MTL - Beauty and the Beast: Wolf Hubby XOXO-Chapter 1713 21 shows when your father is in love with mountains.

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The four men are the most comfortable gestures in the jungle, but the gap between the two breaths, the four people disappeared out of thin air and generally disappeared.

Gu Mengmeng turned his head and looked at the man and asked: "If you know today, would you choose to abandon your mother and me for Wang Suzhen?"

The man shook his head decisively and said: "No, baby girl, you are the most beloved child of Dad. If it wasn't for Wang Suzhen, who was forced to pretend to be pregnant, how would I abandon you?"

In fact, I have long regretted these years, but your mother also has her own family. I have already hurt her once. How can I bear to disturb her once again?

As for you, Dad didn't dare to see you when he didn't see you.

You don't know, every year on your birthday, Dad buys a strawberry cake that you like the most, and puts on a digital candle that represents your age. Then someone sings a birthday song against the cake with the candle.

Happy birthday to you~

Happy birthday to you~

I wish you a happy birthday, I wish you a birthday."

"Which day is my birthday?" Gu Mengmeng interrupted him without waiting for the man to sing.

The man suddenly looked at it. It seems that he did not expect that Gu Mengmeng would suddenly ask questions.

With a pumping of his brain, he really wants to slap himself.

What is the trick of washing white? Why do you want to mention your birthday?

There are 365 days in a year, and the probability of one of the three hundred and sixty-five, how to guess? If this is wrong

Mistakes! Gu Mengmeng smiled coldly, then slowly shook his head and said: "You don't remember my birthday at all, you don't care about me at all, right?"

"How can it be?" There was a trace of sorrow on the man's face, but he quickly covered it up with a sly father's face. He vowed to say: "The tiger poison is not a child, how can I worry about it, and you are mine." Daughter. How can I not feel bad about you, do not mind you? Just a daughter, you have to understand that the father loves the mountain, the love that Dad gives you is grand and deep, naturally not as gentle and delicate as your mother, always remember different days Dad’s love is to protect you in front of you at any time, do you understand?”

Gu Mengmeng nodded and seemed to be deeply convinced.

The man was relieved and felt that it was just too good to say that he had just turned his father and daughter.

Textbook-style father template!

Gu Mengmeng raised her eyes and smiled at the man and called out: "Dad."

The man was almost so excited that he didn’t cry on the spot!

Gu Mengmeng will recognize him!

what does this mean?

This means that the prince of the f-country and the boss of the angry flame will call his father-in-law from now on!

It means that he will become the most noble person in the world!

From now on, he can do whatever he wants, how to squander how to squander, who makes him unhappy, he let his son-in-law kill each other!

However, his spring and autumn dreams have not been half done, but Gu Mengmeng continues to say: "It is time to show your father's love."

"Hey?" The man did not return to the moment, and when Gu Mengmeng pointed his finger to the side, the man discovered that they did not know when they had been surrounded by the wolves.

A lot of wolves have lowered their predecessors and stared at them, as if they were ready to attack at any time.

The man was first stunned, and immediately grabbed Gu Mengmeng and pushed her to the wolves without hesitation. He turned and ran, and did not return.