MTL - Blessed by God-Chapter 59 superstition

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"Zhang Mingde..." Yinzhen listened to the reports from his subordinates, and the third child brought this person back from nowhere, saying that he could look at the past and calculate the future. The mouth is full of nonsense, the third child actually puts such a person by his side, I don't know if he really underestimates power, or he is doing it for someone who cares.

"Let people pay attention to this Zhang Mingde, and ignore the others for the time being." Yinzhen waved away the man in Tsing Yi, turned around and took a Buddhist scripture to copy, and the study returned to silence.

When the seventh younger brother mentioned this Taoist priest a few days ago, Yinzhen suspected that the third child was playing tricks. If he really believed in religion and Buddhism, why would he bring a Taoist priest with him, as if no one would know. The youngest made a wrong move in this move. Although Huang Ama spoke the words of the Manchu family, it is not necessarily true that her son likes the teachings left by the Han people. Isn’t Taoism created by the Han people themselves? Even if one wants to believe in religion, shouldn't Buddhism be the first choice? After all, Buddhism is not unique to the Han people.

"The relic is the empty form of all dharmas, neither born nor destroyed, neither dirty nor clean, neither increasing nor decreasing." After copying down a sentence from the Buddhist scriptures, Yinzhen put down his pen, his eyes still unmoved.

Yinyou's mansion received an invitation from the eighth elder brother's mansion, saying that the two men's mansions are close to each other, and it's a pity that they haven't had a good get-together these years. Yinyou looked at the man in civilian clothes kneeling in front of him at the eighth brother's house, "Since the eighth brother invited me, how can I refuse as an elder brother, I will definitely bring Fujin to bother you tomorrow." After finishing speaking, he picked up the teacup.

Seeing Seventh Elder Brother serving tea to see off the guests, the commoner man kowtowed cleverly and retreated.

Yinyou put down the teacup, frowned slightly, looked at the sky outside, and invited guests in the evening, the eighth younger brother's current rules are getting more and more novel. But he even said that he invited himself to join Jin Su, he really wanted to see what the old eight was up to. Left and right, he is just a prince with no power or power.

On the second day, Yinyou changed out of his court clothes, put on his usual robes, and brought Jinsu to Eighth Prince's residence together. When they arrived, they found out that Lao Ba had only invited him and Jin Su. Jinsu was taken away by Ba Fujin, and he and Lao Ba stayed in the tea room, drinking tea that didn't taste good.

"Seventh brother is next to my younger brother's mansion, so we should walk around more in the future." Eighth brother smiled and said, "Fu Jin has been talking about Seventh Sister-in-law, saying that the two of them chatted together to pass the time. It is rare that Seventh Brother I don't know how happy she is to come here with Seventh Sister-in-law."

Yinyou smiled apologetically, "It's not that I'm an older brother. I had a lot of work in the Ministry of Industry a while ago, and your seventh sister-in-law took care of all the affairs in the mansion, so she was also busy with housekeeping on weekdays. How much time do you spend with the eighth siblings? Later, I will ask her to walk around with the eighth siblings in her spare time." After finishing speaking, she sighed again, "Your seventh sister-in-law is very powerful, and manages everything in the house very well. It hurts my brain to hear it, but she handles it in an orderly manner, and these things take a lot of time and effort."

After hearing these words, Eighth Brother's eyes fell on a jade pendant on Yinyou's waist, "Sister-in-law Seven is virtuous, my brother should congratulate brother." This jade pendant seemed familiar to him.

Yinyou laughed lightly when he heard the words, as if Yinhu's words had reached his heart, at this time, a little **** guarding outside came to report that the third elder brother, the ninth elder brother, and the fourteenth elder brother had arrived.

When Yinyou heard this, he was annoyed and muttered in his heart, why did Fourteen still get mixed up with Lao Ba, this little heartless, how many gadgets he brought him, even gave him his favorite tea set, He was actually facing outsiders. If he was the fourth brother, he would definitely pick up this kid and give him two slaps.

"Brother, Brother Nine said that you have delicious food here today. I came here uninvited. Mynah won't dislike my brother's opening his mouth, right?" In, a doubt flashed in his eyes, but he quickly laughed and teased, "It turns out that Brother Seven is also there, so could it be that you are also just eating?"

"I was invited by your starling, and I'm better than you who came here with a cheeky face," Yinyou understood in his heart that this kid probably came to stir up trouble, and he didn't know if he had the idea of ​​a spy.

