MTL - Boss’s Death Guide-Chapter 341 fighting

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The body of Guangming God is full of the power of faith. Every time he uses the magical power of manual use, he has nothing to add, but the magic of his body is not reduced. Even as the battle progresses, he starts to have some stiff movements. Smooth, and the attacks are getting stronger and stronger.

Qi Jingchen also made progress in the battle, but it is obvious that his progress and the light **** can not be compared. After all, he is progressing, but people just find the original feeling.

Qi Jingchen was able to still make a few moves at the beginning. Later, basically, he was being pressed.

Such a situation has not been met for a long time, but it is no stranger. After all, he and Nie Yi have also lived through the escape... The dark energy of the body is used without hesitation. Qi Jingchen has made his surroundings dark and let The people below can't see the battle results.

He can't let people know that he is at a disadvantage now.

A powerful bright energy rushed in, Qi Jingchen was hit, and immediately stepped back, the dark energy of his body was also broken.

He is now covered with dark energy, and it is very painful and uncomfortable after being hit by the light energy. But this time he can't retreat... Qi Jingchen tried to condense a shield with dark energy.

The shield has not yet completely condensed, and it is a shield of light that rushes toward him. Qi Jingchen has not completely condensed the shield, and it is suddenly broken again.

At the same time, another attack hit Qi Jingchen.

Qi Jingchen’s throat was a sweet mouth, and then a scent of scent filled the whole mouth... He didn’t open his mouth and swallowed the blood out of his stomach, but in the end he still showed the defeated image – the bright energy that raged in him. To make him miserable, some of them are not stable.

Bright God does not stop attacking. In fact, his attack is getting stronger and stronger. Qi Jingchen looks up and can still see the face that originally belonged to Lancelot.

For Guangming God, Qi Jingchen has many doubts in his heart, but he is in a disadvantage, but he has no chance to ask for a mouth.

He is also too lazy to ask, although I don't know the specific situation, but one thing is certain, that is, the **** of light wants to get all the godheads, and... the light gods are not as beautiful as he saw at first.

In Guangmingism, the vast majority of the believers are not bad people. They have seen the teachings of the gods of light and they have helped others. But in this world, it has never been a practice of light magic. Good people.

There are good people in Bright God, but there are also bad people. They are not good people.

Qi Jingchen wants to live, and hopes that people on earth can be safe. Most of the gods of light will not let him do so, so they are destined to stand on the opposite side.

It was some attacks that fell on themselves. The dark energy of Qi Jingchen’s body was getting weaker and weaker. At this moment, there was another person in the battle group between them. Nie Yi was dressed in black and black from the fog. I rushed in outside.

The life contract has been completely completed. The connection between Nie Yi and Qi Jingchen is even closer. Qi Jingchen is injured, and Nie Yi can't feel it.

The bright warfare that blocked Nie Yi was very strong. Nie Yi’s own magic core still had problems. Playing Nie Yi may not be cheap, but Nie Yi’s divine power and godhead.

Divine power is much stronger than ordinary magic. Godhead can make Nie Yi gain the power of faith. These two things together can make Nie Yi have a great pressure on those few wars and wars. After the wind, I felt that Qi Jingchen was injured. After he had carried out a violent attack, he forced the retreat of those war sacs and finally got into the battle circle of Qi Jingchen and Guangming God. Those war sacs were basically injured. They stopped looking at Nie Yi and got into the dark fog. They wanted to catch up, but found that they could not get close.

"God can do anything, and will definitely clean up the two!" He always hides his strength and talks to the warrior behind Lancelot, and then looks down at the shrine: "We will first clean up those **** dark laws." It!"

What he said is very reasonable. The other warlords look at each other and quickly rush toward the dark law of the mountain.

Those dark laws are very strong, but here is the site of the light gods. It is full of light energy. It is the main battlefield of the bright magician's bright warriors. In such a place, they are there to discuss.

They wanted to follow the dark gods and come here to make a mess, how can they think that the **** of light would appear?

These people are already in a disadvantage. When these bright war sacs join in, they are more rebellious, and some of them begin to cry out for help, hoping that the dark gods can save them.

Nie Yi’s arrival did not change the defeat of Qi Jingchen and Guangming God. The situation in the field was only changed from Qi Jingchen’s beating to being beaten by him and Nie Yi. Qi Jingchen and Nie Yi’s body, covered in wounds.

The situation of both of them is a bit miserable. Nie Yi has already had a **** red eye because of the influence of the magic core, but even so, they still heard the cry for help from those saints.

"Want to save people?" Guangming God topped Lancelot's face and said Jingchen with a less natural sound, but after he got used to it, he continued to speak, his voice was normal, his face was exposed. Some pleasure: "You can't save them, all of you will die here."

Qi Jingchen was indifferent, and the dark law holy books he brought were not good people. He did not intend to bring these people back alive. It is Nie Yi... Qi Jingchen thought that he would die with Guangming God, so that Guangming God could not survive, but he did not want Nie Yi to die.

However, he is dead, Nie Yi is doomed to live... Can they have any way to fight against the light god?

"I really want to thank you, thank you for coming to me, or you have to find you to get the gods in you. I am afraid that it will take a lot of effort." Guangming God said, after the voice fell, he no longer Words, directly launched a curse to Nie Yi.

The scope of the curse is very large, and Nie Yi is now in the realm of the **** of light. Although he has no restricted action on his body, it is difficult to escape by teleport...

Qi Jingchen did not want to, and the dark energy of his body quickly rushed to Nie Yi’s side. He had a black giant python around Nie Yi’s body, and surrounded Nie Yi. When the bright curse fell on Nie Yi, there was This layer of dark energy blocked, Nie Yi did not suffer too much damage, but Qi Jingchen, his whole people are surrounded by bright energy.

This feeling is no stranger to him, but it is very painful and has a disgusting feeling.

Although the main function of this bright energy is healing, it can also hurt people. After all, Qi Jingchen's body is all dark energy, and the dark god's **** is in his body.

The feeling of being invaded into the body by the power of the dark **** last time, now Qi Jingchen feels again.

However, Qi Jingchen did not retreat. He did not even resist this feeling. There was still a little light energy in his body. He tried to use this light energy to get in touch with the surging attacks.

Such an attack, actually did not kill him!

The attack of the curse was partially absorbed by him, and the other part was stopped by the black power in his body.

The crystals of divine power trembled, and there were fissures on the top. It seemed to be broken soon, and Qi Jingchen’s face instantly became pale.

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