MTL - Beloved Empress-~ Chapter 159: Consequences after indulgence

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Ink immediately replied: "Moon marks, I am fine, I just saw a mouse slipping over, so I was scared."

Jun Qian is very unhappy, she even compares his king of the country to a mouse.

Junyue marks heard her answer very confused, how can there be mice! Didn't people have been lazy recently, didn't clean the room, and immediately worried: "Hey, I will go in and help you catch the mouse!"

When Momo heard it, his heart was very flustered, but he tried hard to calm himself back: "No, the mouse has already ran out, the moon marks, the night is deep, I am very sleepy, I want to sleep, and you go back to rest earlier. Let's have a lantern every year, and we will see it the same next year."

Ink's refusal to let Jun Qian Che are quite frustrated, but it is not good to force her, but she has to lose her way: "Well, if you are sleepy, then I will not bother you, you should rest early!"

"Okay, you have to rest early, good night." Mo Yan warmly replied.

The moon and the moon are turned and left, next year's lantern festival, just don't know if there is any chance to watch with you. If you lose yourself in this battle for the throne, then there is no chance to watch the lantern party with you.

Listening to the footsteps of Junyue marks, Mo Yan sighed helplessly, and the mind of Junyue marks her understanding, but it is a pity that she and him are really impossible.

And her sigh makes Jun Qian Che very dissatisfied, staring at him: "Ink, you are more and more daring, and dare to compare 朕 to a mouse, do not want to live!"

Ink white gave him a look: "Jun Qian Che, why did you just want to do that, knowing that the moon is on the outside, what if you were discovered by him? You don't know how scared I was? Just bully me like that. ,unacceptable."

"I don't like him entangled in you, and I don't like you to call him kindly." The vinegar jar of Jun Qian's heart was overturned.

Mo Yan smiled helplessly: "I am acting with him now, I want to act like something! Otherwise he will doubt it."

Jun Qian Che, regardless of this, looked at her seriously: "Every year's Lantern Festival, no matter what the festival, you can only go with you, not allowed to go with him."

Mo Yan smiled, stretched out his arms and climbed his neck and said, "Ce, you are still jealous of this kind of thing! I just promised it. You are too jealous!"

"Yes, I love jealousy and I can't promise it. See how you punish you." A bad smile began his alleged punishment.

In the ink, he flashed a surprise, facing his madness, but he could only bear the sound of not being able to make a sound.

In the face of her forbearance, Jun Qian is obviously dissatisfied, pulling her hand on her lips and letting her make a sound.

Inklessly yelled at her, and wanted to be with him, not letting him succeed, but his body was not under his control. He soon sank under his violent offensive and unconsciously issued his satisfied voice. .

They are lingering here, but the moon and the moon are returning to their homes alone, lonely and lonely.

After the 丞 phase, Chu Ling’s hustle and bustle brought Huo warmth back to Fuzhong, and immediately asked people to ask the doctor, and then let people change the wet clothes on Huo’s warmth. After some tossing, it’s been more than half an hour. The night is already deep.

Huo warms and warms because he jumped into the ice water, the body got cold, fell ill, and it was burned at this time, but the doctor diagnosed it, not too serious, waited to wake up, drink the medicine, sleep well I feel that it would be nice to take a few days of medicine.

After the crowds dissipated, only Chu Lingqi and Huo warm and warm were left in the room.

Chu Lingyi stood in front of the bed, watching the bed still in a coma, and couldn't help but sit down on the bed and watch her look at this time. The brow slightly provoked, a little appreciation, and my heart: Usually like a tigress like a claw, I can't wait to eat me, and now it is like a child.

Seriously look at the warmth of Huo, the small and flawless face of the palm, the skin that can be broken, the white face of the melon-like jade, the pair of pear vortex slightly on the cheek, no fat powder, because There is burning, so that the two eyes are like a freshly opened agaric flower, white and red. The long black eyebrows are not painted, and the long, smooth and long hair is quietly scattered on both sides of the shoulders, adding a touch of ladylikeness to her, with a faint floral fragrance on her body, which is deadly to people. within Temptation.

High nose, small mouth, although the lips are a bit whitish because of illness, but still very charming, white long neck, and the **** and **** collarbone, the quilt is placed on the chest, the next people put her on It’s a piece of open-necked clothes, so the pair of crispy chests is half-baked and seductive.

Seeing this, Chu Ling couldn't help but swallow the mouthwash, dare not look at it again, and quickly removed his sight, but his heart complained: stinky, usually looking thin and fierce, did not expect to look carefully Look, it’s pretty good, and it’s pretty good.

On weekdays, Huo Weng warmly saw Chu Lingyu every time, all of whom wanted to eat his fierce appearance, so Chu Lingying’s attention to her was on her temper, and she did not seriously see her. When she was quiet and seriously admired, she found out that she was quite charming, but she was a little creepy when she thought of her temper.

Although she was afraid of her temper, she sat next to her, and the faint scent of her body smelled into her nose, causing him to squint at her intentionally or unintentionally.

In order not to let herself do anything wrong, Chu Lingyi immediately reached out and pulled her quilt up to cover her neck, completely covering her seductive breasts.

