MTL - Battle Emperor-Chapter 2369 crisis

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Each of the seven masters who were alive was seriously injured. Among them, Zhou Zhenwang ’s father, Zhou Juewu, lost one left arm, and died with Xie Aoyu. For Wang Liangfeng, who was competing for the extreme night light, his right eye was blind. It can be seen that there are as many wounds around the bones, and there is even Wang Liangfeng's pet, the bloodthirsty Devil King, watching his life fail. ""

On the ground are the bodies of many holy city masters who followed Shao Jie.

The strongest of them is that Zhou Jue Wu Cai is only a half-giant golden soul. On the other hand, there are more than ten half-giants in the **** demons who surround them. Among them, the top half-giant of the white soul is as many as three. The comparison of power is too big.

"Don't surrender, die!" The **** demon semi-giant leader, who continuously asked, none of them surrendered, making him furious, and hit him with a slap in the air.

When Xie Aoyu saw them, they were only at the edge of his eyes, more than 280,000 meters apart.

Looking at the corpse all over the ground, the misery of Shao Jie and others.

He is angry!

The anger soared to heaven and earth.


His head shouted, his voice shook the world, and his power burst out into the distance. He himself also stormed forward.

"No, someone came to help, it was the giants, to capture them, and there was a chance of life!" The **** demon semi-giant was frightened and hurried.

The top three and a half giants rushed forward immediately.

Their speed is too slow compared to Xie Aoyu, but they are too close and close to Shao Jie and others, but only seven or eight meters, at the height of the half-giant peak, this point is under full play speed, that time is faster than Xie Aoyu It is much faster to cross nearly 300,000 meters.

When the power of Xie Aoyu's roar reached the outermost circle of the siege circle of Hell Demon Masters, the three big and half giants had rushed forward to capture Shao Jie and others.

In their opinion, since they came to rescue each other, they are naturally masters of the Holy City.

So catching Shao Jie and others can threaten each other and save their lives.


In the face of the semi-giant peak-level strong, even if they are in the best state, they can not resist a move, not to mention all of them are seriously injured, the combat effectiveness they are playing is not as good as the lower level of Tongtian, how to resist.

Seeing that they were about to be captured, they couldn't keep up, and the dying bloodthirsty Devil King Wang Liangfeng held in his arms suddenly ejected from his arms.


He slammed into the strongest of the three and a half giants, and his body exploded suddenly in the air.


The sudden move left the half-giant unprepared and flew out with the scream of bombing. The left and right half-giants were also affected, and the shocked body receded backwards.

The bloodthirsty Rat King turned into a mist of blood.

Its self-destructive power has not spread to seven people such as Shao Jie. Obviously, this is the last power of the bloodthirsty mouse king.

It also fulfilled its mission.

"You all **** it!"

Just this moment, it was enough for Xie Aoyu to play at full speed and descend from the sky.

However, the **** demonic powers did not confess their defeats to this. They slaughtered them in the past. They were even more frightened when they saw Xie Aoyu, but if they could capture Shao Jie and others, they could threaten Xie Aoyu.

They made the wrong abacus.

Xie Aoyu pressed down with a slap in the void.

Time is still!

A big time light wheel took shape, and everyone was imprisoned all at once.

Using the power of his quasi-giant giants to perform time-static combat, even the super giants are difficult to crack, let alone the strongest are only half-giants.

Suddenly all were tied up.

Xie Aoyu grabbed both hands.

"Bang bang ..."

All the **** demonic powerhouses exploded, and they died without exception. Only then did they release the time static fighting skills and landed in front of Shao Jie and other seven people.

"You ..." Xie Aoyu said.

Shao Jie rushed over and threw a space ring to Xie Aoyu, "You go quickly, this is a conspiracy, they are dealing with you, leave us alone, go!"

He pushed Xie Aoyu out regardless of the one in thirty-two.

"Well ..."

Tiangu seemed to be frantically stirred.

Before waiting for Xie Aoyu to figure out what was going on, she saw a large mask appearing within a range of thousands of miles from the sky, which quickly spread out and enveloped the whole circle.

"Let's go, this is the power set by the demon, designed by Maria for you!" Shao Jie growled.

"Brother-in-law, hurry up, leave us alone!" Xingluyun roared.

Several others were also screaming wildly.

Only Zhou Jue Wu Yang looked at the sky for the first time, "Aoyu, take care of the King of the Earth, the Zhou family is the only one." After that, he soared into the sky and headed straight into the sky.


At about the same time, everyone understood Zhou Juewu's thoughts.

Maria invited Tian Mo to set this prohibition. How could Xie Aoyu get a chance to escape, I am afraid that even if he escaped at full speed, it would be very difficult.

Thinking of this, Shao Jie and others rushed to the sky immediately.

"No!" Xie Aoyu's heart trembled, grasping in the void, a huge force radiated, shrouding Shao Jie, Zhou Juewu, etc., and suddenly pulled them back.

"Old Xie!" Shao Jie shouted.

Xie Aoyu shook his head, "Do n’t make unnecessary sacrifice." He looked at Skyrim. "Since it was a plot set up by Maria, if you could explode, Maria would not be Maria, it would be even more impossible for Tianmo to personally The imprisoned power set. "

"Giggle ..."

A sweet laugh came.

Maria and others flashed behind the tens of thousands of meters above the clouds.

She was followed by more than a dozen people, including the quasi-invincible giant Demon God, King Shura, and the rest were all super-giants.

