MTL - Blessed by God-Chapter 71 Can't afford to lose

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"Seventh brother please first."

"Eighth brother, please," Yinyou glanced at the gray sky. In such a cold day, since Kangxi went on a tour outside the Great Wall in the spring of this year, something has been wrong since he came back a few months ago. What is the reason for such tossing, and what is the reason for his eighth brother to stand in the yard blowing the cold wind to show his demeanor.

"Seventh brother, eighth brother," Yinzhen walked over, and walked between the two of them naturally, "It's getting late now, let's go in together."

After Yinzhen appeared, a children's story "Three Monks" suddenly appeared in Yinyou's mind, followed Yinzhen's footsteps into the inner arrow hall, the heavy atmosphere inside made him feel relaxed, and his eyes swept around , Seeing the fifth elder brother and the tenth elder brother standing together, regardless of Yinzhen who was beside him, he walked to the side of the two.

The eighth elder brother couldn't help looking at Yinzhen, and found that there was no displeasure in the other's eyes. It seemed that he was so used to Yinyou's habit that he didn't even bother to raise his eyebrows. It seemed that he gradually understood why the seventh brother and the fourth brother got so close.

Seventh brother doesn't want to get into trouble, and the scheming fourth brother doesn't seem to want anything from seventh brother, so why is seventh brother so close to fourth brother? He lowered his head and thought silently, if it was him, would he be willing to give up such a favorite helper of Huang Ama?

Huang Ama loves Seventh Brother in his heart, and he only discovered it recently. This discovery made him very surprised. Recalling everything from childhood to adulthood, he realized that Huang Ama loved Seventh Brother a long time ago. Yes, it's just that he didn't know it. It can also be said that Huang Ama hid her thoughts very well.

If he was the fourth child, he would definitely take advantage of this, he knew it very well. Glancing at the person who was talking softly with the tenth brother, a bitter smile appeared on the corner of Yinhu's mouth.

Not long after, Kangxi appeared, and everyone knelt down and shouted long live. After getting up, everyone noticed that Kangxi's expression was very calm, and it seemed that there was nothing serious.

"I want to abolish the prince."

A stone stirred up a thousand waves, and everyone suddenly became hoarse, and even suspected that there was something wrong with their own ears. They exchanged suspicious looks, but no one dared to speak first.

Kangxi looked at the crowd blankly, and continued: "I decided to abolish the prince twice, it is really heartbreaking. Since the prince was re-established, the prince's behavior has become more and more absurd, and he will not change after repeated admonitions. He does not distinguish between right and wrong, has a cruel nature, colludes with party members, and entrusts the like. It is his henchmen, I am ashamed of heaven and earth, and of the people of Li. The crown prince...has to be abolished!"

"Your Majesty, please three..." An official was interrupted by Kangxi before he finished speaking, "I hope that you will stop thinking of pleading for the prince. If anyone pleads for the prince, he will be guilty of the same crime as the prince's henchmen."

For a while, no one dared to intercede anymore, and they all kept silent, but their hearts were panicked. The prince is now abolished for the second time. From this point of view, there is no possibility of recovery, so do all the princes standing here have a chance?

In the hall stood the third elder brother, the fourth elder brother, the fifth elder brother, the seventh elder brother, the eighth elder brother, the tenth elder brother, the twelfth elder brother, the thirteenth elder brother, and the fourteenth elder brother. In addition to the three elder brothers and eighth elder brothers who were reprimanded, and the eighth elder brother who is disabled, the twelfth elder brother's mother's identity is unknown and Tohaqi is also the elder brother of his mother's concubine, so there is no chance of winning. Now the emperor's body is still in good health. Thinking about it this way, four, five, ten, thirteen, and fourteen princes are all possible.

Yinyou can be sure that although the eyeballs of these officials did not look at where the prince was standing, they had already considered the advantages and disadvantages of the princes several times in their hearts.

When Kangxi counted the crown prince's crimes in detail, his expression was very calm, and he did not show the grief when he was abolished. This means that the prince's increasingly absurd behavior has consumed all of Kangxi's father's love, and it also means that Kangxi's patience with him has been exhausted. Apart from being full of contradictions, there is nothing left for people.

Yinyou thought that there was not much conflict of interest with the prince, and even remembered how graceful he was when the prince called him up after he was punished to kneel down. Time and power make people so unbearable.

When Kangxi said that the prince wanted to collude with outsiders to assassinate, Kangxi's tone was angry, not sad. Yinyou lowered his head and knelt on the ground, a little cold sweat broke out from his palms.

"...The second prince, Yinfeng, is imprisoned in Xian'an Palace, and he will not leave the palace if he is not called in this life." Kangxi's cold voice determined the final outcome of the prince.

Yinyou remembered that he had seen pictures of Xian'an Palace in later generations. In his memory, the Xian'an Palace in that photo was a bit dilapidated and deserted. I don't know if Yinfeng finds it ironic that the crown prince was restored a few years ago, but now he is imprisoned in Xian'an Palace forever.

