MTL - Blessed by God-Chapter 13 Get together...

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In the winter of Kangxi’s 30th year, the snow seemed to be very heavy. A lot of things happened in the past few years. To let him succeed, Mingzhu and Suo'etu fought back and forth openly and secretly. Now the prince and elder brother are trying to win over the elder brother who is not yet an adult, and they don't know whether they are labeled as incompetent or their mother's family is not powerful. Neither the prince nor the elder brother spend too much energy on themselves. But at any rate, it also saves trouble.

Seeing that the snow was getting younger, Yinyou tightened the fox fur on his body and rushed to the Yonghe Palace against the snow. No matter what, this filial piety cannot be forgotten.

Now Concubine De is the lord of Yonghe Palace. Fortunately, Concubine Cheng has always had a good relationship with her, and she is not favored by the Emperor, so Concubine De treats Concubine Cheng well. Concubine Cheng felt that he was useless. He had been in the palace for so long and was not favored by the emperor. He still couldn't give his child a healthy body. He had to deal with elder brothers at a young age, and he had to be careful not to get involved in party feathers.

Concubine Cheng is not a jealous and fierce woman, she prefers to be calm, she respects Kangxi more than love, and the only thing she thinks about is her sensible son. When she heard the sister beside her say hello to Seventh Elder Brother, she was happy but also distressed. How could she come here in such a heavy snow? What if she caught cold and fell down?

"Let Seventh Brother enter the house quickly," Cheng Concubine's tone was still dignified, but there was some urgency in her tone, and when she saw Seventh Brother entered the room, she barely suppressed the joy in her eyes, "Yinyou, today It’s snowing so much, why are you still here?”

After greeting Concubine Cheng, Yinyou took the hand warmer presented by the maid beside Concubine Cheng and hugged her in his arms, and said with a smile, "Emiang, my son hasn't come to greet Emiang these few days, I miss Emiang."

"You are the only one who can talk," Cheng Concubine's eyes flushed slightly, and she quickly returned to normal, "Although you don't have to go to school these days, you must remember not to miss your homework. Your Majesty has been eager to learn since he was a child. You should study hard. habit."

"Son, remember." Yinyou couldn't see the longing in Concubine Cheng's eyes, so he called Fuduo forward, "Emiang, this is what the fourth brother and the thirteenth brother brought to the son two days ago when they went outside the palace. Some of the little things I brought back, Erchen found them interesting, so I chose some to bring to Er Niang. They are not fine things, but they are also interesting."

After Yinyou finished speaking, Fuduo cleverly knelt down in front of Concubine Cheng holding the tray in both hands. Concubine Cheng saw at a glance that there were two faces and some gadgets, which she had seen before entering the palace. After that, she reached out and took a dough figurine. It was a naive doll, which looked a bit like Yinyou.

"Put it away quickly," Cheng Concubine showed a smile on her face, and the nurse beside her hurriedly took the tray, knowing that the master must be happy, so her movements were also cautious.

Just as Mammy put away the things, there was a commotion outside the curtain, the two mother and son turned their heads to see that it was Concubine De who came in with two maids and eunuchs, and after another greeting, the room fell silent.

Concubine De sat down at the head, and she also pulled Cheng Concubine to sit, and then said, "Sister, why should we be so polite, I also heard that Xiao Qi was coming, so I came over to have a look, the fourth child came to say hello yesterday, I didn't see Xiao Qi, I thought Xiao Qi and Lao Si were having a fight."

When Yinyou heard it, he knew that the other party was here to spy on him, and there was a trace of anger on his face, "It turns out that the fourth brother came to greet De'eniang yesterday, but he didn't ask me to come, De'eniang, the fourth brother decided He disliked me."

"Look at this little heartless, when did your fourth brother get some benefits and didn't remember you?" Concubine De laughed out loud, "According to me, I should tell fourth brother what you said today, and see him Will I give you something good in the future?"

"Don't," Yinyou begged for mercy, "Mother De'er, my son is just joking, so don't tell the fourth brother. If the fourth brother is really angry, why don't my son pester De'eriang every day? and what?"

Hearing this, Concubine De turned her head to look at Concubine Cheng who was quietly sitting aside, and said teasingly, "Sister, look, Xiaoqi is threatening me." Follow this rascal, he is so unruly because you are used to him."

At this moment, the **** came to report, and the fourth elder brother came to pay his respects.

Concubine De's face became more and more gentle. Although this son was not close to her, he was not bad at all in terms of etiquette. When the fourth elder brother entered the room, she kindly asked the servant to show the fourth elder brother a seat.

Sitting beside Yinyou, Yinzhen frowned when he saw the water stains left by the melting snow on Yinyou's shoulders.

The dialogue between Concubine De and the fourth elder brother was rather question-and-answer, Yinyou saw that the scene was a little cold, so he interjected at the right time to avoid embarrassment.

"Emiang," a childish voice came from outside the door, and with a flash of the curtain, a round ball rushed in front of Concubine De, hugged her leg and did not let go.

Yinzhen glanced at the child, and called out dryly, "Fourteenth brother."

But the child just turned around and ignored him.

Concubine De didn't pay attention to such a trivial matter, she straightened Yinzhen's clothes which were a little messed up due to running, her movements were very gentle and careful.

