MTL - Bastard Male Wife-Chapter 86 catastrophe

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The Prince released Long Qinglin and ordered his confidant **** to take him home.

Involved in the murder of Prince Edward, he can still retreat from his body, his clothes are not dusty, and even the pet letter does not seem to be lost ... In this situation, many people cannot see clearly, including Long Qinglin himself.

"Fu Jun, you finally came back!" Xie Ru was quite surprised, looking cheerful, but his expression was very complicated.

She didn't know if she should be happy or not.

Back from the mountain, the rich days of the past will also come back. There will be no dark clouds and pressure. She should be happy. But Long Qinglin came back, without any injuries, he would naturally do that ...

She can't stand it.

Just think about it and be afraid.

Long Qinglin looked at his wife and chuckled out loud: "Why, husband, come back, are you unhappy?"

The smile didn't go deep into his eyes and was cold.

Xie Ru shuddered: "Of course I am happy! Every day I am thinking about my husband to come back every day. Now that my wish is paid, how can I not be happy?"

She turned around and helped Long Qinglin get the clothes to change, avoiding the latter's eyes and looking for topics at will.

"His Royal Highness is okay with your husband? Misunderstandings can be lifted? In the future, will it be normal and on duty?"

Keep yourself busy so you don't think about it.

Long Qing's lips are slightly hooked, and his face is meaningful.

As wives, these worries can be justified, at least in this respect, they are consistent.

"I'm back without any injuries, what do you think?"

Xie Ru did not dare to turn around and continued to say: "It is said outside of His Royal Highness Chu Jun that he has wisdom and wisdom, but it is very strict ... He is just a little worried."

Long Qinglin's eyes were drooping, and a faint smudge glided across his eyes.

What can Xie Ru think of, how could he not have any doubt? The prince really trusted him ... has no doubt at all?

He didn't believe it.

No matter how natural the prince is, things go smoothly, he dare not take it lightly.

What should we do now? How to crack this game?

Continue to act and you will definitely be found by the prince. Even if the prince truly believed in him, he had no doubt and could not give up observing the follow-up. There must be a prince's person around him to monitor it. Once he moved, there would be problems.

If you do n’t continue, how do you plan for major events? After so many years of hard work, really want to give up? Today, the arrow has already struck a string, and success or failure is in one fell swoop. He wants to give up, and Chiman won't allow it. At this time, he dares to pick and choose. Even if Chiman didn't kill himself, he would use a knife to kill someone and let the prince come.

How to do it?

Long Qinglin cleaned her hands and used her food, her heart was a bit heavy.

After returning to God, it was already in the palm of the hand. Xie Rusu held her hands, lighted the heart of the candle, and the light of the lantern made a 'beep'.

The beauty is beautiful, the painting is everywhere, the figure is full and soft, like the most elaborate gift from heaven, people want to possess ... want to trample, want to destroy, want this thing is always their own.

Long Qinglin reached out and hugged Xie Ru.

Xie Ru's body stiffened: "Husband, husband?"

Long Qinglin didn't say much, dragged people directly under her body, ripped her clothes with a big hand, and bite the softest and fullest part--

Xie Ru screamed: "No-don't-"

Long Qinglin's lips were stained with blood, and he gently touched Xie Ru's face: "Be good, let your husband loose."

Xie Ru was afraid, and his subconscious began to tremble.

Long Qinglin's loose quickness meant unbearable pain to her!

What else can happen? This is how all women come ... forbearance is good ... Mother also said that the road was chosen by her. There is no way, she ca n’t look back, she can only walk stubbornly. ?

Xie Ru kept comforting herself, but not.

No amount of relief can bear the huge pain in the body, the sharpest pain from the weakest place, the ruthless humiliation and contempt of the man ... why should she bear it!

"You go, go away! Help--help--"

Xie Ru started struggling fiercely, calling for help and calling for help.

Unfortunately, no one heard it, or someone else heard it and didn't want to worry about it.

A woman is inherently less powerful than a man. No matter how Xie Ru struggles, she can't get rid of Long Qinglin. Even the more fierce she resists, the stronger the opponent's strength.

Long Qing's invasion continued, and his eyes were cold and pinched Xie Ru's wrist bones: "Why not be obedient? Huh? What you don't want from your husband!"

Xie Ru exhausted all his strength and bit his head with a bite of his head.


In exchange, the other party was slapped heavily.

Xie Ru felt his head buzzing, only saw Long Qinglin's lips moving, and he couldn't hear what he was talking about.


