thoughtful, thinking about the situation of the host's house, he showed a weird smile that was hard to describe, but he quickly cleared up his emotions, and the expression on his face suddenly became polite and polite. All the slander was hidden in my heart.

Now people in big cities are indifferent, especially young people, who leave early and return late. Many people who live in the opposite door are not familiar with each other. The Jingguang Community they live in is a relatively new community. It has only been opened for six or seven years, but this community is Relocation housing, many people living in this community were neighbors who lived in an old house in the early years. When the house was demolished, most of them were allocated more than a dozen houses, and some had two or three houses. Some people chose Sell ​​it and move to a better community, and more people choose to keep one set for themselves and rent out the rest.

The original body and the person in front of him are in this situation, they have been neighbors for decades, and they know each other well.

In the eyes of many acquaintances, the original body is considered a strange work.

Yuanshen had a son. His wife died in a car accident when the child was three years old. He has never remarried these years. He has been a father and a mother and worked hard to raise the child. Yuanshen's father died before he got married. Well, my mother also died of illness two years ago, and now there are only two people in the family.

At the time of the demolition, the old house of the Su family was divided into seven suites. Yuanshen also had a younger brother and a younger sister. After the discussion of the old mother and brothers and sisters, Yuanshen was responsible for the elderly care and divided into three suites. One of ten square meters, two of seventy-five square meters, the original body's younger brother Su Liubai divided into two sets, a three-bedroom house of more than 130 square meters, and a small one of more than 60 square meters, the youngest sister eats At a loss, they were allocated two sets of small second-bedroom apartments of more than 70 square meters.

The Jingguang Community was built more than six years ago, but the demolition took place over ten years ago. At that time, the housing prices in Hangzhou had not yet risen, and the price per level was only 10,000 yuan. Therefore, when the family was separated, everyone was quite friendly But after so many years, housing prices have skyrocketed. Although Jingguang Community is a relocated community, the surrounding facilities are good, and Hangzhou has a relatively good reputation for primary and secondary school enrollment indicators. When my younger sister thinks of the house where Yuan was a lot of money, don't mention the bitterness in her heart. When I get together for dinner every year and festival, sometimes I will joke that he took advantage of it, and talk about what I have and what I don't. It's not bad at all.

Relying on these three houses, Yuan himself has the confidence to settle down. In Hangzhou, a first-tier big city, it can be said that it is more than enough than the top, and more than the bottom.

But the strangeness of the original body does not lie in this.

In a certain year, a Harvard girl was born, which caused a sensation among the parents at that time. The mother's education concept won the support of many parents who hoped that their children would become successful, and Yuanshen was one of them.

He has deep feelings for his wife. After his wife died in a car accident, he devoted all his emotions to his child, Su Pengfei. You can tell from the name that he has high hopes for this child, especially after his wife passed away. Teach this child well, let him stand out, and he will have the face to meet his wife underground in the future.

Inspired by the experience of the Harvard girl, he bought a lot of educational books, some from the girl's mother, and some textbooks from successful parents like the wolf dad who became popular later on. He felt deeply moved, and he realized that he There is no need to delay the child's success for the thousands of dollars he earns every month, so he decided to resign and become a full-time accompanying baby daddy, fully urging the child to study.

He has the savings he had saved before, and hundreds of thousands of compensation for his wife's death in a car accident. He originally had two small houses for rent. After his old mother passed away a few years ago, he and his son moved to a 70-square-meter apartment. In the small house, rent out the big three-bedroom house, so that the monthly rent will be a little more.

The rent in Jingguang District is very tight, because there are many parents who accompany the students. These two houses can bring him more than 20,000 rental income per month, plus his income from occasional private work on design drafts, as well as previous deposits. His wealth management income, when added up in bits and pieces, is in the early 30s, which is more than enough for his income from work.

Of course, his biggest confidence is these three houses worth tens of millions, there is always a way out no matter what.

