MTL - Both are Foxes-Chapter 83 select

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"Little Seven, in fact, you knew their mind from the beginning, right?"

Ye Lanzhi's question silenced Ye Yin instantly. She lowered her head and unconsciously played with her fingers. It took a long time to be ambiguous: "Maybe, Lange, what on earth do you want to ask?"

"Little Seven, who do you like among the four of them?" Lanzhi looked at Ye Yin with a gloom in her eyes. See the latest chapter in Perfect World, and go for the quick bar.

"I don't know." Ye Yin didn't look up, as if whispering, "I really don't know, I have never thought of a man around me, I dreamed about love, but I didn't believe it Love. My mother is a filigree woman. She was born and attached to the man she loved. Since I was a child, I have watched her cry for him, laugh for him, crazy for him, covet for him, she did not for him With the slightest ego, she lives a miserable life. From then on, I swear to myself. In the future, I will never let a man lead his nose like my mother, and I do n’t want to rely on a man to live like her. , I want to live by myself. "

"Xiao Qi, this is not a question of dependence. Women are always married! No matter how good you are, no matter how amazing you can be, you are always a woman. This is an unchangeable fact. So you need a man to hurt you and take care of you. "

"No, women are not weak. Do women have to live on men? I do n’t want to, why ca n’t I live on myself? Why do I have to live on men? I can live well, I ... ... "

"Xiao Qi, don't you be so excited?" Lange stood up and sat next to Ye Yin. "I didn't say that you can't live well by yourself, but you are very lonely alive. Hey! What are you doing? I just love to be so horny? When you persuaded Du Luo, you could say it well, then a lot of road truths came out of your mouth without stopping, but why don't you just rest on yourself now? Xiaoqi, young couples come together, do you want to live like this all your life? "

Ye Ye said nothing, Lanzhi reached out and held Ye Yin's hand, and now her hand was shaking slightly, and she couldn't help but said, "Little Seven, you ... why are you shaking? Are you afraid?"

Because Ye Yin lowered her head, Lanzhi could not see the expression on her face. It took me a long time to hear Ye Yinyou quietly: "Yes, I am really afraid. Lanzhi, I am not afraid of being alone, but I am afraid of being injured. I have been lonely since I was young I'm used to it, so I can't adapt to one more person around me. "

"Actually, I had longed for someone to guard me by my side, but no one like that ever appeared after my grandfather died. A seven-year-old child should be guarded by my father and mother, but my mother has only my father in her eyes, she can't see I, but my dad's eyes are his beloved son. He doesn't have my presence in his eyes. I once stretched out my hand and wanted to draw even the slightest warmth from them, but ... at that time I knew No one in this world can rely on me. I can only rely on myself. Before the age of seven, there was a grandfather who was with me, but after the age of seven I was alone. I have been used to living alone for so many years and have been used to being lonely, so ... ... "

This is the time when Ye Yin talked about her past in front of Langzhi. The slight loss and sorrow in Ye Yin's tone made Lanzhi feel a little bit sad. It turned out that this young man with a lot of beauty in front of people also had his own pain.

Take a deep breath. Laneige said: "So you dare not let people approach you, you are afraid of losing it after you get it, so you would rather live alone like this?"

"Maybe! I've been coming by myself all these years. I told myself not to think about relying on others, because dependence would become a habit that would gradually make me lose myself; I told myself to be strong Live. Lange, in fact I am a very timid person. I am afraid to take a step emotionally. I am afraid I will be hurt. "

"Fool!" Lanzhi reached out and pinched Ye Yin's face, "You are so good, so good, who is willing to hurt you! You do n’t have to look forward or backward, these four people like you so much, they must It will be good for you, so you can choose any one. "

兰 "Lanji, many injuries are emotionally unintentional, and it is often this unintentional injury that makes the body incomplete."

Ye Yin's sad whisper made Lanzhi hold on, but Ye Yin patted Lanzhi's hand and mumbled his mouth and put on a relaxed tone: "You said you want me to choose any one, but Lanzhi, this kind of thing It's not just a random election, it's a lifetime. "

Speaking of this, Ye Yin said positively: "Langzhi, I ca n’t rub sand in my eyes, so if I really fall in love with someone, then I must have only one talent in my eyes. Betrayal is not allowed, and I will never share a man with any woman. What I want is to give it wholeheartedly. The promise of a lifetime is what I want! Lange, who do you think will be among these four people? "

Laneige frowned: "Wen Yuanbo must be dead, he already has a woman around him, and he is still emperor, and there will definitely be many concubines in the future, and the rest ..., the flowers are leaving! I promise that flowers can be done. Here! "

"Okay, I only when Hualili is a buddy, I can't follow him!" Ye Yin rolled his eyes.

