MTL - Blessed by God-Chapter 79 last episode

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An old story?

In the winter of the first year of Yongzheng, the entire Forbidden City was covered with silver, and the masters of the palaces were canonized, some were happy and some were worried.

The empresses in the main palace are undoubtedly the original Sifu Jins, but the original side concubines of the Qian Mansion are all staring at the concubines and longing for the concubines. Those who have children naturally have a bit of confidence, but those who have no children are ultimately lacking in confidence.

The princes and grandchildren outside the palace were also staring at the emperor's conferment. After the new emperor ascended the throne, it has become a habit to confer rewards, so the princes who are close to the new emperor and the ministers who are the fourth elder brother's staff suddenly rose in the eyes of everyone. Among them, the most unbearable ones are King Chunjun, Thirteen Baylor, and Fourteen Baylor.

Fourteenth Baylor and the Emperor are brothers, so naturally no one dared to disturb them. There were countless people who sent invitations to Shisan and Yunyou's residence. Thirteenth was annoyed by the trouble, so they went to Fourteenth Brother if they had nothing to do. Running around the house, you can always hide clean.

Thirteen ran to Fourteen, Yunyou couldn't get together, he was also worried, so he directly ordered that he was sick and closed the door to thank the guests, and no one would show up. As a result, the palace was rewarded by the palace that night, and the precious medicinal materials were moved into the palace like radishes.

"Hundreds of years of red ginseng," Qi Fujin picked up a red ginseng, smiled and glanced at Yunyou who was sitting drinking tea, "The emperor is really kind to you."

Yunyou held the teacup and continued to drink tea silently, put down the teacup before slowly opening his mouth, "It's disrespectful to talk about the king." It's just that the calm expression made it impossible to see whether he really didn't dare to speak nonsense, or just a sentence. Joke.

Qi Fujin closed the box containing the red ginseng, smiled and stopped talking.

On the second day, there was a decree, and the emperor heard that the king of Chunjun was unwell, so he was sent to the palace to recuperate. As soon as the imperial decree came out, some people felt that it did not conform to the palace rules, and some thought that the emperor wanted to kill the donkey. A censor wanted to fight for a clear name, but he wanted to write an excerpt to say how inappropriate this move was. As a result, the emperor said that "his heart is not righteous, and his thoughts are filthy". In layman's terms, those who have a beautiful heart see things beautifully. Those with dirty minds see everything dirty.

Now, the censors did not dare to speak. Once they opened their mouths, it would be a disgrace to the scholars and a corruption of morality. Anyway, left and right are also the royal family's own business, so they shut up one after another. Later, the emperor deliberately left a side hall in the Qianqing Palace, which was used as a resting place for night talks with other brothers. The censors all praised the emperor for his kindness, brotherhood and brotherhood, so the whole court was satisfied.

The side hall of the Qianqing Palace is connected with earth dragons, and it is warm as spring with high-quality charcoal fire all day long. Yunyou felt that the side hall was very stuffy, so he put on a silver fox brocade robe and left the side hall. The snow is still falling, and a thick layer has already accumulated on the ground. Yun You, who is wearing thick clothes and holding a heater, does not feel cold. A few court ladies and eunuchs follow behind him. When I was interested, I went to the plum garden.

Stepping on the snow under my feet, I didn't feel cold, but it was a little soft, and there was a creaking sound. When he arrived at the plum garden, Yunyou's expression became indescribably strange, he stood outside the gate, pointed at the garden for a long time before asking, "I remember there are red, white and yellow plum blossoms here, why are there only red plums left now. "

The little **** who held the umbrella replied: "My lord, Long Live Lord said that white plums are dull, yellow plums are vulgar, and I only love red plums, so I asked the Ministry of Internal Affairs to rest up the plum garden."

White plums are dull, yellow plums are tacky? Yunyou twitched the corners of his mouth, he still thought the red plums were gaudy. With nothing to look at, Yunyou also stopped thinking about admiring the plum blossoms, and led a group of eunuchs to visit the Imperial Garden. The few eunuchs who followed him couldn't figure out why this master wanted to visit the garden today, so they followed behind obediently.

When he arrived at the Imperial Garden, Yunyou had the opportunity to enjoy the scenery, because in this icy and snowy place, there are still concubines in the Imperial Garden. He glanced at the young court lady kneeling in the snow, and then at the two concubines sitting in the pavilion drinking tea, one of them was fidgeting, and the other had a careless and complacent expression on his face.

