MTL - Both are Foxes-Chapter 54 Nafei

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"Ignore you?" Du Luo came to Xingfu, "It's strange, the flowers gradually leave the Emperor Emperor always take your words as a sacred purpose, why did you suddenly get into trouble with you? What good thing do you do again?"

"Where!" Ye Yin said innocently, "I just stuffed a few women into his harem!"

"You plug him a woman?" Du Luo opened his mouth in surprise, "It seems that Hua Lili must have offended you somewhere! You're so bad at him, he's such a disposition, you, you actually stuffed him! Thank you for coming up. "

Ye Yin shook his lips and said, "Brother Du, how can you think so! What makes me wick him? I have no choice but to do so. I have my reasons. If the reasons are not enough, you will feel obedient to the flowers. Will those women be included in the harem? "

理由 "Reasons? What are you talking about?"

Du Luo's tone was full of endlessness, Ye Yin said: "The first thing he wants to do is to balance the forces of North Korea and China. As an emperor, he must know how to balance the forces of North Korea and China. Min, in order to let the big clan and the court also have a little more relationship, let them share the same relationship with the Xiqiao, naturally let the women of their clan enter the palace as concubines. In fact, these four big clan of the Xiqiao have been good for the past four years, So I ca n’t suppress them blindly. What is the opposite? Therefore, the women who enter the palace are from various ethnic groups. Let them enter the palace as consorts. One is to restrict the balance. The other is to give some to the family. Sweetness, it is a glorious thing for women in their tribe to find the concubine. Secondly! I have been away from the brother for four years, but he has not been conferred by the concubine, which has made people outside talk and provoked. There are rumors flying around. An emperor is said to be bad by long and short. Maybe it will also cause doubts about Zhou Guoming. So he will accept the concubine. "

Du Luo 嗤 laughed and said, "For this reason, you dare to take it out, and you can only foolishly get away from that idiot!"

"What's wrong with me for this reason?" Ye Yin said dissatisfied, "This is the emperor secret technique!"

"Secret of Emperor? You are also called Emperor's Secret?"

Du Luo still looked down on his nose, he said disdainfully: "Also said some sweetness to these clan, now no one knows that you are the real behind-the-scenes power of Xiqiao, what can you get if you marry a flower and leave as a concubine? Sweetness? Can they shine through because of their concubines? Or can they get some specific benefits through those concubines? Hualianli has always been obedient to you, what decisive depression is up to you! Those big families even want to pass through the palace The concubine gave the emperor some convenience in all aspects, and that would eventually have to be nodded by you, so marrying flowers is probably not as good as marrying you. "

"It's been four years since Hua gradually left the throne, and rumors have been flying all over the past four years. Do you think of rumors now? Afraid to cause suspicion in the surrounding countries? Doubt has been doubted for a long time. Four years have passed before suspicion came. Du Luo did not give Ye Yin a chance to refute, and said, "Everyone in Xiqiao knows that the emperor of Xiqiao doesn't like women. He likes Xiqiao's famous young man. He doesn't accept it because he is young. The concubine is not up, but the younger brother is very loving with his wife, so the Xibei people also know that the young wife of the younger Xibeo is very at odds with the imperial emperor of Xibei. This rumor was already two years ago when I was in the west. Customers who have never lived. I have heard of it, and now you want to clarify that it is too late! "

"Who said I was going to ask for rumors?" Ye Yin hummed.

Du Luodao: Of course, you did not let the flowers gradually leave Nafei to clarify the rumors. If you want to clarify the rumors, you have already begun. You are probably disturbed by the warm eyes of the ministers of the Central Government. If you don't want to, point your finger at the flower that caused it. You, isn't it always the style that draws people who make themselves unhappy?

"As you say, I'm not so bad-hearted."

"Let me think that this should not be the case. Did Hua gradually leave to complain to you again? He plans to stab him again? Now some generals over Yulongjiang are fighting with Dongying, he is busy. If only you would like to stay in the palace then it would be strange! "

Xie Yeyin didn't realize, and he lowered his head to drink, and Du Luo no longer counted on him, because he knew Ye Yin was extremely fond of merit, and said that he was annoyed to let him count himself, but it was not worth it.

Lying backwards, Du Luo put his head on his arms and said, "Xiao Qi, the disposition of flowers should not touch those women. You did give him a big problem this time. He In the future, he can throw the emperor to Wen Yuanbo, but he can't always rake the women in the West Palace together with Wen Yuanbo. A man does not want to follow other women, let alone an emperor? Generally speaking, sitting on the king of God The man in his seat is not very broad-minded. Although Wen Yuanbo is a very good emperor, I don't think he can be broad-minded enough to accept the women in the palace of Xiqiao. What should these women do in the future? "

Ye Yin was silent for a moment and said, "I understand what you mean. These women may spend their years in the palace forever and never find a good home. But Brother Du, these women must go to the palace. I do have flowers. Gradually leave thinking about Tao Zi and calculate his thoughts, but these women are not my calculation of his thoughts, these women are I used to warn the Xiqiao clan, because these Xizu clan are starting to move again. "

"What are they going to do?"