Although the old nine and him are getting on well now, they are still lukewarm, and Yinyou is too lazy to bother with him. Several brothers went to the same yard to listen to the play. For some reason, the third child brought the topic to Taoism above.

"What's so important about a Taoist priest?" Fourteen said casually while peeling an orange, "I heard that those who have really attained the Tao live in seclusion in the mountains, and those who brag about themselves are mostly liars, third brother, you Don't trust these people too much."

Yinyou took a sip of tea slowly. There were rumors in later generations that Elder Fourteen spoke recklessly. It seems that it is not unreasonable. It is more interesting to see the ugly face of the youngest after being run over by Fourteen. .

"It's the same thing whether you believe it or not, and it's just a matter of fun." The third elder brother is worthy of the brothers' outstanding Chinese proficiency, and quickly said with a smile, "I happened to bring a Taoist priest named Zhang Mingde, why don't you let me He came to show us all what he can do."

"Third Brother's words make sense, let him come out and show the Lord a few times," Brother Jiu said as if he was visiting a brothel, obviously he didn't take this Taoist priest seriously.

The third elder brother was not annoyed, so he asked the servant to call Zhang Mingde.

Yinyou looked at the Taoist priest in front of him. He was only about 30 years old. He had a green beard and was thin, but he looked like a fairy. There was a piece of peach wood in his bun, and he was wearing a blue Taoist robe. , with a whisk in his hand, he looked like a tall man indeed.

"Show me what you're capable of." Fourteen raised his eyelids, looked Zhang Mingde up and down, and said, "If you can't prove that you are an expert, I won't be in a good mood."

"Pindao dare not claim to be an expert. In the Qing Dynasty, there are countless high-level people. The poor Taoist just understands some Taoism." After finishing speaking, he waved the dust, and a peach the size of a child's fist appeared in his hand. In front of him, "Brother Fourteen please taste it."

Yinyou looked at the surprise on Fourteen's face, and wondered in his heart whether the peaches were planted in a special way or stored in a special way. If Zhang Mingde was willing to tell him, he would try it too. Well, this magic trick is not bad, at least the action is still quite fast. Glancing at the wide Taoist robe, I don't know what is hidden in it?

Afterwards, Zhang Mingde performed tricks such as turning red flowers into blue flowers, lighting fires in his palms, and changing silver, which attracted the attention of several older brothers. Finally, he revealed a killer trick.

That is, people brought a few small chickens the size of an apple to perform a line performance, which made several elder brothers believe that he has a certain ability to communicate with animals and is favored by heaven.

Yinyou peeled the sunflower seeds, and expressed his joy at the free magic and animal taming skills. In his previous life, these things were tricks to coax people to play, but now, they are still a bit bluffing. human. Even Shisi, who had been disdainful before, showed a look of shock.

"It seems that Daoist Master is really a master of Taoism," Brother Jiu said politely, "I don't know if Zhang Daoist Master can see people's fortunes?"

Zhang Mingde still looked neither happy nor angry, he saluted, and then said, "Let's take a look at the poor Daoist, and ask Brother Jiu to forgive the crime of offending the poor Taoist." After finishing speaking, he stepped forward and looked at Jiu Elder brother said behind the palm print: "Ninth elder brother was born in wealth and honor, and he is a sign of great wealth and wealth, and it will be the same in the future."

Then I looked at the palm prints of the other princes, most of them were auspicious words, but when I looked at the palm prints of the eighth elder brother, my face changed slightly, "The palm of the eighth elder brother in the poor Taoist temple, I'm afraid it will be very expensive in the future."

The third elder brother still smiled when he heard this, but the complexions of Lao Jiu and Shi Shian changed. Yin You seemed to have not heard it, and a lot of fruit peels were piled up in front of him. Seeing Zhang Mingde walking towards him, he waved his hands, "Master, I'm not interested in the future, just forget about how to live this day and live like that, so it won't take a long time."

Hearing this, Zhang Mingde didn't insist, he just said: "Seventh elder brother is really an open-minded person." After speaking, he didn't provoke this one, he could feel that this one looked at him differently from the other princes, this one From the beginning to the end, it seemed as if he was watching a trick, and this feeling made him very uneasy.

Yinhu on one side clenched the teacup in his hand, lowered his eyes slightly, it was indescribable...except for the person in that position, who else could be invaluable?

