MTL - Befriending The Most Powerful Person-Chapter 140 Another World (24)

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At the moment when he met the crown, Shao Ci's eyes suddenly exploded, and then he appeared in a strange space.

"This is ...?" The forehead seemed to be tingling, while Shao Ci held his head and looked at the sight in front of him.

Today he is in a garden surrounded by many flowers, and even the feeling of a breeze blowing across his face is so real. It was just that Shao Ci had a sense of crisis in his heart, and he always felt that it was not as calm as it seemed.

It seems that this crown really has a curse, but what exactly is this curse ...

Shao Ci didn't dare to leave casually, but after staying in this place for a long time, he actually felt his forehead more painful and obviously could not stay long.

Shao Ci had to walk along the path, the flowers around him were getting less and less, and soon he walked outside a city.

The style of this city is completely different from the buildings on other continents that Shao Ci has seen, but it is somewhat similar to the ruins, which is probably what the underground ruins used to look like.

After he entered it, he suddenly saw many people in and out of the city. The appearance of these passersby was very vague, like a mosaic, completely ignoring the words of Shao beside him.

The anxiety in Shao Ci's heart became stronger and stronger, he worked hard to pay attention to the surroundings and listened to the voices of others.

"Are you going to the sacrificial ceremony today?"

"Yeah, how can you miss it, such a grand ceremony has not been held for more than a decade."

With his ears raised, Shao Ci realized that what these people said might be the key to getting rid of this strange curse.

"I heard that this sacrifice was His Royal Highness?"

"Well, that's just a child born of a heretic, can it be called a sacrifice? He has defiled His Majesty's noble blood."

"That evil witch has deceived the filthy man born of His Majesty, and it will surely make God rejoice when used as a sacrifice."



Everyone's tone was very happy, but Shao Ci's face became more and more ugly.

From these people's words, he almost had to brain to figure out what happened in this place.

After all, in the past, there were also religions that believed in other gods on this continent, and these religions were naturally regarded as heretics. These pagans also seemed to have some strange means themselves.

The king of this country, however, had an emotional relationship with a pagan called a witch, but suddenly turned his face after giving birth to a child and executed the witch.

That child saved his life, but not because he was a king's child, but for the sacrifice ceremony that has been preparing for more than ten years.

Shao Ci: "..." I always feel as if I guessed why this country was destroyed.

If he is not mistaken, the child is probably the key to this curse. As the son of a witch, he is estimated to have some terrible power.

What will he do to get out of this curse? To save the other party from the sacrifice ceremony? Still want to kill each other?

Shao Ci tangled for a long time, but decided to go to the site of sacrifice.

Because most of the city is now heading there, Shao Ci quickly found a place to sacrifice.

It was a clearing, crowded with people.

In the open space, there was a huge cross, and a young man was tied to it. He bowed his head weakly, and his long black hair, which seemed to have been left untreated for a long time, blocked his face. The slender, pale hands were penetrated by sharp nails and nailed into the cross, and all around the wound was black blood.

In the lively cheering around, Shao Ci felt a cold chill, even if he stood outside the crowd, the chill was still so clear.

After a moment of hesitation, Shao made his decision.

Regardless of whether the boy is a villain or not, as far as the situation is concerned, he just wants to save the other party.

Shao Ci walked straight forward, and those who had always ignored him seemed to realize his existence suddenly, and they all cast a confused look on him, and some even pulled him directly.

Of course, these forces can be said to be a **** person who can't hinder Shao Ci in the slightest. It didn't take long for him to enter the center of the open space.

When he came to the boy, the other seemed to move.

"I'm here to save you." Shao Ci said so, he reached out and used to hold the wound on the opponent's hand, thinking about how to save the teenager, the other person raised his head.

At this moment, Shao Ci froze.

The boy's face was as pale as paper and very beautiful, and those eyes, like red crystals, looked at Shao Ci indefinitely.

