MTL - Call Me Daddy-Chapter 107 , The National Husband of a Gold Digger (7)

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Su Aobai didn't know just now, just now he was struggling several times in the danger of being domestic violence.

The one who wanted to domestically abuse him was his always noble and gentle mother.

Jiang Yunning brought Dang Yanyan into this room, of course not to show off his clothes, hats and jewelry in front of this daughter-in-law, even if Su Aobai didn't open his mouth, Jiang Yuning still had something to give her.


Dang Yanyan, a little fool, under Su Aobai's instigation, really expected Ai Ai to call "Mom", and then shyly pulled Su Aobai's sleeve.

It's over, it's over, why did she really yell out, does Mrs. Jiang feel that she is calling her such a **** thing just because of these things, does she think that she is a very greedy woman, but the jewelry here is really beautiful , almost all of them are auction-level treasures. Anyway, Dang Yanyan is so big, and he has never seen so many good things at once.

When she and Su Aobai were dealing with the family before, she was not so shocked. No wonder one is a son and the other is a mother.

In fact, Jiang Yunning didn't look down on her as Dang Yanyan thought, on the contrary, she felt that Dang Yanyan's current reaction was normal.

This room of hers can be called the dream of thousands of women. If Dang Yanyan behaved calmly, restrained herself from looking at these things, and didn't look at these things, she didn't suspect that there was something wrong with her aesthetics and bought a whole room. The exorbitant price of jewelry that others don't like is because they suspect that Dang Yanyan's scheming is too deep, and her stupid son can't play with her at all.

On the contrary, now, her eyes are reluctant to part with each piece of jewelry, and she will take a few more glances at whichever one looks good, and she can't help but let out several praises, which makes Jiang Yuning inexplicably aroused some vanity , This is completely an affirmation of her aesthetics.

The little girl is still very discerning.

Of course, the most important thing is that there is no greed in her eyes that wants to take all these things for herself, which is what Jiang Yuning is most satisfied with.

"As long as you two are well, these things will be yours sooner or later."

After speaking, Jiang Yunning walked to the only safe in the room.

The things in this room are all priceless, and each precious item is independently insured at a sky-high price. In case of theft in the future, the insurance company will naturally bear the loss, because most of the items are not safe due to the absolute confidence in the security system of the manor. In the safe, but there is still a small part, which may not be the highest value, but it is still stored more properly.

Because the value of some items is once lost and cannot be found, no amount of money can make up for it.

Jiang Yuning turned his back to them, so he couldn't see the safe password she entered. After a few operations, the safe door was opened, and Jiang Yuning took out a small wooden brocade box from inside.

"This is the dowry my mother gave me when I got married back then. It was passed on to my daughter but not to my daughter-in-law. It's just that in my generation, I don't have a daughter and can only be passed on to my daughter-in-law."

Jiang Yunning opened the brocade box, inside was a pair of emerald earrings, the emerald color was rich and gorgeous, and against the backdrop of the red velvet interlining, it was even more enchanting.

This is considered an antique. The orderly inheritance records of Jiang Yunning’s mother’s house can be traced back to at least the middle of the Qing Dynasty. Because the mining capacity in ancient times was extremely limited, and people’s aesthetics were different at that time. This pair of jadeite earrings looks rich enough in color now, but the seeding water is a bit dry, so it is not the best.

In Jiang Yunning's room, there are countless jewels that surpass this pair of earrings. No matter in terms of value or appearance, this pair of earrings is not in the middle class.

But after hearing the origin of this pair of earrings, Dang Yanyan felt that they were very beautiful.

"You are married now. This pair of earrings should have been given to you at your wedding. Unfortunately, this kid is not sensible."

Jiang Yunning glared at his son and told him to kill first and then play. Now that it's all over, the marriage of a family like theirs must be a big deal, and it will take a lot of time to prepare, and Dang Yanyan is pregnant again, and everything about the wedding will be arranged Well, her stomach is probably already bulging, and under the current situation, I'm afraid she will have to hold a make-up wedding after giving birth.

Su Aobai, who was stared at, touched his nose. If he hadn't cut it first and played it later, he didn't know how long it would take to get his parents' approval.

"If you have a daughter in your womb, when the child gets married in the future, you will pass this pair of earrings on to my granddaughter."

Jiang Yuning handed the earrings to Dang Yanyan's hand, and she also solemnly took the pair of earrings from Jiang Yuning's hands.

At this moment, Dang Yanyan's heart really settled down.

Such a thing representing the family inheritance was handed over to her, which meant that she was truly recognized, and her heart, which had been floating ever since, finally found a stable harbor.


Su Aobai drew a long tone.

"Don't talk, it's a good thing that the child has a mouth."

Jiang Yuning glared at him again.

She knew what the brat wanted to say, but she couldn't let him say it now.

