MTL - Befriending The Most Powerful Person-Chapter 169 The ending (on)

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Shao Ci stiffened.

No, wait, I just didn't want you to tell the truth directly! Is this too special? Suddenly!

What's more, Shao Ci found out that the positions of the two people seemed a bit bad. He was still sitting on Si Yin ... No wonder the other person just thought he was going to do something.

Shao Ci was a little flustered, "No, that, wait a minute, calm down!" I didn't have to confess this straight ball!

But Si Yin was completely self-abandoned, and directly held Shao Ci's hand (ready to get up), gritted his teeth and said, "I hate you from the past. I really hate you, and I get irritated when I see you ... why would I Feel good about such a useless guy? And he doesn't understand my mood at all. "

It's been from the past.

He obviously wanted to treat it well, but as soon as he saw Shao Ci, the other party would be estranged, and it seemed that he didn't want to talk to him too much.

But if you are to your boss, it is completely another attitude.

This only made him more unhappy, coupled with his awkward personality, and his attitude towards Shao Ci was not much better ... at least when he was afraid, the other party thought of him with his whole heart.

Shao Ci: "..." would be strange to understand!

Who would know such a tortuous psychological activity? !!

"Thank you ..." Shao Ci said so, "I also knew that I had misunderstood you before. You did a lot to help me, and finally wanted me to leave this dangerous place ... but." Shao Ci finally mentioned the key point, "Can you tell me what you know? I don't know the current situation at all ..."

"Tell you, is there any benefit?" Si Yin said coldly: "Even if I like you, I won't tell you these things casually, you know it's useless. You better leave now ... "

Shao Ci knew that he would be like this. He was very experienced in dealing with Ao Jiao. He just stared at each other's eyes tightly with the look of expectation, and then said with his own shame. "I beg you, please ... I really want to know, Si, Si brother ..."

Although it's normal to call Si Ran's brother Shao Ci, but calling Si Yin is awkward!

Si Yin unexpectedly ate this set, gritted his teeth, and finally sighed, "I know you like Si Ran very much."

Because of the bad relationship, he never called his brother Si Ran and always called his name first. The two rarely communicated, but it seemed that Shao Ci and Si Ran were closer.

"But, I can't do it?" Si Yin said, and he sat up and caught Shao Ci on his body. "I know Si Ran is very good. At least when you are in front of you, everyone likes him and gives him everything. It ’s okay. It ’s okay. It ’s okay for everyone to like him, but it ’s just you ... I just hope you do n’t like him ... ”He did n’t go on, but whispered:“ Only you and I do n’t want to let it go. "

When speaking this sentence, Si Yin, who had been calm in many moods, seemed to be faintly dark.

Lin Shao, standing behind, even if he wanted to help, he found that he couldn't raise a bit of strength, because he had no way to get up now, and even his speech was blocked.

Shao Ci over there remembered the memories he saw. Si Yin did indeed grow up under the glory of Si Ran. He would become the result of being so indulgent without being indulged by others around him.


"I, I don't like Si Ran at all! I was a straight man before that!" Shao said, "It's all brotherhood!"

Si Yin froze, "Is that so?"

Shao Ci: "..." Why is this reaction? !! He used to look like a guy?

"I just want to know the truth." Shao said: "Then I will leave. If I don't ask everything because of it, I will regret it even if I leave."

"Even if this would cause you to die here?" Si Yin was silent, "doesn't it matter?"

"It doesn't matter," Shao said.

He's dead anyway, I don't know how many times.

Lin Shao seemed to be anxious in the back. He wanted to say something, but it still didn't help.

"That being the case, since you want to know, I said it." Si Yin smiled, with a bit of sarcasm in her eyes, but that was obviously aimed at Si Ran, "Anyway, these things just let you know that guy It's true. "

"But before that." He gave a cold glance at Lin Shao over there. "From the beginning, there has been an extra person here, which is really a hindrance."