After the incident, Long Qinglin glanced at the messy bed, knowing that he was too impulsive.

If Xie Ru breaks his business at this time ...

But otherwise, he couldn't think calmly. Isn't it just for men to marry a woman for fun?

He knows himself best, and the clearer he is, the clearer his mind is. He never regrets what he has done, and he never feels wrong. For example, at the moment, he looks faint on the bed. People in the past have thought of solutions .

Retreat and give things to Xie Ru. Is it okay to borrow her hand?

If everything can be done in the end, the credit is his, and the sin is the woman's ...

His woman, what was in her heart, what she wanted, and what the deepest desire in the soul, he could not know more, just give it to her. There are many little girls in the world. As long as he reaches out, he can have as many as he wants. Hasn't this come over all these years? It's just a wife. It's no pity. Left and right ... he's also died a wife.

Long Qinglin figured out a plan, and immediately asked his confidant to find a pill and swallow it with water. Two hours later, he ‘poisoned’.

He also prepared a bowl of seasoned tea and fed it directly to Xie Ru.

So Xie Ru woke up and found that the scene had changed again.

It turned out that Long Qinglin was not okay, but was poisoned long ago, but it was late. Those things that were gritted before the faint of death, the decisions made were not needed at all, because Long Qinglin could not bully her anymore, even if he wanted to, he couldn't!

Xie Ru lived with a heart.

Can also take care of Long Qinglin.

After a few days, Xie Ru always had a bad appetite, and always wanted to vomit. She called the doctor to go to the hospital for a consultation, and she was pregnant.

With joy, Xie Ruxin is alive! What a man is, it doesn't matter at all, what matters is the son! Her son, when he grows up, will marry a wife and have children, and give her the end of life. The glory of her life is all on her son!

Xie Ru began to work hard.

Take charge of the house and take care of the shop. She will seek all the benefits for her son!

The desire for power in the heart swelled again.

Long Qinglin heard the confidant's reply, like she heard some wonderful joke, and laughed out: "She really thought she was pregnant, and she could have a son after nine months! Oh, woman, I didn't let me at all Disappointed. Go, as planned, should give her some color. "

Xie Ru then found that many things were not at hand, and she was struggling, and she was suppressed.

She started to feel anxious. She can't do without men. The situation can't do without men. She has no right or backing. What can I do in the future?

Long Qinglin has been observing Xie Ru's gesture. She flicked a whip and gave a candy to her. She realized the pain of desperation, broke her pride, raised her heart, and watched it was enough time, and then pretend to be fast. When she was dead, she called her to the bed and talked about the secret things.

For example, Chiman, such as the Genmiao organization, is in charge of forces unknown to others.

Xie Ru was scared and excited when she heard her mouth was rounded.

However, she did not agree directly, but only said that she could try it first. Regardless of success or failure, she would keep it secret.

Long Qinglin watched her with ‘looking eyes’, and as soon as the door was closed, he laughed and opened the flower. He knew in his heart that the game was stable.

Xie Ru will surely die for herself and the baby in her belly. Naturally, she will die for him.

He issued instructions at the right time to coordinate with the following, Xie Ru tasted the benefits of holding power and doing whatever he wanted.

This was not difficult for him. Before that, in order to ensure the success of the final plan, the Chiman Mission began to set foot in Daan's territory. It was necessary to avoid suspicion and cut off contact with the Genmiao organization. It was in his sole responsibility to direct this. It couldn't be easier.

Sure enough, Xie Ru struggled, from resisting unbelief in the beginning to resolute calmness in the end ... it did not disappoint him at all.

Xie Rusu gently stroked his stomach, and he gave directions to the country.

The taste of power is extremely good! Why was he weak before and wanted to ask for help? Pooh! But it was a moment of hardship, and she would never think of it again if she died! Things in the world have always been this way. Men conquer the world to conquer women, women conquer men to conquer the world, and she will succeed! Xie Tingyue will surely die!

At this time, Xie Tingyue came out.

He and Chu Mu, including the prince in the palace, did not expect that it would go so smoothly. Long Qinglin is really a talent! It is a pity that Xie Ru is not unwise, but he has been digging into the horns and is unwilling to get lost. She doesn't feel bitter herself, and no one can save it.

But the next plan node has not arrived yet. Brother Xiong's academy has not been on holiday yet!

"Fortunately, there are only a few days, I can hold on." Xie Tingyue said nothing else, rolled up his sleeves, and just did it!

