MTL - Bodyguard of the Goddess-Chapter 3 What is your horoscope?

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Lin painted sounds like a volcanic eruption, completely violently...

She is really crazy by Xiao Zheng!

How can you have such a good man this year? The style of wearing is close to the 1980s, and the old fashion is outdated. The mouth is sore and bitter, the quality is low, and the eyes are red and swollen like three days and three nights without sleeping. Touching the breath of Menglang, it is like a tramp on the street.

This is the man who is about to sign a marriage contract with himself?

I thought that that night, I was so shared with such a scum, and I also took away the precious first-night that I had treasured for 27 years. Lin’s paintings were simply angry and heart-wrenching, and there was no love.

As everyone knows, this famous new woman rich woman is famous for her disgusting man. Don't talk too much about men's contact on weekdays. It's disgusting to even look at it. A few of the cousins ​​of the dying of the forest were not convinced of evil, making all kinds of encounters and meeting them, and they were all squandered by a scoop of cold water.

Among the more than a thousand staff members of the Xinao Group, there are fewer than 50 men, which was once known as a man's paradise. This shows the extent to which Lin Huayin rejects men.

But nowadays, the Lin Huayin, the first beauty of the Pearl of the Pearl of the Head, is not only taken away by Xiao Zheng, but also forced to sign a marriage contract with him. Xiao Zheng, who was also blocked by the mouth, was maliciously wounded and counted down. How to prevent the forest painting sound of being a proud woman from being out of control?

When Lin was 14 years old, the family was broken. The little heart buried the fear of marriage and the hostility towards men. After 13 years, she did not have any improvement in her attitude towards marriage and men. serious. Even the decision to go it alone does not marry for a lifetime, and does not form a family. Put yourself into the business. It can be counterproductive. On a dark night of high winds, she was down because of her mood. The girl went to the bar to go to the bar to drink alcohol. The result is such a great thing, and after being drunk, it has a relationship with it.

The most deadly thing was that after consulting the doctor and repeatedly calculating it again and again, Lin Zhuyin confirmed that that night was the night when she had the highest pregnancy rate.

"As long as both men and women are in good health, the chance of pregnancy is as high as 90%."

The conclusions given by the doctors will push Lin Zhuyin down the abyss.

pregnancy? Have children?

If all goes well, she is destined to go on marriage and not return.

The shadow of childhood made her fear marriage, and she hated men more. If she is really pregnant, she must also give her offspring a complete and awkward family. I don't want my children to repeat the same mistakes and live in an abyss of pain.

Therefore, she desperately found Xiao Zheng, who was in the spring of the night, and asked for a marriage agreement. The period is limited to two months of conservative. If you don't have it, the contract will automatically lapse, and the two will go their separate ways. If you are pregnant

Lin Linyin will accept his life. With this man who is more disgusting than ordinary men, he forms a family. Provide a happy and happy childhood for your child.

Lin's paintings have been bitter and full of bitterness. But the best man has challenged her bottom line again and again, her words are provocative, and her eyes are savage. This makes the long-term high position, the work has always been vigorous and resolute, unyielding, Lin Huayin is angry and angry, and there are many fish and death nets to break the jade and burn the posture.

Since you have to humiliate me, then I will give up a life and go with you!

The paper cutter that Lin Huayin carried with her showed her extreme nature and declared her bottom line.

Seeing the boss pulling the knife, Deng’s lawyer panicked back two steps, fearing the fish and the fish. Xiao Zheng is like a smile and a smile, staring at the swaying body of his body, and his face is very beautiful. He praises the truth: "Even if you are angry, you have to find another way. I think I have been seduce by you."

"I am fighting with you"


I don’t see any action by Xiao Zheng. The paper cutter that was smashed by Lin’s paintings disappeared in the air. No trace.

"A woman like you is so beautiful to play with a knife is really affecting the beauty." Xiao Zheng confiscated the paper knife, said with no heart. "Okay. We get down to business. I accept all the terms of the agreement. Give me a pen."

When Lin’s picture was heard, he shivered and sat back on the sofa, cold and cold: “Deng lawyer, pen.”

Deng’s lawyer who retracted his body quickly took out the signature pen and handed it to Xiao Zheng: “Mr. Xiao, you can sign on the last page.”

Xiao Zheng took the signature pen and wrote the name of Long Fei Feng Dance.