Shao Ci: "..."

"Relax, for the sake of bringing you here, I won't kill him." Si Yin said, "But now, let's go to sleep first."

He raised his hand, and there immediately fell into darkness, but Shao Ci could feel that Lin Shao was not in danger.

"Well, can't you send him out?" Shao said.

Si Yin's tone chilled for a moment, "I feel so sorry for your little lover?"

"... We are just classmates!" Shao said, "Not even friends!"

Is the original Si Yin just such a messy vinegar ...

"Trust me for the time being." Si Yindan said: "It takes a lot of strength to send out. For you, I am willing, but a passerby, how can I waste power for him?"

Shao Ci couldn't help but said, "Then before you—"

"Of course it is deceiving." Si Yin smiled. "If you really agree, he will certainly die halfway. But that body is quite suitable for others to possess ..."

Shao Ci: "...!" Lin Shao guessed too accurately.

"Don't talk so much nonsense now, let's talk about business." Si Yin apparently was too lazy to do any work on Shao Lin, and said, "I tell you, what kind of person you like Si Ran is."

As he spoke, he reached over Shao's forehead and whispered, "Accept my strength."

Shao Ci did not feel any danger in him, and released his mental protection.

Then Shao Ci saw the content of the memories again.

Shao Ci had to think in his heart that this is really a simple and convenient method, and also to avoid any expression errors in the description process ... Anyway, everything can be seen with the naked eye.

This memory is obviously a long time away. Some of the acquaintances appearing in the picture are much younger, and Shao Ci is using Si Yin's first-person perspective. When sweeping the mirror wall in the corridor, you can see that Si Yin is just a cute seven or eight year old It's just a child, but at this moment he looks stinking.

At this time, Si Ran was only 12 or 13 years old. The thought of Shao Ci suddenly looked forward to here.

The next people led Si Yin towards the restaurant, and Shao Ci saw the teenager sitting there at a glance.

The youth-like Si Ran had a pale appearance, and it looked like he was not well, but his temperament was no different from that in the future. At this time, he looked over with a smile.

Shao Ci felt a moment of disgust for a moment. This was not the thought in his heart, but it was in Si Yin's heart. His emotions were so strong that he was slightly infected with Shao Ci.

Perhaps because of this relationship, Shao Ci found that he seemed to be more honest than before. After unraveling the filter in his heart, he looked out at a glance. The opposite Sran, under the mild expression, the smile had a deep sense of alienation, and there was no emotion in his eyes.

Even when he turned his head to speak to his parents, his attitude was just like a stranger, gentle but false.

Of course, Shao Ci only has a strong mental force to be able to relate to such subtle details. Of course, other people's words can't see anything ... As for Si Yin, it is estimated that children are more sensitive to this.

Then the picture was flashing, and Si Yin was obviously a lot older. He was a junior high school student.

He seemed to be awkward and didn't want to go home. He stayed in the classroom so that no one else knew what to do. After all, the young master of the Si family couldn't just offend.

It is raining outside.

Afterwards, he took it for granted that his patient and gentle brother, the teachers around him, couldn't help but be sighed.

"How can such a brother have such a brother ..."

Si Yin reluctantly followed Si Ran into the back car. But halfway through, the other person smiled and said he wanted to give Si Yin a gift and let him get out of the car.

Then he was left in the rain.

Si Ran still had a usual smile on his face, but his eyes were astonishingly cold. "I cherish your present."

Si Yin braved the rain and hit the car to return home, but she saw a family of three who were eating in their joy.

There is no place for him.

Shao's speech: "..." Is this excessive? !!

Of course, as Si Yin had hoped, now the image of Si Ran in Shao Ci's heart collapsed more than half, and the cold eyes of the other side really hit him too much.

In fact, he has encountered many such white-cut black people in these days of fast-wearing, but those people have long been clear! The nature of the person he has always been an elder brother is different!

