MTL - Bestial Blade-Chapter 83 Licked her wrist

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"Ahhhhhh" I was raised in the King City like a big fish every day, usually wandering around idly. When I got to dinner, I swam along the river around the city and went back to the king's tent. There were slaves there to prepare him food.

He sleeps silly all day long, screams and smirks, and occasionally estrus is kicked by one foot, always ignorant by nature. Although he has a human face, he can barely understand human words, but he still has no spirituality and is a human-like animal.

At this point, he found a person underground, feeling very strange, curiously digging up the soil and stretched his neck to look inside ... and then stuck his head in the gap that he had cut out, anxious to rush, mud Falling down thinly.

Grandma sat on the ground with relief as she was just relieved, her eyes fainted and she was holding up in a breath.

The "ah ah" finally pulled his head out and threw it hard. At a glance, the "dark" person sat down on the ground without moving, and seemed to ignore his meaning, so Feeling very boring, the narrow slits on the ground still made his neck hurt.

He lost interest and turned to leave.

Grandma took a moment to take a step. When he saw that he was about to leave, she was in a hurry. She couldn't speak and couldn't move her hands. At this moment, there was a sudden flash of light in her mind. The story immediately made a plan.

She needs to create movement.

At this point, Grandma wants to understand that she probably only has a dead end, either to die silently here, or to be discovered by the East Sea King, and executed as a spy, there is no other way out. But the city lord who imprisoned her was different. The city lord didn't want to get rid of things, maybe simply because of the apprenticeship between the master and the apprentice. Take advantage of the opportunity to wait for more complicated reasons.

She wanted to understand this, and found that no matter what, as long as she was found, then the owner lost.

Grandma is not afraid of death, but she is afraid that she will not complete her mission. Her life was not her own. Jing Chu bought her and her family from the traffickers, told them to reunite, and taught her the skill. Even if she died ten times, she could hardly repay the leader ... not to mention her old father Both his brother and his brother lived in the tribe with the leader. The life of slaves caused irreversible damage to their bodies. His father's eyes were almost invisible, and his brother was discounted by a leg. Even if he was free, To survive, you need a tribe.

She always takes care of them.

The fox is like this, hiding by ingenious slyness, but once it is found that it can't be avoided, it is also a beast that will die.

Grandma thought about it, biting her wrist with a bite, and just put a deep blood hole on it. The blood spewed out, and the fishy smell suddenly spread, causing her a headache.

The tartars already eat meat, otherwise they will not grow that sharp tooth, and they will be suddenly flushed with blood, just like a smelly cat, and they will be summoned honestly.

He tentatively leaned his head close to the crack again. Seeing that Grandma was already leaning against the corner of the wall, he couldn't move. He listened carefully, couldn't hear the sound of her breathing, but could only see that the **** smell inside was getting stronger and stronger, and the breath was sulking It also became heavy.

His pupils slowly widened in the dark, his wings winged, and then long nails and hard scales grew on human-like hands, and they dug up quickly.

The tartars live in water all year round and did not eat cooked food. Although this "ah ah" is very unique, he refuses to leave in the orc's city, and has a soft spot for barbecue, but his **** habit is still in his bones.

Unfortunately, the Tatar is not as good at fighting as the Orc, and he is not as clever as the Birdman. Right now he is persuaded, and he dare not eat the living, but the dead ... can still be solved.

The Tatar thought the immobilized Imam was dead. He quickly pulled open a hole that allowed people to drill in, and then climbed into the place where Imam was detained.

Grandma's throat was full of sweetness, and she could not bear to cough. She felt that she was really about to die, but she couldn't give up all her achievements.

At this moment, the savage smell of watery people gathered up, and the cold nose touched Ai's bleeding wrist, he looked at Ai for a moment, lowered her head carefully, and licked her wrist.

Grandma closed her eyes and opened her eyes a gap.

Glimmering in her eyes, she stared at the unsuspectingly bent neck.

"Ahhhhhhh" already opened his mouth and pinched his fangs, and Grandma was slowly looking for opportunities-her legs were tied, her hands were abolished, and her only weapon was teeth, and she Desperate.

People will desperately use the most primitive weapons when they are forced into desperation. They are sensational, but they work well. This may be ... that is, there are still some orcs who keep their bodies.

On this day, the slave brought a pot of barbecue to the Tatar as usual, but left it by the pool. For a long time, he regarded him as his pet, so he was very unhappy, and went along the waterway to find the past.

After walking for about a moment, the slave heard a sharp scream.

He had been dealing with the Tatars for a long time. Naturally, he knew that the special sound was not from the orcs. The slave was startled, hesitated, and hurried to the direction of the sound. When I looked carefully, I saw that the humanoid figure leaped out of nowhere, with blood and tears flowing across his face, a **** mouth around his neck, a hoarse cry in his mouth, and then a fierce man plunged into the water, and the water became red The blockbuster hurts the cricket like a fish, desperately tossing and jumping in the water, screaming intermittently.

