MTL - Befriending The Most Powerful Person-Chapter 167 The past (3)

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The system did not tell him the story of this world, and Shao Ci never thought about asking. Because he didn't want to understand so clearly that he was just a character in a novel!

But now, Shao Ci has to think.

At that time, the Si Family suddenly called him back, but his attitude towards him had been so cold. Obviously, what kind of sister and her child are they looking for, but this attitude is obviously very strange.

If the siblings are really good, wouldn't they come for so long?

No matter how you think, there is only one ending. It's the heart-changing plot of dog blood ... I didn't expect that such a broken thing would really fall on him!

In this world, they did not find themselves, so they could only choose Si Yin as their heir.

So was Siran so good to him at first because of guilt?

Shao Ci could not help but feel that he was really miserable, this is the cannon fodder!

"Are you okay?" The squad leader couldn't help asking when he saw Shao's disappointment.

"I'm fine." Shao said, but Sanguan was a little broken. After all, it's been so long, and it can't really have a huge impact on him, "Yes, where did you find this squad leader?"

"I saw it as soon as I opened the drawer." The squad leader said, "It's very conspicuous. I didn't expect such a thing to be left here ..." When he said that, his face changed, and his smile suddenly stiffened, Is this what Siran's ghost wants us to see? "

Shao Ci was in a mixed mood. "... Maybe."

No matter what, he seemed to be approaching the truth of the incident step by step.

After that, there was nothing to investigate in the study. After the two left, the monitor looked at the surrounding rooms and found nothing.

Soon he came to the room where Shao Ci had lived. Shao Ci felt a subtle breath and gave him a familiar feeling. He was cautious to open the door.

The moment Shao opened the door, the screen of the mobile phone used by the monitor next to him to dim was dark, and a black shadow suddenly took over. The power of Shao Ci couldn't stop it, and the black shadow hit Shao instantly. Resign, and Shao Ci immediately became dark.

When the scene before him becomes clearer, it is no longer real, but the first person is looking at the memories of the past.

"What the **** is going on ... what just happened ..."

Shao Ci still had doubts in his heart and looked up. The environment at this time was in a car. Shao Ci was sitting in the co-pilot seat. After all, it was just a memory ... He couldn't manipulate this body to do anything. In the future, there is no power or anything.

If you want to say that feeling, it's almost the same as watching any holographic movie.

And in front of the car, it was Si Jia, the second master of the family.

Shao Ci: "..." Is it exactly this memory?

"Me, where are we going?" Shao Ci heard such a voice in his mouth.

He still remembered that when he was playing computer in the room, he was suddenly called out by Si Yin, and Shao Ci didn't want to listen to him, but after all, people had to bow their heads under the roof, so be honest Went out, thinking about how Si Yin could not kill him.

Then after that, Si Yin directly left him at the airport and told him not to go back in this life. It can be said that it was very humiliating. At that time, Shao Ci almost wanted to hit someone.

But compared to what happened later, this is nothing at all.

At this point, Shao Ci looked at Si Yin next to him. His beautiful face looked unexpectedly serious, and seemed to be a little anxious, not as humiliating and sarcastic as usual.

The car stopped abruptly in the parking lot of the airport, and Si Yin said coldly, "Not yet?"

"What are you doing here with me?" Shao was rushed before he finished speaking.

And Si Yin also came over. Although his expression was cold, the feeling in his eyes was a bit complicated. He grabbed Shao Ci's hand and walked in.

At this moment he suddenly received a call and went to speak.

Shao Ci: "..." Ah, why are you so far apart and completely unintelligible ... Now that you put down the filters and the like, it seems that the situation is not as simple as he thought.

After answering the phone call, Si Yin was obviously anxious, and directly stuffed the card and air ticket into Shao Ci, with an impatience in his tone. Get off, how far you have traveled, it's better not to come back again. "

Shao Ci glanced down and saw that there was his own identity document in the pile of things, and suddenly hesitated, "What are you going to do?"

But the other side's car has grown suddenly, and the other side has no intention to reply.

The picture dims here until it becomes clearer.

Shao Ci found himself heading towards the main house of the Si family.