I couldn't see the enticing abundance. The factors that were uneasy in Chu Ling's body were slightly reduced. Looking at her small appearance, I couldn't help but blame: "A girl, what is strong! A wallet? As for letting you work so hard? Regardless of your body jumping into the water, you are not afraid to drown and die! You can't lie here now! You really don't want to call yourself warm, it doesn't matter if you warm up. The human heart has harmed you and let Benedict serve you here. You are really my nemesis."

The slumbering warmth of the hustle and bustle may have caused the chill of the body to fade away, or the voice in the ear may have squashed her. I saw her brow wrinkled, her eyelashes moved, and her eyes slowly opened.

Chu Ling saw her woke up, and her face was overjoyed. She immediately went up and asked: "Smelly girl, you woke up."

Suddenly in front of the eyes, Chu Lingying's appearance made Huo warm and shocked. The instinctive stretched out his hand and punched him and hit him on his left eye.

Chu Ling’s painful eyes immediately covered his eyes and said with anger: “Huo warm, you are sick!” It’s really good to have no good news, and when you open your eyes, you hit someone. What did I do wrong in my life? This life made me encounter such a savage woman. "

"Who made you so close to me? Who knows what you have?" Huo warmly said his voice.

Chu Ling’s heart immediately raised his anger: "I have an attempt at you, Huo warm, are you too narcissistic?"

"What do you mean?" Then the line of sight fell to his body and found that his clothes had changed. Then he looked at the strange room. The anger in his heart burned and snarled, and asked: "Chu Ling Hey, you bastard, what did you do to me?"

Chu Lingqi was asked by her confused water, and asked: "What do you mean by this? I didn't understand."

Huo warm and frustrated with a small face is about to cry out, asks: "What about my clothes? Is it you? You are a wicked person who dares to stun me and do this. When things come, I want to kill you. "The evil sorrows to Chu Ling.

Chu Lingzhen is now listening to understand what is the situation, I wanted to explain to her, I can think of her kindness and help her to come back, but she took a punch for no reason, this tone, say something, and then pick I raised my eyebrows: "It’s useless to kill me! What happened has already happened. I advise you to accept it! I can be favored by such a handsome and handsome man. It is your blessing, you should steal. "

"You, you don't want to face, I want to kill you." Huo warmed up and suddenly got up, grabbed Chu Ling's neck, and had the meaning of cutting his neck.

"Hey! Keke--" Chu Ling霄 did not expect this girl to be so barbaric, actually came to the real, I felt that I could not breathe, and if I did not resist, I would be killed by her, so I reached for her, but In the panic, her hands unfortunately pushed her pair of full breasts, and the soft touch was full of hands, so that Chu Ling couldn't help her heart. I didn't expect her feeling so comfortable. Huo warmed but angry and screamed out: "Ah! Satyr."

"Hey!" A slap in the face of Chu Lingying.

The burning pain on his face made Chu Ling’s thoughts drifted back in an instant, and he said with anger: "Huo warm, you beat me again."

"I am going to kill you today." Huo warmed and heated up and jumped up.

When Chu Ling saw it, he immediately pulled out his legs.

When I learned that my son brought a girl back to the princess and the pony, came to the door of the son, they heard the dialogue inside, shocked and stunned.

The son accompanied them to run away from the Lantern Festival dinner, so that they were very dissatisfied, I heard that brought back a girl, my heart is still a little expecting and happy, is this kid open.

Although the husband and wife know that their son has always been romantic, it is still the first time to bring a girl back. I think this girl should have different meanings for her son. When I first arrived at the door, I heard people singing sharks. I was shocked. I don't know what the son did to the girl.

Just when the two are going to knock in the door.

I saw my son ran out from the inside and opened the door. Behind him, a girl in pink clothes chased it out.

Chu Lingqi just had to use the light work to sneak away, Huo warm warm eyes and hands fast, the hand whip a wave, directly wrapped around the waist of Chu Ling, and then pulled hard, Chu Lingyi was so gorgeous and fell a dog to eat.

When Huo warmed up, he immediately stepped forward and picked up Chu Ling’s ear and picked him up from the ground.

Chu Ling's screams rang in the sky above the prime minister's house: "Ah! Pain! Smelly girl, you savage guy, licking my ears, you dare to be so disrespectful to today's prime minister, believe it or not. Your little life. "Chu Lingyi regretted poked the horse's nest and asked for it.

Huo warm and disdainful cold voice: "You don't explain it to me tonight, I definitely let you not see the sun of tomorrow."

"Tomorrow may be cloudy, there is no sun." Chu Ling can not help but joking.

Huo warmed and heated and violently pulled his ears, angry and said: "This time, you are still poor with me."

"Ah! Pain!" Chu Ling screams.

The princess and the hummer were shocked by the scene in front of them and forgot to speak.

"Huo is warm, so here is my prime minister. If I really have a good time, do you think you can go out?" Chu Ling threatened.

Huo warms but does not fear: "Do you think that the girl is scared? Quickly, what did you do to me when I was in a coma?" She is in urgent need to figure out this, if he is really The ruin of his innocence, he will certainly kill him.

