MTL - Befriending The Most Powerful Person-Chapter 116 Virtual World (twenty-three)

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Opening my eyes this time, I didn't appear in any manor as Shao thought, but instead ... in a maze?

It is indeed a maze no matter how you look at it. There is an oil lamp hanging at a distance. There is nothing empty except the aisle.

Behind Shao Ci is the wall, there is no place to walk at all.

"Can it be said that it directly entered the demonic boss's copy of the villain?" Shao Ci thought and walked forward, "After all, the Duke of Stuart, the first copy, was burned to death ... Longer ago I have already passed through ... "

Fortunately, before reading Shao Ci, I read a lot of articles with a horrible background. I probably still know how to go through the maze. As long as I walk along the wall next to one side, I can always reach the end. The trouble is that it takes more time.

But Shao Ci didn't care about time, he was more worried about whether there would be any monster suddenly.

Soon after Shao Ci turned a corner, he immediately stopped and there was a picture hanging on the wall in front of him.

If it had been Shao Ci before, I would have used this as an adornment, but now seeing this portrait of the Duke of Stuart, he could only find out that there was nothing wrong with his brain.

Shao Ci was a bit hesitant to go around the painting, and when he came to the painting, he couldn't help turning his head and glanced at it, and saw that the delicate-looking blond boy above smiled at him suddenly.

"!" Shao Ci walked away quickly, marching forward without looking back, and was relieved until he could no longer see the painting.

However, the painting is gone, but in the dark shadow of this maze, many dark monsters have emerged. These monsters and Xavier's copy monsters seem to be similar types.

"Huh ..." Nothing else, this kind of monster Shao Ci is not afraid at all, just wait for them to come forward and chop forward sharply.

The knife with the blessing of holy water quickly cut the monster away.

But these monsters did not die, but turned into a dark mist, and then condensed again.

"It's a bit troublesome." Shao Ci's face sank. It wouldn't be too much to kill these monsters, but if these monsters could not be killed, what he did would be meaningless.

It seems that we have to leave quickly. This road cannot be taken. The previous method can not be used anymore. Shao Ci hastily turned back.

As if some switches were turned on, monsters emerged from the maze and chased after Shao Ci.

Shao Ci had to deal with the time for these monsters to fight for himself. If he was really surrounded by monsters, it would be dead.

While concentrating on dealing with monsters, Shao Ci suddenly felt something cold stroking his neck, and turned around to see that there was a painting behind him.

The hand of the vivid young blonde on the painting has stretched out from the painting.

Shao Ci was almost scared to death, and he quickly turned around and took a few steps back, feeling reluctant.

The portrait was restored, and the very handsome young man above was looking at him with some gloomy eyes.

Shao Ci: "!" It was useless to look at him with such a melancholic look!

Besieged by monsters, I won't die immediately, but who knows what will happen if I get dragged into the portrait! This is not just a matter of life, it is also about chastity!

After that, Shao Ci paid special attention to the things on both sides of the road and found that there were still a lot of portraits in the maze. If he didn't pay attention, he would be dragged in.

If you change to a person with less mental strength, I am afraid that you have already been recruited, and Shao Ci is a bit tired at this time.

Suddenly he saw a door ahead.

"Exit?" Shao Ci quickly walked over, a little shocked in his heart, apparently he ran so chaoticly in this maze, but he could still reach the exit so quickly.

When his hand reached the door, Shao Ci heard the sound of the game system sounding from his mind.

[You need to answer the puzzle to open the door. 】

Shao Ci: "???" Wait, he didn't see anything along the way, how to answer questions ...

The next moment, a translucent screen unfolded in front of his eyes. Shao took a closer look and fell into silence.

On this screen, there are actually various topics written ... And what's so special about future knowledge! !!

The lower right corner also specifically says, if you don't want to give up, but the monsters in this maze will become more and more stronger with the passage of time, and the exit is only this one.

There is a test paper to play a game. What is going on here? Completely inconsistent with the previous style! Or to say that this problem is only for him alone.

Shao Ci: "..." Ah, at this time you can only ask the system.

