MTL - Blessed by God-Chapter 11 moonlight

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On the tenth day of July in the twenty-eighth year of Kangxi, Empress Xiaoyi passed away, posthumously titled Xiaoyi Wencheng Duanren Xianmu He Kecihui Feng Tianzuo Shengren Empress Emperor is very sad, and the emperor will stop for three days, and no one will be allowed to enter the Qianqing Palace for three days .

The Kunning Palace has lived in several empresses of the Qing Dynasty, and Empress Xiao Yiren is the last woman to live in this palace in history. Yinyou stood outside the Kunning Palace, but had no strength to step in.

"Seventh brother is worried about fourth brother?" Eighth elder brother walked behind Yinyou at some point, and slapped Yinyou a thousand, "Seventh brother doesn't look very good."

Yinyou regained his composure, and bowed back to the eighth elder brother, "Eighth brother is serious, but he just slept late recently." He didn't know what the eighth elder brother wanted to do, but he didn't want to be with the eighth elder brother at this time. Get too close. He didn't want the fourth elder brother to think that people around him left him one after another, not only because Yinzhen was the future Emperor Yongzheng, but also because this child treated him really well.

When Yinhu heard the words, his eyes changed slightly, "So that's the case, Huang Ama gave me some mind-scenting tea a few days ago, why don't I ask someone to bring some to Seventh Brother."

"Eighth brother, you're being polite," Yinyou slapped Yinhu a thousand, "Eighth brother, go to see fourth brother for my brother, and ask eighth brother to forgive me for not being with you." Then he slapped another thousand, and finally Turn around and enter the gate of Kunning Palace.

Although Yinyou's move was not impolite, his attitude towards the eighth elder brother was very polite and rude. Yinhu lowered his eyelids, pondered for a while before turning and leaving.

"Master, are you not going in?" The little **** following behind him gave Eighth Brother a careful look.

"No need, come back tomorrow," Yinhu paused, looked back at Kunning Palace, and left without hesitation.

The Kunning Palace was completely white. When Yinyou walked to the mourning hall, the other elder brothers had already returned to their residences, but Yinzhen was still kneeling there, and there were some slaves kneeling around, but compared to the tearful look when Kangxi was there. The heart-rending scene now seemed much cooler.

After adjusting the light-colored clothes on his body, Tong Jiashi is now the queen, and all the princes in the palace are her children, so no elder brother dares to wear colorful clothes. He looked at the lonely back of the fourth elder brother, and stepped forward. The fourth elder brother knelt down beside him, kowtowed three times, and then turned to look at the pale Yinzhen, "Fourth elder brother, I am waiting for you to come to Wuyi Zhai." After speaking, he hugged Yinzhen and got up and left the mourning hall .

He can't persuade the fourth elder brother not to be sad, nor can he kneel with the fourth elder brother, or even persuade the fourth elder brother to eat, because at this time his every behavior may cause trouble, and when Yinzhen is sad and confused, he can't be confused , he can only let the fourth elder brother know that he is not alone, and he is waiting for him to get out of his sorrow.

After going out and instructing the eunuchs and maids below to take good care of the fourth elder brother, Yinyou stood helplessly in the courtyard outside for a while, and then slowly returned to the third South Institute.

Listening to the footsteps behind him walking away slowly, Yinzhen added a few pieces of paper money to the incense brazier. The brief hug just now warmed his cold heart a lot. At least in this harem, it's not that no one really care about him.

When Tong Jia was buried, all the children of the royal family in the capital went to the funeral. Yinyou knelt in the crowd, listening to the hypocritical cries around him, and buried his head even lower. So what, how many people really cried for her?

Listening to the lama reciting scriptures, listening to the crying, listening to Kangxi's edicts, Yinyou looked at Yinzhen who was kneeling in front of him. Yinzhen didn't cry, but his shoulders kept shaking. He couldn't help but feel a little distressed, Yinzhen is still a child less than twelve years old now, and in his previous life he was a boy in the sixth grade of elementary school, how could he hold back his tears after losing his mother who protected him.