In fact, there is a pair of round jade bracelets that match this earring. This set of jewelry is mined from a single stone. The antique jade bracelets are emerald and thick in color. Even if the water is not so good, the value is priceless. In this set of inheritance, it is obvious that the jade bracelet is the real protagonist.

But Jiang Yunning is not stupid and sweet, such a shrewd woman will never give her the jade bracelet until she fully approves of Dang Yanyan's daughter-in-law.

The reason why she took out this pair of earrings is because Dang Yanyan is pregnant with a child now, and this gift can make her feel at ease.

Of course, this stupid son of his family can't tell the truth. As for the real recognition of this daughter-in-law in the future, Jiang Yuning naturally has a way to fool the low-ranking Dang Yanyan.

Anyway, almost no one in the outside world knew about the existence of this pair of jade bracelets. Because of its inherent value, Jiang Yunning had never worn it to attend any public occasions. On the contrary, this pair of earrings had appeared on camera many times.

In this way, there is no need to worry about what Dang Yanyan hears from others, and there will be a gap in his heart.

"I saw the photos uploaded by some of your social accounts before. You seem to like bags more. If you can't find a matching bag when you go out to play or participate in some activities, you can directly ask the housekeeper to come to my room to pick it up."

Just after handing over the inherited earrings, Jiang Yunning dropped another sweet bomb.

Dang Yanyan shouted in her heart to be reserved, reserved, but she was so happy that she was about to pass out.

There are so many bags, and her mother-in-law actually allows her to use them. Dang Yanyan can almost think of the plastic bestie's envious and distorted expressions when she changes into a rare leather Hermes every time she attends a party.

It's just so cool.

"Laugh if you want to."

Su Aobai poked her cheek.

With her current expression, she obviously wanted to laugh, but she tried her best to hold back, the muscles in her cheeks were about to cramp, I don't know, I thought she was sitting on the toilet, but she just happened to be constipated.

It was fine at first, but when Su Aobai poked her, Dang Yanyan really felt the twitching of her cheek muscles. If it was a real twitch, wouldn't it be a joke for her noble, beautiful and generous mother-in-law?

At this moment, Dang Yanyan felt that her mother-in-law's words really made sense.

Such a good man, why does he have a long mouth?


"That's right, that's the angle. Take a picture of the corner of the building and the garden behind it. Squat down a little bit so that my legs look long. Turn it sideways and shoot my side face. The focus is on the earrings. The light is better. The color of the earrings is beautiful."

Naturally, the servants would help tidy up the things they brought. After getting her mother-in-law's tacit approval, Dang Yanyan's repressed vanity exploded from the moment she entered the gate.

She had to take a particularly domineering and mighty photo and post it on her social account to let all those who booed her know that she had moved to Sujia Manor and that she was the daughter-in-law recognized by Ms. Jiang Yunning.

Of course, there is another important point, you must show off your big house and beautiful earrings.

At this time, Su Aobai could only act as the photographer.

The original body itself is a photography disaster. It's not that he hasn't uploaded selfies on his social accounts, and all of them are death angles. Unfortunately, Dang Yanyan's cognition of this point is not clear enough.

She proposed the composition she wanted, and then entrusted this group of important photos to Su Aobai with complete confidence.

"Beautiful, very beautiful, you are turning around, the light is still better over there now."

Su Aobai shot several groups continuously, while acting like a qualified photographer, directing Dang Yanyan to go around in circles.

While taking pictures, he shouted "beautiful, perfect, and wonderful", which made Dang Yanyan's little heart thump, and he was already imagining how amazing the finished photo would be after a little photo retouching.

Until she felt that at least a few hundred photos were taken, which was enough for her to pick and choose, and then took the phone from Su Aobai.

Facing her husband's confident face that said "Praise me soon", Dang Yanyan's expression gradually changed from anticipation at the beginning to panic.

Who is the big head doll in the photo?

Isn't she famous for her slap face?

If she remembers correctly, she should be a little fairy with 172 golden ratio legs and sky-long legs. In the photo, the whole person is compressed, and who is the little stump with legs and body?

There is also a photo, which happened to capture the beautiful scene of the breeze blowing the ends of the hair, but under the hands of Su Aobai, this photo directly formed the slightly loose clothes being blown up, more than one month pregnant but five months The death scene of the pregnant belly.

Who is he, is he the devil?

Dang Yanyan refused to admit that the person in the photo was herself.

"How about it, is it pretty? My wife is beautiful no matter how you take pictures."

Like a big dog, Su Aobai put his chin on her neck, pressed his cheek to her cheek, and expressed his merits affectionately.

"This is really beautiful."

Is this the legendary beauty in the eye of the beholder? Dang Yanyan suspects that the rationale should be that the lover's eyes are covered with shit.

