MTL - Bestial Blade-Chapter 36 Throb

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The roar blew up a nerve in Changan's brain that was hurting, his chest seemed to be pressed tightly, his brain was blank in that kind of suffocation, he instinctively wanted to grab something, his fingers It was numb. For a moment, he didn't know that he had lost consciousness.

Huayi caught him in time when he shook, and saw that Chang'an's knuckles were white and pinched, and a touch of his hand was a cold sweat, and even the skin of the teenager was cold.

Huayi was startled, and bent over and hugged him, but it was like holding a wooden stake. Chang'an didn't give him a slight reaction, and the whole person was shaking.

It's not frozen or painful, it's more like an unconscious cramp.

Huayi placed him on his lap, struck his face, and found that his eyes were not completely closed, but his pupils were dilated, and he was deadly out of focus. What vision, what natural disaster, Huayi left behind all of a sudden, he suddenly felt an unspeakable panic in his heart, as if someone on the apex of the meat was pinched by his nails, hanging him His breath got stuck in his throat.

Prior to this, Huayi always thought that Changan's face was not good because of trauma, and some people got fever due to wound purulence after being bitten by a beast, but at this time, even if he knew nothing about medicine, he also knew that it was not after the injury. Symptoms of inflammation.

Then Changan ... Is it really sick?

Disease like Luo Tong's son?

But how is that possible?

His miraculous little brother, with an unpredictable killing skill, is only of this age. He is like a snow field that no one has stepped on. He is clean and has nothing to eat. He is full and sleeps. ...... How can it be like Luo Tong's sick son who is breathing all the time?

how come? how come?

Huayi found that his hands suddenly clenched. Fortunately, Changan hadn't lost consciousness for a long time, it was just a moment, hardly anyone noticed except Huayi.

He froze for a while, then woke up, his eyes slowly recovered, his neck seemed to be weak, and he leaned softly on Huayi's shoulder. Changan's eyes blinked and closed completely. After that, the eyelashes fluttered slightly, unconsciously arching the back, touching the wound on the shoulder, and then grinning.

Chang'an heard Huayi said softly in his ear: "Come, let go and let go of the knife-let go of the hand first, what about water? Drink water?"

Huayi has never spoken in such a gentle voice. Chang'an's consciousness was clearer. He obediently sent away his saber, and held the water bowl handed over by Huayi with both hands. Huayi did not let go, just a little bit. The ground fed him a few bites.

After feeding a few sips, Chang'an finally became impatient with his long stream of friction, grabbed the bowl of water from his hand, Huayi sighed, raised his hand and stroked the spine of his bow, carefully and fearfully, almost It was given him a rare treasure.

"Your mother-in-law is more frightening than the sudden ground fire." Huayi patted him on the back lightly, suppressing Chang'an's motion to stand up, his hands wrapped in a circle, and Chang'an Circled in both arms, scolded, "Give me honest."

Chang An glanced at the knife on the ground and said, "I'm fine."

Huayi heard his voice at this time, and his heart was finally relieved. He put Chang'an in front of the big stone, let him sit against the stone, squatted aside, and was worried for a while, and said, "Go on the road Sit on me later, I will take you. "

Chang'an said "Ah", and then said slowly: "I have to break."

Huayi rolled his eyes and put his hand on his forehead: "Many of you after the break."

Changan looked at him with a distressed glance, and said, "This won't work, there is no reason for nothing."

Huayi lingered for a long time before realizing what he was talking about, and suddenly he laughed and laughed. He never thought that the kid would take a mallet seriously.

He looked at Chang'an, his heart was so soft, and suddenly a thought popped up—want to give him all the good things, and he wished he could grow smaller, smaller, and not as human-like, until Let him hold it in his palm like a bead.

This feeling is so complicated that after this idea emerged, Huayi reached out and rubbed his temples angrily, feeling that he was almost magically impaired, what **** is running in his head?

Just when he was upset, Solem was coming.

Solaim's big high-hat slanted aside, his face glared. He always likes to worship the gods of mountains and rivers, and his knees are like no bones, but at this time, many people kneel, but he still stands upright.

A bowl of warm broth went down, and his throat was still hoarse, and he labored to come from the other side, and almost walked to Huayi with hands and feet.

He knows a lot of things that are well-known, and soon attracted the attention of a large group of people. People waited for him to say something, but after Solem was silent for a long time, he said something softly in a duck-like voice. words.

He said, "It's not over."

After finishing speaking, Solaimu lowered his head, rubbed his sleeves firmly on his face, and coughed twice.