Yinyou doubted the intention of the third child very much. There are several people present now. It seems auspicious to say that it is too expensive, but if it reaches the ears of Kangxi, will the third child become the one who respects Huang Ama, so he revealed Lao Ba's ambitious and dutiful son? If there is nothing wrong this time, and Yinhu really becomes a great treasure in the future, then is it because the third child is blessed at this time? As for the eighth elder brother, who is usually approachable and approachable, how could he not be a little bit moved when he heard this kind of words? It has to be said that the youngest's move this time is really a good strategy.

After coming out of Laoba's mansion, Fourteen followed to Yinyou's mansion. As soon as he entered the door, he heard the servants say that the fourth elder brother had arrived for a while.

Jin Su didn't disturb the conversation of the three brothers when she heard the words, and went back to her yard with the girl beside her.

Yinzhen sat on the chair, watching one big and one small enter the door, stroking the jade pendant around his waist, and asked nonchalantly, "Is Lao Ba's house interesting?"

As soon as Shisi heard this, he told what had happened with a look of surprise on his face. After speaking, seeing that his fourth brother's expression was not very good, he moved to Yinyou's side.

"It's just some tricks of the people. You still need to look at it, Fourteenth Brother," Yinyou said after seeing this, "There are many tricks in the Han people, and these tricks are also there. Bless." After finishing speaking, he also performed a simple magic trick of tearing up the folded paper for Fourteen, and finally opening it intact. I remember the cheating magic trick in the Spring Festival Gala in a certain year, but at that time, the magician performed tearing up newspapers or drawing, because the operation was simple, he always remembered it.

"So that man is a liar!" Fourteen became furious, but because of the presence of the fourth brother, he didn't dare to yell, so he sat down on a chair beside him.

Yinyou noticed that Yinzhen's complexion on one side had also turned normal, and he felt relieved. Most people in this era are still somewhat superstitious. In order to make Yinzhen feel less pressured, he has the audacity to borrow the techniques of people from later generations. I can't help but feel very grateful to the producer of the revealing video after the Spring Festival Gala that year.

After Shisi left, Yinyou went to the chair beside Yinzhen and sat down, and said with a smile: "That Taoist's technique is still good, and it's interesting to watch. When will I borrow this person from my third brother?" , and show fourth brother some juggling."

"What's the point, what's the point of those little things thinking about it," Yinzhen scolded, "I was too busy to see the shadow before, but now I have the leisure to go to the Eighth Brother's house to listen to the music."

"The eighth brother sent someone to invite me, so I just went to see the excitement." After Yinyou finished speaking, he checked that there were no other servants in the room, and then lowered his voice, "Master Ma Qi has become estranged from the eighth brother recently, and the eighth younger brother and sister I wanted to catch up with your seventh sibling, so I had no choice but to go with her."

Yinzhen was silent when he heard the words, but he was a little tired of Lao Ba's pretending to be gentle. If the seventh brother was not close to him, what would he look like today?

The Bafu Jin is the granddaughter of King Anton, the daughter of Heshuo Efu, and there is Guo Luoluo behind him. With such a big help, the old eighth is so ambitious that he reaches out to the seventh brother. Thinking of this, Yinzhen's eyes turned cold, he couldn't bear to count people who were half-hearted, but Lao Ba was thinking about it, it's really interesting.

Seeing that Yinzhen's complexion was not good-looking, Yinyou stretched out his hand and patted the back of his hand, "Fourth brother, don't worry, I'm sensible."

Yinzhen raised his head and saw the worry in Yinyou's eyes, he held Yinyou's with his backhand, his palm was warm, his heart moved, and he reached out his hand to hug the person in front of him into his arms.

The author has something to say: If Lao Ba hadn't said what Zhang Mingde said, maybe he wouldn't be so miserable. Maybe if he didn't listen to Zhang Mingde's words, he wouldn't have such big ambitions, and he wouldn't be suspected by Kangxi later, and he wouldn't be so concerned about Yongzheng after he came to power. (Note: The time when Zhang Mingde appeared in the article does not conform to history, and cannot stand the textual research ORZ)

It is recorded in history that Lao Ba had a very happy relationship with princes and courtiers. A prince and courtiers have too close a relationship. Didn't he make himself the emperor's father suspicious?

I always felt that Lao Ba performed perfectly, but it was a pity that he was too perfect. In the end, Kangxi became suspicious. How big of a tragedy should this be?

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