MTL - Boss’s Death Guide-Chapter 315 Xinjiang City Security Zone

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Since I have to go somewhere else, I must bring some people. Nie Yi and Qi Jingchen thought about it, and finally brought Connie Ferro, and brought Ping Shengchao and Zhang Zihai, as well as Xiaozi Xiao. At the same time, the cat put some people who care for the animals in the trial area, and let them take care of the animals that are to be taken to other safe areas.

"I am also a space law holy, can you not regard me as a transport plane?" Fei Luo took Nie Yi and Qi Jingchen teleport, and could not help but complain.

"I am the real transporter." Nie Yi did not hesitate to say that his trial site contains not only the meat of the animals that have been processed, but also many live animals and many people. He is authentic. Transport machine...

When he heard Nie Yi’s words, Fei Luo had nothing to say at the moment, and he rushed to the road.

The Qiangcheng safe area is located on the plateau in the northwestern part of the country. It was sparsely populated before the end of the world. After the end of the world, the zombies were naturally less. Because of this, many people rushed here.

The Xinjiang City Security Zone is composed of locals from Xinjiang and various people who come from outside. The number of people started from a very large number. Of course, there are now 20,000 people left.

Probably because of the relatively high terrain on the strong city, the dark energy is relatively indifferent. When Qi Jingchen and others came here more than a year ago, they could collect some food in the wild. Later, Qi Jingchen helped them purify. After the land, their lives are better.

But it's just a little better.

Most of the people who survived were versatile, and they would not become zombies if the dark energy outside did not continue to become rich, but the food was still not enough.

Several times, they all want to leave here to go to the Taoyuan safe area, but think of all kinds of troubles that may be encountered on the road. They still give up on the ground. There are still some ordinary people in this safe area. The capable people have not fought with the zombies. I really have to leave here. I am afraid I will die in the Taoyuan safe area.

The Xinjiang city was sunny before the end of the world, but now the sky has become gray.

Li Qi looked up at the sky and sighed, then continued to hurry with the people under his command.

He came out to collect supplies, mainly responsible for wandering in the orchards in the wild. If there were still living plants, these plants also bear fruit, they were picked and brought back.

Of course, he will also bring back some other things, such as occasionally they can catch the prey that is not dead.

The wind with the dark energy was very uncomfortable on the face. Li Qi licked his lips and took a sip from the kettle. Only then did he find that the water in his kettle was almost finished.

The kettle was handed to the water magician who was following him, and the water magician filled himself with water. Li Qi said thank you and then poured a big sip of water: "I used to love all kinds of things and ran all day. I found food in a place, but I didn’t expect it to be watered now.

"Who isn't? I used to be picky eaters. I don't want to eat anything now. Unfortunately, there is nothing for me to eat now."

Everyone, you say a word, and later, someone suddenly said: "Are you talking about the days, will the people in the Taoyuan safe area come?"

"If they come early, they will be fine..."

"Yeah, they will be able to eat when they come."

"And the Son of God... I really want to go to the Taoyuan safe area to see if it is possible to meet the Son of God."


Listening to the words of the people, Li Qi also thought of the son of God that he had seen before. It was inevitable that he would come out in his eyes: "If the Son of God can come back to us once again, it would be fine if I could follow the Son of God..." He is very strong and has not been dragged down by his family. In fact, he really wants to go out and walk, but it is too dangerous outside.

Just saying this, Li Qi suddenly widened his eyes and looked into the distance: "Look, what is it? There are a few people suddenly there!"

"Someone is in the sky!" The people around Li Qi immediately said, for a time, all of them looked at the sky.

"It is the Son of God!" Li Qi's face showed an excited expression, they saw the Son of God! The Son of God is in heaven.

Li Qi and others saw Nie Yi and Qi Jingchen, and Nie Yi and Qi Jingchen also saw them.

Fei Luo is not familiar with the Earth. It is impossible to carry them directly to the various security zones. Like this time, he came to the vicinity of the security zone of Xinjiang.

There is still a distance from the security zone of the Xinjiang City, but if you see someone below, they are not going to teleport again.

Looking at the people below, Qi Jingchen showed a smile: "You are the people in the security zone of Xinjiang?"

After Li Qi had seen Qi Jingchen at the beginning, he was especially admired for Jingchen. Now he heard Qi Jingchen ask his own words and immediately said: "Yes...Yes..."

