MTL - Both are Foxes-Chapter 40 Yixiantian

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It was three days later when Ye Yeyin woke up again, and when he woke up, he saw the face of rouge and red eyes. Essential for chasing books

"Rouge, have you been guarding me? You worked hard!"

A very light and light sentence made Rouge scream in surprise: "Are you awake? You finally woke up! Du Gongzi, Du Gongzi, Ye Gongzi he awoke."

Du Luo? !! He is back? A hint of joy flashed on Ye Yin's pale face, and then he saw the man with an ordinary face but an extraordinary feeling walked in quickly.

Ye Yin, who was alone on the bed, was even weaker. His face was pale, and even his lips became very pale. His eyes were smiling, but there seemed to be a touch of sorrow in his eyebrows. The tenderness and helplessness of the slightest daughter's family, with a different kind of strength.

Seeing Du Luo coming in, Ye Yin struggled to sit up, but was held down by Du Luo and said, "Lie down, don't move, your injury is not good yet!"

Ye Yin smiled. In order to speak with Du Luo conveniently, Rouge raised Ye Yin a little, and put a pillow behind him. Ye Yin watched Rouge finally can speak and do things like a normal person. Happy, "Thank you, Rouge."

Rouge shook his head, glanced at Ye Yin with a complicated look, bit his lip, and turned: "I'm going to decoction."

After seeing Rouge leave, Ye Yin smiled lightly: "Brother Du, can your trip be smooth? Reconcile with Ameng Ke as always?"

He Du Luo nodded his head and looked at Ye Yin seriously: "Little Seven, I have only walked away for a few days, and you have made yourself like this, how do you want me to ..."

Ye Yeyin didn't understand what Du Luo meant, and he said, "What?"

"Nothing!" Du Luo seemed to be angry with someone, said in a snoring voice, "How does Hua gradually leave him without knowing how many people are around you, see you now ..."

Du Luo interrupted with a smile, Ye Yin said: "It's not blame to gradually leave my brother. I don't want him to send someone here. This time, this kind of thing happened because I didn't consider it carefully. The consequences of today. "

Du Luo only snorted coldly, and Ye Yin said again, "Yes, do n’t let my brother know what happened to me. The battle there is tight, and victory is imminent. Do n’t let him be distracted for me. . "

"I know, however, the battle was finished yesterday, and Emperor Xicheng's head has been gradually hung up at the gate of Ancheng. After a few days, Jiri should choose the new emperor. ! "

真的 "Really?" Ye Yin's face deepened with a smile. "I didn't expect it to be so fast. Fortunately, a few days ago, I wrote some decrees that needed to be distributed. Otherwise, it would be too late!"

"Xiao Qi, why do you work so hard? Do you agree that it is necessary to spend so much to help them resurrect the country? Do you look at yourself and take your life for the so-called Jiangshan, is it worth it? "

Ye Yin looked down and said, "Brother Du, you can't say that. I said that I want to try that step myself, so it's not entirely because I'm leaving my brother. I also want to prove myself. As for this time, It was a complete accident. "

"Unexpected? Do you know this accident will ..."

Du Luo's words came to an abrupt end, but Ye Yin smiled and looked up at him and said, "What will happen? Brother Du, am I not going to live long?"

落 Du Luo was shocked and said quickly: "What are you talking about! You just have a sword in your chest, and it will be good if you raise it for a few days. This sword is not as powerful as the sword that Aman stabbed you at first!"

Ye Yin chuckled a few times and looked down again. The long eyelashes cast a shadow under his eyes. He only heard him say with a very calm tone: "Brother Du, you will not lie, you cannot hide from me And I know for myself that my situation is terrible. "

Du Luo was slightly stagnant, Ye Yin lifted his eyes and looked at him, "Is there no poison in my poison?"

"It's not that there is no solution, but that it is difficult to solve!"

He heard this clear and magnetic voice, Ye Yin was a little surprised, why was he here?

The evil-looking man in a Chinese suit holding a folding fan in his hand at the entrance of the door, still with the charm of his face that wanted to reverse sentient beings, Ye Yin sighed. Couldn't this person be serious?

Looking towards Nangong, Ye Yin said helplessly: "Brother Nangong, why are you here?"