This is not the point. The point is that he looks very similar to someone Shao Ci knows.

"You, Ewings?" Shao subconsciously blurted out the name.

But then, the puzzlement revealed in the eyes of the teenager made Shao Ci understand that he is not by that name now.

Not only did he hit his face, he also hit his birthplace. To say that this young man had nothing to do with Ewings, Shao Ci did not believe it.

Originally, I was still a little entangled in whether I was doing this right or not. Now Shao Ci is determined. This person must definitely be rescued.

"Do you know what you are doing ?!" An angry voice rang out from the crowd.

"That guy is the son of a witch, a demon with dirty bloodlines! Do you want to put him down?"

"Don't talk nonsense, this guy must also be a heretic, otherwise how could he do such terrible things!"

"Yeah, I should have sacrificed him."

There were more and more such voices in the crowd.

Shao Ci didn't notice it at all, just reached out and called for a shield to magically block the two around him, so he wouldn't care what these background boards said.

"It's okay ..." The boy's voice was a little hoarse, "Do you really want to save me? I'm the witch's son."

"Of course it doesn't matter, I don't care about these things, it doesn't matter what the witch is." Shao Ci carefully looked at the nails that deeply pierced the teenager's wrist, and began to think about what methods he could take to bring them as little as possible Too much pain.

But before waiting for Shao to use magic, a flame broke out on the cross, and the boy was wrapped in it instantly. The surrounding crowd burst into cheers.

Shao Ci was startled and wanted to stop, but found that he couldn't run into each other at all, as if blocked in another space.

He had to take a few steps back, and looked at the sight unbearably.

But the boy entangled in the flame did not show any painful expression, he just closed his eyes gently.

The next moment, the sky suddenly darkened, the sun was covered by dark clouds, and even the cold wind was blowing over. Someone burst into a scream.

Shao Ci turned his head back and saw that the black mist diffused in the square, and the skin of all the people who were touched by the mist was instantly eroded.

"It's that monster!" "It's him!" "Kill him ... ahhhh!"

This is almost a hell-like scene, Shao Ci felt cold, and quickly protected himself with defensive magic. But this picture is a little familiar ... reminds him of the scene he saw in his dream when he just saw Ewings.

Shao Ci quickly turned his head to look at the cross in the middle, but he could only see a black cocoon of black silk threads.

It is full of powerful power inside, making people feel cold when they feel outside.

The next moment, the cocoon broke apart, and the young boy who regained his life walked out of it, with indifference and coldness on his face, and those blood-colored eyes had a smile when they saw Shao Ci.

"You're not here." He said in a determined tone.

Shao Ci wanted to step back, but found that his body did not know when he had been restrained by the mist, "Yes."

"I kind of like you." The teenager stepped forward slowly, staring at Shao Ci's eyes, and spit out cold words in his mouth. "But I hate your eyes."

Shao was surprised.

He had determined that the boy in front of him was probably Ewings. It was just that Ewing's character in the past seemed more intense than he is now, and he didn't know what attitude to deal with for a while.

Now everyone in this square, including him, is probably involved in a nightmare.

After the human body was burned, did Ewings get his true power ... Those humans who thought he could destroy him were burned to death.

But what is he going to do now to leave this curse like an illusion!

"It's as if you're looking at others through me." The boy's tone was a little disgusted, saying, "I hate this feeling."

Shao's speech: "... No." He swears that his sentence is true.

"But it doesn't matter, as long as you can erase the people you really care about from this world?" The boy smiled slightly and hugged Shao Ci's body.

The moment Shao Ci was touched by him, he felt dizzy in his head.

If this goes on, it seems that something terrible will happen. Shao Ci has a strong premonition that he must interrupt what the teenager is doing now.

So he bowed his head and kissed the other side. Anyway, this is just an illusion. The other side has Ewings, it doesn't matter at all.

The teenager looked at Shao Ci in surprise.

