MTL - Befriending The Most Powerful Person-Chapter 7

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Yin Han looked at Yang Fei's eyes like a dead person, then turned to look at Shao Ci, and said softly: "Small words, this kind of person doesn't need to be controlled anymore, don't care what he said, we go out of the city first Right. "

Yin Han's men looked at the responsible person who fell to the ground with a kind of compassion. Others didn't know that those who had followed Yin Han had already been very clear about his means.

The heartbreaking pain was not the end, it was just the beginning. After the pain had passed, the person would be unable to move and could only rest in bed. And he will find that his power is passing day by day, and this passing is irreversible. When he can stand up, he will find that his power has completely disappeared, and he has since become a waste.

For these people who are proud of their powers, losing their proud powers is the most terrifying. Most psionicists can't stand the process of their abilities slowly disappearing, and almost all become lunatics.

That is, these people in S city did not know Yin Han's means, so they dared to be so arrogant in front of him. After this incident, they would probably know who can provoke and who cannot provoke.

If the people in S city are not convinced, Yin Han has his own way to convince them. The later the ability is, the more difficult it is to cross each level, but the strength increase is not ordinary 1 + 1, but geometric growth.

At the level of Yin Han, even if the abilities of the entire city of S can't deal with him, Chu Jin still has a little resistance to him, but it's just a little bit.

Several other staff members wanted to say something, but looking at Yang Fei's miserable appearance, they were scared to say half a word, and watched as the group left.

Later, Yang Fei, who was carried to bed by the staff member, continued to curse, vowing to make Shao Ci look good, totally unaware of what tragedy would happen to him.

Shortly after Yin Han left, Chu Jin was late. Although he experienced such a deep blow yesterday, he quickly recovered. His expression was not the same. Today, he is going to go straight to the task. .

Seeing Chu Jin, Yang Fei put up with painful complaints and said how impolite Yin Han and his team were, and how they did not take S City in their eyes, especially the Shao Ci who was eating and eating, it was a traitor in S City.

Because he was so angry, Yang Fei recounted what Shao had asked him to tell him before.

The other staff members watched their noses and their noses. Although they didn't agree with Yang Fei's words at all, they didn't say a word on the face. In fact, most of the abilities in the base came from other places, and were not bound by the S city base. It is also very common for the base to leave because of bad treatment, but in Yang Fei ’s mouth, It is as unforgivable as treason.

"Oh?" Chu Jin looked down at Yang Fei, who was described as embarrassed, and it took a lot of effort to conceal his disdain. He said gently: "It doesn't matter, Xiao Yang, I will report your resentment. , Take a rest now. "

With Chu Jin's assurance, Yang Fei completely relaxed, and a sudden pain came, and he couldn't help but struggle in bed.

And where others could not see, Chu Jin flashed coldly in his eyes, and he sneered lowly, "Since you have done this kind of thing, don't blame me for being ruthless."


After Yin Han and his team passed the inspection, they left the base in a modified vehicle.

Shao Ci has been out of the base to follow the task and do not know how many times, but this time he was extremely nervous, even when sitting in the car can not calm down.

After all, he is now out with the original male lead Yin Han to do the task! !!

As everyone knows, the protagonist's halo will pull strange, it is impossible for the protagonist to go out without any accidents. This task will certainly not be as calm as before.

Shao had to be vigilant at all times in order to keep this small life as far as possible, otherwise he would not even know how to die.

At the beginning, it was quite normal. The zombies near the base were almost dead. Occasionally, they encountered a few and were easily resolved by Yin Han's men.

In this way, the sky became dark, and everyone planned to find an empty place to set up a tent to rest for a night. However, a person with vision-improving ability was looking at a certain direction, and then his face changed, "No, there is a dead body. The tide is coming, at least a few thousand ... No, there are more, there is no end to it! "

Shao Ci spent several months in the base of S city, and it was the first time that he saw so many zombies. He was shocked and speechless for a while ... It really deserves the treatment of the protagonist. Hundreds of zombies are the limit, and now Yin Han encounters so many.

It's really hard for his men to live on to this day.