Slightly frowning, this court lady looked familiar, as if she had seen it somewhere before. Yunyou thought for a long time, and then remembered that when he was with his fourth brother a few days ago, he happened to meet the maid who came out to pick plum blossoms, and it seemed to be this maid. It seems to be... the maid next to Concubine Ning of the Wu family? The scene he saw now was the battle scene of the legendary harem women?

When he was still a prince, because he went to the South Third Institute early, he didn't have many opportunities to see these things. Although Kangxi's concubines were not enthusiastic about him, they were passable on the surface. How could I have the opportunity to watch with peace of mind? A fight between women. Sure enough, he became fat with the backing? This villain's mentality of success is not good, it is not good, it has to be changed. Thinking of this, Yunyou turned around and was about to leave, but one or two maids carrying snacks happened to walk towards this side, and the two concubines in the pavilion also noticed the movement of Qing An.

Yunyou sighed, and had no choice but to bow ten steps away from the pavilion, "I have seen the two empresses."

"Prince Chun, hurry up and excuse me," the concubine who looked a little uneasy hurriedly got up and returned a half-respect, but the beautiful concubine beside her seemed to be a lot slower, looking at Yunyou who was standing in the snow, "Why is Prince Chun?" Visiting the garden at this time?"

As soon as Niu Gulu heard Nian's tone, she knew that something was wrong. She looked at the young man standing in the snow awkwardly, because she couldn't see the other's expression clearly because of the distance, but that attitude was clear. He didn't take Nian Shi's seemingly invisible beating to heart.

"It's really a crime to disturb the two empresses. I just saw the beautiful snow scene today, so I just came out to take a look. I don't know which palace this kneeling maid is from. She looks clever." Yunyou saw the maid's lips. She was black and blue from the cold, and even her face was black and blue, and she sighed in her heart that this concubine was cruel. Judging by her clothes, she should be a concubine or above. When the fourth brother was the prince, he didn't meet these concubines very often, even if he did meet once in a while, he almost forgot about it. This one looks a little familiar, I don't know which one of the few concubines of Yongzheng in history.

"Prince Chun has taken a fancy to this girl?" Nian put down the tea that had gradually cooled down, "It's just a court lady, if the prince likes it, I will report it to the queen and send it to the prince's house."

Yunyou said with a half-smile: "Since these maids need to be dealt with by the fourth sister-in-law, then the master will take this girl down today and kill her."

How could the Nian family fail to understand the contempt for him in the other party's words, and called the queen the fourth sister-in-law, and called her and Niu Gulu's empress. Are you saying that I have no right to deal with this court lady?"

From Prince Chun to Prince Chun, Yunyou smiled. He doesn't like to confront women of this era. In fact, in terms of appreciation, he prefers those girls from the previous life. These harem women are much better. The circumstances of the two are different, so it is impossible to compare them, but for the beautiful woman in front of him, Yunyou only thinks of poisonous mushrooms, beautiful is beautiful, but it is too much trouble, "Young lady is serious."

"You!" Nian suppressed the anger in his heart, "It stands to reason that I shouldn't make things difficult for the king of Junjun to beg for mercy, but this court lady really has no rules. It's just the prince's face, I dare not give it to me. Today I will slap my mouth for thirty Forget it."

Yunyou narrowed his eyes slightly, but although he is a prince, he can't meddle in the affairs of the palace, and he doesn't want to watch the teenage girl suffer, he hesitates for a moment and decides to leave ==

Before he could turn around, he heard voices of greetings from all around him. He turned his head and saw that Yinzhen, he left the woman in the pavilion and looked at Yinzhen again. Shocked, Yinzhen hurriedly reached out to help him up, glanced around, then turned to Yunyou and said, "It's cold, let's go back."

The queen who had rushed here to rescue Yunyou calmly turned around and walked back. Walking around in this snowy day is also tossing people.

In Qianqing Palace, Yinzhen put his arms around Yunyou's shoulders, and the two of them lay down on the bed with their arms around each other. When he was entered, Yunyou snorted softly and bit Yinzhen's shoulder to vent his anger in the imperial garden just now. As for Uncle Yongzheng, he naturally accepted it abruptly.

It's against the law of heaven for a man to have sex. Fortunately, Yunyou is in good health and can withstand Yinzhen's tossing. Sometimes when he does it harshly, Yunyou will turn himself over and become the master. If he didn't think that he, an emperor, would have to be a **** every day In the court, how could he let this guy take advantage of so much.

After exercising on the bed, Yunyou lay lazily on the bed, and the emperor waited on him to wipe his body and hands, then twirled an apple and said: "Back then, I loved going to Huang Amana to eat and drink, but now I am going to clean the palace." The owner has changed, but I still eat the most food." It wasn't until Kangxi's death that Yunyou knew how much the emperor cared for him, and he owed Kangxi this father-son love, even if he died, he would never forget it .