Concubine De, who was kneeling among the concubines, raised her head slightly and looked towards the direction where the prince was kneeling, but because the distance between the imperial palace and the concubines in the harem was too far, she could only see a lot of elder brothers and fourth elder brothers kneeling there... Her thoughts were very complicated, Fortunately, this son can return to his own name, but he doesn't know how to face this grown-up son.

Thinking of his youngest son who was still stumbling while walking, Debi's mood became more complicated. It was not until the back of his hand was scratched lightly by a nail cover that he came back to his senses. Looking at Concubine Cheng who was kneeling silently beside her, a hint of gratitude appeared in her eyes.

For most people in the harem, Tong Jia's departure did not have much impact. After the funeral, the princes over the age of six continued to attend classes, while the concubines still looked forward to the emperor turning over their cards every day.

Just after the Empress passed away, no one in the palace dared to dress too conspicuously. Even the Prince took off his purse and sachet, and only wore a jade token representing his identity.

At Yinshi, Yinyou had finished his meal, today he chose a light-colored robe, which was neither too plain nor too eye-catching, took a deep breath after leaving Nansan Institute, and walked quickly to Wuyizhai.

When he arrived at Wuyi Zhai, only the eighth elder brother arrived, he glanced at the eighth elder brother, before he entered the house, he heard footsteps behind him, looked back, it was the fourth elder brother Yinzhen who was wearing plain clothes, He couldn't help but turned around and greeted him, "Fourth brother."

Although the weather is not too cold now, the heat has been dispelled, and the morning is still a bit cool, when Yinyou saw Yinzhen's thin clothes, he frowned.

Yinzhen looked a lot thinner, and the expression on his face was colder than before. Seeing Yinyou's worried eyes, he barely showed a hint of harmony, "Yinyou." After finishing speaking, he stretched out his hand to hold Yinyou's hand. The warmth made him feel relieved.

"Fourth brother, why are your hands so cold?" Yinyou stretched out his other hand to bring Yinzhen's two hands together, Yinzhen's hands were so cold that he looked worriedly at the little **** behind fourth elder brother, "What's going on, didn't your master have breakfast?"

The little **** didn't dare to lie, so he could only kneel on the ground.

"Okay, I didn't blame you again, get up." Seeing the little **** like this, Yinyou knew that Yinzhen didn't have breakfast, so he couldn't help but said, "Fourth brother, how can you not take your body seriously." After speaking, he asked the little **** to run some hot tea, and he dragged Yinzhen into the door.

Yinzhen watched Yinyou give him the snacks hidden on his body, and cut off the hot tea. He didn't want to eat it at first, but seeing the worried look on Yinyou's face, he used it without knowing the taste. The dim sum was salty, and the stuffing inside seemed a bit greasy. After taking a sip of hot tea, he looked up at Yinyou, seeing that the other person's face had eased a lot, he took two more sips, it seemed that the heat of that cup of tea had already warmed his whole body.

The eighth elder brother quietly watched the seventh elder brother's behavior, and the expression on his face became weaker and weaker. He always thought that the reason for the friendship between the seventh elder brother and the fourth elder brother was Tong Jia's reason, but now Tong Jia's gone , the identity of the fourth elder brother is a bit embarrassing among the princes. He doesn't understand why the seventh elder brother treats the fourth elder brother like this. Is it really the so-called brotherhood?

In the palace, I am afraid that even the first siblings do not have such feelings. Why do the seventh elder brother and the fourth elder brother not even have the same mother, but still have such feelings?

Brother Qi is not as innocent and harmless as he appears on the surface, he can see it more clearly than the prince, if Brother Qi hadn't reminded himself not to be too sharp, he might not have known this slightly clumsy and scheming brother Qi Hidden.

Seventh elder brother is smart enough, but unfortunately his heart is not cold enough, otherwise how could he have covered his mouth a few years ago, if the people under Concubine Hui found out that he missed Er Niang, how could he have reminded himself not to be too sharp last month dew.

Seventh elder brother, a prince who is smart but soft-hearted, picked up a pen and wrote a word seven on the paper. Just at this time the prince came in with his attendant, and he took a piece of paper and covered it in a calm manner. On this piece of paper, he walked out of the table and said, "Greetings to the prince."