Then the screen changes again. It's all similar pictures.

Si Ran seemed to be a person who was out of the way. He had a dispensable attitude towards everything. Only when someone offended him, he would instantly show the true coldness.

Yes. Si Ran did not specifically maintain his gentle character, as if he had left his brother directly outside. As long as other people offend him, there is no better way to end, but he is the heir of the Si family, and the power in his hands is naturally not something others can resist.

This turned out to be ... Siran's personality is so good, but why haven't many people been entangled with him for this?

Shao Ci only felt that his attitude was familiar. Yes, it is very familiar ... Siran's attitude towards others, rather than calling it indifferent, is as if he is watching a movie. It's as if he's not a person in this world at all.

Shao Ci: "...?!"

Yeah, yeah, even he can wear it fast, but isn't everyone else okay?

Shao Ci is now in a mixed mood. He feels that even his memories have become subtle. Does it mean that he used to be a routine?

After that, the picture that Shao Ci has always wanted to see.

It seems that because Si Ran's body is getting worse and worse, he finally decides to perform heart surgery on him, and it is natural that Shao is going to sacrifice it. And everything they talked about was heard by Si Yin.

Shao Ci: "..." This, I really feel miserable every time I see it.

The subsequent pictures were dark and only sound. When the Si family asked Si Ran's opinions, he just chuckled as usual, and then said, "It doesn't matter."

Shao Ci: "..."

[Host, don't be sad. 】 At this time, even the system came out to comfort Shao, [anyway, this is just a dog text! There are still many beauties waiting for you! 】

Shao Ci: "..." This kind of comfort feels even more sad! !!

Why is it so miserable!

But he didn't really care about the other person's thoughts. After all, he was almost stabbed to death by Si Ran before he wore it ...! That ’s more terrifying than saying you do n’t care about life and death!

What's more, Si Ran has more doubts now, and may not even be a person in this world.

Then the memorized picture is over. Si Yin stood aside and said, "You've seen it, he's that kind of person. He's good to you, just to keep you from hating him when you give."

Shao Ci: "... Thank you, thank you, and later want to save me, I did not understand your kind intentions at that time."

After all, the situation at that time, took people directly to the airport to ask others to get out of it, no matter how you look at it, find fault.

"Cough, I just don't want to see you idiot die like this." Si Yin coughed and continued: "At that time, I wanted to go with you. But suddenly I got a call and said that Someone's sick ... I'll go back first. "

Obviously for Si Yin, it doesn't matter that brother died casually. For him, Shao Ci is more important.

"I didn't expect him to do such a thing." Si Yin's face sank. "Maybe he's a lunatic. Do you really want to see him again?"

"Huh ..." Shao nodded. To this day, he is only one step away from the truth, how could he give up!

Even if that person is really a madman, there must be a reason to kill! !! It's not like this world, because no one is going to have surgery to put his younger brother or something.

"That being the case, I can't stop you." Si Yin said: "But. He is not a good person to deal with, even if he becomes a ghost, it is still a madman. If you meet Dangerous, just come back. "

"Um ..." Shao Ci nodded again.

Si Yin took another firm look at Shao Ci, reached out and held the necklace around his neck, closed his eyes, and a black mist filled the surrounding area again, and his figure disappeared into it.

Wait until the mist has faded. Shao Ci found that he and Lin Shao were staying on the steps just on the third floor.

Everything just happened as if it happened in a fantasy world, and Lin Shao just woke up, immediately caught Shao Ci, and looked up and down, "Are you all right? That guy didn't do anything to you?"

It seems that because of the distance, he did not hear the conversation between the two.

Of course, the actions between Shao Ci and Si Yin are also easily misunderstood ...

"I'm fine." Shao said, "We're gone now."

"Um." Lin Shao nodded his head, and he didn't ask much about Shao Ci as before. He looked dignified. "Next is the most terrible ghost in this place."