Knowing that Yunyou was feeling uncomfortable, Yinzhen held his hand, "Well, I will eat with you."

Yunyou rolled his eyes, whoever wants you to accompany him, he should be bright and sad, but when he saw this paralyzed face saying such nasty words, he lost all mood. He turned over, wrapped himself in a brocade quilt, looked at the darkening sky outside, "I'm sleepy, don't disturb me!" Then he took up more than half of the bed and slept peacefully.

Yinzhen's expression remained unchanged, but he told him to twist the quilt, and then walked out of the inner hall lightly.

In the second year of Yongzheng, all the old people in the original Qiandi were rewarded, but the Nian clan was demoted to the nobleman, and died of illness a few months later.

In the eighth year of Yongzheng, Emperor Yongzheng wrote the edict of succession in Manchu, Chinese and Mongolian characters, and placed it behind the upright plaque. But the eldest prince is getting more and more important.

In the fifteenth year of Yongzheng's reign, Prince Chun was seriously ill. Emperor Yongzheng worried about it and took care of him for three days. Prince Chun finally recovered. The brotherly love between the monarch and his ministers immediately became a good story in the court.

In August of the 16th year of Yongzheng, Emperor Yongzheng abdicated to the eldest son Aixinjueluo Honghui on the grounds of physical discomfort. At this time, the national treasury is full, and the country is stable and prosperous. After the new emperor ascended the throne, he did not slack off, and the Qing Dynasty became a prosperous country in the end.

In addition, Prince Chun's advocacy of the development of industry and agriculture was also one of the reasons for the prosperity of the Qing Dynasty, which cannot be ignored in the history of later generations.

Of course, no matter how later generations record it, after his abdication, Emperor Yongzheng, who was regarded as an old saint by the whole country, said that he liked the scenery of Yuanmingyuan, but actually moved to live in Yuanmingyuan. Later, because Prince Chun Fujin died of illness, Prince Chun was distraught, and the Supreme Emperor was worried about his brother, and finally ordered Prince Chun to move to the Old Summer Palace to live with him.

This brotherhood is also a beautiful story in the records of later generations.

As we all know, Emperor Yongzheng was not good at beauty and became the empress. Except for the empress, he almost never summoned concubines. Therefore, most of the later generations think that Emperor Yongzheng and his empress have a deep love for each other, and he is also a rare dedicated emperor.

Yunyou, whose brows were already wrinkled, flipped through some thoughts on the overall planning of industry and agriculture that he had written down. He was not a genius, and he didn't know all the details. help.

"Still watching?" The person who has been with me for decades sat down beside him, "It's getting late, it's time to rest."

He closed the things in his hands, smiled and said, "You will be a wise king in history, I should do something to let history know that I have existed by your side."

Thousands of years later, no one will know about his relationship with Yinzhen, but he doesn't want the news to be silent in the torrent of history, at least when others mention Emperor Yongzheng, they will remember that the emperor has a trusted brother.

That's all.

20xx years.

Li You is a small shrimp in the relevant government department. Every day at work is to hold meetings, drink tea, and study office culture. Most of the time it is boring, but it takes a lot of effort to enter this kind of place to work. His office is for four people, two men and two women.

The two girls are newcomers. I heard that there are people above them. They usually like to chat together when they have nothing to do. Li You always doesn't care about it, but he found that today's topic is a bit weird.

"Emperor Yongzheng's most trusted and closest brother, even the mausoleum is very close to Emperor Yongzheng, and the emperor and empress were not buried together. The more I think about it, the more I doubt it." A girl sorted out the materials of the Qing Dynasty, almost affirmative: "This It's absolutely unusual between the two of you!"

Otome nodded: "I have been close since childhood. After Emperor Yongzheng abdicated, the two lived in the Old Summer Palace. This relationship is not simple. I also read the news yesterday that there are many pairs of things in the mausoleum of Emperor Yongzheng. Only single things are left." Only, but the other half was found in Prince Chun's tomb."

"It's just too affectionate," A woman held her face, "One Mingjun, one virtuous minister, good story, good story."

Li You, who accidentally heard it, looked blank. How could he not understand what these girls are saying now?

Yongzheng and Prince Chun, Mingjun Xianchen? An old story? Tomorrow, a superior leader will come to check. I heard that this leader is strict and inconvenient. Why are these two girls not nervous?

Sure enough, a three-year generation gap?

The young uncle, who will be thirty years away, said that there is an insurmountable gap between himself and these girls.

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