Laneige curiously said: "Why? Why are you impossible with him? Xiao Qi, there is no absolute thing in this world, why do you say so absolutely? I think he is good, he always obeys you, If you let him go east, he would never dare go west. If you let him cross the bridge, he would never dare take a boat. Such a good man would be hard to find with a lantern. If you really marry him, there are many things in the family It's absolutely up to you. "

"Since the flowers are getting so good, then you marry him!"

Waving his hand, Laneige said, "But people don't look at me! Well, Xiao Qi, I won't tell you a joke. Seriously, I think flowers can definitely be a lifetime for this person, but why do you just sip it? Did you block the road? "

"Because I'm too familiar, I know him too well, knowing that he knows what he wants to say without speaking, and that too much understanding has caused me to have no trace of male and female feelings for him. He is a simple person The woman who suits him should also be simple, and I am too complicated. My philosophy of doing things is often different from him, so if we are together, there will be differences in the future. He has his ideas, and I have mine. Consider that although he will eventually do what I say, a gap will certainly arise from this, and we will eventually not be able to go on. Lange, being a friend is not the same as being a husband and wife. "

"Is Huahua Li out?"

Ye Yeyin nodded, and Lanzhi said, "When did you start to show off your love for you?"

Xie Yeyin smiled and asked, "Do you remember when Huaxi gradually departed from her concubine?"

Gao Lanzhi nodded, then said in surprise: "At that time? Xiao Qi, you are really sensitive."

Ye Yin Ruowu smiled, as if to explain: "If it is possible for me to be gradually separated from the flower, how can I let him dictate the concubine? Isn't it complete? There is no other solution, instead of asking him to make a concubine. One of the reasons I let him concubine is to let him stop thinking about me. The women who entered the palace were also simple and lovely. I want him to have love for a long time, but ... Hua Huan Li is a very rigid person. In fact, Hua Li Li was only a friend to me. He was only slowly in Xiqiao later ... but He never told me, and I always pretended not to know. Lange, do you know, if a man and a woman broke through that layer of paper, often they did n’t even do it with friends, my friends are not many , I don't want to lose either, so I'd rather not know it myself. "

Lanzhi said with a tongue: "If Hualili knows that you had this kind of thought to make him concubine, he will be angry with you."

Ye Ye Yin glanced at Lanzhi and said, "How can you know if you don't say?"

Lange made a face and blinked: "Speaking of which, the only remaining candidates are Nangong Piaoran and Ren Fengyao. Xiaoqi, are you afraid of them from the beginning? Well, they are indeed two. They are all excellent, alas, it is hard to decide! "

"Okay, don't look at the joke there!" Ye Yin said angrily, "Do you know what else I'm afraid of? They are too good! Lange, I really care about them, but they are really too good Excellent people make me stop. Who would women in this world dislike good men? But there are many good women around good men, and there are many who even sacrifice everything just to win them a smile. In fact, men and women are In the same way, men will try every means to win the favor of the women they like, and women, their approach is sometimes more extreme. When a woman tries to seduce a man at all costs, ask how many can resist Seduction? Lange, I can't stand the man I love lying next to another woman! "

"Do you think Nangong Piaoran and Ren Fengyao can't do everything to you?"

"I don't know!" Ye Yin's body lay back, looking up at the top of the bed, "I really don't know, Ren Fengyao now seems to be able to resist the temptation, but that's because of his internal skills. Limiting his mentality, who can guarantee that he will not ... in the future, and that he is the prime minister of Dongling. Since the emperor of Dongling can give him a marriage, he can give him a second marriage. "

"Did the Emperor Dongling give him another time, he refused it!" Langzhi lay down beside her, learning Ye Yin.

"Once, twice, and three times, can he refuse forever? As long as he is a prime minister, he is not a free man. Lange, I told you my dream, I want to travel all over the world, but he accompanied him Can't do me. "

Gao Lanzhi turned over and climbed beside her and said, "If he didn't become the prime minister of Dongling, would you just ..."

