MTL - Both are Foxes-Chapter 113 Love wrong

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Ye Yin faintly shook his head and said, "No, your real purpose is because of Ren Fengyao. I will tell you that the novel is updated most quickly with eyes. Is it fast? You just don't want me to stay with Ren Fengyao, you deal with it My purpose is the same as your purpose to deal with other women who like Ren Fengyao. You want me to leave him far away. In Yancheng, you asked Xiaoqiu to take me shopping, but Xiaoqiu took me. Rotating in the same place until I met Qi Zhenniang. Xiao Qiu is not a idiot. She obviously did this intentionally, and the reason for her doing so naturally came from her master. Your intention, you want me to see To Qi Zhenniang, you want me to know from Qi Zhenniang's mouth that Ren Fengyao is an extremely unforgiving person, and you want me to hate Ren Fengyao. But you did not expect Qi Zhenniang to recognize that I was Ren Fengyao's painting. Woman, so what I hear is not Ren Fengyao's heartlessness, but his infatuation. "

Xie Zhiqiu's face was heavy, and Ye Yin looked at him and shook his head: "Although Qi Zhenniang and Mo Jingyi are Ren Fengyao's two servants, he didn't ... you did too much to them, they You didn't do anything wrong, but you ... you sent someone to seduce them out of the Ningcheng's other hospital, you arranged for Qi Zhenniang to marry a son-in-law and have a hard time, because Mo Jingyi once had to Ren Fengyao Medicine, so you cruelly bought her to the green house. "

Hearing here, Xie Zhiqiu has no smile, he just looked at Ye Yin with no expression, Ye Yin sighed, and said, "It is not a big deal for a man to fall in love with a man, but your means of fighting for love is too much. Extremely, you are not loving him, you are harming Ren Fengyao. "

"Sure enough, he is an unconventional person. When men fall in love with men, they are so natural and so bland, don't you think it is shocking?" Ye Yin replied, Xie Zhiqiu suddenly smiled, With a trace of sadness, "You're right, I love him, I love Big Brother Ren, and I always love. Do you know that when I knew that Big Brother Ren actually vomited blood for the sake of the country's younger relative Ye Yin, I am very angry. I have loved him since I was a child, and have loved him for so many years, but I dare not show the slightest bit in front of him. I am afraid that I will be hated by him. I have been suppressing my feelings for him, but he ... At that time I was both happy and angry. I was glad that Brother Ren fell in love with a man. I was angry that Brother Ren would fall in love with a man I did n’t know. At that time, I thought he could fall in love with him. Why can't you fall in love with me when you are a young man? So ... "

"So you made a deal with Beitang Jingyu. You should have wanted my life at that time, and after your careful arrangement, Ren Fengyao would not be able to detect anything after my death. That is why Beitang Jingyu There is no fear. "

"Yes, I really wanted to smash your corpses and frustrate your bones, but when I knew Ye Yin was actually Ziyin Night, my heart was cold again. It turned out that Brother Ren didn't fall in love with men. He was normal. .So I changed my mind. I want you to fall in love with me and marry me. Then you will never be able to get close to Brother Ren, and Brother Ren will come to see me because of you. "Xie Zhiqiu smiled bitterly "Do you know, I can't even see him now? I don't know when he will dodge me intentionally or unintentionally. I don't know if he noticed anything."

Xie Yeyin moved in his heart, remembering that Ren Fengyao had said that he wanted to stay away from Xie Zhiqiu, did he mean ...

"This time my Sixth Brother accident was also planned by you behind the scenes? Do you want to use this to lead me to Dongling?"

"Yes, I know that your sixth brother is closest to you. If your sixth brother is in trouble, you will definitely come back to save him, so I sent someone to do something in the gauze he handed in." Xie Zhiqiu's eyes became cold, he Staring at Ye Yindao, "Brother Ren wasn't dead, right? Are you with him, right? When I know someone is helping your sixth brother, I know that it must be Brother Ren, no one except him can I have such a great ability to reverse the case for your Sixth Brother. In fact, I have never trusted that the older brother will die. Sure enough ... you did not leave and you must not go to him, and you are with him now, I know you are in Dongling , But you refused to show up, so I had to tie Lange to threaten you. "

"Have you ever thought that since I knew this, wouldn't I have taken precautions early? Maybe Lange was just a bait?"

Xie Zhiqiu heard the words, his eyes flashed, and he smiled: "I didn't expect this, but there is one thing you may not even have thought of."

Xie Zhiyin raised an eyebrow, Xie Zhiqiu smiled coldly, suddenly suddenly, at the same time, he said in the mouth: "I worship Brother Ren so much. Since he can martial arts, how can I be just a weak scholar?"

It turns out that this is why he was so relaxed about being revealed! Ye Yin sneered, you have no fear, so do I, you can martial arts, maybe martial arts may be very high, but I brought a bodyguard!