Shao Ci remembered that he only hurried back from the airport after a long time of tossing, but not all cars could be driven up, so that he could only climb from the foot of the mountain to the middle of the mountain where the main house of the Si family was located.

When he felt that his body was getting closer and closer to the doorway, his mood was a bit heavy ... but after so many things, this replay of the scene was nothing to him.

"It's weird. Why is there no one outside today ..." muttered, Shao Ci's mood at this time was so low that he opened the door directly.

Then he appeared in front of him, in a bright hall, a few people in a pool of blood.

Shao Ci: "..."

Even lying on his back was the person he was familiar with, who had just cursed in his heart. That Si Yin, who has always been invincible, was struggling on the ground and raised his head. His beautiful face was no longer bloody, and he frowned at Shao Ci, just like any time in the past ...

"You ... too stupid ..." he said hard.

Shao Ci rushed over at the time, "Wait, are you all right? I'll call an ambulance now!"

Although Shao Ci hated Si Yin very much, and had never known how many times he had scolded him in his heart, at least two people were also cousins ​​or something. How could he watch the other person die directly.

"You're back?" A soft voice sounded from the rear.

Shao Ci could feel the feeling of being at ease in his heart at that time, but the reality was cruel ... When he turned his head, he saw Siran with a smile on his face as always.

He was still so gentle and so kind. It's as if he was the best person in the Si family's speech to Shao.

But now, his godlike face was stained with blood, his white clothes were stained with blood, and the knife in his hand was dripping with blood.

Si Ran seemed to be aware of his current state, frowned slightly, and sighed, "Ah, because I was so anxious, I came out without changing my clothes, wouldn't you mind?"

"Siran ... brother?"

It's not the first time I've seen such a picture. Shao Ci can feel that he was frightened by the time, even now he doesn't feel good.

"Hurry ... keke ... get going ..." Si Yin on the ground was almost struggling to say such a word.

Shao Ci only felt that his body was out of control, his body was shaking, and he stepped back subconsciously.

"Why, why ..."

"Why?" Si Ran said.

"Why do you do this ... you ..."

"Why did I do this?" Si Ran smiled softly. "Of course to protect you. Now, no one can hurt you?"

Shao Ci: "..."

"Why, why are you back? Come to me like before."

He extended his hand in the direction of Shao Ci.

Shao's resignation was strange because his words had passed. It is better to say that as long as he is a normal person, he will not pass!

Not to mention that in the past, Shao Ci has not seen so many snake ailments and other diseases. The whole person was scared. Only the shock of the three views was broken, and there was no other idea at all.

At that time, Shao Ci turned around and ran upstairs, his heartbeat almost exploding from his chest.

The footsteps sounded behind him, of course, Si Ran chased after him.

Shao Ci was originally a person with a basic house in the room. He had just climbed the mountain for a long time, and now he had no physical strength, and was almost going to be chased.

And this memory faded here.

After all, after that, it was Shao Ci who fell on the stairs and was bound by the system after passing out ...

At that time, he could only immediately agree to the system's request to carry out the task of fast-wearing. After all, who knows what would happen if he went back, it is estimated that the ending would be similar to other people who were strangled!

Shao Ci: "..." Although, he did not want to admit it, but he has been a physique that attracted sickness from now on, right? !! Why is everyone around like this ...

And now looking at that memory again, why does Shao Ci always feel that Si Yin's guy is a bit proud, and he seems to know something, so why drive him away?

As for Si Ran's words, Shao Ci didn't understand it at first. Now let's combine his heart disease ... He seems, probably, maybe ... may have a little idea.

But even if you don't want to do heart surgery, you won't be strangling your whole family! !!

Besides, in this world line, Si Ran did the same thing! So it's not his relationship.

Sure enough, Shao Ci still wanted to ask Si Ran what it was for ... he believed that he was once a kind person like his brother, and would not just kill people with ordinary neurological attacks ...

Waking up from a dream, Shao Ci found himself lying in bed.

He looked down and found that this was his own room, but because he didn't live in Sijia's relationship in this world, this room looked no different from other guest rooms.

While the monitor was sitting aside, looking from the perspective of Shao Ci, he could see that he was watching something quietly with the light of his mobile phone.

