MTL - Beloved Empress-~ Extra Chapter 4, don't ask for mercy.

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Han Yixiao’s face is incredible: “Mother, if this feeling can be transferred, is it still feelings? From small to large, the baby only takes the ice and ice as a sister, and there is no such thing as a child.”

"I didn't have it before. I can have it now. The feelings are cultivated. The ice is not worse than the white one. You know it when you get along with her. She knows the book, gentle and well-behaved. This kind of woman is the best for wife, and white. Nine kinds of girls, dance knives, guns, rivers and lakes, on the battlefield, such a girl, how can we be a good wife and a good mother! So the mother thinks that ice is more suitable for you, and the mother really likes ice, she I will be happy to marry you." The mother said it was easy.

However, Han Yixiao could not accept: "Mother, please don't force the baby, the baby promises you, will never have a relationship with Bai Jiu, and ask the mother not to force the child to slap on ice. It is not responsible for ice and ice."

"You are not responsible for the Korean family. We are a child like you. You shoulder the burden of passing on the ancestors and continuing the loyalty of the Han family. But you are still unmarried, are you planning to let the Han family break?

You keep saying that you forget Bai Jiu, but do you really forget her in your heart? Can you miss her in your mind? If you really forget Bai Jiu, when you eat, ice and ice will give you a dish, you will not reject her.

As long as you don't invest in new feelings for a day, you can't forget Bai Jiu. Your mother has decided to let you go, and my mother will give you a few days to get along with the ice. After a few days, my mother will send people to Jiangnan Wu. Family mentions. ”

"Mother, please don't do this, the baby will not agree." Han Yixiao's attitude is very persistent.

"Xiaoer, do you want to mad your mother? Is it true that the mother wants to see you as a family, seeing you continue the incense, and let your mother die in the future."

"Mother -"

"Okay, go ahead if you have something! This mother will go to the people to do this." Mrs. Han’s attitude is also very determined.

"Mother -"

Mrs. Han’s wife waved her hand: “Well, my mother is tired, let’s go first!”

Han Yixiao arched his hand and respectfully said: "Please ask your mother to think twice, and the child will retire."

Looking at the back of his son’s departure, Mrs. Han’s wife shook her head helplessly. Why did she want to force her son, but if she didn’t do this, how could her son forget Bai Jiu, Bai Jiu had already been sentenced to death, if he was not allowed to invest as soon as possible? A new feeling, I am afraid that Bai Jiu is dead. He will never be able to come out of the love of Bai Jiu. He will suffer for a lifetime. It is her mother who does not want to see it, so now I only hope that he can get it as soon as possible. Forget the white nine, and fall in love with other women.

Qiu He sees the old lady frowning, walks to the old lady, and helps the old lady to massage the temple. She is distressed: "Old lady, are you still having a headache?" After many years with the old lady, I know the old lady very well. As long as there is something in mind, the old lady will not sleep well and will have a headache. Now the things of the young master and the white general are very upset for the old lady, and have not rested for several days.

The old lady sighed helplessly: "Xiao Er has been obedient since childhood, but this time in the face of Bai Jiu, I am really afraid that he can't control his heart. I am also coming over, knowing that this is the most sad thing. Since the ancient heroes have been saddened by the beauty, I am really worried that Xiaoer will not forget about Bai Jiu and even forget his father’s hatred."

Qiu He comforted: "The old lady, the young master will not, the young master is calm and sensible from an early age, rarely let the old lady worry, how can the young master not know that the father's hatred is not shared! He has already severed the relationship with the general. It means that the young master has not forgotten the vengeance of the old man. The old lady is more worried."

"Hey! I also hope that I have to worry about it. Since he can give up Baijiu, why can't he accept the ice? Only the woman who has been screened early can forget Baiji as soon as possible and get out of his heart." The old lady sighed. Road.

Qiuhe hesitated and asked: "Old lady, do you really think that Miss Bingbing is very suitable for the young master? Before the old lady was so optimistic about the white general--" The following words, Qiuhe did not dare to talk about it, knowing the old lady’s hatred of the Mohist family. So I am afraid to anger the old lady.