"Damn, it stands to reason that it is too far away from the city center of S. How come there are so many zombies, let's go quickly! If it is surrounded, it will be troublesome!" Said one of Yin Han's men anxiously. .

Shao speech: "!" Hello, don't set FLAg!

Almost immediately after this sentence was spoken, zombies began to appear in other directions.

Everyone in the car was stunned, and quickly drove in the opposite direction. Just kidding, although they came out to kill zombies this time, didn't they rush into the tens of thousands of zombies to find death?

There were also a lot of zombies on both sides of the direction of the car. From time to time, they came around and rushed to the front of the road. Then they were easily killed by the car's powers, and then they were crushed by the modified car.

The atmosphere became very tense for a while, but everyone was still calm. After all, as long as the car had the backbone of coldness, they didn't need to worry about being stepped down.

Shao Ci also cheered up. If there were more zombies, mutant zombies with particularly high military values ​​would jump out. At that time, someone must be injured in the fight against the zombies, and it is time for him to come in handy.

Only Yin Han on the car was a lazy look. It was not like facing the crisis of corpses, but rather like when he was at home. His mentality could not be relaxed anymore, and he slowly cut away from the base. Take out the cake.

Shao Ci stared at Yin Han blankly: "... now there are so many zombies." Why suddenly I feel a bit silly to be so serious about preparing to save people.

Yin Han inserted a piece of cake and sent it to Shao Ci. He said intimately, "If you don't have good food now, you can't get better treatment when you are hungry. Come on." "

Why is it so reasonable! Let him forget how to vomit!

Shao opened his mouth subconsciously. At this moment, the modified car just passed over a zombie corpse, and bumped slightly, so that part of the cream was pinched on his mouth.

The taste of the cake was so delicious. Shao Ci didn't remember when he ate the cake last time. For a while, he felt touched. He reached out and tried to wipe the cream, and his wrist was held down by Yin Han. Already.

"It's not good to waste food." Yin Han said as he gathered together, gently rolled the cream from Shao Ci's mouth into his mouth with the tip of his tongue, as if to clean him up, and kissed his lips several times. .

Shao Ci threatened the whole person: "???

Wait, what is this development? !!

At the crisis moment when he was besieged by zombies, he was actually kissed by the x-point man ... For Shao Ci, the latter was a hundred times more powerful than the former!

"Xiaoci is similar to the rabbit I raised." Yin Han sent the rest of the cake to Shao Ci's mouth, and he didn't eat much.

Shao Ci relaxed while eating.

… The system has also said before that Yin Han treats him as a pet, so if you kiss a pet, it ’s not a big deal, and cream is really precious in the last days.

Shao Ci totally evaded reality and found a reason for this.

"This should be no problem, it's just some ordinary zombies, and it can be thrown away after a while." Xiao Zheng, who had set FLAg up, wiped the sweat on his head and said, "As long as there is nothing unexpected occur……"

The next moment, a fork road immediately drove out four or five modified cars and squeezed into the road.

Shao Ci: "..." Hey, in fact, Xiao Zheng, you are the main character.

The four or five vehicles were fighting against the zombies around them. The colorful abilities were thrown out in a mess, and several of them did not lose any zombies. Apparently, their people were very tired.

After all, powers are not infinite. If you use them for too long, you will exhaust your power, and the power stun will pass out. It is impossible to use powers after four or five days of rest. Therefore, the general power person will try not to run out of all powers, or take out crystal nuclei to absorb energy.

These four or five vehicles also attracted many zombies on the fork, and there were actually two mutant zombies!

It should be known that mutant zombies are zombies that are particularly prominent in speed or strength, and their qualities are several times that of ordinary zombies. It is extremely difficult to deal with them.

Variant zombies that focus on speed are more terrifying than mutant zombies that focus on power, and they can even outpace most of the psionic powers. Many slow-action abilities may have had too little time to react to what happened during the battle, and were killed by mutant zombies.

As for the zombie king in the original, the strength is no longer terrible. Even Yin Han cost a lot of money to kill the Zombie King at the end, and he almost lost his life.

"There are mutant zombies, and the two are speed-type. What luck is this?" Everyone's faces were a lot ugly, and they were filled with disgust for the person in the car next to the mutant zombies. If it isn't critical now, you must hit the people's congress and the people behind you.