Shao Ci sat up, the other party heard the voice, and immediately turned his head, "It really scared me to death, you suddenly fainted. Fortunately, there is a bed to rest."

"What are you looking at?" Shao Ci asked.

"It's a strange thing to find here ..." The squad leader looked a little subtle, and took it to Shao Ci.

That photo, but the person above is Shao Ci.

Shao Ci: "...?!"

Why, what, why is his picture in this room? !!

Obviously, he and the people of the Si family did not intersect in this world! And this photo doesn't look like he lives in Si's house.

"Shao Ci, that is ... I actually wanted to say it before ..." The monitor said, "I always feel that you look a bit like the people in Sijia ... This time you come here, what is it ..."

"... I don't know." Shao Ci tucked the photo directly into his clothes pocket. "It might be a little distant relatives. Now it's useless to say that, let's try to leave."

"So is it." The monitor nodded.

After the two left the room, there was a faint dark mist rising from the ground.

There were also many ghosts in the corridor outside. Even if Shao Ci had to deal with so many ghosts, it was very troublesome. The two had to climb up the stairs on the side.

Only when I walked up there was the glare of the flashlight. Lin Shao stood on the third floor and looked at the two with expressionless faces.

When Shao Ci passed by, he grabbed Shao Ci and pulled him to himself.

"It's great that you have nothing to do." The monitor immediately became excited. "How are the other two students?"

"They are dead." Lin Shao said casually, as if the death of the two people was not a wave to him.

Shao Ci: "..." It is better to say that this person has been too calm from the beginning!

"... This is also no way." The squad leader sighed. "After all, this is the environment now, we don't know if we can go out alive ..."

"It is true that Shao Ci and I are not clear, but you ..." Lin Shao's eyes suddenly became cold, "It is destined to be inseparable."

"What do you mean?" The monitor's face suddenly changed.

"The real squad leader has been replaced when we entered the door." Lin Shaoleng said coldly: "You are just a ghost now, and you have always acted like an ordinary person."

"Do you have any evidence?" The squad leader did not understand, and said, "I have been with Shao Ci all the time. Shao Ci is all right, but your men are dead, obviously more problematic. It's you. "

"But you don't have a shadow." Lin Shao said indifferently, the flashlight in his hand shone towards the other side, and the wall was really empty.

The monitor squinted suddenly, "what-"

"Yeah," said Shao Ci, "I was in the room before ... I noticed."

After all, no matter what you think of the monitor, it looks strange! But he was so close, but he couldn't feel the strangeness of the other person ... Is this place still affecting his senses?

"It seems you are a lot smarter now." The squad leader swept away, and then his expression calmed down quickly. He looked at the two of them with a bit of disdain on his face, "but I didn't have to deal with it. What do you mean. I just want to take you away. "

Shao Lin said: "Why should we believe you?"

"I just do what I want to do." The other side sneered: "You were trapped in this curse as soon as you entered the door. There is no way to leave easily. If you are determined to find out the truth, you will only It ’s just getting deeper. "

"Yes, it's you ..." Shao Ci stepped forward, "Si Yin ?!"

"Congratulations, you guessed right." The monitor's face quickly changed to Si Yin's beautiful face, but his expression was still the same as before. Have you shown it to you? You can leave now. "

"... But there are more things I don't know." Shao Ci said: "And why do you in this world ... and Siran brother him, why did you do that kind of thing ..."

"You don't need to know these things at all." Si Yin said: "As for Si Ran ..." He looked a little indifferent, "He is just a lunatic, and there is no reason to do anything."

"... I don't believe it." It's no wonder that Shao Ci will go back now. Now is the time for him to get closer to the truth.

"Really?" Si Yin's face changed into a sarcastic smile. "Okay. If you can pass my level, you can know everything ... Of course, if you die or not, this is not the case. Blame me. "

Most of his body became transparent, but with it came a black mist that filled the surrounding area.

"Give you ten minutes, as long as you can escape from this level--"

The voice fell, and the surroundings were completely dark, while the black mist was lingering around, and there were ominous footsteps, and there were faint cries of people.

Lin Shao grasped Shao Ci and ran quickly towards the side. The terrain in the house has also changed, and has become completely different from before.