So regardless of the persuasion of those around him, he resolutely embarked on the road of full-time accompanying education.

All these years, Su Pengfei's major and minor matters have been taken care of by him alone. He only has one request for this son, that is, to study hard and not let him down. It's a pity that Su Pengfei is not that material at all. Under his hard work, his grades are still barely at the middle level, and it is a bit risky to take the general high school exam.

This kind of disproportionate contribution seemed a bit funny to others, and they all persuaded him to go back to work, but the original body seemed to be in a daze, thinking only about the child's success.

If the grades are not good, it must be that he is not working hard enough. He used to sleep for eight hours, but now he sleeps for six hours, five hours, and spends more time studying. If he has no energy, it must be because he has not kept up with his nutrition. The taste of food is not important. Eat whatever ingredients have high nutritional value, don’t be afraid to swallow them alive, eat them to death if you can’t eat them...

Under his education, Su Pengfei didn't socialize, didn't have fun, he was in a daze, wearing a pair of glasses, and when he appeared in the eyes of outsiders, he also lowered his head and walked with a big schoolbag that seriously didn't match his size. The image of Hurry is completely like a rigid nerd in the eyes of adults, but unfortunately, he doesn't have the brain of a nerd.

Neighbors who live close can hear Yuanshen's roar teaching children exercises every day. For this reason, Yuanshen will receive complaints from the property management every now and then. Except for some decades-old neighbors, no one can tolerate him. .

Others were like this, let alone Su Pengfei in the center of the pressure.

In Yuanshen's memory, more than two months later, when the results of the high school entrance examination came out, the child stood on the roof of the school and jumped off. More than a month later, Yuanshen also stood at the same position and jumped off.

This man is very different from the fathers that Su Aobai replaced before. He is not the standard of a scumbag father in the conventional range. On the contrary, in his logic, he is so harsh on him because he loves his son. But the consequence of this love was that his son, with deep resentment towards him, exploded into a blood flower in front of his eyes.

Even when he was standing at the position where his son jumped off, he was still confused. Was it wrong for him to just hope that the child would have a future? He was doing it for his own good. Why couldn’t the child understand? He didn't feel that he was wrong, and the reason why he chose to give up his life was only because he felt that there was nothing he was nostalgic for in this world.

Su Aobai came at this very inconceivable moment, it was very close to the time of his son's suicide, and everything the original body had done in the past ten years had already cast a deep shadow on him.

How can he change the current situation without breaking the human design?

"The soft-shelled turtle is quite nutritious, but Pengfei is still young, so you can't eat too much of it. Don't overdo it, it will stimulate development. I heard that eating walnuts nourishes the brain. My wife has a younger brother who is now making mountain products. I got a big box of walnuts at home, and I harvested them in the mountains by myself, the quality is very good, and I will ask your sister-in-law to bring you half a box later."

Brother Li, the man waiting for the elevator, said.

"That's so embarrassing, how much is it, let me ask you to buy it."

Su Aobai replied.

"How many years have we been old neighbors, and I asked you for money to eat some walnuts?" Brother Li's expression was a little unhappy, "I won't charge you this time, if you eat well, I will ask my brother-in-law for you Buy it, if you don’t want to give me the money then, I’ll chase after you to ask for it!”

Brother Li patted him on the shoulder. Although everyone looked down on Su Aobai's education method, and usually felt that he was too noisy when teaching children, he felt unhappy, but after all these years, he has affection.

After he said that, Su Aobai accepted it politely, and just sent something back in the future, and the relationship deepened like this.

"It is much harder for children to study now than it was in our time. There are various cram schools and special classes. At that time, we just played after school."

While talking, the elevator also came down, and the two walked in while talking.

"According to me, studying is not the only way out. My nephew, my eldest sister's child, can't study well. He didn't even pass the general high school entrance examination. His mother asked a bunch of people to inquire about it and enrolled him in a technical school. Learning to drive an excavator costs 20,000 to 30,000 yuan a month, which is higher than ordinary college students."