This time, Mrs. Han’s mentality is still calm. Others have raised the Mohist people in front of her. Her mood is still calm. As long as the son is not close to the Mohist people, he will not be deceived by the Mohist people. He will not forget. Father's hatred will help his father revenge, other people, how to think, she will not be too angry.

Mrs. Han thought about it and sighed: "I admit that Bai Jiu is really good, and Xiao Er is quite good. Unfortunately, she is the daughter of Moh, and she is destined to have nothing to do with Xiaoer.

And Bingbing, although not the ability of Baijiu, but the character is very good, the temper is also very good, perhaps her character can be complementary to Xiaoer, perhaps more suitable for being a wife. "But if the young master doesn't like Miss Bingbing, will the old lady be happy if she forces them to become relatives?" "Autumn worried about asking. In South Korea for so many years, the old lady and the young master are very good to her, like her family, a few years older than the younger, the young master is like his brother in his heart, so I hope very young I can have fun and happiness.

As soon as Mrs. Han thought of the Mohist family, she thought that the proximity of Bai Jiu to her son might be directed by Mo Changxiao. She was angry and could not think normally. The tone was cold and unconsciously: "The husband and wife The feelings, as long as they get along with each other, will be there, Xiaoer does not like ice and ice now, because he can't forget Bai Jiu, and he is asked by Bai Jiu. He became a relative with Bing Bing. As a man and husband, he must be iced. Responsible, when the ice and ice use her tenderness like water, she will be able to break into Xiao's atrium and let Xiaoer fall in love with her. My son, I know best, as long as he married this girl, he will definitely Responsible for the husband's responsibility. So I must let him cry, no one is more suitable for him than ice ice. Marriage is a big thing, he can't help, he should have opened the branch for the Korean family."

Qiu He saw the old lady a little angry, did not dare to say more.

Han Yixiao came to the military camp and stepped into the gate of the military camp. In the mind, Bai Ji smiled and waved at her. He greeted him with enthusiasm. The lips were unconsciously rising.

"General!" The patrolling soldier saw him and said hello respectfully.

Han Yixiao’s thoughts were pulled back, and the white nine in front of him disappeared, and he appeared again. Take a deep breath and walk towards the camp, tell yourself, don't think about her again.

Lu Wangfu outside Kyoto

Lu Wangzhen finally caught his sister. Although this sister lives in Luwangfu, but she does not see people all day, it is really not easy to see her.

"Warm, you are finally back. Where have you been going in these few days?" Lu Wangxi saw the dusty sister and went up to ask.

Huo warm and warm sister smiled brightly: "Sister, warm these days to go to the rivers and lakes on a circle, go out and breathe."

"Ventilation? Waiting for you in Luwangfu makes you very stuffy?" My sister stunned her sister, took her sister into the room, sat down, and wanted to have a good chat with her sister.

Although it is a sister of the same mother, but the character of the two sisters is really too different. Lu Wang is quiet and gentle. When he was not married, he was relieved to be in the middle of the word. Now he is married, and he is also a good wife and mother. There are three women from the ancient women's standard.

But Huo warms it! The same is Miss Qian’s daughter, but she never refused to quietly stay in the government to be a young lady. When she was very young, she ran martial arts, and she was entangled with her mother all day. She sent her to the rivers and lakes, followed by a good friend of the mother, that is, warm master now to learn martial arts.

I thought she was only curious for a while, thinking about studying for a few days, she would come back when she was tired. Who knows that she went to school, she is addicted to learning, and she does not want to come back and is unwilling to come back.

Later, the mother-in-law also looked at her, and her temper came. The Huo family had no sons. Their two sisters and sisters were gentle and well-behaved. My sister’s martial arts was nothing wrong, so that Huo had something to stop. So, when I was young, my parents just raised her as a boy.

I thought that after she had finished her studies, she could return to the government as soon as possible and stay at home with peace of mind. Who knows that after learning, she is even more reluctant to stay at home, and she does not see anyone in the sky.

