MTL - Boss’s Death Guide-Chapter 322 whale

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Seeing the man behind the wolves, the businessman frightened by the wolves subconsciously wanted to ask for help. However, if he asked for help, he was shocked if he did not say anything.

Because the man passed, the wolves disappeared!

He discovered that the wolves looked very embarrassed. Although they ran towards their own side, it was obviously not malicious to themselves, but wanted to escape.

After discovering this, the man is calm.

Anyway, people who can sink a group of Warcraft should be too lazy to shoot him.

Even if this person wants to shoot him... This person is so strong, he certainly can't resist.

The businessman looked at it from a distance, and then saw all the wolves, all caught by the man, and then did not know where to put it... Should it be put into the space equipment?

"I can't help but scare you." Seeing the stunned look of the person in front of him, I feel that this person should be frightened, Nie Yi said.

Yes, this person who caught the wolf is Nie Yi. After he bought a lot of livestock, he planned to grab the World of Warcraft. When he encountered this group of wolves, he grabbed it, but did not expect the wolves to run out of the forest. It was scared. other people.

"No...nothing..." The merchant said, he waved his hand and refused to accept Nie Yi’s apology. He did not lose anything. How dare he accept the apology of a strong man?

Nie Yi saw the treacherous look of this businessman. He did not intend to be scared here. He was planning to leave, but he smelled something.

"What's in the car behind you?" asked Nie Yi.

"It's dried meat." The businessman said that he is doing the meat business, and the meat produced by his family tastes very good.

"How many goods do you have here? Are there any buyers?" Nie Yidao.

"Ah?" The businessman was a little embarrassed: "There are no buyers..."

"Then I bought it all." Nie Yidao.

The businessman nodded and fainted out the goods and gave them to Nie Yi. The whole person was a little confused. Why didn’t he understand that he was carrying the goods and selling them? How could he make the business halfway, or A strong man bought his goods...

This man is divided into several kinds of meat and meat, and there is also a meat made of Warcraft meat, which is worth a lot. If not, he can't afford a mirror camping light, but Nie Yi gave him a few demons. The wolf, but also enough to buy all his things.

Putting everything he bought into the place of trial, Nie Yi himself disappeared out of thin air, leaving only the businessman standing still.

This evening's business is definitely worth a lifetime for this businessman. In fact, he did remember that he was very old and very old. Later, after Nie Yi’s identity was known to everyone, he would always be with himself. The grandchildren said things about this evening.

A powerful big man, but he bought meat with him!

Nie Yi bought in Yer, not just meat.

This time, in addition to his livestock, he also bought a lot of Yell’s things, such as the things that humans on the earth, such as wood ore, used to buy. He bought a lot, bought some refiners and made potions. The raw materials are intended to let people on earth learn these things.

The land of trials was filled, and Nie Yi returned to the earth with these things.

The Taoyuan safe area is now quite different. After knowing that the morning mercenary group had some people who dared to disobey Nie Yi, the elves were very angry and began to work on the people of the morning mercenary group, so that these people worked. The efficiency is very high.

The elves listened to Nie Yi’s words very much. Their efficiency was even higher, so that they left only a few days. When Nie Yi came back, he found that there was already a forest outside the Taoyuan safe area.

The forest is quiet, only plants have no animals, but they will definitely get better and better in the future.

"Nie Shao!" The people of the morning mercenary group saw Nie Yi and began to say hello.

They have now accepted their fate, and after they have accepted their fate, they suddenly found that Nie Yi is good enough for them.

They broke into the place of Nie Yi, Nie Yi did not kill them, but also helped them improve their strength, now they can survive...

The goddess of life is on, they are absolutely confused before, will be dissatisfied with Nie Yi!

Yes, these people began to believe in the goddess of life under the brainwashing of the elves.

As for why the elves have brainwashed them, it is because people who suddenly discovered the Taoyuan safe area believe in the **** of light and believe in Qi Jingchen.

Their gods make Ming Ming more powerful than Qi Jingchen!

Nie Yi saw that the people of the morning servants' group worked so seriously, and after seeing the people of the morning servants, he went to see the situation of the people in the Taoyuan safe area.

The people in the Taoyuan safe area are as serious as the people in the morning camp mercenary group. They have all experienced terrible disasters, and now they are trying their best to make themselves too good.

"Nie Shao!"

"Nie Shao!"

