MTL - Call Me Daddy-Chapter 118 , 80 old driver (2)

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Seeing that Su Aobai didn't speak, Ye Wanru thought that he knew he was wrong, and there was pride in his eyes, and he reached out again to take these new year's goods from Su Aobai.

There are many cotton and linen factory workers in their alley. Today, the factory distributes new year's goods. After receiving the goods, many people hurried home to put them away. Under the show off of them and their families, the alley Everyone here knows how rich the New Year's goods are from the Cotton and Linen Factory this time. It is said that a whole box of seafood alone has been sent out.

Ye Wanru remembered the bag of seafood that Su Aobai brought home some time ago. I heard that it was given to him when the people in the motorcade asked him to repair the car. There was a piece of dried squid in it that was as long as her small arm and palm. How can she handle seafood? She sliced ​​the piece of dried squid and steamed it when she cooked the rice.

The squid slices just out of the pan are hot. The shriveled squid meat has absorbed water vapor and is much thicker. You can tear it into strips and eat it, or you can eat it directly. , full of fresh and sweet taste, enough to make people forget the fatigue of masseter muscles.

This kind of dried squid is much more delicious than the expensive and often out-of-stock shredded squid sold in department stores. You don’t need to add any seasoning. The salty taste of seafood and its own umami taste are supreme. delicacies.

I heard that eating seafood nourishes the brain. Ye Wanru was reluctant to eat more of that squid before. Su Aobai wanted to use it to drink, but she prevaricated it with various reasons. The squid was so big that it was almost half the size of an enamel washbasin. Dry, almost all went into her son's stomach.

Su Jiabao's food was delicious and sweet, and even after she finished eating the dried squid, she still chased her for it. Unfortunately, it was really difficult for them to buy dried squid of the same quality here.

When Ye Wanru heard that there was also dried squid in the New Year’s goods, she instantly thought of the colleague who gave Aobai a thank-you gift to Su Aobai before. This year’s cotton and linen factory’s seafood is very likely to be packed by him, and the one sent to Aobai is himself. privately held.

In this case, the squid in that box of seafood should be almost the same as the one Su Aobai took home last time. Ye Wanru has already made up her mind to steam half of it today to let her Dabao satiate her hunger.

In addition, there are fruits, all kinds of sugar tickets and meat tickets... This year is another good year.

Looking at the submissive man in front of her who was coaxed by her, Ye Wanru was proud of her own charm, but also regretful about her original choice.

She knew what people in the alley were talking about her, saying that she was a vixen, a man died, and she could still seduce her brother-in-law while her siblings were still alive. The news that she and her brother-in-law are on good terms.

They didn't know that she and Su Aobai had a relationship before she married Su's family.

Few people know that Ye Wanru and Su Aobai are classmates in junior high school. At the age when they first fell in love, the two had a crush on each other, and they almost pierced the window paper. Unfortunately, in the third year of junior high school, Ye Wanru's mother worked in the factory. When she hurt her hand, the family didn't dare to ask outsiders to take over, so Ye Wanru dropped out of school and joined the factory where her mother worked as an apprentice. The seeds of love between the two had just been planted, but they were cut off before they could germinate.

They met again at a blind date arranged by a matchmaker. Ye Wanru and Su Aobai recognized each other at a glance.

Compared with the excitement of the original body, Ye Wanru is much shrewd and philistine. She knows that after she gets married, her job will have to be handed over to her younger sister-in-law. For her future life, she must find a man with a formal job.

At that time, the Su family was still in charge of the old man Su, and he only had one job. He had already said that he would leave this job to the eldest son. As for the youngest son, we should work on the relationship and let him be an apprentice. As for when he can become a full-time worker , It depends on his own creation.

Mr. Su's job is a truck driver, and the two sons of Su's family have learned the skills of driving and repairing cars from him, but the truck driver's job is a piece of gold, without Mr. Su giving way, even if Su Aobai can find an apprentice It is definitely not a lucrative position in the transportation team.

Ye Wanru's appearance is still very good, with **** and big buttocks, which was recognized as a good-looking figure in that era, and Su Aobai's elder brother also caught her at a glance.

On one side is the future truck driver, and on the other side is the old classmate who had a vague crush in school days but hasn't seen him for many years, and the future is uncertain. Ye Wanru chose the former without even thinking about it.

