MTL - Boss’s Death Guide-Chapter 310 Acquisition

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Of course, there are no problems in the Taoyuan safe area. They are just lack of oil and water in their stomachs, especially in particular, so even if they can't eat meat, look at it...

There are too many people in the Taoyuan safe area. The tens of thousands of animals are actually not enough to eat for a few days. However, Nie Yi can get tens of thousands of this time. Maybe it will get more next time, isn't it?

The best people in the Taoyuan safe area are the ones who bring the best craftsmanship to the house. They smile and cover the pig pens and sheep pens. In the Taoyuan safe area, there are fewer animals than people, and they are more expensive than people. The place should be well covered and covered, so that Nie Yi will bring back more livestock in the future.

With such a thought, everyone is doing a lot of work.

Nie Yi and other places sorted out, and circled a fence, and put all the animals that he brought in.

Tens of thousands of animals are crowded together, giving off a strong smell, but the people in the Taoyuan safe area are not disgusted at all, and the water-based abilities automatically ask for a bath.

On the hands of the water abilities, a stream of water flows from the hands of the animals, gently pouring them on the animals, and quickly washing the cleaned, sloppy sewage into the waterways below, but it flows. Not far from a pool.

Although this thing is very stinky, it is a pure natural organic fertilizer. Nowadays, the land in the Taoyuan safe area has been cultivated through many rounds. The land is more or less lacking in fertilizer, so these are definitely good things.

The people in the Taoyuan safe area were not disgusted. After the people of the morning servants' group came over, they were shocked.

Before Nie Yi trained them and made them build a house, they felt that they had done enough. Which of the world's magicians would go to build a house?

But now... look at these magicians, don't say that they are building a house, they are willing to bathe the pigs!

If this pig is a precious Warcraft, the key is... This is the ordinary pig! They used to eat this before they are too disgusted!

This situation on earth is really different from Yell.

After the people of the morning mercenary group came to the earth, they were arranged by Nie Yi to Zhang Zihai and others to "teach". They were somewhat dissatisfied before. After all, Zhang Zihai and others were worse than many of them, but right now……

Well, following Zhang Zihai, although they have to train, they have to do some work, but they don’t have to do this... The people of the morning servant group suddenly felt very satisfied, and they did not exclude training and were arranged to burn the toilet.

Zhang Zihai glanced at these people and nodded with satisfaction. These people are very interesting. I believe that they will become the same as the abilities of the Taoyuan safe area in the future!

After all, they can't run now.

Those who are the sorcerer and the sacred warlord and the people who saw the Taoyuan safe area carefully waited for the pigs, and they couldn’t help but pump their eyes. They made up their minds to do things in the future, or else...if Nie Yi thinks they Can't do light work, let them do those dirty work...

Although Nie Yi is a courtesy to them, the little seedlings in their bodies have always been there. If they can't go, they must listen to Nie Yi's words.

The people in the Taoyuan safe area are very experienced in building houses. They have soil magicians and building materials such as reinforced concrete. In just a few days, the people and livestock brought by Nie Yi were placed. Nie Yi also found a group of people, let them enter the trial land, and cleaned up the trial land they used to carry livestock.

It was at this time that Qi Jingchen found Connie with Qi Yaoyao.

"Receiving students? I am not interested." Connie said. When she first accepted Nie Yi as a student, she felt that Nie Yi’s origins were not generally gambling. Now her wish is over, and she is willing to accept students again?

With that effort, she might as well play more games... Many stand-alone games on the computer are really much more fun to play than mobile phones, and there are various movies and TV shows to watch... Now she only thinks that time is not enough.

“Is it?” Qi Jingchen smiled and said: “Yes, I have forgotten to say that, in the Taoyuan safe area, everyone has to work hard to use all kinds of things, and only small old ones. If you have a disability, you can't do anything." He said, directly shutting down the power of Connie's house.

The progress of the game in the computer has not been saved yet! Connie's brow wrinkled.

"Don't you really want to live in these illusions for a lifetime? Yyer has already started to fight, and there is movement in the dark abyss. Are you going to beat them by playing games?" Qi Jingchen said.