"Young madam, my wife asked me to take pictures for you. Don't worry, my skills are quite good."

Just when Dang Yanyan completely gave up Su Aobai's photography ability and was considering whether to set up a selfie stand to take pictures, Jiang Yunning's personal female secretary came over.

Dang Yanyan's first reaction after hearing this was to look at Su Aobai.

I always feel that my mother-in-law has also been harmed by her husband, so just now she carefully proposed in front of her mother-in-law that she wanted her husband to help her take a few photos in the manor, and asked if the scene inside and outside the villa and the pair of earrings could be posted on social accounts. , the mother-in-law's solemn expression is not because she is thinking about this problem, but because she is shocked that she actually asked her son to take pictures?

As expected of the personal secretary of the wife of the richest man, her photographing skills simply kill all the Internet celebrities who rely on beautiful photos to attract fans.

I don't know how people found the angle and light. In this group of photos, she is harmonious and natural with the background, her body proportion is perfect, her side face is facing the light, and her smooth and graceful lines seem to form a halo. The rich emerald and fair skin formed a sharp contrast, the green was thicker, and the skin color was like snow.

There is no need for P-image filters at all. On the contrary, the texture of the original image itself makes this photo look more advanced.

Every photo is the rhythm that can be on the cover of a fashion magazine.

"Is the young lady still satisfied? In fact, there are still many places with beautiful scenery in the manor, which are also suitable for taking pictures."

The female secretary asked thoughtfully.

"Yes, can you?"

Will it take up her time? After all, she is the mother-in-law's personal secretary.

"It's okay, Madam said, as long as you are happy to take pictures."

She deserves to be the all-round secretary who made a **** way out of thousands of people and stayed by Jiang Yunning's side for several years. She is not a white-collar worker with an annual salary of one million. No matter what she thinks in her heart, she can make everyone she wants to please feel like a spring breeze .

"And I have a lot of experience, so it won't take too much of your time."

This reveals a lot of information.


Dang Yanyan thought of her mother-in-law's social account that she was secretly peeping at. Every lady's party, and her mother-in-law's personal life photos, she is noble, beautiful and flawless. The center of the photo is her, so that people will not ignore her Newly purchased jewelry, estates, wineries...

When the comments below questioned showing off wealth, many people would jump out to speak for her, thinking that this is an ordinary daily necessities, tens of millions of things, isn’t it also a big toy, what is there for them to show off , Instead, question those who say they show off their wealth and eat sour grapes.

Who said that noble ladies don't show off their wealth and beauty, it's just that they show off more advanced and more subtle.

Dang Yanyan realized it!

It turns out that mother-in-law is such a mother-in-law!

Suddenly it felt more alive and closer.


That night, sleeping on the three-meter-wide custom-made big bed in the bedroom of Su Aobai Manor, Dang Yanyan finally selected a few photos that he was satisfied with.

"Husband, which ones do you think are the most beautiful?"

Said it was a few, but after picking and picking, there were more than ten more.

Su Aobai was not perfunctory at all, he praised all the dozen photos, and then picked nine of them that he thought were good.

"That's it."

Dang Yanyan eliminated the nine photos selected by Su Aobai, and uploaded the remaining few photos to Moments.

Su Aobai:? ? ?

"I just want to keep the most beautiful photos, only for you to see."

Dang Yanyan realized that what she had done was too straightforward, immediately put down her phone, threw herself into Su Aobai's arms, and acted sweetly.

A small flame that had just risen was extinguished in an instant.

Su Aobai even suspected that she poured sugar water on the fire.


The current Su Aobai and Dang Yanyan are the traffic packets of walking, and whenever there is a disturbance, they will immediately rise to the top of the trending list.

One second, Dang Yanyan just posted on Moments, and the next second, the accompanying pictures and text were moved to several well-known social networking sites.

[Gold-worshiping girl go away]: Hehe, a mother is more expensive than a child, and a gold-worshiping girl has finally achieved her goal. On the first day of living in Sujia Manor, she posted on Moments to show off. Don’t you think the grade is very low? If I were the richest man and his wife, I would definitely I feel that I have lost all face by this woman.

[Yan Erfei]: I laughed so hard, clicked on the photo album upstairs, and you can take a set of Jiugong grid for the group meals of Bishengke 188, and even laughed at people who live in a large manor with thousands of square meters to take pictures as souvenirs.

[I'm a tourist]: This... To be honest, if I live in such a big house, I want to take photos to show off. In fact, I am quite envious of Dang Yanyan's mentality. I bought a set of fifty The small house in Duoping is not big, but it is also my own house. At that time, I really wanted to take a real estate certificate and post it to Moments, but I was afraid that others would think I was showing off my vanity. Well, I really want to show off, fifty square meters is also mine Xiaowo, but after much deliberation, I still didn't upload a photo.