Yinzhen lowered his head with no change in expression, but Yinyou noticed that his index finger was bent, but he let it go quickly. He turned his head to look at Yinzhen. The future general king is only a three-year-old at this time. It's just that this child will not be close to his own mother and compatriots in the future, but will become familiar with the Eighth Master Party.

After a while, Yinzhen let go of Concubine De, and sat playing with a cloth tiger, completely ignoring Yinzhen and Yinyou.

Most of Concubine De's attention was devoted to Elder Fourteen. Seeing that the situation was not right, Yinyou got up to leave, and Elder Four also took the opportunity to leave.

After leaving the Yonghe Palace, Yinyou and Yinzhen's eunuchs each held an umbrella for the master, Yinyou turned his head to look, the umbrella covered Yinzhen's face, he didn't know if Yinzhen was sad, angry, or numbness.

The two walked a certain distance, and saw the three elder brothers playing in the snow, Yinyou stopped, thinking a little confused, did these elder brothers start forming a group so early?

The three elder brothers playing with snow are the eighth elder brother, the ninth elder brother and the tenth elder brother, and the ninth elder brother and the tenth elder brother are about the same age, but they did not go to Wuyi Zhai for class, but in Zhaoxiang's place. Brother is obviously not with these two elder brothers, how can he have such a good relationship with these two elder brothers?

Seeing Yinzhen and Yinyou, the three elder brothers stopped playing and went up to give them a thousand. After Yinzhen and Yinyou returned the salute, they were speechless.

Yinyou looked at the red cheeks of the three elder brothers, and said, "Don't play for too long, it's cold, and ask the slaves to make you some cold soup when you go back."

"Thank you, Brother Seven, for your concern, and save the time for the younger brothers," Brother Eight smiled, his fair face became softer, "Brother Seven was sick a few days ago, so he should be more careful."

"Please remember," Yinyou reached out and patted the snow on the shoulders of the three elder brothers, "I should go back too, the three brothers don't forget their homework."

Upon hearing the homework, Elder Brother Ten frowned, and Elder Ninth also had a somewhat uncomfortable expression on his face. It is normal for an eight-year-old child not to like to study and to play, and these two elder brothers were spoiled by their mother-in-law since they were young. With that, many things are not so scruples.

Seeing that the faces of the two of them changed, the fourth elder brother said, "As a prince, you must remember to be diligent and studious. The ninth and tenth brothers must not forget Huang Ama's teachings."

The faces of the two elder brothers became even more ugly, but because of the identity of the fourth elder brother, they had to listen obediently.

Seeing this, Yinyou had no choice but to say, "Fourth brother, ninth brother and tenth brother are still young, don't be too strict." It seems that the future cold-faced king has already taken shape.

The fourth brother wanted to say something at first, but when he heard what Yinyou said, he stopped. He just thought in his heart that the seventh brother was different from them back then. In my memory, the seventh brother has always been very well-behaved. When he was three years old, he stayed by his side and learned characters with him. Later, when he entered the school, he also sat quietly next to him, and would ask himself for any questions he didn't understand. Watching the seventh brother grow up little by little, he felt that he had a sense of pride in being an elder brother. Unlike these two younger brothers, they did not talk about progress, but still put on face in front of the seventh brother. Could it be that they were bullying the seventh brother's mother's lack of influence? ?

Ninth elder brother Erniang Yifei is favored, tenth elder brother Erniang has a noble status, these two elder brothers are always self-willed, how can they listen to other people's lessons, when Yinzhen and Yinyou left, ninth elder brother muttered unhappily, "What's the big deal, I'm just a cripple, and I'm not favored, so why put on airs." He didn't dare to complain about the fourth elder brother, but he had no scruples about the seventh elder brother.

"Ninth Brother!" The smile on Eighth Brother's face faded, and the snowball in his hand was crushed, "He is your elder brother."

Brother Jiu saw that Yinhu seemed to be really angry, and muttered softly, "It was." But he didn't dare to say anything else.

Yinhu patted the snowflakes in his hand, talked with his two younger brothers for a while, and then went back to his residence, but he always felt a little uncomfortable. I don't know if I think of myself because of the ninth brother's attitude towards the seventh brother, or if I simply sympathize with the brother who has no power in the harem.

Presumably Seventh Brother also understood his situation in his heart, so he never participated in any battles between elder brothers. Even Fourth Brother was only close on weekdays, but he did not intervene in those matters.

I don't know if his seventh brother is really too indifferent or too smart.

If you are really not smart enough, how can you gain a firm foothold in the harem when you have a disease and your mother’s family lacks influence? Even the eldest brother of the prince, the third elder brother, is very polite to him, and the fourth elder brother is even willing to protect him in the harem. he?

True or false, false or true, he can at least be sure that the seventh brother will not interfere in the affairs of the fourth brother and him, so many things will be easier to handle.

A few days later, Yinyou heard from the **** beside him that someone had cut off the tail hair of a puppy that the fourth elder brother liked.

Another servant said that someone saw the ninth elder brother and the tenth elder brother taking the puppy away. As for the truth, only the dog knew. Or there are some things that everyone knows very well, but they just don't say it.

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