"They are all in Yell." Connie said, those people were making trouble in Yell, and they all moved to Earth.

"Some people can come out of the dark abyss, can't you come here?" Qi Jingchen said.

Connie yelled. She is so old, of course, it is impossible to really resist the self-control of the game. Even the reason why she kept playing games every night is because it has become a dark World of Warcraft, and nothing can be done to kill it. Time.

However, she is really decadent now - after the tree of life survives, she suddenly feels that there is nothing to do.

After a while, Connie finally said: "Isn't that just wanting me to accept a student? I also told you that the reason is coming! Receive it!"

Qi Jingchen was very satisfied with this situation. At the moment, Qi Yaoyao was left behind. When he just walked to the door, he heard Connie’s voice: "You are Qi Jingchen’s sister, right? It’s less than twenty years old, and the skin is like this. It’s rough, and the eyebrows don’t know how to fix it...”

"Ah?" Qi Yaoyao is stunned. Should she come to learn wood magic instead of studying beauty?

"Oh, ah, come over, I will help you take care of your face." Connie said: "Women must take good care of themselves... There are many plants that are very suitable for skin care, wait for me to teach you Give birth."

Connie finally managed to do business... Qi Jingchen breathed a sigh of relief and left here.

Connie began to teach Qi Yaoyao, while the other elves began to spawn trees.

There are many plant abilities in the Taoyuan safe area, but their level of ability is not high. The Taoyuan safe area has always been short of food, so they generally only produce food, as for trees...

Trees can't eat troubles, if they have time, it's better to give birth to pasture!

The elves are different from them. The elves love the trees. With their strength, it is a simple matter to spawn some ordinary trees.

Mira took the hunting team and walked around the Taoyuan safe area, and many of the trees grew out where they passed.

These trees are all varieties that Yell came over. Most of them are fruit trees. After being elated by the elves, the branches are full of fruits.

The elves picked the fruit and then continued to move forward, and the fruit trees became more and more.

The Taoyuan safe area has fruit, but it is really not much. It is mainly watermelon and strawberry. But now, they have a lot of fruit trees.

People are amazed at the elves, and some of the children who come out to play are watching the fruit of the tree drooling.

"Give it to you." Mila picked a fruit and handed it to a child. In Chinese, it is very simple for a spirited elf to learn a foreign language, but they can understand and write. However, it is inevitable to write a twisted word.

This Chinese is really hard to write.

"Thank you." The child took a hand like a fruit of an apple and showed a smile toward Mira.

Looking at such a child, Mira's mouth couldn't help but scream up: "No thanks."

Mira is a very beautiful elf. After she laughs, it is even more beautiful. The people around me who have come to see the elves are stupid.

"These elves are beautiful..."

"Yeah, I was the first time I saw such a beautiful person."

"They are so strong!"


Mira listened to the words of those people, and her chest was quite taller. Later, when Nie Yi came to pick the fruit, she even took the initiative to help with the elves.

Nie Yi brought back tens of thousands of animals. In these days, in the canteen of the Taoyuan safe area, the food can often bring the pork with pork. If you have the door, you can buy the meat and open the small stove at home.

Today, they have eaten fresh things, which are a lot of fruits they have never seen before.

The vast majority of people in the Taoyuan safe area have not eaten fruit for a long time. Although these fruits are not found on the earth before, there are still many people who have bought them and tasted them. They have fallen in love with this. The taste of the fruit.

They are still eating such delicious fruit for the first time!

Some people who came to the Taoyuan safe area in this year once again feel that they are the right choice.

It is meat and fruit. The people in the Taoyuan safe area have been booming. Qi Jingchen has received countless beliefs. At this time, Nie Yi found Fei Luo and proposed to go to Yyer.

"I haven't come back for a month, but what are you going to do?" Fei Luo didn't understand. He was very busy recently and looked around nearby. Unfortunately, he didn't find anything related to the space god.

But he is not without any gains... He found some broken magical instruments and inferred that when the gods fought, it was estimated that the battle scene was too big, tearing up the space, and some people fell to the earth... ...