Now that she is older, she wants to find her own family to marry soon, so she is honest. Who knows that she wants to marry someone and ran directly to her. At that time, she was about to give birth, and it was inconvenient for a big belly. She told her parents to come here to accompany her sister and take care of her sister. The parents agreed. I felt that she was still very caring and promised her to come. She also hoped that she would be with her sister and learn to learn from her sister.

As a sister, I thought that after she came, she would be able to persuade her to teach her rules and etiquette. Who knows that after coming to Luwangfu, she still runs away from the sky, and now she stays for more than a year. There was no chance to talk to her and her father had already come to several books and urged her sister to go back.

Lu Wangzhen really felt that his daughter and sister were very derelict. Today, I finally caught my sister and must talk to her.

In the face of my sister's problems, Huo warmed and laughed and joked: "Sister, you like to stay in the Lu Wangfu do not feel bored, because there is a brother-in-law with you, your husband and wife love and love, naturally do not want to go out! But the younger sister Staying here, and people who don’t like them, will feel bored! So I still feel that the world outside is more exciting."

"You, there are many reasons. When I was young, I was accompanied by a mother, and I didn't see you like to stay in the government!" My sister was welcome.

Huo warmed and smiled, scratching his head, as the truth said: "Because the warmth and the character of my sister are really different, my sister likes to be quiet, likes to stay in the gorgeous golden bird cage, likes to be petted, protects the wind. It is rain-free. But warmth doesn't like that kind of life. Warmth is a wild bird. I like to live freely in the sky, so I don't like to be bored at home every day."

"You! This kind of temper is also time to converge. If you have been like this, who dares to yell at you! It is difficult to make a wife a wife, but I don't see the wife's shadow every day!" Sister sighed helplessly.

Huo warm and optimistic: "No one dares to be right! I will not marry for a lifetime, no need to be controlled, how good!"

"You kid, what a stupid thing! When a girl is too big, she will marry, marry and have children. My mother and I have written a letter, so that you must go home early, and your marriage with Yuhua’s cousin can’t be delayed. Before you said that you were young, you still want to spend more than two years with your mother. Yuhua’s cousin and aunt, my uncle did not say anything, but now, you are already 18 years old, it’s time to get married, you can’t drag it anymore. My mother-in-law has already seen someone, and said that you and Yuhua’s cousin’s birthday characters are very suitable for this year’s marriage. You want to go back as soon as possible, and see your days and get married.”

Listening to my sister’s marriage, Huo’s smile on her face is gone, sighing and looking to her sister for help: “Sister, I really don’t want to be a relative, can you talk to your mother for another two years? what!"

My sister asked her sister seriously: "What do you want to drag on! Yuhua cousin really likes you. He is five years older than you. It is reasonable to say that he should have been a relative, but he has been waiting for you. The strength of the cousin's family, how many women want to marry him, but he only has you in his heart, he really likes you, if you miss him, I am afraid that you can no longer find someone who loves you more than him, warm, I can't miss my good marriage because I am crazy."

"I know that Yuhua's cousin is very good to me, but I really don't want to marry now." Huo warmed and annoyed.

Lu Wangxi looked at his sister and asked: "Warm, are you worried about it? Or are you - have someone you like in your heart?"

Huo warmed and immediately shook hands: "No, no, I don't like people in my heart, I feel that I am still small, I don't want to be bound now, I will not adapt to a new environment."

Listening to my sister, Lu Wang smiled: "If you are worried about the new environment, you don't have to worry. Aunt and uncle like you very much. If you marry in the past, you don't have to worry about getting along with you, like you. Kind of personality, if you marry someone, you will not be assured, you are such a temper, and what kind of mother-in-law can get along! But marry Yuhua cousin don't have to worry, mother-in-law is her aunt, they will love your."

"I--" Huo warmth still wants to say something, but found that he has nothing to say, my sister said all the worries, have resolved, she can find an excuse! But I really don't want to marry Yuhua's cousin, because she only treats him as a brother. After thinking of becoming a pro, he is his own husband. Every day, he gets along with the bed, she really feels awkward.

