MTL - Bestial Blade-Chapter 78 Naturally thin when love is strong

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When Chang'an left Wangcheng, Huayi took someone to send him out two or three miles outside the city, almost going out of the gate, and had no intention of returning.

Solimu was forced to accompany him, feeling very embarrassed, because they felt that their king lived like a piece of mud under the water. As long as he touched it a little, it made people sticky. With this product, it is just a joke for others.

Although he was also newly married, things were piled up, and now he is still with his newly-married daughter-in-law, but he is not so slimy, watching with cold eyes, and Solemy suddenly raised a manly spirit from his heart. A sense of superiority.

Finally, in a place less than five miles away from Wangcheng, Changan almost quarreled with him in order to bomb Huayi back.

Changan first said to him kindly: "It has been far away from the King City, and then you will be out of the inner gate. You should go back."

Huayi leisurely said, "What are you anxious about before you leave?"

Chang'an's eyes jumped, and after a while, he lowered his voice and calmly said, "You are the king of the East China Sea, and you ran so far away with me. Others saw it as awkward. Go back."

Huayi said rightly: "I don't think anyone dares to say that I'm insane!"

Chang'an: "..."

Huayi sneered at him with a smirk.

Chang'an has always had limited understanding of the set of roundabout persuasion and twists and turns, so after three rounds of talks, he began to reveal his original shape, and remained silent for a moment, feeling unbearable. I just don't think you are ridiculous, don't talk nonsense, get me back early. "

Solaim heard the words, only felt that his heart was very fast, and he could not help but clap his hands and praised "OK", barely suppressed, and bowed his head to death.

Huayi's face is three feet and three inches thick, and he was used to chanting people in Chang'an. It was painless and itchy when he stabbed a few words, and he still muttered in his mouth, "This is a cold day, you must You have to come out to eat and sleep at this time, I ... Well, am I really uneasy. "

Chang'an said ruthlessly: "Isn't it better to go back for a year first, and go in the spring?"

The corner of Solem's mouth bent up inexorably, and he quickly coughed and pressed back.

Huayi looked at Chang'an with a very helpless gaze, raised his hand and touched his horns, and sighed, "You ..."

He then made a compromise: "Then I will send you out of the customs."

...... After a while, Huayi and Soleil stayed together, watching Changan take people away.

Huayi groaned at the back of his fanned hand, and when no one could see it, he coughed softly, and the people who watched his joke silently around him cursed harshly: "Everything you look at, also Don't come back with me? "

After that, he walked back first, and Solaim took a few steps to catch up with him, and slowly said the bland words: "Yeah, what are you looking at, the king was beaten back."

They experienced ups and downs in their early years, and it was not easy to survive, so most of them were somewhat cheap, in order to entertain themselves.

Huayi did not answer his words, the brisk look on his face gradually faded, slowly began to condense, and after walking for a while, he whispered to Solem: "I have something to do for you."

Solem was stunned.

Huayi continued: "You went on a trip to the extreme north for me, and asked Queen Agro, the extreme north, to remember the feeling of living together in the cave for more than a year, and she promised me."

Solemy was taken aback first, then immediately thought in his heart, and understood what he meant: "Do you think this time is tricky?"

"I told Chang'an to search the city secretly that day and found nothing." Huayi frowned slightly. "Chang'an is not a rude person. Since there is such a person in the city ... or some people, he didn't find it, either That man really has a lot of power, or ... for special reasons, he hid him. "

Solimu sighed: "Forcing him to hide people silently, the reason is complicated."

"Tell them, make a quicker footstep." Huayi commanded without looking back, "turn back to make things clear for Wang Cheng, and I will go out."

Solemki laughed and said, "Do you know that you care about people now? Isn't it that you have nothing to do with your heart, and you haven't ignored you for a month?"

Huayi said: "Oh, you can also talk to me. If he is not the top of my heart, I have nothing to do to provoke him uncomfortable? Who do you think I've stumbled besides him? He did n’t even have the conscience, and he dared to do something with me. He did n’t have the heart to see the dawn last night, and I looked at him overnight.

Sollywood was suddenly caught off guard. In front of Chang'an, Huayi never seemed to say such frank words. He was earnestly experiencing a complex taste from the taste to the complex flavor that naturally thinned when he was strong, and then heard Huayi. The **** added: "Forget it, tell you a fart, an old bachelor like you who married a wife and did not marry, will not understand."

Solema was angry: "It's not too much to marry my daughter-in-law like this and not to marry me. Who is it for?"

They rushed back to the city without mentioning that they said Chang'an had a lot of thoughts along the way.

He sometimes watched Huayi sitting intently behind the desk, thinking before and after thinking, he was always incomprehensible. Until then, he could understand one or two.

For a moment, he wondered how to face Lu Da in the place where he gathered outside the border, and then worried whether Qingliang could not hide it, and then he worried what Huayi would think if he found that woman.