Brother Li's seemingly random words were actually insinuating, trying to tell the person in front of him that studying hard is indeed a good way out, but it is not the only way out.

He is also very concerned about his children's studies, but every time he sees Su Aobai's way of educating his children, he feels guilty in his heart, and always feels that things will go against each other.

But he couldn't say clearly that his child was about to take the senior high school entrance examination, and he advised him to consider a good technical school.

"It's pretty good."

Su Aobai smiled, making Brother Li wonder whether he listened to it, or didn't take it to heart at all.

However, he felt that the latter was most likely to be the case. If Su Aobai could think about it, he wouldn't be stubborn for so many years, and it wasn't that no one persuaded him during the period.

Lao Li could only sigh in his heart, hoping that Pengfei's kid would perform exceptionally well during the senior high school entrance examination, and be admitted to the school that Su Aobai had in mind. Otherwise, he didn't know how to intensify and persecute the kid.

"Ding, the seventeenth floor is here."

The elevator will be here soon.

"Let your sister-in-law deliver the walnuts later."

When he was about to enter the door, Brother Li said it again, and Su Aobai nodded.

"Thank you, Brother Li."

After speaking, Su Aobai opened the door and went in.

A house of more than 70 square meters is not big. If the common stalls are removed, the apartment is only about 50 yuan. This kind of small apartment is a middle-of-the-road household, and the north and south are not transparent, and the lighting is not good.

In order for the child to have a better reading environment, the original body left the master bedroom to his son, and even changed the layout of the house. The living room became smaller, and the master bedroom has a larger area. A large bookcase and desk can be used. Balance study and reading.

Therefore, when Su Aobai entered the door and saw the living room in front of him, his first feeling was that it was cramped, but because of the memory of his original body, he adapted quickly.

Today is Wednesday, Su Aobai glanced at the time on his watch, it is now nine forty-seven in the morning.

Every morning at five o'clock, he would get up first to make breakfast. The food outside was unhygienic, and he rarely bought ready-made breakfast.

At 5:30, he will wake up the children, finish washing and eating breakfast within 20 minutes, start morning reading at 5:50, and send the children to school at 6:50.

After sending his child to school at seven o’clock, he will take the subway and bus for nearly an hour to the nearest farmer’s wholesale market, where there are the freshest and cheapest ingredients, and many in-demand items that are hard to find on the market, there are often After all, he doesn't go to work, and he still wants to buy the best ingredients at the most affordable price.

After such a back and forth, it will be gone in two or three hours. Fortunately, he is fine in the morning.

Generally speaking, he purchases the ingredients for the family every two or three days.

He came to the kitchen with the ingredients, and neatly processed the fresh vegetables in the bag. Some of the unused ones were sorted and stored in the refrigerator. The soft-shelled turtle needed to be stewed. He took out the casserole and stewed it early. up.

The original body also has the habit of sorting and storing the purchased ingredients, and cooking the ones that need to be stewed first. If the time is still early, he will clean the room.

At about eleven o'clock, he started to cook and stir-fry vegetables. Every day at half past eleven, he would go out on time and pack the meals to school.

The No. 7 Middle School of the Normal University opposite Jingguang Community is only two blocks away from the community, and it usually takes about ten minutes to walk. Driving is faster. Every morning, Yuanshen would choose to drive his children to school, but at noon, he would not allow the children to go home. Because in his opinion, the more than ten minutes spent on the road back and forth is enough for the child to memorize a few more English words and do a few more exercises.

He chose to deliver meals to the child, and during the meal, he checked the child's academic performance in the morning.

After the child finishes eating, he returns home with a few mouthfuls of leftover meals, and then cleans the kitchen. After finishing all these tasks, he will start his own work.

When I have private work, I take out the computer to draw drawings, and when I have no work, I take out the test paper of my son's previous exam, analyze the wrong questions, or read a few educational books by wolf parents and tiger mothers for a wave of blood.