"Can't I come?" Nangong's beautiful peach eyes were slightly raised, displeasingly, "I've been here for the second time. I haven't seen you for a few days, and I've been wondering what you're doing. I met Du the day before. My brother knew that you were hiding here with the beauties quietly. I wanted to come to you for a meal, but who ever thought of you ... Xiaoxi, you can be considered a sacrifice for love! "

"Brother Nangong, are you looking at my joke?" Ye Yin smiled slightly. The arrival of Nangong Piaoran was unexpected. He seemed to have come once when he heard the meaning of Nangong Piaoran, and he was unconscious at that time. Among them, will Nangong Piaoran find out that he is ..., and who is going to diagnose his pulse and heal and bandage him for this time?

I felt a little stunned in my heart. Ye Yin turned her head to look at Du Luo. She always guessed that Du Luo of Ye Yin's mind soon understood what Ye Yin was worried about. Du Luo didn't speak but just shook her head gently.

Seeing such a tacit understanding between Ye Yin and Du Luo, Nangong Piaoran suddenly felt a little envious and jealous. The peach blossoms glanced reluctantly and said, "Little Seven, how do you know that you are poisoned, you have to know The poison is unaware of it, and even the imperial doctor cannot confirm the diagnosis. "

Ye Yindan said: "Qi Chengfeng hated me for getting into the bone. Since he said that the poison was applied to the sword, he must have been poisoned. This is not a problem to guess. If I guess correctly, this poison should happen in time. There is a way to get rid of it, but Qi Chengfeng attracted my attention at that time, and it was too late when I was alert. "

"This kind of poison is called" Yinxiantian ", and the middle one has only a little vitality. In this junior high school, if a master with deep internal skills can immediately discharge it, if it is delayed, then the poison will enter the body and cannot be expelled. "At the door, walking with the rouge of medicine," This poison is not terrible to say, and the Chinese will not die immediately, but will gradually fail. His body will be worse every day, like a serious illness. , Day by day, until they die. Generally people who have been poisoned will only think that they are sick, because it is difficult to diagnose the poison. "

Rouge walked to Ye Yin's bed with the medicine and handed him the medicine: "Drink medicine!"

Ye Ye frowned, looked at the bowl of dark medicine, and coughed softly: "Can this medicine cure my poison?"

"Why, don't you want to drink?" Nangong drifted to see Ye Yin's expression and realized that Ye Yin should be bitter and didn't want to drink, so he grinned and said in a gloating tone, "Although this medicine can't solve your poison, But it can delay the "one-line sky", let us have time to find an antidote for you, so you have to drink it obediently. "

He Yeyin swaggered his mouth, took the medicine helplessly, and drank it with a sip of his head. Then he bitterly said, "Is there an antidote for" Yinxiantian "?"

"Yes, but it is difficult to obtain." Nangong Piaoran's expression suddenly became a little deep, only to listen to him slowly, "This poisonous source was secretly created by the Nan Rong royal family, in order to deal with some disobedient but can not deal with it openly. The courtier used it, but someone in the Nan Rong royal family actually used it to seize power and usurp the throne, so the previous emperor listed it as a banned drug and stored in the deep palace. No one knows its formula and no one knows it. What is the antidote to it. "

After listening to Nangong floating words, Ye Yin quickly passed a bitter smile, but he still calmly said: "So it is, but now that no one knows the formula and no one knows the antidote, then it is useless to say that . "

"I said that you really looked down on life or death, how to say so calm, as if the person who is poisoned and dying is not you, are you really not so afraid of death?" Nangong's fluttering tone was anxious and spoiled At that moment, the charming expression was replaced by a touch of tadpole.

"I'm afraid of death, but I won't panic because I am afraid of death. Death is something everyone must face. Since it is destined to die, why can't I accept it peacefully? Some things can be resisted, but some things can't help." Ye Yin Looking calmly towards Nangong floating road.

你 "You ..." Nangong floated down and said, frustrated, "Forget it, I can't say you, but the poison on your body can be cured, but the antidote is hard to find!"