Ye Yeyin remained motionless, watching Xie Zhiqiu sneer with sneer, seeing that Xie Zhiqiu's palms would be printed on Ye Yin's chest. Suddenly a blue shadow floated over, and Ye Yin was taken aside by Qing Ying.

Ren Fengyao embraced Ye Yin tightly in his arms. At the same time, his backhand was shot with a palm. Xie Zhiqiu was hit by Ren Fengyao's palm shot, and he shook back a few steps, while Ren Fengyao was up and down. The next examination looked at Ye Yin, and said angrily: "Stupid, have you forgotten to hide?"

"Isn't there you?" Ye Yin's face was unconcerned, and then his eyes turned, and he asked Ren Fengyao with a playful look, "How does it feel to hide in the dark and listen to people's confession?"

Qiu Renfengyao's eyes sank. He didn't speak, but looked blankly at Xie Zhiqiu, who was so pale. Xie Zhiqiu receded subconsciously and murmured, "Brother Ren, are you there?"

"I know, your elder sister and second sister will marry the emperor peace king, have you done something?"

Xie Zhiqiu didn't expect Ren Fengyao to ask this question. He stayed for a while and then smiled a bitterly: "Yes, I did move my hands, because I heard from my father's mouth that you were coming back because of the older sister. I love you and my second sister, because I'm afraid you will marry your first or second sister when you return, but I don't want you to marry any woman. "

"Xie Zhiqiu, at Pingwang Mansion five years ago, you said that your second sister and Ren Fengyao had discussed marriage, then you were misleading me, right?" Ye Yin frowned.

不错 "Yes, I was misleading you at the time, I didn't want you to fall in love with Big Brother, and you believed it"

"Aren't you afraid that I will verify your words with Ren Fengyao?"

"No, you won't, because your relationship with him was not good at the time. In fact, when Ren Ren was only ten years old when he left, how could he possibly talk about marriage with my sister? But you couldn't know the truth at that time. Because very few people know the history of Big Brother Ren. "

Xie Zhiqiu's face was already ashamed at this time. He looked sadly at Ren Fengyao and said, "I like Big Brother Ren as much as my oldest sister and second sister. I have liked him since I saw him. When I was six, I was noisy about going to see him after Brother Ren left, but ... my father told me that Brother Ren was going to the hospital and he would come back. This only calmed me. Since I have been waiting for him to come back year after year. "

Fang Renyao frowned, his face was criss-crossed, and a man confessed to him that it was ...

Ye Yeyin felt the tightness of Ren Fengyao's body, and knew in his heart that Ren Fengyao was extremely cold. He secretly smiled at the bottom of his heart, the expression on Ye Yin's face was serious, and it really was interesting to take him to the show.

Xie Zhiqiu turned to Ren Fengyao and said, "Brother Ren, I really love you, I don't want to see any woman appear beside you, so I ..."

"I won't like a man, I'm normal." Ren Fengyao said with a cold face.

"I know, so I have always covered my emotions in front of you, but you are still there, right?" Xie Zhiqiu smiled bitterly. "You used to drink and chat with me, and with me ... but later, you I slowly started to alienate me. At first I thought you were alienating me because the emperor wanted to get rid of Xie's family, but then I wasn't. You stopped the emperor when the emperor wanted to get rid of Xie's family. "

"That's because Yeer asked me to protect Xie's family."

"You care for Xie's family because of her? I thought ..." Xie Zhiqiu stunned, and then laughed at himself, "In fact, I always knew that you would not accept me, but I was not willing, and I did not want to see you and women Together, I don't want to see you treat them so well, that's why I started to attack the women around you. I want to keep them away from you. Sorry, Brother Ren! "

Ren Fengyao is speechless, what can he say? Although he was faintly aware that Xie Zhiqiu was wrong, he never thought about it, or he forced himself not to think about it, he ...

"I don't regret what I did. If I do it next time, I will get rid of all the women around you. I don't want to see you smile at them." Xie Zhiqiu sighed, "Xie family It is now the end of the crossbow. The Xie family is now struggling, and I have worked hard to get closer to you. Now it seems that there is no need to work hard anymore! Brother Ren, I will not say sorry to you, but ... Take care! "

Seeing Xie Zhiqiu's face slowly smiling, Ye Yin was startled: "Xie Zhiqiu, what are you going to do?"

"What do you say I would do?" Xie Zhiqiu sneered, "Since this is the stage, I have no need to cover up my intentions anymore. Actually, the purpose of my appointment with you today is to want you to die, but ... Since you can't die, the only person who can die is me. I don't want Brother Ren to kill me, so I can only solve it myself. "

"Xie Zhiqiu, don't mess around, death doesn't solve the problem."

Xie Zhiqiu said with a smile: "Are you going to let me go? But I won't let you go. As long as I live a day, I will definitely find a way to break you up, so are you sure you want to let me go?"