He doesn't have any hobbies of his own. The life of being a full-time student for so many years has affected not only his son Su Pengfei, but also himself. His social circle has become narrow, and the people who are in frequent contact with him are almost all the parents of his children's classmates. , and even in this era of equality between men and women, the people who are responsible for children's study and pick-up are basically the elderly or mothers. It is obviously difficult for the original body to have deeper communication with these people, especially female parents, and sometimes they have to avoid suspicion.

No job, no social circle, the original body is a little out of touch with this era. He doesn't like to watch dramas, and he doesn't understand the current fashionable games. Under such a vicious circle, all his life focuses on children.

At five o'clock in the afternoon, he will start preparing dinner, and at half past five, after keeping the prepared meals warm, he will go out to pick up the children from school.

Today is Wednesday, and there are extracurricular tutoring on Monday, Wednesday and Friday every week. At six o'clock, he will take the child out, and at eight o'clock, after the class is over, he will go home, and he will also sit in the classroom corridor of the tutoring class. Two hours, occasionally through the classroom window, to monitor the children's every word and deed.

At the end of the class, when he returned home, he started his own one-on-one tutoring for the child. He would accompany the child to finish the homework of the day, and then take out the question types that he summarized at noon for the mistakes he made , Often when he finished everything, it was already a little past twelve o'clock.

Su Pengfei finished washing sleepily, went to bed, and the next morning, the cycle repeated...

Su Aobai put the vegetables, melons and fruits in the sink, and the memories left by the original body flashed in his mind. These pictures, just the memories, made him feel depressed.

How could a normal child suffer.

Faced with such a high pressure every day, going to bed late and waking up early, even if you can take a nap at school during the day, the total sleep time per day will not exceed six hours, and the real sleep time, I am afraid you have to take a nap. Discount, or the age of growing body, how can it last.

Not to mention, every night when Yuanshen tutored him one-on-one with his homework, he would feel suffocated just thinking about all kinds of angrily scolding and criticizing him.

However, Su Pengfei endured it all. He always obeyed his father's various arrangements very obediently and quietly. He attended all the cram schools arranged for him by the original body. , as long as Dad doesn't let him go to sleep, even if his eyes are already red, he still holds a pen, sits at the desk, feels the eyes of people around him who hate iron and steel, and does it very seriously...

He was so obedient, it made Yuanshen feel that even if this son was stupid, at least he would be willing to work hard to learn well if he had the same heart as him.

Who knew that a child who has been so obedient since childhood would jump off such a high rooftop without any defense.

Several scenes flashed through Su Aobai's mind—

The shadow that jumped down!

Exploded blood group!

He clutched his chest, he couldn't think about these anymore, maybe the original body's emotions interfered too much with him, recalling these scenes, Su Aobai felt out of breath.

"Boom boom boom!"

There was a knock on the door, and it was the neighbor next door who brought walnuts. Su Aobai also quickly cleared the suffocating images in his mind. Turtle.

"Wild turtles are rare, let Brother Li make up for them."

Su Aobai took half a box of walnuts from Mrs. Li, and the plate of soft-shelled turtles was a gift, since he and the child couldn't eat that much anyway.

Especially for Su Aobai now, he doesn't know where the original body came from to see some strange ways of maintaining health, such as eating raw sea cucumbers, etc. This whole soft-shelled turtle was stewed with seasoning, just to pursue what is pure natural and authentic.

Mrs. Li declined a few words, but accepted the half turtle with a smile, said with a smile that she would wash the dishes and send them back to him later, and exchanged some pleasantries about the children of both parties.

This time and again, plus some time wasted by being immersed in the memory of the original body before, Su Aobai has no time to do other things, so he quickly cooks and stir-fries briefly, saves the part he eats, and puts the rest in the insulation Put it in a box and send it to school.


When Su Aobai arrived at the school, it happened to be the time when school was over at noon. At this point, the road outside the school was already full of pick-up and drop-off vehicles.