If it hadn't been for the accident of the elder brother of the original body, Ye Wanru would never regret this choice.

But who made her unlucky, the man died not long after marrying into Su's house, and there was still a child in his belly.

At that time, the younger brother of the natal family married his wife, and there was no place for her to sleep in the house. If the child was abolished and remarried, then he had to choose a man who was also married and had children. The conditions may not be as good as the home.

If the child is born, the father-in-law must remember her kindness. The old man of Su's family is a lifetime old driver, and he has accumulated a lot of money. Ye Wanru has never worried about food and drink since she married into Su's family.

If she gave birth to a boy this time, with her father-in-law's preference for the eldest son, Ye Wanru has the confidence to coax all the family property in his hands over.

What's more, she also felt that her brother-in-law, who has already married, has an unforgettable old relationship with her...

Ye Wanru is a smart woman, she immediately judged which choice is the most beneficial for her, now it seems that although she made the wrong choice for the first time, she will lead to the same goal by different routes, and it will not be long before her man Still a truck driver with a formal job.

Ten or twenty years later, her family's eldest treasure will take over the job from Su Aobai. As for the cubs born to Su Aobai, Ye Wanru doesn't pay much attention to them at all.

Feeling complacent about the future, Ye Wanru's fingertips have already touched a few bags of things in Su Aobai's hand.

Only this time, she failed again.

Su Aobai took his hand back!

Ye Wanru's heart skipped a beat, and she was finally willing to look away from the sumptuous New Year's goods, and then looked at Su Aobai's face.

It was still the familiar face, but the eyes seemed to lack the obsession and dullness she was familiar with.

Ye Wanru lifted her heart, and when she looked again, it seemed that it was just her own illusion just now, obviously Su Aobai looked at her with such enthusiastic eyes, and her eyes were full of only her.

But since he likes her, why don't he give all these new year's goods to her and let her distribute them like before?

"Wanru, when I go to the countryside to visit my aunt tomorrow, I will take these new year's goods with me, so I won't stay at home. Today, Team Wang just finished his shift. Isn't this the first time he has arranged a long distance for me? It is said that it will be a year later , but if the factory rushes to catch up with the goods, I may have to travel far away at the time of the Chinese New Year. I will go to Jiangsu and Zhejiang for at least ten days and a half months. , go to see the old aunt, and then invite someone to live for a while, and help me take care of the three children."

Su Aobai has a look of caring for you, please praise my expression quickly.

"Didn't you always say that those three **** are disobedient and often make you angry? I'm not here during this time. If the old aunt is watching, they won't bother you, so I can rest assured. And when the old aunt comes, she can help you." You do housework, and you don’t have to worry about the water being too cold in winter and getting sores on your hands.”

Not far away, the elder Su Xiangli and the second son Su Xiangmin listened with pricked ears, and the third son was still young, still persistently digging raw sweet potatoes with her small teeth.

Hearing Lao Tzu's words, the older siblings were filled with resentment.

Their father is blind, he listens and believes, and is fascinated by this woman Ye Wanru. In this family, how dare they make Ye Wanru angry, it is obvious that the other party is deliberately provoking trouble and trying to make him hate them.

As for hand sores, it is nonsense.

When their mother was alive, their father was not so confused, and at that time Ye Wanru did not dare to go too far, but after her mother passed away, that woman only acted as a good aunt for a few days, helping their house with laundry, cooking and cleaning Hygiene, in front of their father, played a good image of a gentle, virtuous and housekeeping woman. This kind of life lasted for a few days. Ye Wanru used the excuse that Su Xiangli was not too young, and a good girl should learn to do housework since she was a child. Especially since she is still the eldest sister, she should set an example for her younger siblings, so all the housework in the family fell on Su Xiangli.

In the winter, Ye Wanru only washed a few pieces of her own underwear, and Su Xiangli, a nine-year-old child, washed all the other clothes by the well.

As for Ye Wanru, she even boiled a pot of hot water for herself, and carefully scrubbed her thin little clothes with warm water, how could she get chilblains from the cold.