Yinyou is not clear about the struggle and conflict between Yinreng and Kangxi. The only thing he knows is that some time ago, Yinreng became more and more arrogant, and Kangxi suppressed the power of the prince more and more. What did the prince do during Kangxi's tour outside the Great Wall? , he doesn't know either. However, the busyness of Yinzhen and the others made him more or less aware that something was going to happen. He didn't expect that it would be the second waste prince.

After Kangxi left, everyone should kneel on the ground. I don't know if they were scared or they didn't want to be the eye-catching leader. After a long while, only a few senior ministers got up slowly. Yinyou glanced left and right, very good, Fifth Brother got up. He got up smoothly, rubbed his numb knees calmly, and secretly hated this evil feudalism, how much he hurt his self-esteem by kneeling back and forth.

"Seventh brother." Seeing Yinyou standing in a daze, Yinzhen thought he was shocked, so he lowered his voice and said, "Let's go."

The ministers and the prince Baylor have already started to go out, Yinyou nodded in a daze, still a little bit unable to turn the corner in his head, the prince will be abolished now? !

Elder Brother Ten looked at Brother Seven who was about to go out, then at Brother Mynah who was smiling beside him, swished a few steps, and followed Brother Seven. Anyway, there should be no problem if he followed Brother Seven. This kind of animal-like intuition made Elder Brother Shi secretly rejoice for the choices he made in his youth after a long time.

Looking at the little fat man who came out, Yinyou smiled and leaned on his shoulder, "Tenth brother, I heard that your Biezhuang sent some fresh fruits."

"...", Elder Brother Ten bowed his head silently, did he see the wrong person?

Yinzhen glanced at Lao Shi, and saw that he was so pressed by Yinyou that he couldn't straighten up, and there was no expression on his face.

"Brother Seven, you are very heavy," Brother Ten couldn't help humming.

"Brother Ten, you still need some exercise," Yinyou smiled and hooked Elder Brother Ten's neck, the corner of his eyes glanced at Elder Brother Eighth who was walking alone, and Elder Brother No. 3 who had lost his pride in the past with his head down , reached out and patted Elder Brother Ten on the head, and finally kindly let him go.

"Brother Ten is really unlucky," Shisan shook his head as he looked at Brother Shi whose face was flushed red.

"Hmph, maybe he's just lucky." Fourteen raised his eyebrows pointingly. He glanced at the sleepy Twelfth Elder Brother not far away, with a hint of sarcasm on his face. Getting mixed up with the prince, Twelve used to look amazing in front of them, but now he is still off the hook.

After returning to the mansion, Yinyou saw his chubby son walking unsteadily on the long corridor, followed by a bunch of maids and eunuchs, he bent down and poked the little boy's forehead, and saw him shaking and shaking fell backwards.

Yinyou picked it up quickly with sharp eyes and hands, and said with a smile: "Little Sweet Potato, did you miss Ama today?"

"Ama," the two-year-old child was dressed thickly, and looked like a little bun in Yinyou's arms, but the nature of father and son still made him grab Yinyou's lapel and giggle, "Ama Feifei."

"Okay, Feifei," so Yinyou, the ama, stood up and squatted down with his son in his arms, swaying to the left and right, the child laughed happily. The mother on the other side looked terrified, afraid that if the grandpa let go of his hand, the elder brother would fall to the ground with a slap, and it would be a disaster.

"Son, how about Ah Ma taking you to the fourth uncle's house to play with brother Honghui?" Yinyou put the child in his arms, put the tiger head cap on his son, and walked out with his son in his arms. The Qing Dynasty's so-called motherly loving father's strict rules have not been reflected in this person at all.

"Report this to Fujin quickly," a nanny finally realized, feeling very anxious, Lord County, this is your son, not your toy.

"Master took the elder brother away?" Jin Su said without raising her head after hearing this, "Go with the master, the people in the fourth brother's house are careful, you don't have to worry." She understood in her heart , although the master is polite but indifferent to the women in the mansion, he is very good to the children, and if he can be loved by Prince Yong...

Thinking of the current situation, Jin Su stopped embroidering the sachet, most likely it was that master.

At Prince Yong's mansion, Yinzhen was copying Buddhist scriptures in his study, when he heard the noise of children outside, he frowned slightly, and asked the **** serving beside him, "Little Wuzi, what's going on outside?"

"Master, it's the king of Chunjun who brought the elder brother to the prince's mansion, and he is playing with the elder brother at this moment." Little Wu Zi knew that the king of Chunjun had a very good relationship with his master, so he said honestly answered.

After Yinzhen finished listening, he walked out of the study and went to the big yard outside to have a look. He saw a round ball sticking to his son, and his seventh younger brother was smiling happily, without any elders. The person who waits on the side is also smiling.

"Master," Sifujin Shuya saw Yinzhen coming out, and stepped forward, "But the kid is quarreling with you?"

Seeing Yinyou carrying Hongshu around like a bag, Yinzhen couldn't help showing a faint smile, "It's okay, Honghui is learning to take care of his younger brother?"

Shu Ya also laughed when she heard the words: "Seventh brother said just now that boys need to be raised cheaply, so I let the two children play together. Fortunately, that child Hong Shu doesn't like to cry, otherwise, if Seventh Brother is like this, he would have cried so much." It's getting dark."