There are many parents waiting at the door, some are picking up their children to go home for dinner, some are like Su Aobai, carrying lunch boxes and simple tables and benches, of course, if the parents come by car, they can eat directly in the car.

At a glance, most of the people staying at the door are old people and young women. Male parents of Su Aobai's age are rare, not to mention that he is still carrying a lunch box and a bench.

Su Aobai came late, and there was no place to stay at the school gate, so he stood guard across the road, waiting for the familiar figure to come out.

While waiting, he felt a little flustered, and his palms were slightly sweaty while holding the thermal bag and the folding table and chair.

Su Aobai felt that this kind of emotion was similar to being close to home. He was a little terrified of the memory of his original body, and when he thought of facing that child, he was even a little timid.

Su Aobai was a little self-deprecating, he has experienced so many worlds anyway, why does he feel that the first life is more timid than the previous life, where is the aura of being the first and the second.

Back then, as the stepping stone male supporting role who was beaten in the face in various Longao Tianwen, before the male protagonist appeared, he had always been a figure standing at the top of the pyramid, even if he lost to those male protagonists because of the will of the world in the end, He never felt that he was any different.

But now, having been a good husband and father for several generations, he has become less confident, or in other words, less arrogant, afraid, guilty, and more flesh and blood, like a real person.


Su Aobai sighed, he was a human being, and all the weird thoughts popped into his head just now.

He shook his head and stared at the school gate intently, for fear of making a mistake.

After waiting for seven or eight minutes, the number of students coming out of the school gradually decreased, and the vehicles parked at the gate also drove away one after another. Some children who came out early had already found their parents who came to deliver meals, and sat on the side of the road to start time to eat.

Su Aobai unconsciously raised his watch to check the time, feeling a little impatient.

He knew that these were caused by the original body's emotions, because the original body had always taught the children to rush out after school, don't dawdle, time is accumulated, wasting a few minutes every day, after a whole learning period, it is a huge period. The time difference is that if he uses this time to study, maybe he can get a few more points in the senior high school entrance examination.

Now it's been several minutes since school is over. If I were in the original body, after seeing my son, I would definitely read a few words to him during his meal time.

Su Aobai felt that this kind of thinking was not good, so he could only frown and try to suppress it.

After a while, a familiar figure finally came out of the gate, stood at the gate, and looked around.

Su Aobai saw the child at a glance.

He was just over 1.7 meters tall, not tall, and he was wearing a loose spring school uniform. The school uniform style that was very representative of Huaguo divided his figure into five or five, making him look even shorter.

She has a short-sighted head, and because she doesn't have any outdoor activities, her complexion looks a little pale among girls. She wears a pair of black-rimmed glasses that contrast sharply with her complexion. Myopia of more than 600 degrees makes these two lenses look very thick. Originally The small eyes, under the effect of the lens, seem to be shrunk by a part, coupled with the few acnes that pop up from time to time during puberty, and the small stubble that never gets trimmed to prevent his puppy love, it looks like He looked like an ordinary little boy who was not outstanding in the crowd.

Ordinary, even mediocre.

"Su Pengfei, your dad is here to bring you food again. Your dad is so nice. Unlike my dad, he doesn't see anyone all day long."

The classmate next to him patted him on the shoulder and said enviously.

"Well, my dad is very good to me."

Su Pengfei pushed his glasses on the bridge of his nose, and after saying goodbye to his classmates, he walked slowly across the road.

Su Aobai looked at the child walking towards him not far away, completely dumbfounded.

94 points!

The system shows that the child in front of him has a love score of 94 for his father!

This fledgling living in a depressed birdcage, being whipped to take off day by day, this fledgling who jumped down at the last jump, broke its wings, and can no longer fly!

He didn't even hate Yuanshen's father, his love was full, and Su Aobai had never felt such a high initial affection in any world.

But he obviously loved his father so much, yet he chose such a decisive way to leave this world.

For a moment, Su Aobai wanted to run away.

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