However, he thought about it, except that his face was getting ugly and his temper was getting irritable, he had no clue.

He can't always arrange things step by step like Huayi, let alone arrange, he finds himself totally ignorant.

Just as he was walking out of the gate through a mess of mad land, and continued to move forward, an exclamation sounded suddenly around him. Changan first heard the wind, and then a guard shouted, "City Master Beware ".

When he went out this time, Chang'an carried his saber, and he suddenly took a big step forward. The landing was back to God, and he saw a large knife with a hook slashing straight into the position where he was standing. He carried a handful of slaves and guards with him, and the guards stepped forward at the same time, and surrounded the man as if he were an enemy.

The knife-lifter sneered and looked at Chang'an Road from a distance: "The one who told you not to come to death, I came to you."

It was the lunatic who broke into the city with the caravan that day. He hadn't seen them for many days. His eyes were still red and bright, and he didn't know where to find a new hook knife to replace the broken one.

Chang'an was panicking in his heart. How could he be entangled with him? Then he waved the guards to avoid them, turned the saber in one direction, and said to him with anger, "I still have something. You better hurry up, don't delay my time, or kill you."

The lunatic seemed to hear something good, and laughed, "Come and kill! Come and kill me!"

The laughter was not over, Changan's sword had been chopped down, and the wind and power of the hundred-pound sabre were not whispered with the ordinary knife. The look of the madman changed, his eyes changed, just like a hunger For a long time, the man saw a naked / naked beauty.

The two quickly huddled together. Duan was a flying sand, and Duan was a lively one.

A group of guards and slaves, you look at me, I look at you, and turn around the two of them. As a result, the more the two of them fight, the more lively, the circle becomes larger and larger-since Chang'an became the city master, there are many chores, and he has less If you have time to train at a place where you can instruct others, even if you make occasional appearances, most of them just take a look, move your lips, or compare with a wooden knife. This is also why some of the tribes who later joined the group treated this special Asian Beast Master. The reason for both curiosity and disdain.

Younger guards have never seen such a knife-to-blood, fiercely desperate fight. Chang'an and the lunatic were insane in killing, but the lunatic went up to death in search of thousands of miles, and was struggling with the anger of Chang'an, intending to take advantage of others.

The saber and the hook knife come and go. I can only see that the people around are dazzled and can't distinguish their respective movements. With good eyesight, although they can barely keep up, they are dizzy and their heartbeat is thunderous. .

The last time Chang'an used an ordinary sword, although he didn't get much good under the crazy power of that lunatic, he could fully show the trickiness of his sword. This time, he took a saber, and his strength was even stronger, although it was precise and flexible. Still, they couldn't cooperate with the unpredictable body style, so the two completely changed their style of play.

I don't know if the two had passed hundreds of moves, the guard slaves heard a sound of steel cracking.

I saw that the lunatic jumped up and condescended to use his whole body's strength to chop down deadly, while Chang'an's saber turned for more than half a circle and blasted with the sound of wind—the two's weapons hit the ground like this. They smashed into each other, and someone saw that Chang'an's main hand holding the knife was obviously badly removed. The knife handle slipped into his left hand, and a small nail gap was exposed where the saber and hook knife collided.

The hook knife was broken into several sections, and it fell to the ground.

The lunatic hurriedly withdrew his hand, the saber pressed down on his head, and he became anxious into half a beast shape, his limbs became claws, and he lay on the ground in a very indecent form like a human beast, yelling "Don't kill me, I tell you what I know!"

The blade of Chang'an stopped three inches above his head: "Aren't you afraid of death?"

The lunatic yelled sternly, "I'm not afraid of death! But I can't win you and kill you when I die, I ... I, I, I can't die here, I have to go back and practice the sword."

Chang'an's right hand has actually been dislocated. He is painful and indifferent, waiting to hear the defeat of his subordinates, asking for forgiveness. Who knows that when he heard such a clamor, he wanted to kill himself, it was almost speechless.

The lunatic continued: "I told you these things, you can't kill me, this business is fair!"

Changan forcedly squeezed two words out of the gap between the teeth: "You said."

"Your enemy's name is Jing Chu, and he's also a sub-beast, that's a monster, and he has witchcraft! I hear others say ... those people, no matter who they are, should obey him before they dispatch him ..."

Chang'an faintly felt that the word "Jingchu" was very familiar. Who seemed to mention it, but couldn't remember who it was for a moment, so he said impatiently, "What is this nonsense you want to say?"

The madman said angrily: "Who talked to you! This is true. He also has beautiful girls, dancers, and witchcraft. If the merchants are brought into your king city, how many are you in Haizhu City? The rat's eyes can pass into Jing Chu's ears! Don't think ... "

Changan interrupted him again: "I know these broken things and say it works!"

The lunatic glanced at him angrily, as if complaining about how he knew everything, after thinking for a long time, he said slowly: "Well ... then, let me tell you how you silly big spy is. Got caught. "

Read The Duke's Passion