Seeing the way the sister wants to say something, Lu Wang smiled and pulled the sister's hand and comforted him: "Warm, my sister knows what you are worried about, the girl is going to marry, there will always be such a worry in my heart, my heart will be timid. I will be afraid, even if I am married to my aunt's house, there will be a lot of worry. My sister has such concerns before marrying your brother-in-law. But it has become a pro, just fine. If you marry Yuhua cousin, you will be very happy. Yuhua's cousin is very good, and he doesn't care. If he is married in the future, he will be single-minded and will not be sorry for you. You don't have to worry about it.

Don't let my mother worry about it. After two days, my sister will let you go home. ”

My sister is so persuaded to persuade, Huo warm can still say bad! Just nodded: "Well, I listen to my sister when I am warm."

Lu Wang sighed with relief: "Yu Niang knows that when you go back, you will be very happy, warm, and go to the city with your sister to buy something for you to bring back."

Huo warmed and nodded: "Good."

In the front hall of Luwangfu, Chu Lingyu suddenly came today.

Lu Wangye looked at the Chu Lingyi who had suddenly visited. He looked at the accident: "Is it a big man, what wind has you scratched today, and has you scraped it?" Because it is a cousin, it will inevitably be a little fun to meet.

No matter where I went, Chu Lingqi seemed to be at home. I was bluntly looking for a seat to sit down and poured a cup of tea and said: "Nature is the wind that misses the cousin! I haven’t seen it for a long time. Lu Cousin, so come and see the cousin."

Lu Wangye smiled unbelievably. Although I have always had a relationship with Chu Ling, the feelings are not bad, but the number of times he came to Lu Wangfu is very few, one in the mall, one in the court, usually very busy, so rarely get together, he Every time I come, I have something to come. I don’t know if there is anything today.

"You are not poor, come here today, is there anything?" Lu Wangye sat down, put away the joke, and looked at him in a serious way.

Chu Lingyi still sat in a chair with a lazy look, legs overlapping, leisurely shaking: "Nothing! It is nothing to do, look for a cousin to chat." When talking, the line of sight Unconsciously looking out, my heart is screaming: Why didn’t you see the savage gimmick figure? Did you run out and play again?

Lu Wangye has been in the mall for so many years. No one has ever seen it. Although Chu Lingxi is a country’s prime minister, his unusual behavior and his inadvertent eyes have long exposed that he is not just idle today. Looking for him to chat, but did not dismantle him, you are welcome: "If you just chat, the cousin is really busy today, there is no way to chat with you, you will come again tomorrow!"

"Don't be a cousin! You are a cousin, I am so hard to come to you here, you are busy, but also busy with me to accompany me! How can I rush off the order! I have to use it in your house today. Dinner will go."

Lu Wangye looked suspiciously at Chu Ling and said: "Ling Wei, what the **** are you doing? You have nothing to do with the Lord of the Three Treasures Hall. Do you really have time to chat? As a prime minister, can you have such leisure?"

Chu Lingyu still leisurely said: "The Huachen country today, under the control of the emperor, the country and the people's security, prosperity and strength, so my prime minister has also been idle, at least not busy today."

Suddenly, a familiar voice came from the outside, only to see Chu Ling blinking his eyes, and immediately looked outside.

I saw Lu Wanghao and Huo Wen warm and came in. They didn't expect Chu Ling to be here, very unexpected.

Lu Wang’s first whispered: “The original 丞 phase is here, Xiang Gong, are we bothering you to talk about things?”

Not waiting for Lu Wangye to open, Chu Lingqi took the lead to say: "No, no, I have a chat with my cousin! Lu Lu, long time no see, don't come innocent, watch is getting more and more beautiful."

Lu Wang smirked: "Don't be jokes with me, they are all mothers, what's so beautiful!"

Chu Ling霄 said with a serious look: "After being a mother, it has more charm and more beautiful. It is no wonder that my cousin wants to drive me away! Is it because I bothered my cousin to accompany me?"