"Some of them intend to use women to pull in relationships and want to play the marriage trick. Do you know that one of the women who entered the palace this time was selected to be given to Nangong Piaoran! But I broke their thoughts in advance. Ye Yin Sighing, "This time I did leave a problem for the flowers, but now the flowers are no longer in the past Amon. He is aware of all the calculations and fights in this world, so how to deal with these women Although he is facing the biggest problem now, I believe he will always find a solution. "

"Forget it, let him do so much, and let him do it." Du Luo drank the wine, dissatisfied, "In the past four years you have encountered more indecisive things, he has helped you a few times What's more, you can't help him in this matter, can you let you marry again? Don't say that you dare not marry, even if you dare to marry, someone will make a fuss, and you will not become a pro. "

Ye Yeyin just put the jar on his lips, and frowned when he heard Du Luo saying, "Well? Who wants to make a big noise in my auditorium?"

Du Luo stiffened, and said unnaturally, "Lan, Lange! Of course it is Lange, and who else will try besides Lange, that girl is a bitch."

"Don't say her like that, be careful she hears." Ye Yin looked up and sulked. Wine, I always feel that there is something wrong with Du Luo's words, but it can't be said. I just listened to Du Luo and said, "Little Seven, can you remember those days when the two of us were on the rivers and lakes?"

"Hmm! Remember, think about it for a long time without going out with you to Jiang Su to play."

"Little Seven, you have changed a lot since you became this prime minister, become very busy, and become very unreal. Although you used to hide your true emotions, it was not so deep and difficult to understand. You used to be at least real when you smiled, but now your smile is very fake. You hide your crying in your smile. "

落 Du Luo's unrelenting words made Ye Yin dull. He twitched the corner of his mouth and said lowly, "Brother Du, I don't have it, I'm still me."

"No! Although you now have a smile on your face, it gives you the feeling of being close to the earth. Although you sometimes seemed to be indifferent and alienated, but at least you are real and alive. Xiaoqi! In Dongling you are a deep boudoir When you were a lady, you still have time to run with me to the upper reaches of the rivers and lakes, and you will take the time to inspect the business of Fushenglou, but now? How long have you not been to Fushenglou? Have you gone out for a while? Lap? "

Ye Yin froze, half-chest only slowly said: "Brother Du, I was caught because I was thirsty for freedom, I don't want to be bound! I hope there is a sky that can let me fly ... I found a sky, but I was stopped because the one who surrounded me was myself. "

"You regret it?

"I can't regret it." Ye Yin's answer was still the few Yu, just listening to him slowly! "If I regret it, then all that I have done is meaningless. This is the path I choose. I can't regret it no matter how hard or tiring it is, otherwise the past four years will be in vain."

"The sky now is very wide and full of storms, but I will try to flap my wings so that I won't fall off. I will leave traces of myself flying in this sky." Ye Yin's tone gradually lowered, he He opened another mud seal and said to Du Luolang, "Don't talk about these unpleasant things today, let's drink without getting drunk."

Xu Duluo shook his head, sighed in the bottom of his heart, grabbed the wine jar and drank a few mouthfuls. Again: "Little Seven, I am passing the Yulong River this time when the area is very strict, and the east and west naval forces seem to be in constant conflict every day. You want the surrounding countries to think that the east and west sides are hostile. , But is it necessary to make the scene so grand. "

Ye Yin blinked and hehe laughed: "Don't look at the grand scene, but it's just an exercise. For military training, the actual combat exercise is the most powerful. The navy will be going to defend in the future. The Sihekou and the South Rongshui Army are facing Hangzhou, so they must have strong skills. "

"When the naval training is completed and the cavalry battalion is built, the east and west can prepare for unification." Ye Yin learned that Du Luo also lay his hand pillow with his back, "I have been annoyed by the horses of the cavalry battalion these days. However, at this time, the Lu family actually contacted Shaogui Ke Zhonglei of Kezong Farm in Beibei and bought a batch of horses from him. "

"The Lu family? Is that the most sly Lu family among the Xiqiao clan you said? What do they want horses to do?"