"The one who knows me best is Xie Aoyu. Fortunately, you did not run, otherwise, you will be attacked by the forces set by the demon. In terms of your cultivation, it is life-threatening." Maria laughed, as for Shao Jie and others blew themselves up, making it even more impossible. They couldn't get anywhere, so they were won by these giants.

Xie Aoyu looked at Maria coldly. "It seems that your hatred of me is better than the order of the demon to attack you in the deep waters."

"You killed my father with your own hands and made him die so badly, how can I not avenge it!" Maria gritted her teeth, "I had forged a co-operation with you at the beginning, do you know how I felt at that time?"

"This time you have a chance." Xie Aoyu hummed coldly.

Maria said: "Opportunity was almost destroyed. I didn't see that there were really talented people in your holy city. This Shao Jie was so extraordinary that he discovered in advance that this is a plan for you. It ’s strange. Now that I know why, I'll tell you to come. "

Xie Aoyu held up the space ring. "Do you know what's in it?"

"What is it," Maria said.

"The first dragon scale of the Dragon God Emperor is also the last dragon scale. With it, the Dragon God Emperor can restore its full soul power and soul memory." Xie Aoyu said.

"So, that won't let you leave anymore, Dragon King is invincible giant level." Maria laughed.

"Since you know he is an invincible giant, don't you be surprised, why does he never use his strength to fight you?" Xie Aoyu asked.

Maria said: "I've always wondered, so I gave you a chance to speak."

Xie Aoyu said faintly: "Because he cannot use power, otherwise the Three Realms will be destroyed and he cannot stop it." He took out the first dragon scale, and the scales exuding the mighty dragon power seemed to be protected by the dragon, "Dragon God The emperor has the memory left to him by the ancient emperor. The content is about the doomsday plan of the Celestial Clan. The Celestial Clan will retaliate since the destruction of humans and Warcraft. Originally this plan was backed off indefinitely due to the rise of the wind family. However, the death of the wind family touched the doomsday plan to run again, and the ancient emperor mastered the cracking method that year, but was surrounded by idiots such as the ancient psychic tree and died. Before death, he barely gave the cracking method to the dragon **** emperor. Now, that memory is here, and only by handing it over to the Dragon God Emperor, can we know the complete way to lift the doomsday plan of the Celestial Clan. "

"Witch, he is deceptive, don't believe it." The demon desires.

She waved her hand, Maria said: "The demon returns from nothingness and earth. I mentioned that there are people in the era of nothingness that are once in the era of nothingness and are gradually dying. They say there is such a doomsday plan for the people of nothingness, and, Xie Aoyu does not need to lie to us. This is the demon's imprisoned power. Not to mention that the invincible giant is difficult to crack. Even if it can be cracked, can't he be killed by the power of your two quasi-invincible giants and the 13 supergiants? "

"Really doomsday plan?" Mo Yutian horrified.

"Yes." Maria nodded and turned to Xie Aoyu. "I know what you say, but I believe what you say, but I am here to kill you. No one can stop you. You can choose one. Take the scales to the Emperor Dragon God, and ask him to reveal the cracked method to the public. If he wants to plan the doomsday, he will definitely support it. "

Xie Aoyu did not intend that he might let himself go.

The seven masters behind them are all holy cities.

"Shao Jie, let's go. His talent is the highest and he's the smartest. He holds it, and I believe he can return to Lei's home."

"Yes, Long scale itself was found by Shao Jie, and he should go."

Xinglu Yun, Zhou Juewu and others launched Shao Jie on their own initiative.

"You all," Shao Jie said.

Xie Aoyu put the dragon scales into the space ring and gave it to Shao Jie, "Go, doomsday plan, destroy human beings, this matter is very important, we must succeed, be careful of the wind invincible giant!"

Holding the space ring, Shao Jie sighed, "Knowing that Maria's plot, I want you to come ..."

"Some things must be done." Xie Aoyu patted Shao Jie's shoulder, "let alone they may not be able to treat me like that."

Shao Jie looked at Xie Aoyu and others, "Dear everyone, take care!"

He also knew that Dragonscale had a heavy responsibility.

No longer quitting, she left the place, and Maria let go and let it go.

Among the imprisonment set by the demon on this day, only Xie Aoyu and others remained.

"Hate my father, don't share the sky!" Maria stared sharply like a sword, staring coldly at Xie Aoyu, Morin said, "Xie Aoyu, today I will use your head to sacrifice my father.

She was killing.

Xie Aoyu looked calm, "You step back aside."

"Brother-in-law, we can still be useful." Xinglu Yundao said.

His so-called role, there is only one way, and that is to explode, otherwise, with their strength, even the weakest Maria can stab them with a finger.

"Rest assured, I'll entangle them, and someone will come to help." Xie Aoyu looked at the strong men in the **** demons in the air, "If I don't die, they will die."

"Aoyu, this prohibition is set by the demon. Even if someone comes to help, I am afraid it will be difficult to break." Zhou Jue martial arts.

"This prohibition is very strong, only to the three beautiful women on the East Sea God Island, it has no effect." Xie Aoyu laughed.

The three women he said were naturally evil spirits, Liu Yanxi and Qin Yueyi.

The union of the two great holy fires of evil spirits is the fire of demigods.

Liu Yanxi and Qin Yueyi can control the heaven and earth.

I would like to ask how their power can not break the restraint of the demon, but Xie Aoyu's demigod thunder is more dangerous. If it is used, it means the destruction of the human world. Relatives and friends here are killed. Thunder is very tangled, it is almost destined to wait for the achievement of the God of Heaven and Earth before it can be applied.

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