Chu Ling’s sly sneer smiled and said: “I said that Huo is warm, you are really too simple, or too stupid! If I did something to you, would you not feel it? Are you hurting?”

It was said by him that Huo’s warm and blushing face was red. Indeed, there was no uncomfortable feeling there. Listening to the mother said that the girl had that kind of thing. For the first time, it would hurt, but I felt a little bit. None, it should not be offended by this guy, but what about the clothes? It was not seen by his big satyr, so he increased his strength and pulled his ear and asked: "What is the dress on my body?"

"Ah! Lightly, my ears are going to fall. The clothes on your body are changed by the help of the house. I didn't look at it at all. Then I said, you are a man, what is good-looking." Although I admit it After touching her chest, she was sure that she would be very good, but in front of her, she would not admit it.

In front of him, Huo was warm and still very happy, but the words behind him were too irritating, and he couldn't help but pull his ears again.

Chu Ling霄 screamed out: "Smelly girl, I saved you, you can only hit me with a punch for no reason, now I still hold my ears, do you have a conscience!"

Huo warmed his eyes and loosened his ears. He said coldly: "Look at the fact that you are still honest today, this girl will spare you a life."

Chu Ling glared at his ear and said: "I have never seen you such a barbaric woman."

Huo warm and warm welcome back to the road: "I have never seen a man who is so shameless."

"Hey! Who is shameless? Huo warm, you are less here to swear at me." Chu Ling is not convinced.

Huo warmed and sneered: "As a country, every day, do you think you have a face?"

"Who stipulates that the prime minister can't spend a lot of time? Then again? I didn't eat your drink, you spent your money, and didn't delay the political affairs. Why do you say me!" Chu Ling is not convinced, people are not romantic. Juvenile, he doesn't feel that he is doing something wrong.

"I am standing on the moral standpoint. If the men in the world are all like you, this world is not chaotic. Then, even if you didn't eat me, drink me, spend my time, but yours." It’s the emperor’s, the money from the emperor’s treasury is not the tax paid by the people. Those taxes are used to raise these officials. The people hope that you officials can benefit them. As a result, you take the lead in doing bad things. As a citizen of Huachen State, I am qualified to say you. "Huo warms up and raises his chin, a very reasonable posture.

"You--" Chu Lingyu was said by her to be speechless, but she could not accept the air: "Hey! I am looking at your illness today, don't care about you, lest you will be mad at you." Come on me."

Huo warmed and raised his eyebrows and continued to sneer: "Are you a gentleman's belly?"

"You - Huo warm, can you close your mouth?" Chu Lingyi today is a knack for seeing what is fangs.

The princess and the hummer saw this scene, but they were shocked, but they had a hard time to hide. They quickly said: "This girl is really good eloquence." The long princess who watched the half-day drama finally spoke.

Huo warm and Chu Ling霄 found the long princess and the pony standing not far behind them.

When Chu Ling saw it, he immediately pulled over Huo’s warm hand and urged him: "I will send you back to Lu Wangfu."

Huo warmed the question mark, while keeping up with his footsteps, he said with a puzzled look: "Chu Ling, what kind of wind do you smoke?"

When the princess saw her son to hide, he immediately spoke and said: "Ling Wei, you stand for me."

Was scolded by her mother, Chu Lingyu had to stand still.

Huo warm and unhappy, opened the hand of Chu Lingyu.

The princess and the puma came to the two.

The princess stunned his son unpleasantly, looked at Huo warm, and the corner of his mouth evoked a kind smile. Wensheng asked: "Hello, this girl, I am Ling's mother, this is his father. Welcome to visit you at the Prime Minister's Office."

Huo Wen warm looked at the two kind and kindly middle-aged couples in front of them. After listening to their self-introduction, they immediately knew their identity. The respectful archer said: "See the princess, see Hummer."

The princess reached out and kissed the warm hand of Huo. It was difficult to conceal the joy: "Girl, don't be so polite, since you are a friend of Ling Xiao, call our uncle and aunt."

Huo warmed a little smile, muttered: "Uncle, aunt."

"Hey!" The long princess was happy.

How can Chu Ling霄 not know the mother's mind! Therefore, it is imperative now to let Huo warm away immediately, otherwise his own happy days will be finished, so he will go over and pull Huo Weng warmly by his mother, laughing: "Mother, it is late, I am I want to send the girl back."

The mother bowed to him and said, "You know that the weather is too late. Since it is already so late, let the girl stay in the prime minister's house for one night tonight!"

"No!" Chu Ling screamed loudly.

The mother was unhappy with him.

My father also said: "Ling Wei, why is it so rude! Since this girl is your friend, why not stay in your house for one night, so late, a girl's family going back, what should I do if I am in danger? "

Chu Lingyi listened to his father's words and laughed: "Father, your worry is completely redundant. Just like her, the bad guys met her as a bad guy."

The mother was unhappy and waited for her son. "Ling Wei, how did the mother teach you from a young age, and how to be a hospitable person, how can you drive the guests out!"