As for why the battle of the gods has been a long time ago, the earth has only undergone earth-shaking changes since a few years ago, and it is not clear.

"I have to buy some animals to come back." Nie Yidao.

"Buy again?" Fei Luo frowned, he was a space law, with people coming and going in various towns, just to buy pigs... "If you don't buy it, you will only be vegetarian in the future." Nie Yidao. Those meats are consumed too fast, they are not enough to eat, or they have to buy some. And, on the earth, there is more than a safe area in the Taoyuan safe area... If you can, he hopes to improve the food in other safe areas by the way.

Ferro doesn't mind vegetarianism, but the food on earth...

The food here is still good, but there are too many impurities, there is no magic energy inside... To tell the truth, Fei Luo is somewhat unbearable.

"Go and go, Warcraft also want to buy some." Fei Luodao.

"Yes." Nie Yi nodded. The so-called World of Warcraft was put on the earth. It is a mutant animal that can still live in the wild... Maybe he can buy some stocked near the Taoyuan safe area or those that still have some forests. local?

This time I went to Yyer, Nie Yi did not bring the elves, nor did he bring the morning servants' mercenary group. Instead, they brought Pingsheng to the Zhangzihai and some old people of the Chenguang team.

They quietly left the battlefield of God and stood on the land of Yyer again.

At this time, in the Elven Forest, those who came to attack the Elves finally found a way to solve those space magic arrays.

They invited a lawful sect to come back. Under the guidance of the sacred priest, they found the flaw of this magical array, and then several holy powers took the shot together, and finally broke the magical array from the air.

The places where the elves lived were finally presented to these people.

The rich wood energy came from the face, and the head of the magister's eyes smashed, and then loudly said: "The Queen of the Elves, let's come and visit, don't you come out to meet?"

"The elf inside, hiding for a long time, should it be out?"

"A group of cowards!"

"They are afraid of us!"

"When Laozi goes in, be sure to grab an elf and enjoy it!"


It was polite for these people to speak at first, but then they began to talk more and more about the slang, and began to talk about the appearance of the elves.

After they came here, it has been spent more than a month. An elf has not seen it, but has lost a lot of people under the various magical arrays arranged by the other side. This is naturally full of anger.

These people talked and said, they squatted directly.

"Wait, I must ruin this place!" A warrior cut off a tree next to him with magical weapons and made up his mind to vent his anger on the elves.

Many of them laughed, and at this moment, a saint floating in the air suddenly said: "No one inside."

"Damn elf... Wait, what do you say?" The war sacred beside him was so long, and he was disgusted with the elves. Hearing the words of the saint, he immediately saw it.

"There are no elves inside!" The law was holy and the expression was ugly.

They have been tossing outside for so long, and they have come together with five holy powers. After breaking the magical array of layers, they found that there was nothing inside...

The sacred sacred voice only felt that he had hit a fist on the cotton, and the anger was not issued.

He threw a magic down, and the huge wind dragon rolled up countless trees, and the places where the elves lived were completely displayed in front of them.

There is really no one here.

There are no elves, no trees of life, not even the magic plants they imagined. There is only one huge pothole, some houses and many ordinary plants.

"Where are the elves going?" Someone couldn't help but ask.

The head of the Magister's face was blue, and he didn't know where the elves went, but he knew that he had done this errand, and he would be punished when he returned.

"What the **** are going on? The woods here are so rich, how can there be few magic plants?"

"There are nothing in these houses."

"To dig up the remains of the elves, you can get more things than here!"


Everyone has a lot of arguments and feel that the current situation is difficult to understand.

However, this situation is quite understandable. In the case of the Elven Forest, there are a few magical plants that can live, and those magical plants can live at that time, no doubt very precious. When the elves move. Nature will also take away.

Those elves have lived in poverty for a long time. When they left, even Nie Yi’s dishes that were later burned with clay were not falling. If they could leave valuable things, they would be strange!

After attacking for a month, I lost a lot of people. In the end, I didn’t get anything. The headed magister bite his teeth, but he can only say: "Let's go!"