However, the system says that there is no way to solve this problem by itself. All it can do is provide Shao Cifu's textbook.

"I ... I ..." Shao Ci's hands were almost trembling, but now there is no other way, he just gritted his teeth and said, "Pass me this information."

Even if you can directly enter the data into your mind, these data are not immediately understood naturally, it takes time to study.

Fortunately, Shao Ci has some faint memories of the original owner. He can recall a part of the knowledge from the memory, so that he does not have to start from elementary school textbooks.

In this way, Shao Ci wrote the test papers while studying painfully. I didn't know how long it took to finally write them all.

It is also because of the strong mental force that learning and understanding have become a lot easier, otherwise Shao Cifei has to stay in this place for ten days and a half months.

Finally opened the door to the exit, Shao Ci felt that he had already worked hard.

Would he rather dare to blame than suffer such torture? !! Should I say that the villain boss is really a demon ...

Behind the door is a large space, and a young man is waiting in the center.

The young man had a beautifully gorgeous face, black hair like crow feathers, golden eyes, and a pair of black wings. He smiled and looked at Shao Ci, and said softly, "Sure enough we met again."

No doubt, this guy is the devil.

Shao Ci felt the face a little familiar for a moment, but couldn't remember where he had seen it.

Looking at Shao Ci with a tired face, the other side said maliciously: "I thought you should be slower ... Did you feel the feeling of despair?"

"No, get out." Shao Ci took out his dagger and rushed forward without hesitation. He just wanted to kill this guy to vent the anger in his heart.

"The attitude is really bad." The devil sighed. "I was thinking that if you are tired, you can eat and rest first. It seems you don't need it?"

Shao Ci: "...!" Damn, this guy definitely wants to play with him!

Shao Ci's body stagnated for a moment, then he ran a bit faster, rushed directly to the opponent, and the dagger in his hand was also stabbed directly.

Of course, blocked by the opponent.

I also want to know that it is impossible to kill a villain boss as soon as it comes up.

The two started a quarrel in this way, saying that the quarrel was pretty good, in fact, Shao Ci was beaten one after another.

This is not the first time the two have played against each other. The last time was okay. Shao Ci can even be said to have the upper hand, but that was when the opponent was using Kevin's body to limit his strength ...

Now, with the words of Shao Ci, he can't deal with him at once ...

After all, Shao Ci is only one person, but can the other party summon a bunch of dark shadows similar to the tentacles from time to time? !!

"No way." I had to use my energy.

Shao Ci is very self-aware of his own skills. He can deal with salty fish, even if he fights elite monsters and villains.

At the moment when he directly exerted his mental strength, he could not feel the existence of the other party.

Shao Ci: "???" Hey, this kind of problem will be dead at this time? !!

The next moment, Shao Ci's body was directly entangled by the shadow, and he couldn't move at all. He was surprised to find that his mental strength could not even perceive the shadow.

And the demon came over, raised his chin, put his head together, and those golden eyes stared straight at him, "... oh, haven't you found out yet?"

"What did you find ..." Shao Ci felt stupid as he wrote the inscription. "... I have something wrong with my mental strength. Is it your ghost?"

"You can't feel me ..." The devil smiled slightly. "Because, I'm not human, I don't have any mental energy at all?"

Shao Ci: "..." What you said makes sense.

"Ah." The demon seemed to be very sorry. "Your mental strength is really strong, but it's useless to me."

"No ..." Shao Ci suddenly thought of something, and said, "Every other villain can feel it, neither of them is human. How can there be you ... actually you are the guy ..."

If it is the central computer of the final villain boss, it is normal to have no mental power ... What artificial intelligence of Nima will have mental power, so to speak, it is strange that the villains in other copies have mental power!

Think again about those guys who have heard the game and become a vegetative person before. Shao Ci suddenly feels bad ... Will not the consciousness of these villains ever be human.

This is indeed something that this anti-social central computer would do! !!

"Ah, it's troublesome. I didn't expect it to be found by you." The devil said so, but he didn't mean anything in surprise. "In this case, can't I let you go out alive?"

Shao Ci's face paled for a moment.

