MTL - Bringing the Supermarket to the Apocalypse-Chapter 512

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The end of the world has begun to recede. This time the flood has come to the fore, but the duration is the shortest. This situation should be related to the monsters that appear. The people in the base did not expect this inanimate place in the sea of ​​death. There are monsters, but fortunately, the practitioners have stayed, otherwise the people in the base do not know what will happen.

Lin Feng has dealt a lot of energy with the monster. He thought that he had got some energy from the gods to avoid energy consumption. However, when dealing with the monster of the external **** entity, there is still a lack of energy. The death force on the soul. It is very strong to be suppressed by monsters. Even in the sea of ​​death, there is still no way to get too much energy, and its own energy can not be fully exerted. In such a situation, nothing can be done.

In fact, Lin Feng wants this situation to be normal. Although the energy of the gods is very powerful, it is not very useful to encounter monsters that are also outside gods. The body of Kunajee preserves his original energy, but there is no soul. The control box driver can't fully play, or Lin Feng's energy limited to humans will kill monsters.

The power of death in the spirit of the gods can play a very strong role in the world of death. In the previous World War I, Lin Feng discovered that his energy would be suppressed. This is due to the interrelationship between the gods, Kuna. Jer is the leader of the god. The instinct of the external energy is the suppression of the class. In the face of the energy of the leader, the energy in Lin Feng will naturally be suppressed. It is only strange for Lin Feng that the energy of the soul will be suppressed. .

The energy of the gods will suppress each other. Is the energy of the soul of the gods also the **** of the gods?

Recalling the situation of the three energies on the soul, Lin Feng believed that it was the legacy of the Orcs' predecessors, hoping for the energy they passed down, but now it seems that these three energies should not be left by the Orcs.

Energy is a measure of the extent to which the spatiotemporal distribution of mass can vary, and is used to characterize the ability of a physical system to perform work. In the end times and in the original world, it has been proved that there is a mutual transformation between matter and energy.

Energy exists in many different forms according to different forms of motion of matter. Energy can be divided into mechanical energy, chemical energy, thermal energy, electrical energy, radiant energy, nuclear energy, light energy, tidal energy and so on. These different forms of energy can be transformed into each other by physical or chemical reactions. Various fields also have energy.

Corresponding to the various forms of motion of matter, energy also has various forms, which can be converted to each other in a certain way.

In the thermal phenomenon, it is the internal energy of the system. It is the kinetic energy of the irregular motion of each molecule in the system, the potential energy of the intermolecular interaction, the sum of the energy in the atom and the nucleus, but does not include the mechanical energy of the overall motion of the system.

The spatial attribute is the extension of the material movement. The time attribute is the persistence of the material movement. The gravitational attribute is the interaction of the material in the movement process due to the uneven distribution of mass. The electromagnetic property is the external part of the charged particle in the process of movement and change. Performance, and so on. There are many forms of movement of matter, and each specific form of material movement has a corresponding form of energy.

The energy form corresponding to the mechanical motion of the macroscopic object is the energy form of the kinetic energy molecule. The energy form corresponding to the movement of the thermal energy atom is the energy form of the directional motion of the charged particle of the chemical energy. The energy form corresponding to the photon motion of the electric energy is light energy, etc. Wait. In addition to these, there are wind energy, tidal energy and so on. When the form of motion is the same, the motion characteristics of the object can be described by some physical quantity or chemical quantity. The mechanical motion of an object can be described by physical quantities such as velocity, acceleration, and momentum. The current can be described by physical quantities such as current intensity, voltage, and power. However, if the forms of motion are different, the only physical quantity that can be described and compared with each other is the energy, which is the common characteristic of all moving substances.

Energy can be stored in a system without being expressed as matter, kinetic energy or electromagnetic energy. When a particle moves a distance in a field with which it interacts, it needs to be moved by an external force, and the energy required for the particle to move to the new position of the field is stored. Of course, the particles must be held in a new position by external force, otherwise the field in which they are located will return the particles to their original state by pushing or pulling. This energy stored by the particle changing its position in the force field is called the potential energy. A simple example is the ability to raise an object up to a certain height in the gravitational field to be the potential energy.

Any form of energy can be converted into another form. For example, when an object moves freely to a different position in the force field, the potential energy can be converted into kinetic energy. When energy is in the form of non-thermal energy, its efficiency in converting it into other kinds of energy can be very high or even a perfect conversion, including the generation of electricity or new material particles. However, if it is thermal energy, when it is converted into another form, as described in the second law of thermodynamics, there is always a limit on conversion efficiency.

In all energy conversion processes, the total energy remains the same, because the energy of the total system is the transfer of energy between the systems. When energy is lost from one system, there must be another system to get the lost energy. , leading to loss and gaining a balance, so the total energy does not change.

Although the total energy of a system does not change over time, the value of its energy may vary depending on the reference frame. For example, a passenger sitting in an airplane has zero kinetic energy relative to the aircraft, but the kinetic energy is not zero relative to the earth, nor can it be compared with the earth with separate momentum.

According to the kinetic energy theorem, if the moving object is decelerated and slowed down until it stops, the object will work on the obstacle. The amount of work done is equal to the amount of original kinetic energy of the object. Therefore, it can be said that kinetic energy is the functional force that an object has due to motion. For example, a high-speed flying gun has kinetic energy, so the hammer that can hit the steel plate and work on the forging is kinetic energy, so it can work on the forging and deform it.

The energy that is released or absorbed by a chemical reaction in a chemical reaction. The essence is the change of the outer electrons of the atom, which leads to the energy released by the change of the electron binding energy. The positive and negative electrons are not photons, and the energy of the electrons is converted into photons.

The kinetic energy of the thermal motion of atomic molecules inside a substance, the higher the thermal energy contained in a substance with a higher temperature. A heat engine is an expanding water vapor that turns its heat into the kinetic energy of a heat engine.

The binding energy of the nuclear core, which can be released into the kinetic energy of the reaction product in the nuclear fission or fusion reaction. Therefore, energy is also present when the object is stationary. The energy and quality of matter are closely related. The mass of the nucleus is released from the total mass of the nucleus that constitutes its nucleus, that is, when the free nucleus is combined into a nucleus. This energy is called the binding energy of the nucleus. The heavy nucleus which is lower than the binding energy per nucleus in the binding energy nucleus becomes a lighter nucleus with higher binding energy, or several light nucleuses with lower binding energy are aggregated into a heavier nucleus with higher binding energy. The energy released is atomic energy. To be continued.


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