Lawyer Deng saw that the negotiations had finally come to an end. He pushed the glasses on the bridge of the nose and asked carefully: "Mr. Xiao. Our boss has already handed over all the personal information to you. I hope that you will also prepare a personal information for us. After all, The time limit for this agreement is two months. The two sides will know more about it and will reduce some unnecessary misunderstandings."

"My profile?" Xiao Zheng touched his chin. As a few treasures, blurt out. "The height is one meter eight. The leg length is half. The body is healthy and there are no bad habits."

Xiao Zheng ordered a cigarette and continued: "I usually like to plant flowers, raise small animals, practice calligraphy, read a few world famous books. Like the road seeing a slap in the face, pulling the knife to help save the beauty of this old past, Let it disappear with my memory in the long river of history. Well, in short, use this sentence to describe me as the most appropriate: Wen can mention the pen and the world, Wu Neng on the horse."


Lawyer Deng feels that he is a slap in the face, too embarrassing. Nothing to ask this grandson's personal information? Lin did not explain it in advance. Really mouthful!

"Do you have a job?" Lin's paintings endured the anger of the horses, and the frosty question. Listen to the tone, like a prisoner.

“There are several headhunting companies who are currently in contact with me. They offer me options such as ceo, coo, cfo, etc. But as far as my personal habits are concerned, I am not too tired to accept too much, no private space. The work. So I have not officially given a reply." Xiao Zheng said seriously.

"Is there no?" Lin Yinyin saw the blood.

Xiao Zheng stressed: "It's only temporary."

"Deng lawyer, check the company's vacant posts." Lin painted sounds cold.

"Hey. What are you doing? Look down on me? Give me alms? I am not ready to be a little white face!" Xiao Zheng Zhenzheng has a debate. Did not get any response.

Mr. Deng quickly filtered the company's actual job position and said in detail: "The personnel department lacks a training manager. The finance department lacks a cashier. The security department lacks a security guard. This is the company's most urgent three shortcomings."

“I have shown excellent leadership skills since I was a child. It is a natural conductor.” Xiao Zheng interfered with Lin’s decision. "The position of the training manager is a bit overkill for me. But it is barely the closest of my three positions to my true strength."

“Is there no other post?” Lin painted the sound of the moth. It can be seen that she does not believe that Xiao Zheng can be qualified for the above three positions.

“The cleansing aunt of the marketing department resigned because of the pregnancy of the daughter-in-law. Recently, the staff of the department have a lot of words about the working environment.”

"Hey! How can I be a cleaner when I am a man of eight feet? You are an insult to my personality!" Xiao Zheng said with anger. "Even if you want me to start from the grassroots level, I will not give me the position of training manager at most. Can I go to the financial department to make a general contribution? It is not the opposite. In the fifth grade of elementary school, I also won the first prize of the city's abacus contest. !"

I don’t know if I’m bored with Xiao Zheng’s chatter, or the words “Mother-in-law’s pregnancy” stung the sensitive nerves of Lin’s paintings. Lin’s paintings are cold and cold: “Go to the Security Department for reporting. Today officially goes to work.”

Xiao Zheng took a long breath and secretly fled. Although I did not want to be a training manager, the security is not bad. Work leisurely, free and unrestrained. In line with Xiao Zheng's lazy life.

Xiaozheng’s heart is quite ignorant of the disdain, boredom, and even hateful eyes of the iceberg woman. Isn't it a sleep? No one is forcing you, you are not happy, can I still overpower the overlord? As for the big perversion that treats me as a heinous thing?

Xiao Zheng knows that Lin Zhuyin’s motivation for his job is to fear that he is missing and sneaking. Xiao Zheng, who has suffered from the job search, does not deny it, just come to the boat. Become the glorious security guard of this company known as the 'Daughter Country'.

However, out of nowhere, Xiao Zheng was able to sit up straight and look at the frosty forest. "Since we are all contract partners now. Don't mind if I ask you a question?"

"Say." Lin painted sound cold and cold.

"What constellation are you?" Xiao Zheng asked curiously. There is no trace of flashing in the eyes.

Lin's face is slightly stunned, and Xiao Zheng's question is extremely puzzling. However, in order to send out the ivory **** in the dog's mouth as soon as possible, he said casually: "处-女座."

"You are no longer."