Chu Lingqi quickly explained a serious explanation: "Mother, not the son to drive the guests out, but she is a girl's family, staying in a man's home, her reputation is not good, you say is it?" Warm, pull her over, close to her ear and whisper: "Don't stay, don't let your mother know your name, or we will be finished."

The princess and the hummer were shocked by the quarrel between the two men, so they did not notice the name of the son called Huo Wen.

Huo warm and incomprehensible look at Chu Ling.

Chu Ling gnawed his teeth and said: "Listen to me right. Do you want to stay in a man's house."

Huo warmed and did not look good, he gave him a look, and told him with his eyes, looking for death.

However, Huo warmth does not have the meaning to stay, so look at the long princess and the humming road: "Uncle, aunt, it is embarrassing to disturb in the middle of the night, but I really can't stay here, otherwise the family knows, it will be very angry. "

Chu Lingyi immediately echoed: "Right, their family's family rules are stricter."

The mother listened to her son and said that it is difficult to hide her happiness: "It seems that Ling Xiao knows the girl's family very well."

Chu Ling stunned, then he smiled and said: "Know some, father, mother, late at night, you have to rest early! I will send her back." Pulling Huo warm and going.

The mother said: "Wait a minute, since the girl's family rules are strict and I don't want to stay in the government for a night, we are not reluctant, but the encounter is fate. I really like this girl. I don't know the girl's name. Where do I live?" "

Chu Lingyi knows that the mother will come to this move, and immediately help Huo warmly return: "Mother, how can the girl's name be asked casually! It's really late, let's go!" gone. In fact, if the parents did not suddenly appear, he was planning to let Huo warm and stay in the prime minister's house for one night. After all, she was sick and still burning, but the mother now knows her existence, so he must let Huo warm away. Or, the mother will surely match them.

The princess watched his son take the warmth of Huo, and jumped angrily: "This stinky boy."

Hummer took his wife's shoulder and comforted him: "Women, don't be angry. If the girl really has a relationship with Ling Xiao, even if you don't interfere, they will be together, but look at the girl, it really matches the Ling Xiao. It seems that Ling Xiao is afraid of her."

The princess smiled happily: "Yong Gong, do you think it is right? I think so, that girl is good at martial arts, and she is fangs. Ling Xiao’s boy is in front of her, only eating a meal, such a girl, It is suitable to be our daughter-in-law of Chu, to control our unscrupulous son. Hey! He thought that if I took someone away, I couldn’t find out who the girl was? I will go to the palace tomorrow to find the child. He and Ling Xiao have always made good friends. He must know what the girl is and who he is."

Hummer smiled lightly. However, I understand my wife's feelings. My son has already reached the age of marriage, but he is not willing to become a family. He still spends a lot of time all day, and she will inevitably be anxious.

Huo warm and warm was pulled out of the prime minister's house by Chu Ling, unpleasantly opened his hand, a look disgusted: "They did not chase it out." Unpleasant rubbing his hand, it seems dirty Something like that.

When Chu Ling saw it, his heart rose a lot of dissatisfaction. He asked: "Huo warm, what do you mean? Is my hand dirty?"

Huo warm and unwelcome blows: "You know it yourself!"

Chu Ling is even more angry: "You can tell me clearly, my hand is very clean, where is it dirty?"

Huo warm and unwelcome swept him up and down and sneered: "Do you think you are very clean? I tell you, you are all dirty all over the body, soaking on so many women every day, you, this person, has gone from inside to outside It’s all dirty.”

"You--" Chu Ling was annoyed, suddenly his long arms stretched out, and Huo warmed tightly in his arms.

Huo warm and warm was shocked by his sudden move, angry at him, cold warning: "Not like death, let me let go."

Chu Ling picked up his eyebrows and said: "Are you not that I am dirty? Now I have hugged you, have the ability to lighten your clothes!"

"You, rogue." Raise his hand and hit his face.

Chu Lingqi was smart at this time. After she had been stunned a few times, she learned a little more experience, so she intercepted her hand in midair and tightly held her soft boneless hand. In the big palm, although she had just pulled her hand out of the prime minister's house, but eager to open her mother, she did not notice the hand held in her palm. Now she is in her hand. She really feels that her little hand is very smooth. Comfortable.

Huo was struggling with warmth and warmth, but he was tightly held in his hands and struggled to open.

Huo warm and cold warning: "You give me loose."

Chu Ling looked at her red face, red and tempting, and she was so tempting. She couldn’t help but joked: "You are swearing at me tonight, and I am swearing, if I don't do it." What, don't you disappoint the names you gave me, you have broken the good things about me and the beauty tonight, should you compensate?"

"You, you give me a little honest, otherwise I am not you." Huo's warm face is red.

Chu Lingqi continued to hold her hand and said, "How can you be rude? How strong is it?" When it was rare for her to eat, it was so interesting.

"You, you don't want to face." Huo warmed and heated and snarled.

Chu Ling looked at her red face and continued: "How is the face so red! Shy? Isn't your heart like the truth?"

Hearing this, Huo warmly smiled coldly, and rudely sneered: "Chu Lingwei, don't be too self-righteous, you think you are a little beautiful, will everyone like you? Tell you, I am warm. Warm is - um!"