Most of the dust was wiped off with the colorful oil paint on his face, revealing the double eyelids that were wider than others. The eyelids seemed too heavy, and the corners of his eyes dropped slightly, looking like With a deep-rooted sorrow-he is not ugly, but born with bitterness.

Kazuo asked, "What does it mean to be over?"

Solemura stretched out a finger, pointing at the volcanic volcano, and said, "It is said that there are twelve mountains in the northern part of the mainland, which are connected to the underground abyss. When the mainland was first formed, there was movement. To this day, they have been silent as if they were dead, but now they suddenly live together. "

His voice was rough as if the rusty irons were rubbing against each other, and it sounded cold to the heart.

Solaim's eyes were slightly dimmed: "I only heard such stories farther north-the twelve mountains at the same time flow out of the ground fire in the abyss, they will burn over the far north icefield, and the melting glaciers will set off the sea The huge waves here slammed into the entire continent. When it trembles everywhere, the flat ground will rise high mountains, crack deep valleys, the sky will be dark, and the daylight will be dark until ... "

Kazzo: "Until what?"

Solimu sighed: "Until that coldest winter arrives, it will freeze all living things, and then the grass will not return for a whole year, and spring will not return, and the deepest buried seeds will re-germinate."

The ground fire was still burning, and the helpless people went to see their leader ... But Huayi did not know where to find the two fruits, handed them to Changan, and stuffed the other into his mouth, biting half off.

Mountain Creek couldn't help but say, "Boss!"

Huayi waved his hand, the blowout of the ground fire seemed to have weakened a lot, but the suffocating odor in the air was stronger. He was silent for a while, and only the cheeks chewed slowly, for a long time, he Then he said, "Relax, you can't die. Where did you die?" The deepest seed germinated again? "Or do you think you are not as good as a seed?"

Solemu laughed aloud, and the bitter look on his face seemed to be diluted a lot. For the first time, he found that no one was suitable for this leader because Huayi was not because he had no heart.

Huayi thought about it: "Tell everyone, eat with peace of mind, rest for one day in situ, eat and eat, sleep and sleep ..."

Shanxi asked, "Shouldn't we leave here as soon as possible?"

Huayi stared at the direction of the ground fire and said, "Don't worry, this distance, those ash will not be able to float for a while-you can hear Solimu said, now is not the time to panic and tire, if this is not over, We have to figure out how to survive. "

Solaim said, "Tomorrow we will go down the mountain. The mountain will become part of our barrier. Further south is a large plain. We can slow down the journey and prepare food."

Huayi nodded his head: "Call the doctors to work harder. There are many beasts on the mountain. The orc warriors who have not been injured are lined up. They change the shift every hour and take charge of guarding. Get up, don't worry, according to the preparation of four times the amount of winter each year-what are you doing in Chang'an? Sit down, drink the water, and then go to Aye to guard your business. "

The San tribal leaders who were accepted in midway never got the chance to speak, and they looked at Huayi thoughtfully and consistently.

Huayi lifted Chang'an with one hand and carried him to Aye's side, without delay, he glanced around the faces of the leaders, and then showed them a kind and enthusiasm Smile, said: "Brothers, rest assured, people with you follow us, as long as the sky does not fall, nothing will happen, I promise."

Solimu took the other arm of Chang'an and accompanied them to go to Aye's side, while pointing Huayi to lower his hand, don't tear his wound, and whispered, "These outsiders stay like this Off? "

"Yes." Huayi responded lowly. "Don't quarrel with me. If you encounter it later, you still have to let them in. I don't think there are many people. At the moment of the disaster, people are not burdensome and no one is terribly dead. "

He didn't need to say this. Solem also understood that he nodded slightly, and asked a little uneasily: "In case these people are indifferent ..."

Huayi smiled coldly: "When I get to my site, what I say must be what it is, otherwise ... kill more people without delay."

He was aggressive, but his hands were very gentle. He kept Chang'an in front of Aye, confiscated his sword, and said to Aye: "You have to take a good look this time, I don't think The wolf caught it. "

A Ye busy gave way and let Chang An lie down.

Being fiddled with her is naturally more comfortable than being moved around by the rough hand of Huayi. Huayi was very self-aware and let go. In order not to hinder her, she simply stood a little far away from Soleil. A little, wait for her test results.

At this time, Huayi converged to smile, and sighed heavily.

"What do you mean?" Solemy asked.

Huayi waved his hand: "Oh, don't mention it, I almost treated my brother as my wife, it's **** / egg."

Read The Duke's Passion