Su Xiangmin feels sorry for his sister. When it’s cold, he learns from Ye Wanru to boil water, but what they have to wash is thick clothes they wear every day. How can one or two pots of hot water be enough, and children don’t think too much about things. Su Xiangli, who washed clothes with hot water that day, did not suffer so much, but they accidentally used up all the briquettes, so that when they cooked at night, they had to go to the aunt next door to borrow them.

Ye Wanru watched coldly as they boiled hot water during the day, and started to make trouble when their father came back at night.

Whose women are so expensive, and they use up all the briquettes after washing a few clothes. They all washed in cold water since they were young, and none of them are as delicate as Su Xiangli.

She didn't complain that the child made such a big fuss after washing a few pieces of clothes, she just felt sorry for Su Aobai's difficulty in making money, but her own daughter didn't even know how to feel sorry for her, an old man, and spoiled it as she wished.

These words made Yuanshen feel that the children in the family were ignorant, and also felt that Ye Wanru loved her dearly, and the rekindling of old love directly heated up this old hearth again.

He didn't think that Su Xiangli was wrong at all. In Yuanshen's memory, his mother and his wife who passed away not long ago didn't even boil a few pots of hot water when washing clothes in winter, and ruined all the briquettes at home. .

Su Xiangli refuted Ye Wanru's use of hot water to wash her clothes, and Ye Wanru's denial became her sophistry.

The siblings were beaten that day, and since then, they never dared to boil hot water to wash clothes.

Ye Wanru became anxious when she heard Su Aobai's words. Like Aunt Wang in the front yard, she was shocked by the amount of information in this passage.

Su Aobai actually wants to travel a long distance!

In fact, she has always hoped that Su Aobai would open the long-distance line, because the long-distance line is full of oil and water, just like the dried squid that others gave before. If the person who opened that line was Su Aobai, her family's big treasure would have been hungry. Seafood is out, so there is no need to be happy for a few slices of dried squid in the New Year's goods.

Besides, if she does not go home for ten days and a half months on the long-distance line, she will have more opportunities to discipline the three little ones, so as to save them from having delusions in the future and grabbing property with her family's big treasure, unlike now, Su Ao Bai went home every night, and under his watchful eyes, he always had to take some measures into account when doing things.

Also because of the latter reason, Ye Wanru was displeased with the old aunt who suddenly popped out of Su Aobai's mouth, and she didn't want an elder at home to point fingers at her.

"Old aunt, which old aunt? I haven't heard about it before. She has no relationship with our family, is she willing to come and help with the children and do housework?"

At this time, Ye Wanru couldn't care less about this box of New Year's goods.

"You don't know it's normal. It's not our relatives. It's Huifen's mother's cousin, a martyr. Several children have died. Now she lives alone in the countryside. If we promise to give her a pension in the future, She would definitely like to come and help with the baby."

Su Aobai said happily.

"I asked someone to inquire about it before. The old lady is in good health. She is still working all day. When she comes to the house, she will definitely be able to take care of the children. Now hiring a babysitter can make a lot of money. Auntie If she is in good spirits, she can at least take care of us for another ten or twenty years. At that time, we will provide for her in the old age, and she will be reimbursed a large part of her as a martyr if she is seriously ill. "

Su Aobai talked about his calculations, Ye Wanru at this time was not at all happy that there would be an old nanny in the family, on the contrary, the veins on her forehead were twitching.

Huifen's old aunt!

Hui Fen is Su Aobai's deceased wife.

Isn't that the real aunt of the three brats? Can you stand on their side because they are close relatives to those three brats?

"No, it's enough to have me at home. The old lady is already old, so why bother to plot against her. Besides, she's not the grandma of the child, so she may not be willing to come and take care of the child for you."

Ye Wanru hurriedly wanted to dispel Su Aobai's thoughts.

On the other hand, Su Xiangli and Su Xiangmin's eyes lit up when they heard what I said.

"I'm afraid of your hard work."

Su Aobai shook his head and looked at her with distressed expression.

"No, no, no, I'm not afraid of hard work. In fact, it's not very tiring to bring Xiang Li and the others. You can rest assured and leave the child to me."

Ye Wanru couldn't let that big trouble come to her door.

"No, I can't see you getting tired."

"I am not tired!"

"Didn't you say you were tired before? Stop coaxing me."

