MTL - Be the King From the Time of Signing-Chapter 136 Respect the strong?

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   Chapter 136 The strong are respected?

  Xianlinger was shocked by Zhou Xiao's power.

   What is the power of that unstable state?

   She clearly felt that Zhou Xiao's aura was only at the second level of the emperor's realm, but every time he attacked, the power was far above the second level of the emperor's realm.

   Even sometimes reached the ninth level of the Emperor Realm.

How could this be?

   Xianlinger was puzzled.

   In her opinion, with her ability, Zhou Xiao can completely make it impossible to fight back.

   But the truth is,

   Zhou Xiao made her completely passive.

   Zhou Xiao repeatedly attacked, and he was also surprised. Although Xian Linger was passive, she was generally able to deal with it.

   "This woman, is her cultivation so profound?" Zhou Xiao thought to himself.

  Although he couldn't spy on Xian Ling'er's cultivation, his intuition told him that Xian Ling'er's realm should be in the emperor's realm.

   Because just now, he hit fifty times the critical strike.

  50 times the crit is equivalent to the Nine Heavens of the Emperor Realm.

   But under this power,

   Xian Linger just snorted, a trace of blood spilled from the corner of her mouth.

   did not suffer substantial harm.

   "As expected of Zhou Wuya's descendant." Xian Linger said, "It always surprises people."

   "However, at this level, I can't help it." Xian Ling'er said.

   The words fall,

   She made a strange seal.

  Then the lotus under her body suddenly enlarged and became a majestic lotus pedestal.

  The lotus dais differentiate into countless petals,

   formed a dense defensive layer, blocking him.

  Boom boom boom…

   Zhou Xiao's attacks all hit the petals.

   But just as Zhou Xiao touched the petal, the petal suddenly burst into purple flames.

   As soon as it was stained with purple flames,

   Zhou Xiao's hand was ignited.

   In an instant, the purple flames will spread rapidly, and Zhou Xiao will be swallowed up in a few breaths.

  The fiery temperature burns,

   Zhou Xiao felt that he was about to be burned to ashes, but at this moment, the yin and yang map automatically flew out and appeared at his feet.

   From a distance,

  The yin and yang diagram is spinning rapidly under his feet, and Zhou Xiao is like a fairy coming into the world.

  The two eyes of the yin-yang fish frantically devoured purple flames.

   Soon the flames on Zhou Xiao’s body disappeared.

   But the burn marks are still there.

   A burning pain.

   If his body had not experienced the forging of the Great Sun Star Soul in the treasure house of the Heavenly Emperor, and could withstand the burning of the fiery flame, I am afraid that just now, he would have become fly ash.

  The absorbed purple flame was swallowed, and then returned to Zhou Xiao's body through the yin and yang diagram, and fused with the big sun star soul.

   The originally golden Great Sun Star Soul had a hint of purple after the purple flame merged.

   "Can't the real fire of the sun be able to smelt this flame?" Zhou Xiao secretly asked in his heart.

  The purple flame is still entangled with the true fire of the sun.

   But in the end, he was swallowed by the true fire of the sun.

   But after devouring,

   On the edge of the Great Sun Star Soul, a faint purple line appeared.

   is like adding a purple border,

   "The true fire of the sun has mutated?" Zhou Xiao's brows furrowed even tighter.

   And at this time on the opposite side,

   Xian Linger was also shocked when she saw that the flame on Zhou Xiao's body went out.

   She originally planned to use the burning flames to make Zhou Xiao suffer.

   At the last moment, the flame was withdrawn.

   But he didn't expect Zhou Xiao to swallow the flame.

   That is the Purple Flame Sacred Fire of the Heavenly Fen Imperial Family!

   ranks among the top ten heavenly fires.

   can burn everything.

   But Zhou Xiao took it lightly!

   She stared at Zhou Xiao in shock, her eyes falling on the yin and yang diagram at his feet.

   "It turned out to be a yin and yang map." She said to herself, "However, how could he have such an artifact in his hand?"

  Yin-yang diagram has the ability to swallow and assimilate.

   So when she saw the Yin-Yang map, she was relieved, but fortunately, she just used an artifact.

   If it wasn't for this divine weapon, he would definitely not be able to withstand such burning, right?

   His skin was already showing burn marks.

   It's entirely his luck that he didn't get burned.

   After I figured out this section, I felt a lot more balanced. Otherwise, she would almost doubt her own abilities.

  Emperor Realm Ninth Layer, even Emperor Realm Second Layer can't handle it, where is the face of her eldest princess when it is rumored?

   "I didn't expect you to have such an artifact in your hand." Xian Linger said, "But it's a pity that you have this kind of artifact in your hand."

   She laughed.

  Tian Fen royal family has the blood of Tian Fen, and each clan is born with the body of Tian Fen.

   Heavenly Burning Body, one of the fire attributes.

   has excellent flame tolerance, so almost all of the Heavenly Fen Imperial Family are masters of fire control.