The place where Qing Liang lived was not too close to other dwellings, but such a big movement was also heard, and one after another came to see what happened.

It wasn't until the heavy figures blocked the light leaking out of the gap that Ah Yi relaxed and let herself pass out. She knew that she had been exposed to the sky, and it didn't matter if she died.

Chang'an didn't know that Grandma had been found by her own deliberate plan.

Grandma miscalculated him, and he also miscalculated Grandma. After Alan's death, he did not touch other women except Aye, a physician. In his impression, there are always only two women, one is a good woman like Ayan who took care of him at a young age, and the other is a bad woman like a carpenter's wife. In addition, he did not judge them very beautifully or ugly.

I just think that good women are sometimes weak and vulnerable, and need to be protected by others. Most of the bad women are very cunning, greedy for fear of death, and like to hide behind and harm others.

He thought that Grandma must be the same, but unfortunately he was wrong.

However, even if he knew it now, I'm afraid he wouldn't care about grandma.

Kazuo was not far from him. Chang'an hid himself in the dark, thinking about how to get Kazuo out of the air. He touched his injured wrist, and it seemed to swell a little bit, and it hurt when he touched it. He now understood that his right hand was not just the joint disengaged, but he probably hurt a bone.

He didn't know if his token could take people away, or if he was exposed, he would have to get himself out of Kazuo with all his tail.

Chang'an's left hand's thumb gently rubbed his right hand's wrist-even though Cazzo was a thin bone, he was still a big man. Look at him, I'm afraid he can't go out on his own, he has to carry on his own. He injured a bone in one wrist, his left hand was not as flexible as his right hand, and he was carrying such a person.

Chang'an knew that he had successfully mixed in, successfully seen what he should see, knew where Cazo was, and even knew the organization and means of the enemy. At present, his most wise choice should be to remain silent. The ground returned, and went out as long as it came in, and immediately went to Lu Quan and killed Jing Chu's unprepared return carbine.

He has been a city owner for a few years, and even though he was stumbling in the beginning, he now understands what is called the "big picture".

There are still men hanging from the top of the cave who were beaten to tears and cry, and still a weird fairyland-like cozy cubicle carrying all the vicious eyes, and the smell and odor kept floating into his nose. , Which is also mixed with a hint of sweetness and a touch of sweetness on the woman ...

Chang quietly stood for a long time, suddenly closed his eyes slightly and took a deep breath. Then he tore off a piece of clothing on his body, fastened the injured right wrist tightly and fixed it slightly. He carried his short knife in his left hand, hid it in his sleeve, and walked out of his hiding place.

Sometimes children make mistakes because they are ignorant, and adults make mistakes, but they have to do so because they know they are wrong. They want to do this—Chang'an thought, probably because they are a bit stupid.

Several alert people stopped him at once and asked, "Who are you? Why are you here?"

Chang'an glanced at these people, without a word of arrogance. He raised his finger to the place where Cazor was, and found the token in his arms. He flashed in front of several people without squinting.

The other party took the token in his hand, repeatedly checked it upside down, and then looked up in surprise at Changan's face. As if he could see the owner's appearance from the token, he suddenly asked: "What's the name? ? "

Chang'an raised his eyes and squinted at him, pouting and not talking.

The man didn't know his roots, only felt that the light in the eyes of the thin Asian beast man and the ambience of the whole body made him a little uncomfortable, and he was inexplicably afraid of him, hesitated after seeing him not speaking, or threw the token back In Changan's arms, he muttered, "What's the air?"

Several people gave way, and Chang'an breathed a sigh of relief, straightened his chest and walked in with no guilty conscience.

When he helped Kazuo out, he still passed by a few people at the door, who were surprised to see him stepping out step by step while holding his semi-coma, and some even whispered: "Asian beast? Great strength ... "

Changan had to pass through them without raising his head. He only heard one person stop him and said, "Brother, take your time. People here are strictly in and out. The chief wants to see this person. You have to register first."

Chang'an raised his eyes and saw a light at the finger of the man. Under the light was a large piece of brilliance of cowhide. The words on it were the number, and how long.

Chang'an glanced at the number under Cazuo's feet, wrote the number on it, and time copied the above record casually. After finishing the hurried writing, he carried Cazuo on his back and went out.

The man who called him had a lazy look. When he just wanted to take down the lamp, he accidentally scanned his handwriting, and suddenly he looked out loud, "You stand still!"

Chang'an turned his back to him and stopped, his left hand clenched the handle.

The man shouted sharply, "You are looking for someone with the leader ’s token, but the leader always finds people for only one hour and three. If there is a problem beyond this time, or if the person no longer sends back, he will definitely send someone to make up the brand, what There are two rules in the past? Who are you? Where did you get them in ?! "

Read The Duke's Passion