Two mutant zombies followed the team not far and near, and almost no attack from the car's powers could hit them, and they were avoided each time they wanted to hit.

Yin Han's men are okay, and they have survived several times from the line of life and death. They also have experience with mutant zombies. Although they cannot directly kill the mutant zombies, they can still be made inaccessible.

But the psionicists in the cars next to them are not very good. They have not experienced much in the past. It is as simple as cutting a melon to face an ordinary zombie. Coping ability.

These two mutant zombies are wise, they can kill everyone in one breath, but they are like playing with prey. They do n’t directly do it, but they only come a few times from time to time, which makes people tremble.

When everyone's vigilance was relaxed a little, a mutant zombie rushed over, and a scream of extreme screams came from the car next to it. I saw a phantom's throat being bitten directly by the mutant zombie, and blood sprayed like a blood rain.

Shao Ci saw the **** scene with his own eyes, his face was a bit pale, and he was the first time to see the death of a power actor.

"What's wrong, afraid?" Yin Han didn't know when the body came over, took Shao Ci's hand, and his dark eyes looked over and asked: "After all, those people seem to be poor, after all Also with you as a base, would you want to save them? "

"No, I don't want to." Shao Ci didn't know what Yin Han asked himself about the topic, but just shook his head and said, "I don't have the ability to protect myself. How can I save people and how long I can live? . "

It is normal for the dead in the last days. Although Yin Han has the ability to save people, Shao Ci is not the kind father who is generous to others. He is not big enough to ask Yin Han to save himself for himself. Knowing that Yin Han even stocks his men ...

What's more, these strangers care about him. If they were seriously injured beside themselves, Shao Ci will use his powers, but the situation is already clear.

Yin Han held his hand and smiled, "With me, you will not die."

His tone was different from usual, and while being gentle, he was a little firm, making Shao's speech a little dazed.

At this time, the person next to him was caught by the mutant zombies, and suddenly a big mouth with deep bones was caught. Immediately, his arms were retracted into the car.

Shao Ci immediately threw all the things he had just said and rushed out to treat the person. The longer this wound is dragged on, the greater the burden on the power person.

Yin Han took a meaningful look at the modified car next door. Depending on his strength, he could naturally feel that there is a powerful field of power in the car behind him, and that person is definitely going to do the same today. The mission is meticulous.

I do n’t know what happened to Chu Jin before he stood up to deal with the mutant zombies, Yin Han was so happy to watch it.

As for helping, he is all right. If Chu Jin died like this, he wouldn't care, just worried that Shao would be sad because of it ...

Although Shao Ci has demonstrated his attitude towards Chu Jin, Yin Han has not been able to relax. He always feels that Shao Ci, who is now following him warmly, seems to be leaving.

Suddenly, a mutant zombie jumped directly onto the car, scratched the roof with that sharp and hard nail, and made a sharp and harsh sound. If it is an ordinary car, now I am afraid it has been directly pierced by the zombie's nails.

Modified cars are much stronger than ordinary cars after modification. This can only be sustained, but I am afraid that it will not last long.

"What should I do?" Shao's mood was tense, and he quickly looked at the others in the carriage, but found that everyone had no previous vigilance at all, but they were all relieved, and what they should do is continue what.

The next moment, Shao Ci understood why their response was.

Yin Han, who had been lazily leaning on the position, frowned, and whispered, "So noisy."

Almost the next moment he spoke, a cold current swept across the cabin, and then there was a huge movement on the roof, as if something was struggling, and a loud noise sounded the next moment.

Shao Ci can be seen from the window. There are broken ice cubes scattered on the roof, and those ice cubes are still frozen with broken flesh.

There is no doubt that the mutated zombies that just made everyone extremely troubled and scared were killed in a single blow in Yin Han's hand, and they were torn apart without dignity.

Even after reading the original text, Shao Ci couldn't help but be surprised at this time. "!" Lying down, Yin Han's force value is almost against the sky, and I don't know how the zombie king in the legend has a higher force value Terrible existence.