Xie Ru's trouble is in business. For him, it is not difficult to support it. It is just that there is a root-miao organization standing behind the other party. Xie Tingyue doesn't want to expose it on his own side. .

Brother Xiong is finally on vacation.

The students of this college are generally young. As soon as the door opens, a group of ‘students’ in Tsing Yi and little caps ran out, like dumplings. For a time, it was impossible to tell who was who.

Xie Tingyue was 'stuck' and Chu Mu came to pick him up.

The Chiman Mission had been staring at this side for a long time. Naturally, it was prepared early in the morning and was hidden in the dark.

No one thinks Chu Mu will really be in love. Which man likes a little bitch? Especially such a bear bitch?

Sure enough, after receiving Xie Tingxing, Chu Mu calmly learned first: "Since it's a holiday, just be good, don't worry your brother."

The bear child frowned, and his small voice was clearer: "I want you to care!"

The members of the mission squinted and winked at each other, and they were very proud. See? And the relationship is not good at all! There are too many details to make an article, and the plan is stable today!

At least one thing, they were right. Xie Tingxing and Chu Mu didn't look at each other's eyes. They didn't have to pretend to be in the same nature.

"Where's my brother?"

"Xie Tingxing, you are already an adult."


"Call your brother when everything is all right, haven't weaned yet?"

The ambassador who watched the conversation almost laughed out, God helped me too! Children do not cooperate, what can adults do? It doesn't matter if Chu Mu is sad or not, what can a person who is bad at work and is about to die?

"I want that," said the bear child, pointing at the bright candies on the street. "You buy me!"

Chu Mu frowned and didn't want to buy it, but the requirements were really insignificant. There was no reason to refuse it. He had to buy it while whispering a lesson: "Boys eat less snacks, it's not a good idea."

After paying the bill, in a blink of an eye, the bear child was gone!

Chu Mu was naturally 'anxious' and immediately ordered his hand to find it.

Mission: Opportunity!

Keep up quietly immediately.

It has entered the lunar month, and the market is quite lively. There are many stall vendors in particular. Xie Tingxing looks like a flexible fish. The crowd disappears instantly, leaving you out of reach.

There are a lot of ambassadors, plus the roots and seedlings Xie Ru secretly sent to assist, all kinds of chasing and blocking, not to mention the small fish, is a mosquito, can also catch!

It's a pity that things went against expectations. I don't know what happened. I caught Chu Xu very quickly and finally found Xie Tingxing and arrested the bear child. And hold the child's neck collar, various lessons.

The mission was helpless and had to wait for the opportunity.

It's impossible for a bear child to obey. Chu Mu wants to train, so he can't listen. Chu Mu is distracted, he pulls his eyelids with his fingers, makes a face at Chu Mu, slips into the crowd again, and lets Chu Mu various angry and angry, but still have to find!

There is no need to use the regiment to create opportunities, the bear child itself is full of flaws, and he is a pit.

While secretly happy, the mission scolded each other stupidly, and continued to look for it.

Obviously the situation is favorable, they still can't catch it! How can I not catch it! Even a bear child can't touch a single piece of hair, and Chu Mu will always be cut off by one step!

It is impossible to admit defeat, making the group spit in the palm and continue violently.

They vowed that the next time, they must catch the bear child first, and if they catch it, they will hang it for a meal.

Unconsciously, time has passed.

This group of people got busy and forgot the time. The leader Wu Kui could not forget it. Xie Tingyue's identity was not ordinary. The royal family looked strict and it was too difficult. The younger brother Xie Tingxing was their only chance. .

My brother doesn't go back for a long time. Can my brother not worry and come over?

After thinking about it, Wu Kui gave instructions.

When Xie Ru got the notice, she immediately exerted her strength, randomly found a shop, found a reason, and continued to Xie Tingyue.

Unfortunately, Xie Tingyue's ability is too strong. She wants to work hard, but she is not an opponent. There was a death order from Wu Kui. Before, she could do whatever she wanted. At this time, it didn't work. There was no way. She had to contact Hidden Shangfeng.

King Li passed by just as it happened.

Seriously, the titled Lord, came out and presided over a fair, who dare to say wrong?

Others have nothing to say, but Xie Tingyue knew in her heart that she was stable. This King of Rites really had no intention!

How could he be afraid of the situation he had anticipated long ago? After changing the attitude of respect and obedience in the past, nails are nails, and rivets are rivets.