"He's just out of tune, what can he do?" Yinzhen smiled lightly, and walked towards Yinyou, even though it was a noisy place that he didn't like.

The smile on Shu Ya's face remained the same, seeing her son staggering but being supported by the seventh brother with swift eyes and quick hands, she lowered her head and chuckled, "You really are out of tune." However, she wanted to thank him. She is a smart woman, so she naturally knows why the master is indifferent to the women in the family, but she is the only one who respects her. She never thought foolishly about what would happen to her without Seventh Brother. Seventh elder brother already existed, so this person who existed originally made her son the most important one of the master, and also made himself the most respected one of all the women in the family.

"Ah," she couldn't help but let out a low cry, because Hong Shu fell to the ground and rolled on the ground like a small ball.

"Son, get up by yourself. If you get up, Ama will make you a small toy." Yinyou stood a step away from Hongshu, teasing with a smile, making Honghui, who originally wanted to pull Hongshu up, stop down the steps.

Then I saw that chubby ball crawling up and down, with no look of crying on his face, "Ama, a toy."

"Okay, Ama will make it for you tonight," Yinyou smiled and kissed his son's face, and seeing Yinzhen standing a few steps away, he said, "Little Sweet Potato, this is Fourth Uncle. remember?"

"Fourth Uncle, Xiao Suo." Hong Shu walked towards Yinzhen in a daze, and the servants at the side looked at Brother Hong Shu worriedly, fearing that his grandfather's cold face would make the child cry.

"Fourth brother, Little Sweet Potato remembers you giving him a jade lock," Yinyou nodded secretly, as expected of his own son, he remembered these important things clearly.

Yinzhen glanced at the child who was clutching the hem of his robe, and coughed dryly, "Honghui, take good care of my younger brother, come here, take good care of the two elder brothers." As he spoke, he gave Yinyou a look.

Yinyou put it to Honghui's side, turned around and said to Shu Ya who was standing in the corridor: "Sister-in-law Si, my son will trouble you."

"Don't worry, seventh brother, I will definitely not bully Hongshu," Shu Ya laughed and made fun of Yinyou, watching the two into the small courtyard. His eyes fell on his son and Hong Shu again. Although this seventh brother is careless, he is really fond of his son, and even makes himself? ! Shuya thought of some of her son's toys, and wondered, some of those toys were made by the seventh brother himself, right?

In the study.

"There will be no problem with Ma Qi," Yinyou said in a low voice, "During the years I have been with Jinsu, I have accompanied her back to her natal home several times. Ma Qi is loyal to Huang Ama and has nothing to do with you." Influence. I have said something about him, and other grand maesters have similar positions with him."

"Don't worry about this," Yinzhen gently put his arms around his waist, "I'll be careful, as long as you protect yourself, that's fine."

Yinyou knew that Yinzhen was afraid that he would not get the position in the end and would hurt him instead, so he hugged him back forcefully: "Fourth brother, you will not lose, as long are a good son who is loyal to Huang Ama."

Without asking Yinyou how he understood Huang Ama's thoughts, or why he had such confidence in himself, he just put his head on Yinyou's shoulder and said in a low voice, "Well, I can't lose."

He can't afford to lose, so he can't lose. He didn't know, if he lost, what would the people in the house do, and what would Yinyou do? Can the other brothers tolerate the seventh brother who has always been close to him?

Yinyou is playful and likes to wander around. If he loses, what kind of life will the seventh brother lead in the future? Humble and cautious?

He couldn't help but kissed the forehead of the person in his arms, and gently stroked the earlobe with his hands. The warm and soft touch was very comfortable, and his mood gradually improved.

"What if I lose?"

"If you lose, you will probably be locked up, don't worry, I will find a way to come and see you," Yinyou patted Yinzhen's shoulder generously, "I won't make you suffer."

Yinzhen laughed in a low voice, but he forgot that his seventh brother is like this, he will never worry about nothing, and knows how to make himself better.

"You like this son very much?" Yinzhen felt that it would be a shame to be jealous of his lover's son, but such negative emotions were inevitable.

"Humph, I still like your Honghui." Yinyou rolled his eyes, and took a book from the shelf to himself, "Little Sweet Potato is a smart kid, and Honghui is also a smart kid." child."

Yinzhen was silent for a moment, "You...have a fancy for Honghui?"

Yinyou raised his eyebrows, with an innocent face, "I just like your son, what's important?"

"Then why don't you go and play with Hong Yun and Hong Shi more?" A smile appeared on the corner of Yinzhen's mouth.

"Such a small child, what's so interesting," Yinyou didn't care about the teasing in Yinzhen's eyes, "It's always different, that child Honghui, I watched him grow up."

Outside the study, Shu Ya, who originally wanted to ask the two of them what kind of meal they would have for lunch, stopped in her tracks. In fact, she had no intention of listening to what the two of them said, but when she heard the word Hong Hui, she couldn't help but lighten her steps.

"That kid Honghui... is indeed very good."

After Shuya heard Yinzhen's words, she left quietly.

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