MTL - Bestial Blade-Chapter 31 that power

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Elder Ba Shu was stunned. He lived for six or seventy years. He still had no idea how to deal with such a bastard. He looked around. Everyone was surrounded by cold swords. One by one was cold, and he was too busy to take care of himself. Do you have any surprises?

Elder Ba Shu's face was a little bit unstoppable.

Although he is called brave and fearless, an elder, who has not been involved for a long time, has long forgotten that he has just become a monster and bit his prey's neck with a bite of the smelly and warm blood. taste.

What he had was property, but he hadn't rolled enough in the arms of a beautiful woman, and told him to brighten his knife with a barbarian in public to fight for your life?

Isn't this a glorious world?

Elder Ba Shu's eyes stared like a bronze bell, and he turned to look at Huayi, saying in the mouth, "Boss, I ..."

However, he thought the matter was funny and absurd, but Cazor didn't think that he had seen the battle and said nothing. He pulled / cut out the machete from the back waist and suddenly took a big step forward, relentlessly toward Unguarded Elder Ba Shu cut off.

A word from Elder Ba Shu was stuck in his throat, and a guard closest to him hurriedly pulled him aside, blocking it with the iron armor on his arm, and the iron armor hit the machete together. The knife was knocked open, and the tip of the knife crossed the elder Ba Shu's face screaming. The elder Ba Shu screamed, leaving a blood ditch on his face. The flesh flickered as if a flower had bloomed and fell straight into him. One eye.

Elder Ba Shu covered his eyes with one hand, and he was so anxious that he rolled around with no head and flies around like a fly, leading to a long neck.

The crowd was taken aback, but for a while, the two sides had already lumped together in the field, where there were beasts and weapons, and no one was willing to let anyone, it turned out to be a deep hatred.

An elder with a big brain is probably occupying a lot of space, and it is also easy to be affected accordingly. It just happened to be hit by Elder Ba Shu, and he uttered a snoring breath and took a big step back, panic-stricken. Look at Huayi, shouted: "Boss! Boss!"

Pretending not to hear, Huayi bowed his head and fiddled with a nine-inch-long knife, scrubbing the blade, filing his nails, and was very busy.

The fat man had just taken the elder's seat from his deceased ghost, and his head was still warm. He looked at himself several times for a while, then turned to push against the samurai in front of him, and the spit star said in a sloppy way. : "Get out of me! I'm an elder! You are so brave, dare to make way!"

This time he was frightened and angry, and he had completely stirred up the congealed brain that had been clogged with oil. When he said this, he didn't realize it, and he blinded his eyes and covered him with blood. The one who hit was also a genuine elder.

So he became a dead fat man.

It wasn't until this head rolled all the way to the ground that Huayi finally raised his eyes and said slowly: "The elder, what a great thing-but since he was killed by someone else, the person who killed him must be even better, do you guys say so?"

Everyone felt a cold weapon on the back of their necks.

Huayi Pi smiled and said to the young orc warrior with blood on his machete: "Since you killed him, this elder will be yours, and his family can dispose of his property. It ’s all up to you. At the beginning of each month, you sit here for him, okay? ”

A large piece of pie fell from the sky, and the young orc warrior stayed.

Huayi asked, "What's your name?"

"Xun ..." The orc warrior's voice was a bit dry, and he cleared his throat hard before saying the following words, "Xunxun."

Huayi nodded slightly to him: "From today, it is Eunuch Xun Xun."

He said this, but his eyes flew away from the overwhelmed face of the young warrior. Huayi had deep eye sockets, so his eyes looked cold, and there was a heavy rusty smell inside.

Huayi looked at these people expressionlessly, smelled the smell of familiar blood, and thought indifferently: "Jingchu's inverse son, how many people killed that year, only a tribe's people followed him willingly What about an Asian beast that can't lift a sword and can't carry a sword? What method did he use to scare so many courageous warriors? How long did it take for the blood of the tribe who gave birth to him to shed blood? ? "

For the first time, he tasted this taste of power, saying what is what, a word can make a person roll his head to the ground, a word can make people change from ordinary guards to elders, rise and fall, do whatever they want, more than any kind of power They all come to me.

Then the blood in Huayi's heart was ignited by this power and the slaying of the court. He burned his limbs and blazed hotly, but it didn't last long. It didn't last for a few laps. His blood was slow. It slowly cooled down, and a kind of desolate sorrow sprang up from it, broke the top of his head, and slowly landed, covering his whole person, not going or returning.

At this moment, Lu Quan suddenly said in a sullen voice: "Boss, there is a little girl over there called Aye, saying he wants to see you."

Huayi raised an eyebrow slightly, but Soleil smiled.

Huayi glanced at Soleil and thought for a moment, then nodded and said, "Let her in."

A Ye was quickly brought in. Her skirt was very long, and other girls in the tribe had always been envious. However, at this time, she almost tripped her feet. The pieces of meat on the ground were sprayed everywhere. The person had red eyes, she didn't know how to take a step.

Huayi stretched his back and sat up a bit, revealing his charitable smile, and said broadly: "Just say it there, what are you doing?"

