MTL - Bastard Male Wife-Chapter 80 All drama

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The head of the Chiman mission, Wu Kui, used both hard and soft, and was aggressive. In the end, Xie Tingyue also understood.

Oops, the opponent's goal ... seems to be him!

His palms were sweating and his heart was faint. He really didn't expect it. He just wanted to find a direction to test the other party and ease the situation, but he strengthened the other party's belief. Wu Kui now seems to really treat him as Tao Gong's successor!

How to do? How to edit it next? The topic was getting deeper and deeper, and he went down, and he specified that he would reveal the stuffing!

Continue to say a few words with Wu Kui and take care. Xie Tingyue didn't know if she had leaked stuffing, but found that this problem seemed to be unimportant. Others had determined that he was the person he was looking for, even if the stuffing was revealed, he wanted to get away ...

Xie Tingyue was very puzzled. This belief was not created in a single day. It was impossible for him to believe this in a few words, and he must have had this idea.


Xie Tingyue looked calmly next to him, no one was approaching, no one was on the side, he was very full of defense, and seemed to have some meaning to him. Any solicitation, Huairou, were all illusions, and the other party definitely wanted to take the opportunity. Start with him!

Daan merchants who were far apart were also nervous. Too far away, people can see clearly, but ca n’t hear anything! What was that Chiman man talking to Xie Er? It looks good, but it's really bad. There is definitely a problem with the honey belly belly sword!

Suddenly, this small scene was firmly controlled by the Chiman people, and what game victory was still being contested. The contradictions of their own people were trivial matters, and now there is a big tail wolf opposite! Xie Er's skill is well-known. On weekdays, nothing happens to be sour, and he has to respect the ability of others. Fertile water must not flow outsiders' fields. Must he be kept in his own crops?

Mrs. Hang's brows were frowned, and she was very dissatisfied. When she saw the painting on the table from afar, her eyes were even more lingering, and she could not wait to bite Wu Kui.

Helpless at the scene was blocked by Chiman, she could not enter.

Xie Tingyue is still pushing Tai Chi back and forth: "A certain student is not good at art, and he only learned to do business last year. He dare not be so respected."

Wu Kui smiled: "Xie Er doesn't have to be modest. You can follow us and learn at the same time. We are not afraid of losing money once or twice. You are all right."

Xie Tingyue looked down: "The reliance on what I have learned is the customs of the Daan people. Going elsewhere, it is useless to be afraid."

Wu Kui Lengheng: "Some say that the homeland is hard to leave, the family can't afford it, your dying husband, the rotten stepmother sibling, and a confused father, what can't bear it?"

Xie Tingyue frowned.

The other party also investigated him.

Wu Kui: "I don't think you can bear it, is that brother who has been in trouble? Mingsong Academy is good. I have a few younger brothers who have played in the past and said it is very fun."

Mingsong College is the place where Xie Tingxing reads.

Xie Tingyue suddenly understood that this was a threat!

If he is not obedient, the other party is likely to attack his brother!

Xie Tingyue was really angry now, and her smile gathered up: "I have a bad temper and are very difficult to use. If you insist, you are afraid that you will lose your teeth."

After listening to Wu Kui, instead of being angry, he was even more interested, and he said, "That's all! I'm so full! I'm so full of joy. If you are a soft-foot shrimp that you can easily handle, we still don't like it. You Even though you are safe and bold, since we dare to use it, we are not afraid of folds. You can see. In the end, I used it for you, or you killed me! "

The popularity of the two came up, you said a word and I was agitated. By then, the voice was very loud, and I heard it from the outside.

The Daan merchants gathered together and squeezed their fists: "What am I talking about? This group of dogs x, are really giving thanks!"

"Barely, dare to hit my Da'an idea, who gave him the courage!"

"Xie Er will certainly not follow, he is a tough guy, I understand!"

"Well! You know a fart. Didn't you scold others for being shameless for your boyfriend?"

"That's what I said when I was drunk. I didn't really think so! How long has it been and how big is the Lanying cloth stand? Only pure men have this kind of talent, Xie Erchun doesn't explain it!"

"I don't care, anyway, you can't let Xie Er be taken away by this group of dogs. Lao Tzu is dead and has to be stopped!"


"Kill the dog day!"

Businessmen have many hearts, so many people around Chimang, scolding talents will not let the other party hear, speak very quietly, especially if people come from different places, when you can't help but speak directly in dialect, you don't believe Chimangou understands!

After scolding people, everyone was still looking at the development in the front, while winking at each other, discussing what to do next, the other party should grab Xie Tingyue, from which angle and direction they should rush ...