"It seems that things are a little troublesome this time." Shao Lin glanced at Shao. "You have something to do with this ghost?"

"Right ..." Shao said.

"It seems that he likes you quite well." Lin Shao uttered a sentence, "When I just talked, I was always watching you."

Shao Ci: "... Yes, yes." Um ... Is it because the attributes are similar?

...... Before Shao Ci found out, Lin Shao and Si Yin are similar in character! !!

However, he really didn't want to admit it. Si Yin actually liked it ... he didn't want to admit that Lin Shao seemed to like him a bit!

"Who are you then?" Shao Ci asked suddenly.

It's such a weird situation, if Shao Ci can't see Lin Shao's problems, he can die.

"I am indeed your classmate who has not been replaced by anyone." Lin Shao said, "But my family is doing business on the surface, but secretly carrying on some techniques that ordinary people don't know."

Shao Ci: "..." Did the feeding of the world view really become a spiritual one directly!

Moreover, Lin Shao doesn't have any weird breath. This time, Shao Ci has been carefully investigated. He is definitely not someone who is the same as the monitor or possesses a disguise.

"Then why would you call other people over ... they're ordinary people coming here to die."

There is Lin Shao's younger brother, but he believes that there are no ghosts in the world, but he died directly here ...

"Before I came here, I didn't realize the smell of evil spirits, and thought it was just a rumor. I didn't expect that after coming in, this ghost was more powerful than I expected, and it was no longer easy for me to deal with it." Lin Shao said: "I can't protect other people. It is better to say that it is difficult to protect itself now, and I will not consider other people's affairs at all ..."

At this point, his voice was a little lower, "Of course, I saved you, just because you have a relationship with this place, it is only helpful for escape."

"Uh-huh, I know it all, I know it well!" Shao Ci would not poke the other person to death.

"Just know." Lin Shao's voice seemed a little dull.

"However, it is I that is dragging you down. I should have asked him to send you away just now." Shao sighed.

"Do you think it's that simple?" Lin Shao glanced at Shao and snorted coldly. "I have nothing to do with that guy. He doesn't look like a good guy. He might send you away, but I Not necessarily ... even in this process, he can occupy my body and replace my existence from now on. "

Shao Ci: "..." makes sense? !!

"That is definitely the most likely situation." Lin Shao glanced down and glanced at the hands held by the two, and whispered: "... After all, it was something he could not get."

"... Did you just say something?" Shao Ci was still thinking about things.

"It's nothing." Lin Shao shifted the topic directly, and said, "I don't mean to know about your business. It's not as simple as that guy said, he won't give up so easily at first glance. If we are true Do what he says, maybe he's in the middle of it. "

"What should we do?" Shao Ci has no experience in this area.

Even in the world of infinite streaming games, he was quite salty. Shao Ci himself only wanted to release his power if he couldn't do it anyway. Anyway, he could be resurrected with a system.

"We can't leave this floor." Lin Shaoding looked at Shao Ci, and said, "There must be something hidden on this floor. Only if you find that thing will you have the chance to escape."

Shao Ci: "How to find?"

"... And that thing is basically the most important thing for a ghost. As long as you destroy it, everything will end." Lin Shao said, "You have a good relationship with him. Think about it and remember it."

"I, I will work hard ..."

Shao Ci's face was distorted a little, and asking him to find something that Si Yin liked, it was totally ... clueless.

The two just paused, and the footsteps around them got closer. The dangerous atmosphere from the air let Shao Ci know that the ghosts who came over this time were definitely not the simple goods of the kind of skulls.

Although Shao Ci's strength is not afraid of this kind of thing, it is still the same as before ... he will be scared subconsciously!

"If you stay in a place for a long time, it's dangerous, let's find it while walking." Lin Shao frowned, and said directly, "I didn't bring anything here this time, I can't deal with so many ghosts ... and stay Only at the end. "

"Huh!" Shao nodded and nodded, remembering the past in his head.

Although the layout and structure of this third layer is completely different from before, the road has also become very long. But the original room still exists, as long as you look for it, you can still find it.

After several encounters with ghosts, which were resolved by Shao Ci secretly using power, the two finally found Si Yin's room.

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Chapter 192

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Chapter 191

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