"Come on!" Ye Yin waved his hand. Ren Fengyao was too deep. She couldn't see through it, but one thing she could feel was that although Ren Fengyao seemed to be extremely indifferent to Dongfang Wu, the fact was He still cares about it, remembering that he said that he and Dongfang are friends, and they should be good friends if you want to come!

Ye Renfeng Yao and she are very lonely people. Will two people who grew up in a lonely environment be happy together? Will they warm each other or make them more lonely?

"Oh, in a way, I'm very similar to Ren Fengyao. Both were children who were injured as a kid. But he hurt more than me. His father and mother can use him ruthlessly to abandon him and make him the most Confucian. When I loved my family, I only got despair, but my father and mother just ignored me. Although they turned back, they turned back too late. When they turned back, I no longer needed it, but in general I was luckier than him. "Ye Yin turned her head to look at Lanzhi, and tears flashed in her eyes, she said quietly," Lanzhi, in fact Ren Fengyao did not show up, he actually longed for the love of his father and mother. Although he did not hate it, The complaint doesn't care, but in fact he cares, just like how deep my grievances are, but I still can't leave my mother. Lange, I really miss my mother these days. "

I saw tears in Ye Yin's eyes, and Lanzhi scrambled to wipe it out for her: "Xiao Qi, don't be sad, if you really miss your mother so much, then we will go back and see, so you ..."

"I'm fine." Ye Yin barely smiled and said lowly, "I've been away from her for five years, and she should have forgotten me compared to her! In fact, I just need to know that she's doing well, I'm not I thought about going back to see her. "Because I was afraid to know that she had forgotten me.

"Well, don't say this Ren Fengyao, let's kick him out. Whoever lets him stay in Dongling, who makes him always upset my Xiaoqi, Nangong is pretty good. Just marry him. Okay! "Lange said haha, comforting Ye Yindao.

"Nangong?" Ye Yin was silent again, only half-sounded, "Maybe Nangong will not be the one who can let me rely on."


"Nangong floating is the king of Nanrong's leisure. Although he is not married to the right concubine now, he has a servant in the house." Ye Yin looked at Lanzhi expressionlessly. "Actually, I like Nangong a little. This He has always been by my side for the past four years, and he has long been different. He has some different feelings, but ... "

Lanzhi frowned: "Little Seven, this is normal, anyway, he is a prince, and although Nangong Piaoran already has a servant, but Nangong Piaoran doesn't necessarily like them!"

"What if you don't like it? They are always his women. Do you want to drive them all out? As long as Nangong has touched them, he must be responsible for them, because they are not women in the blue house." Ye Yin calmly said, " And Nangong him ... "

"What is he?"

"She is Nan Rong's best prince. He may soon become Nan Rong's emperor!"

Zhang Lanzhi said in surprise, "How is that possible? Nan Rong is not an emperor ..."

"This is what the Emperor meant." Ye Yin said meaningfully, "The Emperor Nan Rong met me alone shortly after she arrived in Nan'an City. She told me that she planned to give way to Nangong floating. Nangong may merge with this throne. Don't care, but sometimes people can't just live on their own preferences. Nangong can't help it. "

"It's God's will to say that Nangong Piao will become Nan Rong's emperor? Why?" Laneige said puzzledly.

"You will understand later!"

"Why does Nan Rong empress tell you this?"

Ye Yin laughed: "She came to help Nangong break the road, because she knew that Nangong's mind was on me. She thought that Nangong was in love with a man. She wanted me to stay away from Nangong automatically, so as not to interfere with Nangong. .Actually, it doesn't matter to her whether I am male or female, because if Nangong floats as emperor, she will be the last, and with the help of many Nanrong people, this may soon become a real thing. "

为什么 "Why? Why did she give way? Wasn't she doing a good job as an empress?"

"Nan Rong Chao Tang and the people who have opposed her as an emperor have been there all the time, and she is tired of being an emperor. She wants to be an ordinary and well-groomed woman. Lanzhi, there was a message saying that Nan Rong emperor had a person around her. A very powerful counselor, and this counselor is also the guest of the emperor. In fact, this counselor is Nangong Piaoran. There is really a special relationship between Nangong Piaoran and Nangong Yu. "Ye Yin said very implicitly, but Laneige understood what she meant, and it turned out that between Nangong Piaoran and the Emperor Nanrong ...

She Ye Yin said that there was a sadness in her eyes. She smiled and said, "My last fantasy about Nangong is also shattered by the words of the empress. Do you know what the emperor really wanted me to do?"

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