To be honest, seeing this stern expression on this face, which is very similar to Ewings, Shao Ci felt a pleasant feeling in his heart.

And the dizziness disappeared instantly, the teenager seemed a little unwilling, and finally whispered: "People like you, it would be too wasteful to stay here ..."

"If you want to go, just follow this path."



According to the teenager's guidance, Shao Ci crossed a path into the dark mist, and after sober, he found that he had returned to the treasure house, and his hand still maintained the posture of touching the crown.

It seemed like a long time passed in the hallucinations, but in reality it was just a breath.

"This curse is over?" Shao Ci himself could not believe it, and quickly took the crown.

Now this crown is no longer as attractive as the mystery of the past, just an ordinary ornament.

In fact, the illusion is not such a curse that can be passed casually. The intention of killing is hidden in it. Anything wrong can cause a fatal crisis.

For example, if a passer-by is found in it, the other party will find that it is not a person of that world, and it will cause danger-Shao Ci's cautious approach in the hallucination will avoid him from many dangers.

But the most dangerous nature in the hallucination is still the young man. Although the teenager is only a hallucination, his danger is not much different from that of the deity. If he doesn't get his favorability, no matter what he does in the hallucinations, he will die in the end.

It can be said that no one who has been cursed in the past can survive. Only Shao Ci passed casually.

Anleser looked at Shao Ci with a stunned look, and it seemed that he would not have escaped the curse so easily.

Shao looked at Anlesse and said, "Sorry, I'm leaving. I've troubled you these days."

Now with such a long distance, Anlesse has no threat to Shao Ci, anyway, he will soon teleport away.

"You want to leave?" Anlesse looked cold, and he said, "Everyone who enters this underground palace will be cursed. Even if you can't be controlled, the curse will still exist."

Shao Ci: "Yes, really ..."

"The curse won't take effect until you stay here," Anlesse stepped forward, saying, "I've lived here since birth. I've met many humans, and they're all for treasure. Are you here for these treasures? "

From the expression of Shao Ci, Anlesse had a terrible hunch and said quickly: "As long as you stay, these things ... are yours. If I feel lonely, I will let other humans in. Yes ... please, stay ... "

Shao Ci turned his head a bit, and he was not very good at dealing with this type of person. "I have very important things to do, so I can only leave."

The voice fell, the countdown to transmission was over, and his figure disappeared from the throne instantly without a trace, along with the crown.

Anlai Se looked at the place where Shao Ci was staying, and said in a low voice: "As long as there is that curse, sooner or later, you will come back here."

"I will ... wait for that day."

In the eyes, it is a vast desert.

Shao Ci: "...!"

This particular system is intentional! You can teleport, you have to teleport him to this desert!

"Abominable." Of course, Shao Ci summoned Ewings with or without thinking.

Just after the previous events, he couldn't help but look at Ewings a few more times, especially paying attention to his gorgeous face.

Ewings gathered around, "Master Brave, do you like my face so much?"

"No, no ..." Shao said, "I just think it's wonderful."

I didn't expect to have that kind of born Ewings, who could still form such a character ... I don't know what kind of life he had lived before.

"Master Brave's attitude seems to have seen it." Ewings saw at a glance what Shao Ci was thinking, with a bit of sadness in his eyes. "When I came here, I thought about I can't hide it. "

"I didn't mean it on purpose ..." Shao Ci thought that Ewings was unhappy at reminding him of the past, and quickly said, "The situation was impossible."

"Hey, I was so embarrassed to see such a dark history, even if I feel a little embarrassed." Ewings sighed and hugged Shao Ci, "So, shouldn't Master Brave comfort me? For example, give a kiss or something? "

Shao Ci immediately understood that Ewings had pretend to look like this, and suddenly he was out of breath: "... No."

"It's really unforgiving," Ewings said. "Is he giving the child a kiss, obviously?"

"You and you all know?" Shao Ci looked at it in surprise.