Huo warm and warm words have not been finished, it was blocked by Chu Ling, his lips actually came together and kissed her mouth. I don't know why, I just don't want to hear her say that I don't like myself.

Huo warmth was forgotten by his actions and forgot to resist.

And Chu Lingqi caught the little mouth of this horn, this only wanted to give her a warning, shame and shame her, did not expect to touch her soft lips, the heart is a ripple, soft and sweet taste, it is so wonderful It is not felt with those women.

Although this was the second time she kissed her lips, the first time was completely to escape. In desperation, she secretly kissed her. At that time, she was eager to escape. She was exhausted and did not feel her feelings. The feeling on the lips.

But this time, it was really true, and I clearly felt the beauty of her lips. I was so reluctant to leave. I just flashed this thought in my heart. Chu Lingyu ignored the little man in his arms and deepened it. This kiss.

In the import of foreign bodies, the warmth of Huo’s warmth came back in an instant, and he opened his sharp little teeth and bit it.

The next second: "Well--" a painful snoring overflowed from the lips of the two, Chu Ling霄 released the warmth of Huo, left her lips, touched the corner of her mouth, there was blood flowing out, angry Asked to Huo warm warm question: "Smelly girl, you are a dog! I bite my tongue.

Huo warm and angry, he yelled at him: "Chu Ling, you **** stinky man, I can't wait to bite your tongue, you bad guy, thief."

Thief? These two words were passed to Chu Ling's mouth and immediately questioned unpleasantly: "Who are you talking about thieves? What have I stolen?"

Huo warmed to him, and there was tears in his eyes. He said with anger: "You are a thief. You stole my first kiss. Now I kissed me again. You are not a person."

"I--" Seeing the tears in her, Chu Ling’s heart was somewhat self-blaming and annoyed, so she kissed her so impulsively! Although she has a very bad temper, she is a girl who is serious, and she should care about this kind of thing for men and women. I am really impulsive.

"What are you? You are a hateful guy. You are no different from the thief who stole the wallet. The same sly, it makes people feel bad." Huo warmth did not hurt the air, and tried to force the tears in his eyes. go back.

Chu Ling’s book is somewhat embarrassing, but after listening to her, she compared herself with the thief who had just stolen something. The heart’s dissatisfaction is deepening, and she counters the attack: “Huo warm, you pay attention, I’m a country. Prime Minister, you actually compare me to a small person, you don't want to live! What is your first kiss, you can be kissed by Benedict, it is your blessing, you don't know how to be blessed in the blessing. "In fact, in his heart I didn't think so, but when I spoke, it became like this, and I couldn't get it back.

After listening to his words, Huo’s face was white and green, and finally he couldn’t speak, and he turned and walked away.

Chu Ling angrily patted his mouth and immediately chased it: "Huo warm, you wait for me."

Huo warmed and ignored him.

Chu Lingyi has been following her.

After a long walk, Huo Wen warmed down suddenly and asked him coldly: "What are you doing with me? Go away!"

Chu Ling霄 was cheeky and said: "I don't go, I promised that my mother would send you back."

Huo warm and not cold, smiled coldly: "Don't you tell you about your mother? I am such a fierce girl, the bad guys meet me is a bad guy."

"I--" Chu Lingying was blocked and could not speak.

Huo warmed his eyes and continued to walk.

Chu Ling霄 immediately ran to her and stopped her way.

Huo warm and angry, he asked him: "Isn't you enough tonight? Is it true that you can't get up early tomorrow?"

Chu Lingxi knew that her own behavior and what she said hurt her heart. In fact, his heart is also very annoyed. Therefore, at this moment, he does not care about the face of a man, the face of the prime minister, and pulls his face down: "Huo warm, Don't be angry, can't I apologize to you? I was wrong, I shouldn't kiss you, and I shouldn't say those words. Actually, that's not my truth."

Huo warmed him, and there was a flame in the middle of it.

Chu Ling saw her not talking, and continued: "Huo warm, you are not saying that you are a woman? Isn't the measure of the female man so small? People have apologized to you, you really can't forgive others? "The grievances look at Huo warm.

He heard that he called his own woman, and the anger in Huo Wen’s heart was wiped out halfway. In order to make her face wide and tolerant, she didn’t want to be teased by Chu Ling’s little intestines, so she raised her arrogantly and arrogantly: “Look at If you know what can be changed, this woman will not care for you today. If there is another time, you will find your teeth all over the place. "The kiss is kissed anyway, what is the use of regenerative gas? Take a bite, you go back and bite the dog!

Seeing her mouth renewed her smile, Chu Ling’s heart also raised joy.

Huo Weng looked at him with some puzzled questions: "Chu Lingwei, why don't you let me tell your mother my name? What are you afraid of?"

Upon hearing this, Chu Ling sighed helplessly and shook his head. "I am not afraid of anything, but my mother's eyes are really scary. Huo warm, how do you think of me?"

Huo warms the warmth and smashes the ups and downs and glances at him. You are welcome: "Not good."

Chu Lingyi was stunned by her own saliva, but she also expected that she would answer this question, so she was not too surprised. She continued to ask: "If you let me marry me, would you?"