"Is the antidote in Nanrong Palace?" Ye Yin smiled. "It is really hard to find, and it does n’t matter if the antidote is still available. Even if there is, the female emperor and Nanrong are not familiar enough to talk to her. The antidote is forbidden, and Nanrong Palace is thousands of miles away. I ca n’t wait to send someone to worry about it. Besides, the palace is so big, and the antidote is placed there. What about antidote? "

"You don't have to be so pessimistic!" Nangong glanced at Ye Yin, unfortunately, his pair of peach eyes were too charming, but they looked charming in Ye Yin's eyes. Ye Yin shook his head with a smile, and Nangong floated positively, " Even if there is no antidote, there are antidote formulas. Although 'Yinxiantian' is listed as a banned drug, each generation of Nanrong's emperor holds the secret of 'Yinxiantian' configuration. In fact, I came to resign with you today, I I have a little friendship with the Empress Nan Rong. I will ask you for an antidote, but you must insist on it until I return. "

After saying this, Nangong looked at Ye Yin deeply, Ye Yin raised his eyes in surprise, and it was very difficult for him to discuss with Nan Rong, the emperor, for antidote. Is it necessary for Nangong to do this for him? ? He and Nangong Piaoran just drank twice, and they didn't seem to be real friends, but ...

Looking at the confusion in Ye Yin's eyes, there was a haze in Nangong Piaoran's eyes, and he said coldly, "You don't have to doubt, I have no other purpose, I just don't want to lose your friend."

Ye Yeyin apologized, but Nangong Piaoran got up and said: "You take a good rest, I leave first, take medicine, wait for me to come back from Nanrong."

Looking at the back of Nangong floating away, Ye Yin frowned. This relationship seemed unreasonable!

"Brother Du, what do you think of Nangong Piaoran?" Ye Yinning looked at Du Luo with a puzzled look, not because he wanted to doubt but he had to doubt. He always had a defense against Nangong Piaoran. in.

"I ca n’t see through. I ’ve walked rivers and lakes for many years, and I can count as a lot of people, but I ca n’t see through the men around you, they always show the side they want to show you, and the real people, they It's hidden deep. "

Them? Are there many men around him? Use the word "them"! Ye Yin rolled her eyes and was dissatisfied with Du Luo's words. If you think about it, among the men he knows, Wen Yuanbo and Hua Lili are two people who are relatively simple and easy to guess, because they are not different people.

If you ca n’t see through, you only have Nangong Piaoran and Yang Han who are n’t your friends. But can they use the words “man appearing next to you”? The two of them can only be called to know him!

Ye Yin was a little dull, and gave Du Luo a dissatisfied glance, and said angrily: "I am not familiar with Nangong Piaoran and Yang Han, and even I have only one side with Yang Han, so please do n’t use them as if they and me It doesn't matter how much you talk! "

I heard that a smile appeared on Du Luo ’s lips. It turned out that he excluded that person, but I do n’t know if he really did n’t care about that person or did not show the true disposition of that person, but no matter what kind, Du Luodu I ’m very happy, because strictly speaking, he does n’t like the man who shows that he is gentle and elegant, but actually cunning like a fox. Of course, Ye Yin and that man are really good at each other. Camouflage, if it really fights together, it will be fun!

Seeing Ye Yinxuan look up at himself, Du Luo busy put away his thoughts: "Nangong Piaoran is a kind of arrogant and unruly, and sometimes he even makes him feel like a straw bag, but inadvertently There will be an inexplicable coldness on him, so I said that I could not see him through. Xiaoqi, didn't I tell you to stay away from him and not to provoke him! "

"I didn't mess with him, okay! Didn't he bring you here too, that day the two of you were still ..., how could it be together in just a few days?" Ye Yin said disdainfully.

"What nonsense, he has to follow me, but thankfully he came, or your poison ..."

"But I'm afraid, I'm afraid this kind of relationship is not good." Ye Yin said worriedly.

Du Luo shrugged in disapproval: "What he was afraid of was that he offered to ask you for an antidote and didn't ask for him. He cares so much. I don't think your face is so thin that it will definitely pay him back."

"Also, the soldiers come to guard, the water comes to cover, the fox will always show its tail." Ye Yin laughed, "I'll wait to see what the purpose of Nangong floating, and you also said that the thing of humanity is not to be returned Impossible! "

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