"Because that child is barely part of me," Ewings said, "so you can almost feel what happened ... but, jealous, Lord Brave is so gentle with him, it's too much."

Shao Ci: "..." Hey, you said that it is part of yourself, what else is jealous!

Although unhappy because of the previous things, Ewings still carried Shao Ci to the place where someone was. Shao Ci was afraid that Ewings would care about the past, and he has been saying something to divert his attention.

Ewings knew what Shao was thinking, but he didn't really care about the past.

When he was born, he knew what he was not a human, and did not treat other humans as himself.

No matter how other people crowded him out and feared him, Ewings seemed to feel nothing. If you change to any monster, you won't care how humans think about themselves.

Even being arrested and sacrificed in the end was just a fun game for him. Killing people in the entire city was just tired of it.

Unexpectedly, he would one day sign a contract with a human being.

Ewings thought about this, only to find that Shao Ci on his back was asleep, and he couldn't help laughing, and his movements were a little lighter.



The place being teleported this time was the edge of the desert. It didn't take long to find the town. After learning that Shao was a brave man, he also lent the teleportation array generously, allowing him to go back as fast as possible Holy capital.

After all, the desert area is too far away. If you really hurried back by carriage, it would be a matter of months later.

After returning to the temple, Shao Ci, who had not come to rest urgently, heard a shocking news.

Wendell had been arrested, not only arrested, but also directly locked up, only to wait a few days before the trial of the Pope.

"Oops." Shao said anxiously in the room. "You have to bring Wendel out ..."

The plot is now almost ten thousand miles away from the original, Shao Ci can not help but sigh.

Even if saving Wendel would make him an enemy of the holy capital, it doesn't matter. It doesn't have to be the heritage of any holy capital. Only following Wendel is the most secure!

And if he escapes, he also has a fairly secure prop here.

That was a teleportation scroll sent by the pope when I first came back. It can start teleporting anytime, anywhere. It can be said to be a life-saving thing.

If the Pope knew that the teleportation scroll he had given to Shao Ci was actually used by him to plan escape, he would be furious.

Later, Shao Ci waited for the Pope's summons.

Shao Ci turned in the crown from the underground ruins, and the people watching on both sides were more excited than the parties.

Now only the last task is left, and all four tasks can be completed. When the time comes, the new brave will finally be able to resist the demon king.

However, the pope did not directly tell Shao Ci what the next task was, but instead let him go to rest first, just like last time.

Shao nodded and nodded. He was still absent-minded, thinking about Wendel's affairs.

Looking at the back of Shao Ci's departure, the ice-blue eyes of the Pope sank, turning to stare at the scepter in his hand, and asked the men behind him, "How is that thing?"

"It's almost done." His subordinates said respectfully: "It can definitely be resolved before the trial."

"That's good."


It's not that difficult to bring Wendel out.

The bottom of the holy capital floating in the air is an inverted cone, inside which is a dungeon holding many prisoners. The walls of the dungeon are made of extremely strong materials and have a magical deterrent effect. No matter how powerful a magician is, it is like a waste in it.

It is impossible to rob the prison. Fortunately, Shao Ci is now a famous brave man. He just came to the entrance of the dungeon with this face, and no one dared to stop.

Before Shao Ci had a good relationship with Wendel, it was suppressed. Now few people in the sanctuary knew it. After all, if the brave had a good relationship with assassins, it would be troublesome.

"Master Brave." The guards saluted Shao Ci respectfully, without any doubt as to why he came here.

"Um." Shao Ci nodded like a decent figure, and walked down the long stairs.

After entering the range of the dungeon, Shao Ci only felt that a strange power was exerted on his body. He didn't need to try to know that he couldn't use magic now.

After detaining some of the most vicious people, Shao Ci didn't even look at it, and all his attention was placed in the cell not far away.

It was Wendel who was there.