Hearing this, Huo warmed his face and said: "Chu Lingwei, the person who has a fever tonight is me, how do you say nonsense? Let me marry you? Let me die!"

"You--" Chu Lingyi feels that her lungs are being blown up by her, but I can also think of this answer. Although it is an answer in my own expectation, I am still very unhappy.

Huo warm and warm welcome him a big white eyes: stinky guy, what to think about it! Let me marry him, dreaming!

Chu Lingwei continued: "Since you don't marry me, you must not let my mother know your name, because my mother always wanted to find me a wife like you, but I didn't meet, I saw you tonight. You didn't see her seeing your eyes, I can't wait for us to enter the house tonight, so if she knows your name, I will send someone to inquire about your home, and then let people go to the door to kiss. Even if you and I don't want to, I am afraid that my mother’s three-inch tongue will bring us together."

Huo warmed up and nodded: "It turned out to be like this! But you can rest assured that even if your mother is more powerful, I am afraid it is difficult to match us together, because - I already have a marriage contract." In the words, Huo warmed and continued to hurry.

Chu Lingzhen stood in the same place, cold for a few seconds, feeling his heartbeat stopped, then smacked his lips and said: "There is a marriage appointment! So you don't have to worry about your mother and her." There will be a faint sense of loss in my heart! Damn! It is really sick.

"Huo warm, wait for me." Hurry to catch up with Huo's warm footsteps, could not help but curious to ask: "Do you really have a marriage contract?"

Huo warmed and looked at him with a bad smile, and asked: "You shouldn't really believe it!"

Chu Lingxi saw her sly eyes, not pleased: "Huo warm, you still said that I am a thief, I see you are the real big liar, this kind of words can also be casual, really doubt you Is it a woman."

"Is it not a woman who is not yours? If your mother really wants to marry you and me, you will tell her that I am already married. I have already had a marriage contract. My fiancé is - my aunt's son, my cousin." A talent, a civil and military pair is much better than you. So your mother will naturally give up this idea. "Huo warm and pick up an eyebrow, a bad smile. However, the fundus has quickly passed through a touch of sorrow.

Chu Lingqi did not find it, only immersed in what she said, not pleasing: "I am much better than me? Hey! I won't say that! Can there be a man better than me?"

Huo warmed the white and gave him a glance and continued on his way.

Chu Ling didn't worry about following her. Although she had a good martial arts, she was a girl after all, and there were people outside. If someone met someone who was better than her, what happened, he was not good at Lu I have to confess, so I have to see her in the Lu Wangfu, and Chu Lingyi tells herself in her heart.

However, after a long walk, Huo warmly suddenly fell to the ground.

Chu Ling霄 immediately asked about the worry: "What happened?"

Huo warm and weak sigh, the previous life dragon was gone at this moment, at this time she became a weak little girl, muttered: "I have no strength, my legs are soft, I can't walk." Chu Ling, I don't want to go back to Lu Wangfu tonight, you can help me find a hotel for one night! I really can't move."

Chu Ling霄 stretched out his hand and touched her forehead, exclaimed: "That day! Your forehead is hot, the burning is even worse, the night is so cold, it will blow the cold wind, it is serious." Say, hurry up the jacket Take off and put on her.

Huo warmed but pushed his hand: "I don't want to wear your clothes, you will catch cold."

"I am a man with a piece of clothing and one less piece of clothing. I will take you to see the doctor." Chu Lingqi helped her.

Huo warmed and shook his head: "So late, the doctor has also rested. I don't want to go see the doctor again, but it is a fever, I can't die, give me an inn, I can drink more water."

"There are mixed dragons and snakes in the hotel. You are not safe to live with a girl." Chu Lingyi vetoed this decision.

Huo warmed but retorted: "I am so martial, how can it be unsafe!

"How can you make martial arts like this? If you encounter a bad person, you can only kill anyone. We go to the doctor, even if the doctor sleeps, we must wake him up." Chu Ling sighed firmly.

Huo warmed but shook his head: "I don't want to go, I want to sleep, send me to the inn, I want to go to the inn."

Chu Ling霄 sighed helplessly and squatted down and said: "Come up."

Huo warms his face and is puzzled: "What?"

"You are not without strength? Take your back. Come up soon." Chu Ling screamed.

Huo’s warmth flashed a smile and shyness, muttering: “This—”

"Don't do this, you want to burn yourself! Come on." He said with impatience.

This time Huo Wen warm did not talk back to him, and he slammed into his body.

Chu Ling took up his stride and walked up. Her body was filled with a touch of floral smell, and she sneaked into the nose. It was very good. Chu Lingqi found that she liked the smell on her body.

On his strong back, Huo’s warm face was unconsciously hot, but she told herself that because of the fever, she couldn’t help but said: “I didn’t expect you to look at the gentleness, but quite Strength."

Chu Ling slammed a cold voice: "You look very powerful, I didn't expect it to be so light, so weak, it is no wonder that the next water is sick like this. It turned out to be a paper tiger."

"You, hey! Even a paper tiger can kill you half-heartedly. You let me down, I am sick and die and I have to go back to Lu Wangfu." Huo warm and dissatisfied.