Ye Yin was shocked and looked at Ren Fengyao at a loss. Ren Fengyao said lightly: "Ziqiu, I have only one sentence to tell you, that is, she died, and I finally found my light source. So I won't let anyone hurt her. "

"I understand, none of you are dead, I am dead!" The words of death say, Xie Zhiqiu also jumped off the cliff with a smile, and jumped off the cliff that Ye Yin skipped when he lied to death.

Looking at the rushing Nuchuan River under the cliff, Ye Yin said, "Jing Xuan, would you say he is also swindling to death?"

Yi Renfeng Yao said for a moment in silence: "I don't know, but I won't let him hurt you again."

"He didn't hurt me, or he hadn't had time." Ye Yin tilted his head and broke away from Ren Fengyao's embrace. "Ren Fengyao, I said you're a scourge! All three of Xie's family and brothers fell in love I've got you, and also ... Now that I want to come, I finally understand why Xie Zhiqiu was happy when I heard that my relationship with you was not good, and why he held my hand without hesitation. It turned out that he was happy because you did n’t. Like me, and he will hold my hand so naturally because he sees himself as a woman in the subconscious, he does not distinguish me from male and female. Ren Fengyao, have you found that Xie Zhiqiu is a little too beautiful? He has habits only found in his daughter's family. "

"I haven't noticed. I just think that sometimes his eyes make me uncomfortable, so I subconsciously avoid him. Maybe I might notice something wrong with him, but I keep telling myself it's me The illusion, Yeer, am I a little self-deceiving? After all, it's really amazing that a man will be liked by another man ... "

"Disgusting? No! There is no difference between men and women. In the country of love, age is not the same, height is not the distance, and a man can love each other, but Xie Zhiqiu loves the wrong person. , He fell in love with a man who doesn't love men, that's all! "

Ren Fengyao frowned: "Yeer, what is your theory? Men and men, this ... who indoctrinates you with these quirky thoughts?"

"Guli is weird?" Ye Yin said with a sullen expression. "Where is Gury weird? This is normal, OK? Forget it, I won't tell you, anyway, just one sentence, you are a scourge. The scourge of eating! "

"Don't you?" Ren Fengyao glanced at her obliquely, "Yeer, you didn't want me to show up, but why did you ..."

"I changed my mind. It turned out that I was going to solve the problem alone because Xie Zhiqiu came to me, but after I determined why Xie Zhiqiu dealt with me, I thought maybe I should let you know. After all, You also have a part in it, you have the right to participate. But I didn't expect that I was a rival between Xie Zhiqiu and Xie Zhiqiu even cooperated with Beitang Jingyu in order to get rid of me. Presumably he promised Beitang Jingyu the future of Beiyi. Now, unfortunately, the condition he issued was a blank check, and for this I was betrayed by a friend. "Ye Yin said faintly, but thought in his heart, to take you to the theater! It's fun to watch your face change, it's interesting to be confessed by a man!

"Want to deal with Beitang Jingyu and Ke Zhonglei? It's simple, as long as you want." Ren Fengyao naturally didn't know the true thoughts in Ye Yin's heart, and said for a moment.

"No, I like Ke Family Ranch so I don't want to hurt them." Ye Yinyou said, "Ren Fengyao, will we be together forever? Will there be variables in the future?"

"No!" Ren Fengyao resolutely said, "Yeer, the two of us will always be together. When your sixth brother's business is over, I'll take you back to the valley to see my master? Master his old man is early I just want to see you. "

"Your master knows me?" Ye Yin said in surprise.

"The power of Jeju is all over the world, plus how to laugh and laugh at that big mouth. How could Master not know you? The last time I vomited blood, I was very worried about Master. If it were n’t for Master, his old man would never go out of the valley. Oath, you are afraid to see him already! "

"Okay, when my sixth brother is safe, let's go." Ye Yin smiled and took a deep breath. "After seeing your master, let's go to the scenery around and live a peaceful life. I am now It is also a blessing to be able to lead a bland life. "

"Right, what about Laneige?" Ren Fengyao suddenly said.

"She's okay. I asked Yang Han to look after her! Xie Zhiqiu hasn't seen Lanzhi, so Yang Han looked for Yi Rongcheng Lanzhi and he didn't doubt it." Ye Yin lazily leaned on Ren Fengyao, a little bit worried With a kind smile, "Jing Xuan, how do you say that the two of us matched Yang Han with Lanzhi? Yang Han wants a woman who can be more gentle and can rely on him. Lanzhi is completely in line with him, and he doesn't like being a matchmaker. Well, then this time we will also be matchmakers, how about making him a matchmaker? "

"Okay!" Ren Fengyao smiled and nodded, "Whatever you want, as long as you are willing."

What Ye Yeyin didn't expect was that she couldn't be a matchmaker in the end. It wasn't that Yang Han and Lange were not suitable, but God didn't give her enough opportunities.