"What are you afraid of? I can still bear it. Besides, the children are a little older and more sensible than before. You can rest assured to drive long distances and leave the children to me."

"Being able to withstand these tiredness means that you are still tired."

Two people come and go, one wants to persuade the other to change his mind, and the other wants to persuade the other to accept his own method.

Ye Wanru suddenly felt tired.

I knew before that Su Aobai was a fool, but I didn't realize that he was still a stubborn one. He made up his mind, even if she lowered her body and coaxed her, he would not change her mind.

"Actually, I'm not very tired. I can do it by myself."

"Is it tiring to take care of the children? If not, why did you always say that Xiang Li was always angry with you?"

Another round.

As soon as these words came out, Ye Wanru immediately did not dare to stop Su Aobai.

It seems that he is definitely going to go to the countryside tomorrow, and now Ye Wanru can only pray that the old aunt Su Aobai said will reject his proposal. an old lady.

What's more, what the man said inside and out is that he loves her. As long as the other party's heart is with her, she is sure to be invincible.


The few bags of New Year's goods did not reach Ye Wanru's hands in the end, Su Aobai took them back to the room, and put these things on the top of the cabinet in the room.

Such a height, even if Su Jiabao stepped on a stool, he couldn't reach it.

During dinner at night, Su Aobai met the precious eldest grandson of the Su family, a plump, handsome kid.

This poor nephew, who had no father in his heart since he was a child, weighed only five catties when he was born, was wearing a new and thick padded jacket, his ten fingers were white and tender, without any calluses, and he nimbly held a few plates on the dining table. The sliced ​​meat in the dish was swallowed in big mouthfuls.

His health and self-confidence set off the Su Xiangli siblings at the same dinner table as outsiders.

"Xiang Min, Xiang Yan, eat quickly."

The eldest sister, Xiang Hong, quickly picked up some slices of meat for her younger sister who was not very good at using chopsticks.

The best meal they ate in a day was dinner, because most of the time, Su Aobai would come back for dinner, and he would take care of the meal at noon in the factory.

When Su Aobai was around, Ye Wanru wouldn't go too far, at least the two of them wouldn't eat dry food, let Su Xianghong and his brother drink dilute food, at most it would be when they were serving rice, and the rice in Su Jiabao's bowl was full of sweet potatoes less, but there are more sweet potatoes and less rice in their bowls.

This meal, Su Xiangli will be full, and she will rush to put any good food in the bowls of herself and her younger siblings.

"Xiang Hong, if you like meat, Auntie will buy more next time, and you can save some for your cousin. He weighed five pounds and three taels when he was born, and his body is weak. Don't look at him, but the inside is empty. The doctor said, he You have to make up for it.”

Su Xiang Lido picked up two pieces of meat, and Ye Wanru spoke.

Su Xiangli lowered her head and rolled her eyes. She always draws a big cake for her next time, the next time she is sandwiching meat.

But after Ye Wanru said this, Su Xiangli stopped sticking out her chopsticks to patronize those meat dishes. Before Ye Wanru opened her mouth, she picked up a few pieces of meat and saved them.

Su Aobai didn't speak, maintained the original character design, and watched the scene silently.

Just wait until the old lady is invited.


The old aunt Su Aobai said was Yu Xiaomei, and when he took those things to the countryside, Yu Xiaomei was working in his private plot.

The last time they met was in the year Su Xiangyan was born. Yu Xiaomei once came to see her cousin and niece who had just given birth. When Hui Fen passed away, Yu Xiaomei had just received the news of her youngest son's death. He was not in the army, so he was not present at the funeral.

The two sides are actually not very close, it was Su Aobai who introduced his identity, and Yu Xiaomei remembered him.

After knowing the reason for Su Aobai's visit, Yu Xiaomei's first reaction was to refuse.

To tell the truth, she really felt lonely by herself, but when she was young, war happened, and there were not many relatives left in her generation. Huifen's mother, her cousin, was already counted as close relatives.

If Hui Fen was still alive, the old lady might be willing to help her take care of the child, but now that Hui Fen is gone, the cousin and son-in-law in front of her are still young, and she may remarry soon. She is a relative of the woman who used to be just to please others. I hate it.

"Auntie, I really can't find anyone, so I came to beg you."

