MTL - Be the King From the Time of Signing-Chapter 7 why don't we make a bet

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  Chapter 7 Let's make a bet

After    captured Jiangcheng, all the remnants of Jiangcheng were collected.

   But there are still fish that slip through the net and escape from the east gate.

  Jiangcheng originally belonged to the territory of Dazhou. It was captured by the Liuyun Kingdom three years ago. Since then, the people here have suffered the most severe oppression and slavery.

  The annual tax payment has doubled compared to when Da Zhou was in command.

  The people are very angry.

  The people are also miserable and helpless.

   Now that Da Zhou has regained control of Jiangcheng, he ran around the streets to tell each other for a while, and the people burst into tears!

   And I heard that the Great Zhou Emperor personally attacked,

  The people flocked to the Jiangcheng City Lord's Mansion to surrender and pay homage.

   "Long Live the Emperor!"

  Zhou Xiao stood on the pavilion of the City Lord's Mansion, overlooking the dark crowd of people below and kowtowed to him.

   A kind of heroic feeling of pointing the country spontaneously arises.

   "The people of Dazhou, the people of Zhen! Flat!" Zhou Xiao wore a dragon robe with a majestic bearing. "From now on, the people of Fanjiang City will be exempt from tax for one year! In the future, we will share the prosperity!"

   Zhou Xiao’s voice faded, and the whole city cheered.

   "Your Majesty!"

   "Long live the emperor! Long live!"

  The people worship.

  Exemption of tax for one year is nothing to officials and merchants, but for poor people, it is the process from not having enough to eat, which is very important for people's livelihood.

   Zhou Xiao before crossing was also a commoner at the bottom.

   He knows what the bottom people really need and care about...

   Let’s say that the 100,000-strong army of Floating Cloud Kingdom came in mighty force under the leadership of Guo Nu.

  Although we hurried on the road, we were still a long way from Jiangcheng.

  Guo Nu planned to take a short rest after arriving in Jiangcheng, and then rushed to Luyang City overnight, and was caught off guard by Da Zhou.

   But at this moment,

   A cavalry galloped over.

   Judging from its armor and equipment, it is impressively the defender of Jiangcheng.

  The left arm of the soldier on the horse had been blown off and blood was flowing.

   Guo Nu immediately raised his hand to signal the army behind him to stop.

   After that, the Jiangcheng defender got off his horse and knelt down in front of Guo Nu with a thud.

   Guo got angry and knew something was wrong, and asked, "What happened? Why did you come in such a hurry?"

  The soldier said: "General Guo, Jiangcheng, has fallen!"

   "Occupied?" Guo said angrily.

"Emperor Da Zhou personally fought, they have a powerful holy weapon. That holy weapon can kill on a large scale, and its power is unparalleled... Da Zhou's army approached the city, and a hundred holy weapons were aimed at Jiangcheng, and Jiangcheng was captured in less than a quarter of an hour! Da Zhou! Zero casualties!"

   "It's terrifying!" The soldier still had lingering fears when he recalled the scene at that time.

   Guo Nu grabbed a few key words.

   Holy Artifact.

   Captured in less than a quarter of an hour!

   Throughout the history of war, unless there is a top expert who comes forward to sit in the town, and it is unilaterally crushed, there is no record of such a rapid capture of the city.

One quarter of an hour,

too exaggerated!

   And zero casualties…

   Guo Nu suddenly realized the seriousness of the matter.

   "What kind of holy weapon?" Guo asked angrily.

   "Like a chariot." The soldier briefly described, "General Guo, retreat... Under that holy weapon, an army of 100,000 people is completely vulnerable."

  Guo snorted coldly: "Withdraw the army? How can I be afraid of a shaky Zhou? I want to learn this holy artifact!"

   "General..." The soldier wanted to dissuade him.

   Guo Nu was already quite impatient and said, "That's it!"

   Then ordered someone to bandage the soldier's wound.

   Guo Nu's army continued to advance.

   It's just that he dispatched an army of detectives to Jiangcheng to inquire about the situation.

   As the news of the army exploration came back, Guo An's mood became more and more solemn, because the returned news was verifying step by step that what the soldier said was true...


   River City.

   Zhou Xiao briefly understood Guo Nu's situation.

   "Half-step true martial artist?" Zhou Xiao said while playing with the jade lion in the city lord's mansion, "I never imagined that there are such masters in the entire Floating Cloud Country."

   Yang Hu said: "It is precisely because of Guo Nu that Liuyun Kingdom has gradually prospered over the years. It can be said that Guo Nu alone is half of Liuyun Kingdom."

   "Otherwise, with the strength of Liuyun Nation, it would have been annexed by other great powers long ago."

   "What is the character of this person?" Zhou Xiao thought to himself in his heart.

   "Guo Nu is loyal, brave, and acts of righteousness. He is a person." Yang Hu spoke highly of Guo Nu.

   "How about bringing him under his command?" Zhou Xiao asked again.