The only advantage of this place is that only the wood is more energetic. In time, with the help of rich wood energy, there should be many magic plants here, but at this stage, these wood energy is true for them. Nothing at all!

These people came here with great enthusiasm, but in the end they could only leave without gain.

Nie Yi and Qi Jingchen knew nothing about the Elven Forest. They were talking about business with a lord with a large territory, and they were going to buy the wind sheep that he had raised in his territory.

This kind of World of Warcraft is very simple to breed, and its skin is the main raw material for parchment. Therefore, there have been many people who have been farming, but this year they have encountered some problems.

First of all, there was paper on the side of the holy city. Although the paper was only available to Qi Jingchen, the price of the parchment was still affected, and later... the Rose Empire and the Weier Empire began to fight!

After the war began, some industries will accelerate development, but some industries will be affected. This lord is faced with a big problem - he can't sell the wind sheep!

Fortunately, a few businessmen came here at this time.

Most human-level World of Warcraft has no magic energy in their bodies. Their prices are more expensive than ordinary animals, but they are not expensive.

For example, ordinary lamb sells about seven or eight hundred pounds a pound, and wind mutton probably sells seven or eighty pounds of copper. One kilogram of good mutton is even a silver coin.

Such price magicians and warriors will not look in the eyes, but the difference is already very big for ordinary people - it is a ten times more expensive!

"The adult wind sheep here can produce a hundred pounds of meat. The price of the wind sheepskin can catch up with the price of its meat. If you want to buy it, you will have two gold coins and one sheep." The lord gave Nie Yi The price of Qi Jingchen is still very reasonable. He also mentioned the flame chicken he raised: "I have a lot of flame chickens here, are you interested? One gold coin."

"We are all interested." Qi Jingchen said directly, he knows that if you fight for it, the price can be lower, but the price is already good, and it is too lazy to counter-offer.

It was the lord who was surprised to see Qi Jingchen's generosity. Finally, he said: "If you buy more, I will give you a cheaper one and help you with delivery."

Qi Jingchen bought very much. All the animals in the hands of the lord, Qi Jingchen bought it all at once, and did not need to deliver the goods, so that the lord could not do it happily, and gave him a lot cheaper.

After leaving from this lord, Qi Jingchen and Nie Yi soon came to another farm and then bought a lot of livestock.

He will buy ordinary animals, he will also have low-level Warcraft, and even go to Warcraft Forest to catch some middle and high-level Warcraft...

During the period, they of course encountered some troubles. For example, if someone saw that they needed a lot of livestock, they would pay a high price for them to buy, and even found a few fighters, and they planned to buy strong and strong...

Although Nie Yi and Qi Jingchen are not short of money, they are not willing to suffer. The momentum of the two wizards was released... The last person who wanted to blackmail them suddenly fell into the rain.

He just wanted to sell his own livestock after he met his big head. I didn’t expect these big heads to be magic guides...

The magician came to buy livestock, what is going on in this world? !

Those who tried to extort Nie Yi and Qi Jingchen couldn't help but scream at the two men. If they trembled, they would give them white animals.

Nie Yi and Qi Jingchen did not take advantage of this, and eventually bought all the animals in this hand at a 20% discount on the market price.

When the man sent Nie Yi and Qi Jingchen, they were lucky. When they went back, they packed up and moved, lest the two powerful magicians come back to seek revenge. Fortunately, he did not know that the old man behind Nie Yi was actually a saint. Otherwise, maybe it will be scared to death.

The last time I rushed back to Earth, Nie Yi and Qi Jingchen bought animals that were not particularly large. This time it was different. They went all the way and bought countless animals. Later, the price of meat rose.

It was at this time that I looked at the millions of animals in the trial area, and Nie Yi and Qi Jingchen finally planned to return home.

Although he prepared a lot of feed for those animals in the trial area, and Zhang Zihai and others were there to take care of the animals, they were not farming, and there were too many animals, so dozens of them had died on the road.

Of course, before going back, Nie Yi was planning to treat those who were in the trial area and who had been caring for animals.

Putting Zhang Zihai and others out, Nie Yi intends to take them to the big restaurant in Hyère to have a good meal.

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