The    ethnic group enshrines the purple flame sacred fire,

  The royal family, as long as they are fifteen years old or older, can go to the holy place dedicated to the Ziyan Holy Fire, and use the Ziyan Holy Fire to awaken the blood of the sky.

   The bloodlines are awakened together,

   can lead a trace of purple flame holy fire into the body, and truly step into the fire control one.

After   , he searched all over the world for the strange fire, devoured the strange fire, and strengthened the weak purple flame holy fire in his body.

   They quickly become stronger by swallowing the Variants.

   And in the process of alchemy and casting, it developed rapidly, plundered wealth frantically, and then exchanged a lot of wealth for a lot of cultivation resources to speed up the process of cultivation.

   Such a virtuous circle.

This is how the   Tian Fen royal family started and grew step by step.

   eventually ruled Yunzhou.

   "Do you want?" Zhou Xiao looked at Xian Ling'er.

   Xian Ling'er said: "Aren't powerful weapons and magic weapons always obtained by those who are capable?"

   "It's not what I want, but it belongs to me!"

   "Because of me, I am stronger than you."

  Xianlinger said it seriously.

   Zhou Xiao only felt sarcastic, "Oh? You're really welcome."

   "You are so strong and your cultivation is so amazing. There aren't many men in this world who are stronger than you, right?" Zhou Xiao asked.

  Xianlinger is a bit strange.

   What does this guy mean by asking this question?

  What brain circuit?

   She said: "There are really few men stronger than me in Yunzhou."

   This is something she is proud of.

   In the entire Yunzhou, he is a fairy and can be ranked in the top ten.

   Zhou Xiao heard the words and said, "Then you are really happy."

   "Happiness?" Xian Ling'er was even more puzzled.

   Does this guy speak so out of tune? She continued: "What does this have to do with happiness?"

   Zhou smiled strangely.


   He said: "The strong are respected in this world. You are so strong, all the men in this world are yours except a few."

   "Change one every night, and you won't be able to change it until you die."

   "I'm afraid I'll have to change several a night."

   "You are not happy, who is happy?"

   Zhou Xiao said lightly.

  The air suddenly solidified.

   Xian Linger's eyes spread killing intent, staring at Zhou Xiao, her jade hand clenched tightly.

   gnashing his teeth.

   "Bastard!" Xian Linger's voice almost popped out of her teeth.

   Zhou Xiao actually did this to her.

   And she jumped in obediently.

   She is said to be that kind of woman! !


   "Don't keep your mouth shut, you brought it on yourself!" Xian Ling'er made a simple move.

   Suddenly the long sword appeared in his hand.

The   purple flames burned wildly on the long sword in an instant.

   The momentum climbed to the peak.

   She was really angry.

   No one has ever dared to offend her so much.

   However, what made her even more mad was behind, Zhou Xiao continued: "Anyway, you are a woman of all men in the world, why don't you just follow me."

   "Don't worry, I don't need you to be responsible."

   "Well...I don't think you're old, after all, you still look young."

   "Shut up!" Is this guy a devil?

   Xianlinger is about to explode.

   What all the world's men's women? ? ? I haven't really owned a man yet!

   I have never met a man in this life.

   I am holy!


   Even said I was old!

   Your whole family is old!

   She can't wait to tear Zhou Xiao's body into tens of thousands of pieces. Why is this guy so bad? There is no moral!

   Sword intent is vertical and horizontal.

   Xian Ling'er came with a sword and took Zhou Xiao's key.

   She can't care so much now, she just wants to kill Zhou Xiao to relieve her anger.

   The qi of this life is finished today.

  What a bold man! !

   "Lotus Swordsmanship!"

   Every time Xian Linger stabbed out, a lotus flower bloomed in the void.

  The picture is beautiful.

   But also full of murder.

   Zhou Xiao did not dare to be careless.

   He was really breathing out of breath before, this woman is so addicting, who asked her to ask for it?

   "Since the strong are respected. Then, I will conquer you with my strength!"

   "A woman like you, I want you to kneel and sing conquest!"

   Having said that, Zhou Xiao pushed his strength to the extreme. Half of the time for the 100 times crit card has passed.

   He needs to hurry up.

  Wangu dragon robe is hunting and flying, and his black hair is flying.

   Accompanied by a dragon roar,

   Zhou Xiao had a five-clawed golden dragon on his body.

   The five-clawed golden dragon coiled around the body, and the mighty dragon was released.

   Shura Sword released.

  The power of blue thunder shone on the Shura Sword.

   Razer flurry,

   A scene of destruction.

   Zhou Xiao swung his sword towards the opponent's long sword.


  The two long swords collided suddenly, and at the moment of the collision, the hundredfold critical strike card exploded with seventyfold power.


   In an instant, Xian Linger's long sword turned into a few points.

  The crazy power sent her flying.

   At the same time, the terrifying killing energy of the Shura Sword invaded, and her soul trembled.

   puff puff...

   Countless fine cracks appeared on his body.

   was actually injured by the sword energy.