Wendell looked extremely tired, his face was very pale, his eyes were closed slightly, his hands were tied by strange chains, which was a special device that could suppress physical strength.

With both magic and power suppressed, Wendell's condition is obviously quite bad. But even so, he still looks like a very handsome and gentle knight.

Shao Ci tried his best to resist the urge to jump straight up.

To him, Wendell who has been in the world for a long time is really different from others.

If it weren't for him, Wendell wouldn't have been what he is now.

Originally possessing the protagonist's aura, Wendell, the son of luck and destiny, should have always been so radiant, rather than staying in the dungeon as embarrassed as before.

"Master Brave." The guards on both sides respected Shao and saluted him, thinking that Shao was here to check. "This assassin has been completely controlled, and there is absolutely no possibility of escape."

After listening to their words, Shao Ci's face became a little subtle. He remained calm and calmly said, "Open the door and let me go in and see."

A guard said suddenly worried: "Master, brave, is this too dangerous?"

"If even a human being can't deal with it, how can I deal with the demon king in the future?" Shao said, "It's important that I come to see him. Please open the door."

"Yes." The guard doubted him, so he opened the door.

Shao Ci's mood suddenly became tense, and things went so smoothly that he was a little disturbed.

The shutter was opened very soon, and Shao Ci slowly walked into it, as if seriously examining Wendel's situation, but frowned at the chain the next moment, "How can this chain be unlocked?"

"That will need to be ordered by Lord Pope in person to untie it," the guard said quickly.

"I came down because of the order of the Lord Pope." Shao Ci daringly spoke, but fortunately, there was a systematic acting plug-in. These guards absolutely couldn't see his flaws. Take it out for questioning. "

Perhaps this acting is too real, and the two guards couldn't think of Shao Ci. A brave man would actually do such a thing, so he believed in Shao Ci's words.

"If it is the order of Lord Pope, you can take this prisoner out, but we can't do anything about this chain." One said respectfully.

"It doesn't matter, when I ask the Pope to send someone to untie it." Shao Ci gave a calm expression, "I'm afraid I can't bear this prisoner alone ..."

I have been a brave for so long, and every time I say such words, I feel a bit shame ... As a brave, my physical strength is so salty.

"It's enough for us to come!" The two men said so quickly that they directly resisted Wendel and walked upward with Shao Ci.

Maybe it's because the appearance of the three is too bright and bright, and maybe a bit of Wendell's protagonist's aura, the guards above also easily believed the words and let them leave.

After coming to the outside world, Shao Ci felt relieved immediately, and sent them back with a smile, then his face became a little white, and his heart beat fast.

Doing this kind of thing is a challenge to his mental capacity.

Shao Ci also couldn't care much, tightened Wendell, and tore the transmission reel directly.

As with the teleportation of the system, this teleportation scroll is not directly torn apart, but to generate a huge magic array under the two, then tore the surrounding space and teleport them to somewhere on this continent.


In the dungeon.

In front of the empty cell, the guards knelt in horror and took out everything that had happened before.

"So, you just let the prisoner who assassinated the former pope away?" The high priest in red's face was extremely ugly.

"Because it is the order of the Lord Brave, we also ..." After realizing that they had been deceived, the guards could not wait to commit suicide directly.

"Shut up for me," said the old high-priest in red. Angrily, "That's not an ordinary prisoner. How dare you--"

"Enough is enough." The pope next to the silver-haired faintly spoke.

"But, Lord Pope, this matter ..." The high priest in red looked over worriedly, "Master Brave actually helped release the prisoner, is it necessary to talk to people outside first ..."

"No need." The silver-haired Pope said: "The brave did nothing wrong."

"What?" The high priest in red opened his eyes and said indignantly, "Even Pope, if you like this brave very much, you can't just let him go."

Unlike other people's crazy pursuit of brave men, the high priest in red knows that these brave men are just the victims of the election. If they really want to kill the demon king, it is just how such a randomly selected person can do it.