[National husband's ex-wife]: Ahhhhhh! Don't look at the manor, look at the earrings of Dang Yanyan, the point is the earrings! !

[Gold Worshiper Get Out]: What's wrong with these earrings, I don't know jade and I can see that these earrings are colorless, they shouldn't be particularly expensive, anyway, they are definitely not expensive for rich people, Jiang Yunning wore them in events before The set of jade jewelry worth nearly one billion is ten blocks away, hehe, everyone has moved in, and there is no decent jewelry to support the scene. It can be seen that people are still looking at the child in her belly, and they don't take her seriously at all.

Comments on those photos set off another bloodbath on the Internet.

National Husband’s ex-wife is probably a fan who pays more attention to the richest man’s family on weekdays, and she recognized the earring immediately. She didn’t reply immediately, but found the earring from some photos she had saved before. Several scenes where the pair of earrings appear are then uploaded online.

[National husband's ex-wife]: These are not ordinary earrings, okay?

A few accompanying pictures, one is a very old photo, it was a wedding photo of her and the richest man uploaded by Jiang Yunning in a certain year, but she deleted it by herself not long after, which also caused the relationship between the richest couple to break up Oolong news.

The pair of earrings that Jiang Yunning was wearing at that time were clearly captured in the photo.

In addition, there are photos of Jiang Yuning attending important occasions such as the annual meeting of the Su Group. Most of the time, he wears this pair of earrings.

As the wife of the richest man, Jiang Yunning owns countless precious jewelry. Just like what the previous person said, she has many sets of jade jewelry worth over 100 million yuan, but this pair of earrings obviously has a different meaning to her.

She would choose jewelry to be worn on weddings and other important occasions, maybe it is a dowry with some inheritance significance. Now that this set of jewelry has appeared on Dang Yanyan's body, does it mean that Jiang Yunning has recognized Dang Yanyan's identity.

[Superior Young Master]: What does it mean to recognize this little Internet celebrity? It is to recognize her belly. Just wait and see. If this child gives birth to a boy, her status will be more stable. If she gives birth to a daughter, it depends on whether the richest couple are happy .

[Gold Worship Girl Get Out]: That is, a group of people sincerely help Dang Yanyan to speak up. Why, they also want to climb into the bed of a rich man, so hurry up and get pregnant with one, to see if they can get the upper hand.

[Anonymous]: I don’t understand. They are two young people who fall in love normally. One is handsome and the other is beautiful. Just because the man is rich, he scolds the woman with all kinds of obscenities. Why, what do you mean? Su Aobai doesn't deserve to be liked if he doesn't have money? To be honest, he looks better than most men even without money.

[Saint Warrior]: That's right, there are a group of people on the Internet who don't know what to say. There is always an argument that women like you because you are rich, and they look down on you because you are poor. XSWL, people look down on you, It is because you are not only poor, but also stupid, ugly, and cynical. A normal man may be poor now, and it will be difficult for him to become rich in the future, but he can still find a wife who is willing to live an ordinary life with him.

[Gold worshiping girl get out]: Can the richest family be the same as the ordinary family, just wait and see, if this child is not a son, our young mistress should seize the time to conceive a second child, otherwise, the chair under her buttocks will be destroyed sooner or later The other women move away. At that time, you can come to promote the next true love.

As a result, a group of people, instead of staring at Su Aobai and Dang Yanyan's breakup, changed to staring at Dang Yanyan's belly because of their marriage certificate.

Those who are not optimistic about their relationship firmly believe that as long as Dang Yanyan fails to give birth to a boy, he will be kicked out by his family.

When Su Aobai woke up, Dang Yanyan was still asleep. He briefly browsed some news from last night, and then logged into his account.

[Su Aobai]: I got up and looked at the calendar, um, 2018

Many people followed Su Aobai's account and set up new message reminders. When netizens who opened the platform to check the content excitedly saw this message, their first reaction was to glance at the calendar, and then they were baffled.

This year is 2018, do you need to look at the calendar to know?

Jiang Yunning's schedule is very healthy. At this time, she has already woken up and finished working out.

After eating breakfast, seeing the message sent by his son, Jiang Yuning only thought about it for a while, and then began to read the news about his son and daughter-in-law.

So half an hour later, Jiang Yunning, who hadn't updated his account for a while, also posted a message.

[Jiang Yunning]: I got up and looked at the day, um, 2018.

Now, many netizens who don't know the cause and effect are even more baffled. Why, is Su Aobai's next live broadcast a calendar special?

The author has something to say:

Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2022-01-2017:52:30~2022-01-2117:06:29~

Thanks to the little angels who irrigate the nutrient solution: 10 bottles of thedown; 215398635 bottles of book fans; 4 bottles of Yiyi;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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