Su Aobai looked at the old lady in front of him, she was a very well-behaved old man, even though she was alone now, she still dressed herself meticulously.

Her hair was combed neatly behind her head, and the broken hair on her forehead was fixed with thin black hair clips. The cotton jacket on her body was remade from an old military uniform, with fine stitching, and it fit perfectly. The position of the cuffs may have been scrubbed hard, the fabric was damaged, and it was re-stitched with leftover material to thicken it. Except for the muddy shoes, there is no trace of dirt on the top and bottom. It is a very clean old lady.

"I'm going to get married, and my partner is my sister-in-law."

Su Aobai talked about the troubles he encountered.

The old lady was quite stable, and she only raised her eyebrows when she heard such explosive news.

"My elder brother died early, my sister-in-law gave birth to a posthumous child, and stayed at home to watch over her. Before he died, my father still held my hand and asked me to take good care of my sister-in-law and my nephew. It has been half a year since Huifen passed away. I am alone. It is inconvenient for a big man to bring three children, and thanks to my sister-in-law for helping me, one of us is a widower, the other is a widow, and she is bringing my own nephew. It’s a bit ugly, but it’s just to watch the fun, and when they say it’s annoying, it’s over.”

In front of the old lady, Su Aobai expressed his feelings for Ye Wanru as respect for his sister-in-law, and made a choice after weighing the pros and cons of their remarriage.

"I've always thought it was good. I don't have to worry about my sister-in-law remarrying, and my stepfather treats Jiabao badly, and I don't have to worry about the woman I remarry secretly bullying Xiang Li and the others. After all, I know my sister-in-law very well. She is not that kind. Kind of a petty guy, but—”

Here comes the turning point.

"Recently, after the news that I was going to marry my sister-in-law got out, several people I've been friends with asked me to think about it and think about it for my children. The meaning behind the words seemed to be that Wanru was not very kind to the three of them. I don't want to believe it in my heart. Wanru definitely loves her own son more, but she shouldn't criticize Xiangli and the others, after all, she is also her nephew and niece. Believe it or not, I always hide it in my heart I'm a little worried about this matter, and I'm going to go on a long trip this time."

Su Aobai sincerely looked at the old lady in front of him.

"You are the child's aunt, and you have also trained Aijun brothers and the others. I believe in your character. I just ask you to help me take care of these children when I leave the car. By the way ...By the way, help me see what Wanru is like."

When Su Aobai mentioned his sacrificed son, Yu Xiaomei was silent.

It's only ten days and half a month, and it doesn't take much trouble. The fields can also be temporarily entrusted to people close to the village.

Su Aobai's saying is correct, she is the child's biological aunt, and she also hopes that these children will live well.

Yu Xiaomei finally let go.

At this moment, she still felt that she would only stay at Su's house for ten days and a half a month.


Yu Xiaomei did what she said, because she didn't know when Su Aobai would be notified to go on a business trip, so she simply packed a few pieces of luggage and came over. As for the things that Su Aobai carried over, she left them intact I brought it back.

Su Aobai refused, and the old lady said that since everything was given to her, she wanted to bring it to her aunt and grandson whom she hadn't seen a few times, and he had no right to stop her and go back.

The little old lady dressed neatly and followed Su Aobai into the alley. At the entrance of the alley, she saw three skinny monkeys confronting a fat boy.

"Jia Bao, Xiang Li Xiang Min Xiang Yan."

Su Aobai called a few children, and Yu Xiaomei immediately identified them.

Yu Xiaomei:? ? ?

The three biological children are as thin as a bamboo pole, and the nephew who is not his own is as fat as the pig that was just killed in their village. With such a gap, does he still need someone to tell him that the woman he chose has treated his own children badly?

Yu Xiaomei took a look at her niece and son-in-law who seemed quite smart.

In fact, if he doesn't need his eyes, he can donate them to those in need.

The author has something to say:

Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2022-02-05 16:55:23~2022-02-08 04:34:57~

Thanks to the little angel who cast the rocket launcher: I will live up to one of you;

Thanks to the little angel who threw the grenade: 1 of you;

Thanks to the little angels of irrigation nutrient solution: no more than 50 bottles; 2842022638 bottles;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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