Qi Jingchen saw it and smiled and threw a bright magic to the people in front of him. Then he said, "Trouble you to help lead the way."

"Good... good..." Li Qi should be down, and dizzy with Qi Jingchen to go to the security zone of Xinjiang.

All the materials in the Xinjiang City Security Zone are now allocated. When Qi Jingchen and others used to, they were distributing food.

They have some crops, but they are not enough to eat. Everyone's food is very shabby. For example, today's food, there is only one bowl of paste soup per person, plus a dough of egg size.

The paste is thick, but the taste is very bad, because its main ingredient is pasture.

The crops grow slowly, the pastures grow very fast, the pastures are not poisonous, and people can eat them. They simply have a variety of pastures, and then smashed the soup. A woman took a soup and immediately took a few drinks and finally felt that her stomach was comfortable. Then she couldn’t help but say: "I don't know when I can eat meat."

"Eat meat? What do you think? In this case, who can eat the meat?" The human next to him: "I am looking forward to the people in the Taoyuan safe area to come and let me have a meal."

They were talking, and suddenly there was a buzzing sound outside the cafeteria: "The Son of God is here! The Son of God is here! The Son of God has brought a lot of meat!"

meat? Can they really eat meat? Everyone was busy squeezing out, and then I saw the **** in the sky, where I have been here.

The Son of God is here!

The Son of God did not talk to them, but he just waved his hand and suddenly there was a beautiful... Elf?

The beautiful elves with long green hair suddenly appeared in midair, and then suddenly they began to grow various trees in various places in their safe area! The vines that were carefully planted in the safe area, and the sudden flowering, grew a large grape.

“All the crops are ripe! They are all mature!” someone exclaimed excitedly.

"It's wheat, a lot of wheat!" Another person recognized the crops that suddenly grew around. They felt some particles falling down before. It seems that they are all seeds.

"There are vegetables!" "There are peanuts!" "A lot of food!" People are getting more and more excited.

Connie is somewhat helpless, she has recovered to be a holy power, holy level! She is so strong, Nie Yi actually let her grow vegetables!

However, Nie Yi himself is also growing vegetables, but it makes her balance.

No, she is still a bit unbalanced, because Nie Yi’s craftsmanship is better than her...

Qi Jingchen and Connie are in the air, Nie Yi has already landed, Connie can get this hand, in fact, it is related to him - the seeds are all he did not say, many plants are also his birth!

In addition to spawning plants, there are other things to do, such as releasing the animals that are brought.

Nie Yi has used trees to surround a large circle in the safe area. After Connie took back the green energy, he put a hundred large-scale animals into the circle.

"It's a pig!" "A big sheep!" "There are cows!" People who were already very excited before, were even more excited.

"The Son of God is amazing!"

"Long live the Son of God!"

"Long live the Son of God!"


Someone shouted and squatted on the ground. After a while, everyone fell.

These people are sloppy and sloppy, but at this moment, their eyes are full of hope, they, but they have seen miracles!

Before Qi Jingchen first appeared, they pulled them from despair, and now they gave them a good yearning for the future... For a time, countless beliefs flowed toward Qi Jingchen, and Qi Jingchen’s side was covered with white. light spot.

Nie Yi looked at such Jing Jingchen, his eyes were full of excitement, and at the same time, many of them were looking for various things with a flashlight in Yell’s hole.

"Advanced earth spar!"

"There are soils here again!"

"Oh my God, it turned out to be a level of magic..."


Many people are excited to speak in the hole, even if they are in such a place full of earth energy, many of them are very uncomfortable, but they are still very happy.

Among them, the most happy is definitely Tenova.

Holding a flashlight, Teno walked back along the mark he made, and the color of his eyes could barely be covered.

He found the magic plant that their family needs, and he even found two!

Their magisters of the Zumt family have been saved, and maybe they can improve their strength!

The vast cave is a treasure that has never been developed before. This time, everyone in nature has gained a lot. People who bought a flashlight and entered the hole and came out again, almost all of them were happy.

Unfortunately, although the flashlights are easy to use, they are all effective. After a while, they are not bright... Fortunately, they have generally found out that the value is ten times or even twenty times that of a flashlight.

People excitedly discussed their respective gains, and at the same time they couldn't wait to buy more lights to go back. That is, at this time, they suddenly found that they could not find someone to sell the lights.

How can this be! Since we have already sold such a good use of the lights for the holes, we should always sell them! How can I run a shot and run? !

Read The Duke's Passion