Seeing Nie Yi, people in the Taoyuan safe area also greeted each other.

Nie Yi nodded to them, and then went directly to the distribution of materials: "Today's lunch has a meal."

“Nie Shao, can you eat meat?” The kitchen man asked with a pleasant surprise. The daily entrance to the Taoyuan safe area is no shortage of meat, but everyone dare not open it.

"I brought a batch of meat from Yer, and waited for you to cut it down." Nie Yidao.

At noon that day, people in the Taoyuan safe area had eaten the products produced by Yell, without any additives.

The dried meat on the merchant's hand tastes very good. It can be preserved and still full. It is very popular among people in the Taoyuan safe area. Many people get a little bit of it afterwards. It can be all day, the meat is in the mouth. taste!

Nie Yi stayed in the Taoyuan safe area for only a long time, and then squatted and went straight to the South Pole.

"Nie Yi, can't you let me take a break?" said the dark and dissatisfied, taking a sip of meat.

"No." Nie Yi said: "I am worried about Jingchen."

"The boss is so powerful, what are you worried about?" He said, his words just finished, the direction of the Antarctic suddenly burst into a huge white light.

This is... Qi Jingchen used the mirror of light?

Nie Yi’s expression changed, and he said to the dark: “You are not going to hurry!”

The dark expression was also serious. He did not dare to delay. With Nie Yi, he rushed to the South Pole with the fastest speed.

His boss has a bright artifact on his hand, and his master is there, they will be fine, right?

Although I told myself this way, the dark face was inevitably full of anxiety and the speed of advancement became faster and faster.

On the Antarctic side, Qi Jingchen did encounter some trouble.

He was attacked by a whale, yes, it was a whale!

Although Manuel stayed in the South Pole, he has been studying hard, and he did not communicate with Qi Jingchen. Today, he is once again teleported into the magic circle.

Then, Qi Jingchen saw a whale coming from the waves.

A creature like a whale should live in the water and can't come to land. But this whale comes, it not only comes, it also brings a lot of other fish.

The sea water poured back, a whale took the lead in front, and many fishes rushed along with them, and they all rushed toward the place where Qi Jingchen was!

Qi Jingchen saw this situation and was shocked first. Then he discovered that the strength of these fishes was not low, especially the whale in the front, which has reached the level!

The strength of the level of Warcraft, can be stronger than similar magicians! No wonder it can control the sea with his own hands and hands down to himself!

Qi Jingchen looked at the Warcraft that rushed toward himself, such as the enemy.

The rushing water is magical. If you let them hit the magic array, the magic array may be affected. After all, this magic array is only used to block the dark energy, and other effects are not great.

"Stop!" Qi Jingchen shouted, and at the same time made a wall with a scroll.

There is some wisdom in the level of Warcraft, he believes that the other side should be able to understand what they mean.

However, the only level of Warcraft did not mean to listen to Qi Jingchen's words. It spit out a lot of ice arrows and directly destroyed the earth wall. It also glided forward along the ice and snow, rushed to Qi Jingchen, and then used Qi Jingchen to arrange the magic. A bright magic crystal of the array swallowed into the stomach.

Although it has no hands and feet, the speed of doing such an action is exceptionally fast, so that Qi Jingchen can't stop it. At this time, Qi Jingchen understands their intentions - these Warcraft are directed at the magic crystal he used to arrange the magic array. Come!

They should want to use the magic crystal to resist the dark energy, but if he can't arrange the magic array successfully, the world is over! They certainly can't live!

Qi Jingchen wants to tell these facts about Warcraft, but these Warcraft are obviously not willing to listen to him. At this time, he has no time to say anything.

Qi Jingchen used the fastest speed to illuminate the mirror of light.

The light energy above the mirror of light is too rich and tempting. After Warcraft sees it, it is surrounded by Qi Jingchen, and the light energy is felt by the protective cover. The whale headed by the head constantly hits Qi Jingchen with his tail. The protective cover is actually greedy.

When did you have such a powerful Warcraft on earth? And Manuel, when can he come out?

Qi Jingchen's attack power is really not very good. Even if there is a reel, he can't dare to fight people in the vicinity of the magic array. For fear of destroying the magic array, the whale in front of him has the strength of the late stage... He is really worried about the magic array. There will be problems.

The author has something to say: Today is a bit of a thing, later otz

Read The Duke's Passion