Ah Ye knelt straight down, her eyes first fell on Soleil, and then as if she had received any instructions, she said lightly and firmly, "Please forgive the leader."

Huayi didn't answer, turned his head and glanced at Solemy again, but Solemmu looked at the nose and mouth with a dignified look.

"I don't blame Kazo, but since you have resentment with the elder Bashan's family, can you solve each other, isn't it fair?"

A Ye's face was pale and her eyes were large and round, but she slightly pursed her lips, but she said what she said just now: "Please forgive the leader."

Huayi was silent for a while, and even Cazor heard Aye's voice and stopped his hands, scratching a long scar on the shoulder by the opponent's beast claw, exiting two steps and frowning. After looking at Aye and Huayi, he grabbed one of his brother's shoulders and pulled the red-eyed man back, and whispered, "OK!"

Cazor held down his injured shoulder and glanced at Huayi with a red eye. His chest was violently undulating, and he stood still for a while. He finally lowered his head, and he whispered, "Boss, Aye is not sensible, you ... ... "

However, Huayi waved his hand unexpectedly, interrupted him, and said, "Aye, let it be, let it be."

The Blackhawk wounded four people, and a hole was scratched on Cazor's shoulder. One of the elders of Bashu died and six wounded. He blinded himself with a **** face, and lingered on the ground. It is almost impossible to know whether he lives or not.

Lu Quan was instructed, and the samurai immediately dispersed a path.

Huayi continued: "Bring the table and chairs that have just been lifted back, and ask people to clean up here. The big guy has been hungry for so long, so let's eat first-Elder Ba Shu was seriously injured and lifted the person out. I set up a few tables outside and told them to stay with the boys who had been standing for a long time. "

Then Huayi seemed to be okay, raised the reheated wine bowl, and signaled the crowd to help themselves, but after a short time, the roasted deer was divided and placed on a plate in front of everyone. The meal was so silent that it was so dull that it caused stomach pain.

It was not until a meal that Huayi re-opened: "The brothers of the Black Eagle live a little smaller. I look to the south and draw a two-sided place for them so that the brothers become home and live there. It must be opened. Ba Shu is old, let ’s go home and take care of his oldest son. He will take over his father's post. If he does n’t understand something, ask your elders. As for the elders The location is always empty ... "

He said here, paused for a while, and reminded him of the end of the elder, and then Huayi seemed confused, and asked Solaim next to him, "Who is the second elder in the rank? "

"The elder Bashu," Solemu said.

"Oh." Huayi nodded. "Then the eldest son of Ba Shujia picked up this elder's place. In addition, Solimu made a lot of contributions in the elder rebellion and asked him to join the elders. Opinion? "

He didn't wait for others to have an opinion, and then proceeded to take care of himself: "I don't see any opinion."

Then, Huayi finally pulled away his usual sincere smile, stood up, and put his hand on his shoulder, no longer covering it, exposing the shiny silver beast pattern on the back of his hand.

Say loudly: "Leader Luo Tong gave me the tribe, I was troubled day and night, lest everyone follow me, there is no way to live a good life. Now, I am willing to swear with my life, swear with the reputation of the dead tooth, A day in Huayi in the tribe, I will let you live a happy and prosperous life, so that everyone, whether orcs or Asian orcs, can live in peace. I will expand our territory to block the danger in the forest, from External enemies, one day, let our warriors step across the entire northern continent, nobody dares to stop! "

Then he smiled faintly and said word by word, "I want this continent to be without our enemies."

The surroundings were quiet for a while, and then I did not know who yelled out loud. The orcs' bones were full of belligerent factors. Only this kind of madness can make them crazy.

They stood up, shouted, raised their hands, spilled a large bowl of wine into the fire, and Mars, who was about to extinguish, suddenly burst into the old high and crackled.

Cazor stood up, raised one hand, and said loudly, "Okay, boss, you are a stubble! We serve, and follow you later!"

Huayi looked at him from a long distance, raised a bowl of wine to him, and drank it. The roar of the orcs was even louder. They stamped their feet together, almost shaking the earth.

Huayi provoked all this, but his mind was calm.

He knew that this was not enough-he made everyone scared today, but as a leader, it was not enough to be ruthless, "awe" and "awe". With fear, "respect" was needed.

He only passed the first pass.

Huayi glanced down at Chang'an unconsciously, Changan seemed to be not full just now, but his **** was sticking to the bench at the moment. Other people's mouth was busy, only he didn't lift his head, busy stuffing meat in his mouth, stuff It's bulging.

As if feeling Huayi's sight, Chang'an looked up and his eyes met him.

The young man's eyes were clear. Huayi could see neither praise nor blame. He even felt that maybe all kinds of talents might be in Changan's eyes. This is just a simple conflict and has nothing to do with him— — It's resolved now.

What do you want Huayi could not help thinking.

The elders and Kazuo wanted status, wealth, power, and beauty. He scared them and gave them these things. Solaimu wanted to be stable. He took Soleimu to settle in the giant mountain tribe. Root, let him torment his idol Gao Xiang every day.

Huayi felt that he could give anything, as long as no one else betrayed him.

What about Changan? What does Changan want?

He said no, so he felt afraid again.

Read The Duke's Passion