He racked his brains and remembered again. In the original work, Jiang Qinghan seemed to directly defeat the villain boss ... Sure enough, it still depends on the protagonist's aura.

The other's face was getting closer and closer to him. When Shao Ci closed his eyes subconsciously, he felt that something soft and moist touched his lips.


He was kissed? ?

Shao Ci opened his eyes almost scaredly, and saw the smiling dark-haired young man. The other person held his face and said, "Is it scared? How could I really kill you? That would be too wasted."

He was really scared, but compared to what was killed, it was really scary just to be kissed ...

Shao Ci: "You, what did you just do to me ..."

"That's a mark." The other party said softly: "After all, you are my person starting today."

"Wait, what time is this?" Shao Ci was aggressive.

"Have you not understood yet?" The other person seemed a little distressed, and said softly, "You know, if you are an ordinary person, you have just died? And you are still alive, I let it go It's yours ... So, if you lose, you must stay with me. "

What overlord clause is this? ?

Shao Ci felt that it was because the soul was saved by the system after he hung up, and the boss of the central computer, the villain, was not sure, so he became interested ...

In fact, things are far from what Shao thought.

The villains in the copy are, to some extent, the AI ​​controlled by the central computer, and in order to train the player's mental power, almost all the characters in this game are built with mental power. The only exception is the central computer. (Of course he would not come out under normal circumstances).

As a central computer, he also has a faint feeling for those AI feelings, and even has their memory ... Under such circumstances, it is not surprising that he was affected and had some feelings for Shao Ci.

It doesn't matter what other humans do, but Shao Ci's words can only stay with him.

When the last copy of Shao Ci was hung, he wanted to do the same, but he did not expect that Shao Ci's soul was protected by an invisible existence, leaving him unable to tamper with it and had to do it in this world.

He embraced Shao Ci and took a step forward. The surrounding scenery instantly changed into the appearance of that hall, and the demon-looking dark-haired young man instantly became the handsome silver-haired man with blue eyes.

In the past, the mask covering his face also disappeared ... Shao Ci finally knew why he felt familiar before, because what is this face is the face of the central computer? !!

The other party sat on the throne again, and this time, Shao Ci was also pressed into his arms, and a neck ring was put on the neck. The function of this neck ring seemed to restrain his mental power ... … After all, a mentally motivated person is troublesome if they want to do something.

Shao Ci: "..." Well, after so many worlds, I am almost used to this kind of thing.

"I was tired like that before? Now eat something and take a good rest." The silver-haired youth waved his hand gently, and the surrounding environment changed again.

This time it was in a garden surrounded by beautiful flowers. The sun was pouring down gently, and the body was warm, while the table filled with delicious desserts could almost smell the aroma of desserts. .

This is so convenient ... Shao Ci is a bit surprised.

Shao Ci tentatively picked up one and took a bite, his eyes suddenly flashed.

It ’s completely different from the chew wax in the previous copy of Xavier. The food in front of it is completely different from the reality, even because it is directly felt by the spirit, and it is even more delicious than the actual taste.

Anyway, this is already the case, then simply enjoy it, can you naturally leave when the ending? !!

When Shao Ci was immersed in the world of food, someone pulled his sleeve beside him. Shao Ci turned around and saw a 13-year-old silver-haired boy. He hugged Shao Ci's arm intimately, his eyes Glittering and briskly speaking, "Come, feed me feed me."

"..." Shao Ci sent the snack to his mouth before he stopped.

On the other side, someone pulled Shao Ci's other sleeve. Shao Ci turned around and saw a five- or six-year-old Mrs. Silver Hair.

Shao Ci looked up, only to see the silver-haired youth sitting opposite drinking tea, and smiling slightly at himself.

Is fine-grained fun? !!

When the afternoon (?) Tea was finally eaten, the teenager and the wife who suddenly appeared also disappeared, and the environment changed into the bedroom.

Looking at the large bed that could lie down to seven or eight people, Shao Ci felt that he had to find some topic ... If he lay on that bed, he would really do it even if he didn't want to do anything!