"Yeah ..." Shao Ci couldn't help feeling a little hesitant. Even if he has confidence in his own strength, the opponent is too mysterious, which makes him feel like a boss in other worlds.

They walked forward. The road was very peaceful, nothing happened at all, not even a mob, but it made people feel a sense of tranquility before the storm.

At the end of the corridor, there is a library-like place for all kinds of books, and there are also many precious collections. There was also a place that Shao Ci had never visited before, but he felt subconsciously that the goal he was looking for was there.

The moment Shao walked over and reached out to open the door, Lin Shao grabbed him a few steps back and looked at the door vigilantly.

The target of Shao Ci's trip was standing in front of a tall angel statue. The pale blue light of the moonlight was dripping from the transparent ceiling. The young man standing there quietly seemed to be wearing the moonlight. He was looking at the side with wings broken Angel statue, then seemed to hear the movement, and turned his head.

"Xiaoci, you're back." He smiled, his eyes gazing at Shaoci, and he didn't put Lin Shao behind him. "I've been waiting for a long time."

"I'm here this time." Shao Ci tried to look at Si Ran's face, trying to recognize whether there was any emotion in the other's eyes, but he couldn't see it at all ... probably the moonlight caused the other's face to be shrouded in illusion. Come on.

By this time, Shao Ci had the courage in his heart, shook off Lin Shao's hand, and walked towards the hall hurriedly, "I want to ask you, everything before is for what, you are not like that Man, suddenly killing or something ... "

It would be better if Si Ran could also show him some reminiscences directly.

"You still believe in me, I'm very happy." Si Ran smiled. "In fact, everything I do is to achieve a purpose ..."

"What the **** is it for ..." Shao Ci couldn't help but take a few steps. The closer he got to the truth, the more anxious he became, and Lin Shao's face behind him suddenly changed, "Wait--"

Before Shao Ci came to his consciousness, Si Ran immediately held his hand, and the cold feeling instantly made his body fall into the abyss. At this time, Shao Ci really realized that the young man in front of him, who was no different from the past, was indeed not a living person.

"If you want to know, find the answer yourself." The other party's soft voice sounded. At the moment when he heard this sentence, all the defense skills of the whole body were directly invalidated, and Shao Ci immediately lost consciousness and fell into darkness.



When Shao Ci woke up, he was still a little bit worried.

Obviously he has guarded his whole body with his mental strength ... and it is because of this that he is so unscrupulous, but he will still be recruited to such an extent. How strong is Si Ran's strength?

Later, Shao Ci found that his body became smaller, which seemed to be the figure in junior high school. And the surrounding environment is obviously the room when he used to live in Si's house.

"What's going on? How could I be here?" Shao Ci sat up suddenly from the bed, but couldn't feel what kind of fantasy here ... No, this is definitely a fantasy, but he couldn't even feel his power, Can't see any problems around it ... Anyway, this is not the place where he can easily leave now.

[The spiritual power of the host is sealed by a power, which is now almost the same as ordinary people. However, the other party should have no intention of killing the host. 】

"Is it so powerful?" Shao said, paused, and sighed again. "Yeah, if he wants to kill me, I will die soon." I didn't expect Si Ran to be so powerful.

But now this development? Is it the memory kill he wants to see?

Shao Ci rinsed with doubts and pushed open the door, and he felt that everything around him was so real, as if he really walked back to the past.

The people around him ignored him directly after seeing him. After all, Shao Ci was not a serious master. He was just a relative under the fence and he was not valued. Of course, these people will not waste time on Shao Ci.

Shao Ci came directly to the restaurant, after all, it was time for breakfast.

Everyone else froze when they saw him. Shao Ci only remembered that he used to dare not come to have breakfast with the Si family. After leaving, he bought buns near the school and ate.

But now it's just a fantasy! Who would think so much.

So Shao Ci sat calmly in the seat beside Si Yin-he was still a little afraid to go to Si Ran.

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