Chu Ling霄 shook his head helplessly and compromised: "Okay, I said the wrong thing! Oh, good." Suddenly, she was reluctant to let her down because the smell on her body was really good, and The soft body is on the body and very comfortable. I really doubt if I have a tendency to abuse myself.

Seeing that he eased his tone, Huo Wen warmed up and didn't want to argue with him any more, because he was really uncomfortable and didn't have the strength to argue with him.

Chu Ling霄 felt the temperature of the hot man on the back, and the footsteps became rushed. She knew that she was having a fever, so she should help her quickly.

Huo warm and warm on his back feels his hurried pace, and soon out of the city gate, because Chu Ling is the reason for the prime minister, so it is easy to go out of town so late, Huo warm and rest assured that he is in his On the body, muttered: "It's so sleepy! Chu Ling, how long will it be!"

"Huo warm, you don't sleep, you will be there soon." Chu Ling's voice is a little anxious.

Huo warmed gently, but the eyelids were really heavy.

Chu Lingyu took Huo warmth and soon came to a very elegant yard outside the city. The yard was built on a lake. At this time, the lake was frozen, and Chu Ling’s back was huddled with warmth and fell on the lake. Then he went to the toes and walked fast on the ice. He quickly came to the courtyard of the lake center. The lights were lit in the yard. A middle-aged couple saw Chu Lingyu appearing, and immediately respectfully bowed: "The slaves see Prime minister."

Chu Ling 霄 calmly said: "Feng Bo, Feng Wei, you do not need to pay more, go to a bowl of **** tea, and then prepare a basin of warm water to the room."

"Yes!" Feng Bofeng went to work.

Here is a courtyard outside Chu Ling's city. Because it is built on the lake, you can come here to stay in the summer to enjoy the summer, but in winter, it is obviously not suitable for living, because the temperature will be much lower than other places. And Feng Bo Feng Wei is a couple saved by Chu Ling. Their home was burned by the thief. There is nowhere to go. Chu Lingyu gave them a place to live and let them be housekeepers in this yard. Usually, cleaning the yard and watching the yard will do.

Although the temperature here is relatively low in winter, there are earth dragons and stoves in the room, so the room is not cold, and Chu Ling is afraid that they will be cold when they live here in winter. They have plans to help them rebuild their houses in the place where they used to live. But they refused, saying that it is warmer than the place we used to live in, and they won't feel cold here in winter.

So the husband and wife have been living here, cleaning, looking at the yard, it has been several years. The rest of the people, only when Chu Lingyu came to live here, will come from the prime minister.

Chu Ling squatted into the room where he lived.

The groggy Huo warmed his eyes and tried to look at the room. He was unhappy and raised his brow: "This is not Lu Wangfu, Chu Ling, what do you bring me here? Where is this?"

Chu Ling霄 put her down and let her lie on the bed, sighing: "Hey, lie down."

Huo warms his head and shook his head: "No, I have to go back to Luwangfu, don't stay here, what do you want to do?" The scorpion was full of vigilance and gaze.

Chu Ling霄 comforted: "You can rest assured, I will not be like you. If I am a villain who is in danger, when I was in a coma, I have already done something to you, so you are at ease. Resting here is."

"Where is this?" Huo warm and still do not worry about asking.

Chu Lingxi explained: "This is my yard outside the city, close to the capital, so I will bring you here. You burn very hard, from here to Luwangfu, there is a long way to go, I am afraid that your body can't support it, so let me bring you here to cool down. Lie down."

Listen to him saying that Huo warms a little more peace of mind, slowly lying down.

Soon Feng Wei came up with a basin of warm water: "The prime minister, the water is coming."

"Well, let go! Feng Wei, you should go ahead!" Chu Ling said.

"Yes!" Feng Wei retired. In my heart, I was guessing that I was very concerned about this girl. Isn’t this girl the future lady? Thinking about it, the corner of the mouth evoked a smile. I have been here for a few years. Although everyone said that the situation is very romantic, they have never seen a woman with a prime minister. This girl is the first one, so she is in the middle of her heart. There must be a very important seat.

Chu Ling霄 immediately got up and walked to the front of the basin frame, took the towel, wet the warm water, walked back to the edge of the bed, and helped Huo warmly wipe the forehead, neck and hands.

Looking at his busy figure, Huo's warm lips evoked a touch of smile, murmured: "Chu Ling, thank you."

Suddenly heard her say so polite, Chu Ling fell a bit uncomfortable, could not help but jokingly said: "You are so polite, I really do not adapt, I am still used to your fierce look, so hurry up and continue Let me see your fierce look."

Huo warm and not angry, he looked at him: "You are really awkward." The eyelids are heavy, slowly closing their eyes and falling asleep.

Chu Ling kept helping her to wipe her forehead, neck and palm.

Soon Feng Xiao came to Jiangcha, and Chu Ling took it over and let Feng Xiao go out.

Gently stir the **** tea in the bowl with a spoon. When the **** tea can swallow, warmly call for warmth: "Huo warm, wake up, wake up -"

Huo warm and warm now is groggy, just want to sleep, shake his head, whispered: "Don't make a noise, I want to sleep."