Lu Wang’s smile shyly: “Don’t be jokes about me.”

Huo warmed his disdain for a white look, and he sneered: "Fart."

Although it is a small voice, but the volume is enough to let Chu Ling hear it, just can't find an excuse to talk with Huo Wen warm! Listening to her saying this, immediately look at her, not pleased: "Huo warm, you say who is flattering! I clearly said the truth, don't you think your sister is beautiful?"

Huo warms and does not have a good temper: "My sister is naturally beautiful, but I don't need to be afraid of flattering here."

Chu Ling霄 listened to this, not angry, but smiled, and approached her: "Is it worthy of jealousy, you are jealous! But to be honest, although you and the cousin are sisters, but the two sisters The difference is so big! Lu Biao is so beautiful, and you are up and down like a woman, hey, a woman like you, I am afraid I won’t be able to marry later.” I looked up and down and looked around, shaking my head. sigh.

Huo’s heating and heating blushing a small face, he said to him: “I will not bother you if I marry and get married, you still manage yourself! A man like you who is poisonous and romantic, It’s time to worry that no woman is willing to marry you!"

Chu Ling arrogantly said: "Ha ha ha, really funny, like a man like me, how many women crying and shouting to marry me!"

Huo warm and do the retching.

Chu Ling sighed with anger: "Huo warm, what do you mean?"

Huo warm and unwelcome derogatory: "I have seen shameless, I have never seen you so shameless, have seen disgusting, have not seen you so disgusting, but fortunately it is afternoon, I did not eat, otherwise true It will be spoiled by you."

"You, you are a dead girl, dare to say this to me, I see you are tired of life!" Chu Ling sighed angrily, no one dared to derogate him like this!

Huo warm and stunned will be afraid of Chu Lingyu, raising his chin and swearing: "I don't know who is tired of it! There is nothing wrong with this time, itchy skin is it?"

The two men were arrogant and they were about to fight.

Lu Wangye and Lu Wangxi saw it and opened it. Lu Wangye said: "Ling, the warmth is a girl. Are you usually pity and jealous? How to talk to the warmth is so ugly."

Chu Ling is unceremonious and derogatory: "Can she be a woman?"

"Are you looking for you?" Say Huo warm warm fists will hit Chu Ling.

Lu Wangxi saw his sister's arm: "Warm, rest, and in front of the prime minister, how can there be no rules! Apologize to the prime minister."

Chu Ling smugly raised his eyebrows and looked at Huo Wen warm, waiting for her apology. This skunk was really ignorant. He pushed down the day and went out to see her. I didn’t expect her to meet so rudely. It’s really irritating. How can there be such a gimmick in the world! If she apologizes for her acquaintance, he can forgive her generously. If she dares not to apologize, he must make her look good.

Huo's warm temper is not a general anger. He screamed at Chu Ling: "Hey! Let me apologize to him unless the sun hits the west."

Chu Ling sighed with anger: "Huo warm, don't toast and don't eat fine wine!"

Huo warmed and said: "Tell you, this girl does not eat any wine, it depends on how you can make this girl."

Chu Lingxi felt that she had no face, and she was a country, and she was bullied by her, but in the face of others, she did not leave him a face. This made him feel so embarrassed that he must not lose in front of everyone. Face, so Chu Lingqi stood up and said: "Huo warm, before you are unreasonable to me, I will not give you care, you do not think I am really afraid of you, I see you are a girl, do not know you If you don't know how to be good, you have to take a chance, then don't blame me for being rude to you. Don't think that I can't beat you, tell you that the martial arts of this prime minister is still very powerful."

Huo warm and pretend to pick up the eyebrows, but unceremoniously sneered: "Hey! I didn't expect you to be brave today, I thought that there is no courage in a country! Yes, today is a bit like a man. ""

"You, you dare to say that I am not like a man, today I will let you know what a man is, you dare not go out with Benedict to try, Benedict let you see what is a real man." Chu Ling squinted Confidence.

Huo warms but does not fear: "Oh! Good! Who is afraid of it, will not ask for mercy."

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