So he quickly said, "I also want to ask a question. As long as it is in this world, no one can beat you, why do you do this kind of thing ..."

"Of course it is fun." The silver-haired youth casually said, "Everything is too boring, isn't it? You always have to have fun in life. And these humans who are constantly struggling for fear of death, Isn't that the most interesting existence? "

Shao Ci: "...", I knew it would be the result. He was such a vicious villain.

And if the villain does not die, how can the protagonist have a chance!

"Of course, you are still different from those humans." The silver-haired youth touched Shao Ci's head. "You are my favorite pet."

Shao Ci: "..." Spoil your head.

Just a few days passed, in fact, Shao Ci did not know that it was a few days passed. In this virtual world, the concepts of time and space have been blurred.

When the young silver-haired man was about to help Shao massage his shoulders this day, he frowned suddenly, with a look of disgust, "... I didn't expect it."

Shao said for a moment, "What's wrong?"

The other person took Shao Ci's hand and said, "Take you to see something interesting."

The words fell, and the two appeared in a strange space.

This place is like a fairy tale world, with colorful mushrooms and flowers growing tall.

It seems very novel, but if you think about what kind of giant bug this copy is supposed to hit, Shao Ci is not good for the whole person.

And not far away, there was a man standing alone, that was Jiang Qinghan.

His image was a little embarrassed, but in general it was clean and tidy, but his look was still arrogant as before, as if everything was not in his eyes.

If it had been before, Shao Ci would definitely think that he was so embarrassed, but now he is almost going to die, and can't wait to rush up to kiss Jiang Qinghan.

"I didn't expect you to come here alive, it really made me look good." The silver-haired young man said, "Well ... this is all the 81st copy."

Shao Ci: "..." Suddenly, this, this is too hard.

He felt like he was going to die with just three copies. Could Jiang Qinghan's more than eighty copies be okay?

Jiang Qinghan didn't look at the silver-haired youth at all. He just looked at Shao Ci, "Why are you here?"

Although Jiang Qinghan's tone was very indifferent, Shao Ci could feel a little worried ... he didn't know why he could feel it. Maybe he had too much pride, and already had a translation function. .

"He's mine now." The silver-haired youth directly embraced Shao Ci into his arms, and smiled at Jiang Qinghan with a sense of demonstration.

"What?" Jiang Qinghan's expression suddenly became cold.

"Because he lost to me." The silver-haired young man said lightly: "But if you lose, I will only kill you."

He let go of Shao Ci, and Shao Ci stepped back immediately.

"I will win." Jiang Qinghan looked straight at Shao Ci, without a hint of flinching in his tone. "Then leave here." He took out a golden sword and seemed to get it in these copies. New weapons.

"If you can do it." The silver-haired youth seems very indifferent, and black mist has emerged all over his body ... Shao Ci thinks that he may use every skill that the boss can use, after all, this is the ultimate boss Hey!

The two fought together in this way, of course, from the standpoint of Shao Ci, it was that the silver-haired youth was crushing unilaterally.

"Ah ..." Shao Ci was anxious, so if I think of it like this, Jiang Qinghan can't win. What makes him have the possibility to beat the boss of the villain?

He thought about it aside, and the silver-haired young man who had no intention of letting water out on the ground had laid Jiang Qinghan on the ground, and Jiang Qinghan gritted his teeth and took out a dark book from his arms.

Shao Ci suddenly lighted up, "!" Right, that's it!

Jiang Qinghan seems to be calling something of a devil's book ... Although this thing is also likely to be a problem, now he can only trust the protagonist's aura.

If you use this book, you can pull in the central computer, and maybe it will work. No, this time it will definitely succeed. Otherwise, you can't defeat the villain boss, and Shao Ci doesn't know how to leave the world.

However, those dark hands could not touch the side of the silver-haired youth at all. He walked to the court in front of Jiang Qinghan like a stroll in the court.

At this critical moment, Shao Ci rushed forward, and in the eyes of Jiang Qinghan, hugged the silver-haired youth and ran into the **** hand, and the two were immediately drawn into the space.

As long as he succeeds, it doesn't matter if he sacrifice himself!

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