The other mutant zombie seemed to be scared by this scene, and instead attacked a few cars next to it, and he dared not touch them. Only those ordinary zombies who have no thought at all continue to surround them.

The people next to the car saw the scene more thoroughly, and they were speechless at a sudden by the cold force.

Fortunately, there is only one mutant zombies left, and their pressure is a little less than before, but those people's abilities are much weaker, and they still can't deal with that mutant zombies.

The mutant zombie finally got tired of it, and when he saw it, he wanted to rush into the car and kill as many phantoms as possible, and a stern cry for help came out.

Before waiting for the reaction of the people here, a burst of powerful energy suddenly burst out from the modified car next to it. The next moment, a huge ball of water suddenly appeared in the air, which happened to trap the mutant zombies.

The mutant zombies startled and struggled frantically, but the mass of water was wrapping it around, no change whatsoever.

"Wait, the water system power?" Shao was startled. With his memory, only Chu Jin had the powerful water system power at all nearby bases ... No, this power seemed to be better than before. It's a little bit stronger. Such a powerful character cannot be mentioned in the original work. Does it mean that Chu Jin just advanced?

Shao Ci's conjecture is correct. After Chu Jin led the team today, he happened to meet a tide of corpses.

At that time, Chu Jin didn't take it seriously. Anyway, as long as his power is sufficient, these ordinary zombies can't help him, and as long as the crystal nucleus is in his hand, his power cannot be used up.

However, it happened unexpectedly. Chu Jin once again killed a wave of zombies and let his hands go down to get the crystal nucleus. Then he frantically absorbed the power in the crystal nucleus in order to restore the power. However, he found that his power had begun to advance.

The ability to advance is a good thing, but when you are advanced, you will unconsciously pass out, and will not wake up until you have completely advanced. Many psionics just fart when they hit the zombie halfway through.

After Chu Jin was in a coma, the rest of the group suddenly felt helpless, and originally planned to return to Chu base with Chu Jin. But I didn't expect that I was struck by two mutant zombies with bad luck.

Usually, when encountering mutant zombies, they are resolved by Chu Jin at once. When there is a need for them to face, these people who dare not face the mutant zombies have to flee in the opposite direction and just meet the cold. .

In a way, they are quite lucky. If they didn't encounter the cold, they would probably have been killed by the mutant zombies before Chu Jin advanced.

After Chu Jin successfully advanced, he felt that he was stronger than he used to know, and the whole person was excited. He just thought about it, and the mutant zombies in the air were tangled into pieces by the turbulent current.

The next moment, the water ball stained red with blood exploded directly, like a bomb, blasting countless zombies into pieces.

Suddenly the area became empty, and only two or two zombies who had escaped from the calamity were walking in a trance, which did not constitute a threat at all.

The crowd looked at this scene in shock, and finally realized that another seventh-level power was born.

After listening to his report, Chu Jin also understood what happened. He sorted his clothes, opened the door, and got out of the car. He looked at the modified car in front of him with a smile, "Yin Han, listen Thank you very much for having helped me through the difficulties of advancement. "

His voice is not loud, but it can be heard clearly by everyone around him.

Chu Jin's eyes looked with a little pride at the modified car next door. He thought that the place that was originally inferior to Yin Han was just an ability. Now his ability is also level seven. There is no difference between the two. He doesn't need to look at Yin Han's face anymore, and he doesn't need to suffer any more. Already.

There is also Shao Ci who abandoned him and chose Yin Han. After seeing his current self, he should also regret that he was at a loss, when he cried and begged to return to himself.

The thought of Chu Jin holding his thigh to cry was a little deeper on Chu Jin's face. See, God is on his side.

It's almost the same as Chu Jin's thinking. Now Shao Ci is really at a loss. He is in a seat, his face is extremely ugly, and his mood is quite bad.

Now Chu Jin has advanced, and his power is on the same level as Yin Han ... if he is just a few points stronger than Yin Han, this unruly and strong friend system will definitely make him re-hold Chu Jin's thigh! !!

He also kicked Chu Jin's undescriptable part of his neck yesterday. Today, if the target of the Raiders changes back ... Shao Ci feels that he might as well die directly.

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