Brother Xiong, he was not worried at all. He believed in Brother Xiong and also believed in Chu Mu. Although the two usually got along with each other, there would be no problem in business.

Only way away ...

You must give it a try!

Yes, today is a good day. Chiman people have set up their nets and prepared for the most important hand. How can they just watch and do nothing? Of course, they must take advantage of the situation and do everything they need to do.

King Li came out and was dragged by him. Lu Li should have sneaked into Li Wang's mansion to find something now. With the adult's years of experience in working, such as the instinct of a wolf and a dog, and the help of Prince Edward, the time is so sufficient. If nothing else, he must join Chu Mu to kill this close friend!

According to hard knowledge, it is not a problem for Xie Tingyue to stand up to the King of Ceremony. The problem is that the King of Ceremony is distinguished and cannot be handled according to common sense. People can't win if they are noisy. What can you do?

Xie Tingyue quickly turned her head and thought of a solution, and Mrs. Hang came.

Not only did she come, she was followed by a bunch of people, each of whom was an elite in the industry, and all of them had a good identity, and the kind that could easily shake the country's foundation industry together.

Just ask King Li, do you dare to be mad?

It was another deadlock.

Xie Ru's head was so big that he had no choice but to continue sending people out to support him everywhere.

At this time, the prince steadily and fiercely started and caught Long Qinglin directly.

Quiet, impassive, did not alarm anyone.

But others don't know, Xie Ru will definitely receive the news.

Xie Ru's face was pale and sweaty.

This ... is not the same as imagined! Was she cheated?

No, it's impossible, she can't be deceived, Long Qinglin is dying, the person in hand is real, the power is real, and her own belly is also real ... Now, she almost saw the dawn of victory, how could there be false?

This is the most crucial moment. If you really give up, all is over. As long as Xie Tingxing can be caught, Xie Tingyue will be anxious, will be in a hurry, obediently obedient ...

The frontier has already been under pressure from the army. If you join forces inside and outside, Da'an will lose! Why not continue!

With all kinds of movements, the whole capital is nervous. Only the palace is quiet, silent and solemn.

Emperor Chu Wendi finished his memorial and looked at Di Lei: "What time is it?"

The **** smiled and replied, "It's time to go back to the emperor. His Royal Highness just told someone to say something, saying that everything is going well, please rest assured. The queen's wife asked someone to prepare soup and is waiting outside the hall, saying you have The heavenly care, will win every battle, no need to worry about— "

"Come in." Chu Wendi's stiff shoulders and activities were quite comfortable. "I naturally want to win, and my child also wants to win, otherwise how can I be worthy of Xiandi and Taogong?"

Speaking of them, Chu Mu is like a member of their family. Being single and hurting his wife is a pity.

Before drinking a bowl of soup, Emperor Chu Wendi called Taiyi into the palace.

It wasn't his dragon body he asked, but--

"Can the antidote be developed?"

The Physician knelt on the ground and did not dare to look up: "This poison is quite treacherous. Xiaguan and other officials have studied for more than ten years before they came up with a good recipe. At present, great progress has been made, as long as ..."


Everyone was busy, so was the Prince.

The plan went smoothly, and his eyes became brighter.

Chiman ’s plan is too clear, but it ’s not too much. It turned everyone around and quietly grabbed Xie Tingxing to threaten Xie Tingyue's obedience. He released Chu Mu's life and challenged the King Li to come to the side of “Qing Jun”. Border wars invaded Daan in one fell swoop.

They do n’t do anything else, just pay back to see who ’s dead in the end!

The Prince thought he was smart enough, but Xie Tingyue and Chu Mu gave him too many surprises.

Help him to check for vacancies and make a plan, this round is almost perfect, and no mistakes can occur.

Border war, needless to say, Da'an must be frightened; the Chiman mission, one counts one, and he wants to seize it all; the root tissue, no matter how deep it lurks, how many years it has lurked, this time it must be forced out all, one shot at a time !!

Combining all kinds of variables, the root and seedling organization is now in Xie Ru's hands. In order to plan for success and to show her ability, she must watch and listen to everything in all directions. All places must respond. Where there is an accident, send someone to help.

Now Xie Tingyue, Xie Tingxing and Chu Mu, Long Qinglin have sent people in the past.

How do you think that all the roots have been dispatched and no one is available in her hand?


Re-create accidents, no matter how anxious she is, there is nothing to send, there is no way to send anyone out!

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