"Of course I saw that the court was short of horses, and they wanted to do business in the court. They wanted to buy it at a low price and then sell it at a high price to make a profit from it. The people of Xiqiao basically used Lu, Wang, Feng, and Xiao. Of the four homes, the Lu family is the most slippery. I can't grasp their handles, and I can't do anything to cure them. "

"The Beibei horse was always only provided to Dongling. Now how could they sell the horse to Xibei?" Du Luo was a little puzzled, but a flash of spark flashed in his mind, it would not be what he did. ?

Du Luo's question Ye Yin heard in his ears, only listening to his disapproval: "Don't doubt, they don't have any conspiracy, they just want to trade horses for what they want. They have traded fifty horses in Dongmen Wanshi Grain! They exchanged a batch of weapons in Xili, so they are not only doing business with Xixi. He now has business relationships with other countries. Today, I met Ke Zongmuyang ’s young master Ke Shen in Wenxianglou. Ray, this time he came to Xiqiao not only brought the batch of horses they ordered, but also a batch of horses without owners! So I ordered the batch of horses, and after negotiation, Ke Shaogui agreed to Give me all the good horses, and I pick the rest ... "

"You pick the rest for the Lu family?" Du Luo laughed Xiao Xiao, "what kind of soup did you give to the young master of the Ke family, and let him agree to give you the best horse, but did not do this in business Yes, isn't Ke Jiashaogui afraid of losing his voice? "

Ye Yin Leng hummed: "The loss of reputation is also the loss of the Lu family. This was originally because the Lu family had a mistake. The Lu family wanted both horses and unwillingness to pay quickly. They wanted to drag their time to keep the price low. Tian Ke Zhonglei could not find anyone who was in charge of the Lu family, and he was a little angry! And I promised to provide him with fifteen stone salt, so he readily agreed to give me the best horse! "

Du Luo shook his head! Ye Yin smiled again: "Salt is a treasure, it is a must for life. If you think about orange roasted whole sheep, it would be so unpalatable without salt!"

"You're less proud! The purpose of the young Master Ke came to Xiqiao is to trade horses for salt, right? This Xijing scene is not lacking in salt, but all the salt lakes that can produce salt four years ago belong to you. The other people ca n’t do business with salt, so I ’m afraid the Lu family will lose money. ”

"Not enough." Ye Yin Yinyin smiled, "Brother Du, do you think these horses of the Lu family will be indifferent from Beibei to Xibei?"

"You, do you want to ..." Du Luo whispered, "Little Seven, you are getting harder."

Ye Yeyin smiled brightly: "Over prize! Over prize! In fact, I gave the Lu family a chance to bow their heads, but they don't cherish it!"

"Little Seven, haven't you thought about why Beibei went to countries to change what they want?"

Ye Yin said indifferently: "It's very simple. They don't want to be attached to Dongling anymore. The prince of Beibei has grown up in four years. I heard that although he was weak and sick, he was very smart. Therefore, Beibei is most likely to want to gradually break away from Dongling. If a country is closed, it will never show up, and Beibei has only dealt with Dongling in these years! It rarely ties with other people except Dongling. The country is doing business, so all their needs are obtained through Dongling. Not only is the price high, but they will always be subject to Dongling. So, they should want to understand the powerful relationship. "

"Beijing is not afraid of Dongling ..."

"What are you afraid of? Fear of Dongling turning his face? Dongling can only breathe on the two women who marry Dongling at most. They won't move north now, and Dongling will start from Lao country first. "

"So it ’s not that person anymore. That person is too busy taking care of himself now. He should n’t be thinking of helping Xiao Qi to solve the war horse problem. Although he has been moved by his silence for four years! But Xiao Qi seems to be in contact with him. That Nangong Piaoran's relationship is better, I don't know what Xiao Qi thinks, shouldn't he forget that person? Then ...

Du Luo shuddered, and that man's city was so deep! With his eyes raised slightly, Du Luo was thinking about whether he should tell Ye Yin about that person, so he heard Ye Yin cry: "It's snowing!"

A large swath of snowflakes descended from the air in pink, and nothing was visible in the clothes, but the snowflakes fell on the face and neck suddenly made people feel cool. No wonder the bitter cold wind in the afternoon. It turned out to be It's going to snow!

This is a snow this winter.

The climate this winter has been but dry, and it has not snowed for a long time in the winter, but today ...

Seeing the white shadows that circled on the roof from time to time, Du Luoping knew that Ye Yin's mood was getting better because of the sudden snow. After thinking about it, Du Luoping said, "Xiao Qi, remember Ren Fengyao? "

The white figure paused for a moment, and then listened to him with a slightly unnatural tone: "What do you mention him?"

I haven't forgotten it! Tell him then! What about a couple!

Bian Duluo said in a very casual tone: "He is in jail!"


"Ren Fengyao was put in jail by Dongfang Mourning for his purpose."

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