   The body flew upside down,

   groaned, and then spit out a mouthful of blood, his face was extremely pale.

  The lotus pad that protected the body was also wrapped in thunder, and there were cracks in it.

   "The ninth level of the emperor's realm is nothing more than that." Zhou smiled.

   The seventy-fold crit has exceeded the ninth level of the Emperor Realm.

   Such a vast power, the aftermath generated by it made the entire underground prison tremble violently.

   Xianlinger had that lotus protector.

   I am afraid he is dead now.

   "How is that possible?" Xian Ling'er was shocked, "The power beyond the emperor's realm!! You, who are you?"

   Most of the existences beyond the imperial realm in the Kyushu continent have already soared.

   A hand that does not fly can count.

   But those people have long since retreated behind the scenes, retreating into the mountains, not asking about world affairs.

   Zhou Xiao, how can he have such a vast power?

   Xian Linger couldn't understand at all.

  Everything about Zhou Xiao is too incredible.

  She was seriously injured.

   And her sword was also an artifact, it was shattered directly into powder.

too strong!

   This is the strongest opponent he has experienced since he entered cultivation.

   Zhou Xiao ignored her,

   instead posted it instantly, punched it, and smashed it into the air.

boom! !

  Xian Ling'er's chest cavity collapsed.

   Then she burst out like a cannonball.


   The entire space trembled violently, the stone wall was knocked out of a big pit, and Xian Linger fell into the big pit.

   went straight for three meters before stopping.

  The stone wall is cracked.

   The shattered stones fell madly.

   Xianlinger couldn't move at all.

   Only 30 times the crit this time!

   But even the 30-fold crit has already caused fatal damage to Xian Linger.

   She was motionless in the stone wall.

   He vomited blood frantically in his mouth.

  The undead warriors who were fighting also stopped and looked in the direction of Xian Linger in horror.

  The whole place fell silent.

   Qiu Diao stared at Zhou Xiao in disbelief, "What a powerful force!"

   "What is the origin of this Great Zhou Emperor? Even Xian Linger was beaten like this by him?"

   Qiu Diao was terrified.

   He knew something about Zhou Xiao, and he was placed under house arrest for seven years, completely turning into a useless waste.

   But he suddenly appeared in the public eye a month ago, leading Da Zhou, making a lot of noise all the way.

   How can there be such a big change all of a sudden?

   Even if Qiu Diao has excellent intelligence gathering ability, he still has no clue.

   Has he been trying his hardest?

   Thousand-faced enchantress said: "He has a lot of secrets."

   "Otherwise, I wouldn't follow him."

   Qiu Diao nodded.

   I just heard the Thousand-faced Enchantress say again: "Look at it, Xian Ling'er is about to fall."

   Qiu Diao shook his head, "It's not that simple."

   "What do you mean?" The Thousand-faced Enchantress was puzzled.

   "According to the information I have," Qiu Diao raised his eyes and looked at Xian Ling'er, "Xian Ling'er, the eldest princess of the Heavenly Fen Emperor's patriarch, possesses a terrifying ability to regenerate."

   "She can stay young forever, and that ability is inseparable."

   "She doesn't fall so easily, and her trump card hasn't been shown yet..."

   Thousand-faced Enchantress took a deep breath, "Regenerating ability?"

   "The Heavenly Fen Imperial Family is really weird."

   Thousand-faced enchantress sighed.

  The undead warrior is not to mention, he has paid a heavy price to become a powerful undead existence.

   And this fairy can regenerate,

   Isn’t this also the level of immortality?

   "The secret behind the Tian Fen Imperial Family is not something we can spy on." Qiu Diao said, "The power held in the hands of the Supreme Emperor is the real trump card of the Tian Fen Imperial Family."

   "The rest of the eight states do not dare to act rashly, and they are also afraid of the power in the hands of the Emperor Taishang. It is said that he is about to transcend the Six Paths... just waiting for the last hurdle."

   "You can have a curse on you. This hurdle is difficult to overcome."

   "Xian Linger's achievements today are closely related to the Emperor Taishang. The curse of the Emperor Taishang has not been resolved, and he may have other plans. Xian Linger is likely to inherit some of the inheritance of the Emperor Taishang."

   Qiu Diao was talking.

   Suddenly Shibi Zhongxian Linger moved,

  Her black hair quickly turned white and long, and her skin shriveled and wrinkled.

   became an old woman.

   is no longer seventeen or eighteen.

   As she changes,

   Her broken bones recovered quickly, and purple flames burned on her body.

   After half an hour,

  The stone walls melted in the heat.

  Xianlinger was highlighted and suspended in the air.

   She stared at Zhou Xiao,

   raised his hand,

  Thousands of magma listened to her order, surging frantically and rising into the sky.

"very good."

   "You are the one who let me use the forbidden power."

   "Next, it's my turn to abuse you beyond recognition!"

   hand move,

  The terrifying magma dragon rammed wildly.

  Thousands of white hair spread wildly,

   swept towards Zhou Xiao…

   (end of this chapter)

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