Therefore, from the beginning, his heart was a little disdainful of any brave man. This kind of thing happened. The first thing he thought was how to punish, but he did not think of what kind of brave man to maintain.

"All of this is arranged by God." The silver-haired Pope.

"But—" the high priest in red wanted to say something.

The silver-blue pope's ice-blue eyes looked coldly at the high priest in red, "That's enough."

"Yes." There was a moment of fear in the high priest's heart, and he never dared to say anything.

Others didn't know, but he knew very well how terrible the current silver-haired Pope was.

In a flash, a few days passed.

The Duchy of the Principality of Variso is in the courtyard of the forest.

Shao Ci did not expect that he was so well-delivered to this place that was not far away from the Holy. I also encountered the Archduke's son, Algert, who was the last time he purified the Dark Elves.

As a remnant of Shao Ci's brain, Algert found a place to live for Shao Ci, and vowed never to spread the news of him here, provided that Shao Ci occasionally guided his magic.

Shao Ci also secretly inquired that the Santo side seemed to maintain the reputation of the brave, and did not say that the brave had done anything, just that a prisoner had escaped, and did not even say what the prisoner had done.

This is really too vague, and many people don't take it for granted ... It's just that the holy capital has secretly communicated with other temples and no one knows.

But now, Shao Ci is facing a problem.

Wendell hasn't been awake once since he escaped.

Even if he lost his chains, he still fell asleep, no matter what Shao Ci did.

It doesn't seem to be a problem with injuries on the body. I don't know how many times I have used it, whether it is healing powers or healing magic spells.

"It is estimated that the soul is damaged." Ewings said lightly: "This kind of thing can only depend on luck. If you are lucky, you can wake up in a few months. If you are unfortunate, you won't wake up for a lifetime. . "

I have to say that Ewings was actually a little happy to see Wendel like this.

He was displeased with Wendell, who had taken a lot of attention from Shao in the past, and now it is even better to curse Wendell directly in his heart.

"How can this be." Shao Ci's face changed, and what happened now has surpassed his imagination. Why would Wendell, as the cool protagonist, be so miserable!

Of course he wasn't afraid that Wendel would die like this, but if he had been in a coma for such a long time, it would not be a solution, how could he develop a plot.

"Is there no way to solve it?" Shao Ci looked to Ewings, after all, Ewings, a nightmare in this respect, was better at it.

Ewings originally wanted to say no, but after opening his mouth, he found that he couldn't lie to Shao Ci, and had to calmly say: "Of course there are methods, but there are some dangers ... Master brave, you really want to This person is taking risks? "

Shao Ci's expression was very firm, saying, "It's okay, you say it."

Looking at Shao Ci, Ewings was jealous again and said, "Just enter into his consciousness world, and use your divine magic to repair the place where the soul is damaged."

Shao Ci was surprised: "It's that simple?"

"This is not a simple matter." Ewings took a serious look. "It is very dangerous to enter the conscious world of others, and this guy is still in a coma. What will be more inestimable in the conscious world. It is possible to lose your life by accident. "

"It's okay, I'll be fine." Shao Ci still has enough confidence in his own mental strength. This kind of consciousness and any soul is hard for him.

Seeing that Shao Ci was so sure to take a risk, Ewings was even more upset, but he couldn't say anything on the face, saying: "Well, if you are sure, Lord Brave, I will send you in ... ... but now I have to pay a portion of it. "

Shao Ci knew what Ewings was talking about. After hesitating for a long time, he came over and kissed Ewings's face.

Ewings blushed, remembering what Shao Ci had done to himself for this reason, and his mood became subtle again, saying: "If there is any danger in the brave man, what will this man become, I I don't know. "

"Well, I will come back safely!" Shao Ci quickly said.

Even if he doesn't believe in his own strength, he must believe in Wendell's protagonist halo ... Although this aura now seems to have become a bit abusive.

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