   "I'm afraid it will be difficult to tame." Yang Hu said respectfully.

   Zhou Xiao weighed in his heart.

   At this time, Da Zhou was weak, and it was the time to employ people. Although Zhao Zilong is incomparably brave. But only Zhao Zilong is not enough.

It is uncertain when the    sign-in system will be able to reward summoning cards again.

   A half-step true martial artist like Guo Nu, who can win over, naturally wants to win over.

  Although Guo Nu's character is difficult to tame and earn under his command, it is not without opportunities to use the means.

   Next, Zhou Xiao asked Guo Nu's details in more detail, and he already had an idea in his heart...

   The sky darkened.

   Suddenly a soldier came to report, "Meet the emperor, two generals!"

   "Speak." Zhou Xiao said solemnly.

The    soldier said: "The 100,000-strong army of the Liuyun Kingdom has already approached the city and surrounded us."

   Zhou Xiao smiled lightly when he heard the words, Guo Nu arrived at about the same time as he had calculated.

   "Go and have a look." Zhou Xiao stood up, waved his dragon robe, and strode out of the City Lord's Mansion.

   Zhao Zilong and Yang Hu followed behind him.

  Climb up the city gate,

   Suddenly, an army of 100,000 people was waiting.

  At the forefront of the army, one person rides a war horse with a war sword hanging from his waist.

   The contours of his face are like a knife, and at first glance, he is a man who has experienced many battles.

   describes the tolerance as very human.

   "I've heard for a long time that General Guo is brave and good at fighting. When I saw him today, it really lived up to his reputation." Zhou Xiao looked down on the city wall.

  The golden ancient dragon robe shone with precious light under the moonlight.

   A wisp of dragon energy emanated from the Wangu dragon robe, with a majestic bearing.

   Guo Nu raised his eyes and stared at Zhou Xiao.

   was shocked.

   He did not expect this little emperor who had just ascended the throne to have such a majestic bearing, just like the emperors of all dynasties when the Zhou Dynasty was prosperous...

   Guo Nu was about to respond when he heard Zhou laugh again: "I admire General Guo quite a bit, but it's a pity that I'm a bit ignorant."

   "Guo is a minister, loyalty is the foundation, and he is the master, so why is there foolish loyalty?" Guo said angrily.

   "The Emperor of Liuyun Kingdom is greedy and cruel, your loyalty is to help Zhou Xiao to abuse!" Zhou Xiao stood with his hands behind his back, "Guo Nu, good birds choose wood to perch on, and submit to my Da Zhou, your loyalty is meaningful!"

   Zhou Xiao’s remarks made the audience silent.

   Zhou Xiao,

   is actually trying to win over Guo Nu!

   Zhou Xiao's words actually spoke to Guo Nu's heart.

   Guo Nu has been fighting for Liuyun Kingdom all over the years. With the increase of military power in his hands, the Emperor of Liuyun Kingdom has already wanted to suppress him.

   He also felt the Emperor Floating Cloud Kingdom's caution and deliberate alienation many times.

   And these years, the Emperor of the Floating Cloud Kingdom has been addicted to beauty and greed, this is not the Floating Cloud Kingdom it used to be...

   "Loyalty, there is no distinction between good and bad!" Guo Angrily drew out his long sword and said loudly, "For Liuyun, die in battle!"

   "Now Jiangcheng is surrounded by 100,000 people! It's not certain who will submit to whom!"

   Guo was burning with anger and fighting intent.

   Zhou Xiao smiled calmly and said calmly: "Do you believe it, I can defeat your army of 100,000 with only 100 soldiers?"

   "One hundred defeats an army of 100,000?" Guo Nu suddenly laughed, "It's just a dream!"

   "One hundred soldiers, one saliva of one hundred thousand soldiers of my army can drown them!"

   Guo Nu suddenly looked at Zhou Xiao lightly,

   This Great Zhou Emperor, is he so reckless?

   You are still too young!

   Zhou Xiao was not angry, but said, "How about we make a bet?"

   "My 100 soldiers won your 100,000 army, you will submit to me." Zhou Xiao looked at Guo Nu, "If I lose, you will take my head, and the territory of Dazhou, you will also take it!"

   Zhou Xiao plans to use lentils.

  I haven't found a chance to try it out, and now it's just right.

   The soldiers of the Liuyun Kingdom couldn't help laughing when they heard this.

   This Great Zhou Emperor is a fool, right?

   A hundred soldiers against an army of one hundred thousand, that is, hitting a stone with an egg, and the result is obvious.

   Even risking his own life and territory, such an IQ can be an emperor?

   Guo hummed angrily, he knew that Zhou Xiao was not as simple as it seemed.

   But he became more and more curious about how Zhou Xiao was going to use a hundred soldiers to defeat his army of 100,000. After a little thought, he agreed, "Okay! Since you are betting on Zhou, Guo will play a game with you!"

   (end of this chapter)

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