MTL - Bringing the Supermarket to the Apocalypse-Chapter 524

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Darkness, nouns, adjectives, the opposite of "light". Darkness can refer to a low-illumination state, such as a night without moonlight or starlight. Darkness can refer to a gloomy state of mind, but it does not mean evil. In comics, darkness includes revealing the cruelty and depression of society. The elements of **** violence, the dark side of human nature, the content of connotation, the content of horror and horror, the darkness is not evil, the darkness is nothing but the scapegoat for people to replace evil. In literature, darkness and light oppose each other. If used to describe it, it should refer to the most basic morality, morality, and values ​​of human beings to show the cruel violence and non-civilization and irrationality of society.

Darkness gives people a feeling of fear.

The darkness on the battlefield gives a feeling of crisis and hope.

Darkness is evil because humans have no night vision ability. In the darkness, human beings are very fragile instincts that drive humans to fear darkness. So humans feel that it is not good things to move in the dark, such as ghost zombies, ghosts, vampires, etc. Instinct drives things that are afraid of darkness and death. People used to be bright in ancient times, as a contrast. Darkness becomes an evil endorsement.

Although darkness and light are contradictory. But we can't always embrace the light. Nor can you support the darkness. I personally think that black is black, white is white, light is bright, dark, dark, and good. Everything that exists in the world has its usefulness. I personally think that because everything has his use, we Can't judge what is right, and decide what is wrong. There are quite a few people who think that light must be right, and darkness must be wrong. I personally think that this is a wrong view, because there is black in the white, and when the bright people also have evil. In short, everything has its reasons and value.

Many people always associate darkness with evil and corruption. They think that an evil person is a conscience and a dark, emotionally degraded. In fact, I think that darkness only represents a kind of power, a kind of belief. Not all people who worship the darkness are all very depraved and evil people. For example, in my opinion, darkness is a noble force. Like light, it is powerful and noble. Few people are equipped to dominate it, so many people are dominated by him. As a kind of power, darkness and light are actually no good or bad, positive and evil, righteous and evil, or the power of confrontation. These subjective judgments are only imposed by human beings. This is just as sometimes why the light is evil and the darkness is justice, just the people who use it, not the power.

True darkness is a very peaceful, all-inclusive state. Silence and quiet are its essence. It follows the principle of balance. The true darkness is not degenerate and decadent. Stupid people will think of darkness in such a way that they will fall into the darkness that they have woven.

Darkness is noble, calm, silent, action, mysterious, and thus ruin. At the same time, darkness is also a kind of loneliness that is not understood. The darkness is everything.

When the darkness is angry, he will erode everything, devour everything, and corrode everything that angers it.

Lin Feng once asked a friend: "In the dark, what do you think of in the first place?"

Lin Feng’s friend smiled at Lin Feng and said: “Bright.”

Lin Feng is confused, it is clear that the darkness annihilates the light, why in the darkness, the first moment will think of light.

His friend said to Lin Feng: "Dark, although he has annihilated the light, he also let everyone know the importance of light. In the dark, only when you think of light, the light will come soon."

When Lin Feng rang this sentence, suddenly everything in front of him became bright, familiar red sun, familiar earth wall wreckage, here is the underground world, Lin Feng has been waiting for a long time underground world.

"How come, is it true that everything that happened in the last days is really related to the underground world? Do they say that returning to the earth world is just a lie?"

Lin Feng can't believe that the scene in front of him is actually an underground world, and it can be heard from the dialogue just now that it seems that someone has done a lot of excessive things in order to return to the world of the earth, and this thing is likely to have been done by the Dark Portal. Things, extracting the energy of the Orcs, let humans accept the variation of the energy of the Orcs, thus making humans become horrible murderous creatures, killing many humans in the earth world, this may be the balance that the voice just wanted.

"Damn, for the people of the underground world to kill so many people in the earth world, it is a demon!"

demon? Yes, demon, here is the position in front of the Dark Portal. If it is an illusory world, in order to let people know everything that happened before, what happens here is probably in the past. What happened below, and the demon that the Dark Portal wants to release is the master of the voice.

This is just Lin Feng’s conjecture. If all this is true, then Lin Feng doesn’t know how to do it now. He is now trapped in a dark illusion. Although it’s a fragment of what happened before, he can’t Take a step forward, because now he only sees the illusion, the real self is still on the edge of the tall building, once he can't help but move forward, he will stay in this darkness forever.

"Where is this, why do you let me know but don't let us leave, can we let the devil rise again if we are trapped here?"

Lin Feng was really irritated and couldn’t control his emotions. Before that, he still wanted to go back to the underground world, bring out the people in the underground world, and let them live in the earth world, but now, although the end of the world The formation is just a reason for someone, but after the underground world has passed such a long time, the patriarch’s disappearance has not been discovered. It can be seen that they know that the patriarch is missing because of what they did. They may also know who did what, but in order to return to the ground, They actually acquiesced to this person's practice.

For whatever reason, they can't kill innocent people for their own lives. Lin Feng could have pity the people in the underground world, but now he can't wait for the people in the underground world to stay underground forever.

Now think about it, whether it is the remains of the orc's underground city or the orc body inside the cave, all these things are all about the people in the underground city killing the orcs who have agreed to stop the war for their own survival.


Lin Feng has been very angry. He vowed to kill these culprit and let the end of the world return to the original peaceful world.