The prince glanced at the eighth elder brother Yinhu, raised his hand to show his courtesy, and then reached out to support the fourth elder brother who greeted him, "You don't need to be polite." He has the demeanor of a brother who is considerate of his younger brother.

Yinzhen returned to the table with a grateful expression on his face, only Yinyou saw that Yinzhen was holding the book a little harder than before, and his movements of turning the pages of the book were a bit slower, but he didn't do much more.

After a while, several other elder brothers also arrived, and they all stepped forward to comfort the fourth elder brother, presenting a good scene of brothers and friends respecting each other. Yinyou felt tired watching them, but he had to admire these people. So many calculations.

After school in the evening, Tong Jia's family had left, and Yinzhen returned to Debi's name. Yinyou knew that Emperor Yongzheng in history had no close relationship with his mother, so he had no choice but to say, "Fourth brother, I'm going to give it to Er Niang." Please, come with me."

When Yinzhen heard the words, he glanced at Yinyou, without much expression on his face, neither saying yes nor no bad.

Seeing Yinzhen's expression, Yinyou felt a little guilty, and didn't know what to say for a while. After all, for a child, this matter was cruel, but it had to be cruel. , that is unfilial.

Yinzhen understood Yinyou's meaning in his heart, stretched out his hand and patted Yinyou's shoulder, who looked anxious, "I've prepared the gift, let's go."

Yinyou breathed a sigh of relief, it seems that the fourth elder brother is also very aware of the current situation in his heart, but he feels distressed, such a big child, but he has to know so much.

When they arrived at Yonghe Palace, Yinyou and Yinzhen did not enter the house until the **** reported. However, Yinyou was a little puzzled as to why Concubine De was with his mother-in-law. After all, the fourth elder brother greeted her. In a word.

Entering the wing room, as expected, Concubine Cheng and Concubine De were sitting together, Concubine Cheng looked gentle, and Concubine De looked good. After saluting, the two sat down on the carved wooden pier at the lower head.

Both De concubine and Cheng concubine received gifts from Yinzhen, and they returned many gifts, even Yinyou got a share, but there was still an indescribable alienation between De concubine and fourth prince.

"Don't forget about Si elder brother's homework these days," Debi said with a proper smile on her face, "You should pay more attention to your body on weekdays, and when you have free time, you can come to... Eniang's place to walk around."

"Don't worry about it, son," the fourth elder brother Yinzhen said dryly, seeing that the concubine De was still looking at him, he added, "Emiang also take care of your health." Half a month ago, he was still yelling Tong Jia's Er Niang, but now he calls another woman Er Niang, this feeling makes him feel unspeakably uncomfortable.

"De'eriang, you don't know yet. Today, the fourth brother secretly asked me if you like these gifts. Guess what my son said?" Seeing the embarrassment of the mother and son, Yinyou had to say, "De'eriang, you If you guess incorrectly, embroider a purse for your son and fourth brother."

"I think you're thinking about that purse," Debi was a little upset at first, but when she heard Seventh Brother's words, she also smiled, "Yes, De'eniang will give you and the fourth son Xiu a purse." , Tell me, how did you lie to your fourth brother."

"That can't be called cheating," Yinyou smiled when he heard the words, "I told the fourth brother that Erniang likes colored glaze beads, and also likes Jiulianhuan."

Debi covered her mouth and smiled, "Good little Qi, I think you like it, maybe you gave your fourteenth brother a cloth tiger last time, and you still think about it."

Concubine Cheng, who was sitting on the side, also laughed when she heard the words.

Concubine De conversed with Yinzhen for a while, seeing that it was getting late, she let the two older brothers kneel down. Although the mother and son were not as close as other mothers and sons, it was not embarrassing.

On the top of the willows on the moon, Yinyou stepped on the green stone road, and said to Yinzhen, "fourth brother, I will go to sleep at your place tonight. The book says that this is called... sleeping on your feet, fourth brother, right?"

Yinzhen tilted his head to look at the young man under the moonlight, the gloom in his heart dissipated a lot, "Let's go."

The moonlight made the shadows of the two people longer and longer, and finally, the two shadows seemed to be entangled, inseparable.

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