When Chu Ling saw it, he had no choice but to put **** tea on the small case at the bedside. Then he sat down after Huo Wen warmed up, raised her, took the spoon and personally fed her.

The hustle and bustle of Huo warmed and sipped the **** tea that was sent to the lips, and soon a bowl of **** tea was finished.

Chu Ling霄 put her down, let her lay down, helped her cover the quilt, and let her breath a little.

After a while, I reached out and touched her forehead. Although the forehead was still a little hot, it was much better than just now, and I couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

At this time, the night was already deep. After a busy night, he was very tired. But he didn’t worry about heating a person in the room. So he moved a stool in front of the bed, looked at her, and then unknowingly Asleep at the edge of the bed.

The next day, the White General

When the sky was bright, Bai Jiu’s consciousness slowly awake, and Bai’s little hand came out from the quilt, rubbing his temples and slowly opening his eyes.

Due to the drunkenness last night, the head was very heavy at this time, very swollen, licking the temple, slowly sitting up, feeling the coolness of the body, looking down at his body and discovering the naked body outside the quilt. Without clothes, I don’t have the habit of sleeping naked. This picture makes some chaotic thoughts wake up immediately. Looking at the side, I suddenly find that Han Yi is sleeping next to me. The quilt only covers his waist, and the upper body is fine. Exposed, not in the air.

Bai Jiu’s heartbeat was in a chaotic moment. The picture of last night suddenly came into my mind. From drinking alone, to Han Yixiao, two people entered the room and then entangled together. The picture is all in the mind. Presented in.

Bai Jiu's little face is red, and his body is shy red: God! What did you do last night? Actually, there was such a thing with Han Yixiao, oh, how could this be? It is said that it is easy to be chaotic after drinking, it seems to be true, but people who did not expect Han Yixiao to be so calm, will also do this kind of thing.

Sneaked over to look at him, looking at his sleeping face, thinking about the two ** entangled body last night, Bai Jiu shy to hold his little face, but the warmth and sweetness in my heart Surging, let her seductive lips rise, showing a beautiful arc.

For women, innocence is very important, drunk, sleep, innocence is so gone, it should be very sad, but at the moment she is not sad, but there is a kind of happiness, because her innocence gave herself the most Love the man, so she does not regret, not even sad. Life is going to be a vigorous love, not bound by some secular etiquette, to give your innocent body to the man you love, it should be joy, nothing sad.

Anyway, before I went to the border, I told him that he was a daughter and gave him a letter to let him regret it. Now this happened. Needless to say, he should know. If so, Can't see his daughter's body, then he is a big fool.

But what if he wakes up and finds his daughter? According to his character, he will definitely stop himself from going to the border! No, I have endured it for so long, don't tell him his true gender, I hope that I can go to the border smoothly, and fight with him to kill the enemy, so I have to rush away before he wakes up.

Thinking of this, Bai Ji immediately got up, crept over him, jumped out of bed, and quickly went to wear clothes, although the faint pain from the lower body made her unable to help raise her brow, but now she does not have so much time to manage, just thinking Drive away from him as soon as possible.

Han Yixiao had more drinks than Bai Jiu last night, and drunk was better than her, so she woke up naturally later than her.

When Han Yixiao woke up, it was already three days old, and the warm sunshine outside came in.

Han Yi Xiao opened his eyes, reached out to block the sun in front of his eyes, slowly let the eyes adapt to this dazzling light, and never got out of bed so late!

Sit up, the head is groggy and heavy, some pain, look at it, only to realize that this room is strange, not his own room, nor in the military camp.

The brows were slightly stunned, and many pictures of last night were instantly found in my mind, and I immediately realized that this is the house of Baijiu.

Then the scene of drinking with Bai Jiu was played back in front of me, until I helped Bai Jiu into the room, then two people fell on the bed, and the next two things -

Very strange, although drunk last night, drunk is very serious, but not like last time, after waking up, some things can not be remembered, and last night's things, clearly in the mind to play back, A picture has never been lost, I don't know if it is the cause of wine, or the picture of last night is too important, too precious, so I can't forget it, it is deeply imprinted in my mind.

When everything was played back in his mind, Han Yixiao’s face became more and more ugly.

Looking at the side, I have already disappeared from the appearance of Bai Jiu, and opened the quilt to get out of bed to ask her questions. On the messy sheets, the spotted blood stained into his eyes, although he did not touch the woman, but with Chu Ling’s friend stayed together for a long time, and he understood everything, so he knew very well what the spotted blood was representing. It seems that the picture in his mind is true, she is indeed a woman. She has been cheating on herself, knowing that she fell in love with her, because her man is suffering, but she did not tell her real daughter, letting herself torture herself in pain every day.

Damn, Bai Jiu, you lied to me to lie.

Han Yixiao’s fists were unconsciously gripped, and they made a loud noise. They immediately went out of bed, went out of the room, asked the next person, and learned that Bai Jiu went to the military camp early in the morning.

Han Yixiao did not stop for a moment and immediately rushed to the military camp.

------Off topic ------

What will Bai Jiu do? Guess it!

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