Wu Kui thought that Xie Tingyue could be suppressed this time. In the news he received, he said it plainly. Xie Tingyue was very fond of his brother and never let go.

He didn't expect Xie Tingyue to laugh.

The smiling Lang Run is free and easy, the scenery is beautiful.

"Since Zun respects Tao Gong so much, how can he not even know his basic ideas?" Xie Tingyue stood with his hands on his lips and rolled his lips with confidence. "A strong person doesn't have weaknesses, it can only help them become stronger. I Da'an, never accept threats! "

Regardless of whether Tao Gong has this idea, he said yes, that's it!

Wu Kui was stabbed by this smile: "Only your younger brother? A child without hair?"

Xie Tingyue: "Be respectful, look down on him, but you will suffer."


Wu Kuiyu turned over the table, her chest was undulating, and she was very angry.

He has too many advantages today, the site is occupied, the atmosphere is built, the bait is put on, and the force can also be suppressed. I did not expect that not only did not intimidate Xing Tingyue, he could not play too much!

"It seems that Lao Tzu gave you a face, thank you, don't toast or drink!"

"It's better to have a drink for Gu Gu?"

In the stalemate, a voice of Qingyue Runlang appeared, followed by a bright yellow figure, calm and elegant, like walking in the court, which is what everyone is worried about, the poisoned missing Prince!

The prince is not poisoned? Not dying? How can you make a smile Yan Yan appears here, and she has red lips and white teeth?

Everyone looked at the ground almost subconsciously. Well, there is a shadow, not a ghost ...

The Prince was not dead, the crisis was lifted-great! Someone finally packed up those dog stuff!

The Prince came over calmly and sat down, "What's the matter, not talking one by one, wasn't it just lively?"

Wu Kui looked at the prince, his eyes were about to fall: "You--"

The prince smiled: "Zun Shi sees solitude as if disappointed."

Xie Tingyue was relieved at the moment when Prince Wu appeared, and he saw a familiar person behind the Prince ...

It turned out to be here!

He just looked away, and Luli noticed, blinking at him.

Xie Tingyue then understood that all the situation was complete now!

The prince was rumored to be poisoned, and soon the prince appeared safely. This was a bright face, and it was also a bureau. Prince Xu discovered what happened, and deliberately followed the trend, leading misunderstandings of ulterior motives, and this result only appeared.

Xie Tingyue was more at ease.

Now that the princes are safe, Chu Mu will be fine.

I just don't know where and what I'm doing.

Wu Kui quickly adjusted her expression: "There is no disappointment. The prince may not know it. Only then will someone come to inform you that you have been poisoned. I don't know if you are alive or dead, and the messenger is also worried."

"I don't know who made a fuss, malicious slander, and lonely didn't just change his clothes, how could he poison his life in a blink of an eye?" The Prince's eyes drooped slightly, and a streamer appeared under his eyes. Listen alone? "

Wu Kui narrowed his eyes: "How do you know about Da'an, an outsider? Just hear the story and cooperate with the action. The prince is Da'an Chujun. Everyone is worried. The same is true. What you do is sincere. , Otherwise how to talk about border business? "

The Crown Prince was smoother than Xie Tingyue: "Looking at Zun Shi as if he is not talking about business, he wants to grab someone."

Wu Kui noticed it naturally and laughed: "Where, Xie Er, as the winner of the game, will often meet each other in the future. The ambassador just wants to be warm and make good friends."

As soon as this word came out, the businessmen were angry.

What a big face!

This **** name is passion? Lao Tzu also gives you enthusiasm!

The Prince's remarks were pointed and not clear. He did not send the trouble directly. Xie Tingyue felt that the accident was likely to be related to the mission. Prince Xu had no evidence, or had evidence to hide but did not send it. ...

After a little thought, Xie Tingyue knew how to deal with it.

He arched his hand at the prince before turning to Wu Kui. His attitude was not humble or humble, and his tone was not salty: "I am so ashamed of this enthusiasm. Someone still likes the life now."

"In short, in this game, the final thing is on you Xie Er, and it turns out that your Daan matters are arranged by yourself. I will leave before I have nothing to do!"

Wu Kui left his sleeve and left.

No one was unhappy to end the game so forcefully. Everyone is not blind. It has been seen. What is the mutual market, people are not sincerely cooperating to do business. In its own place, Da'an City dares to engage in trouble. Who knows what will happen in the future? This opportunity is good, but if one is not good, it is a dead word ...

The scene was quiet, and the prince said: "It's hard for everyone today. Now that the game is over, everyone will return. The charter will be sent to you later."

What else can everyone say?

The Prince resigned, of course he had to retreat, and immediately bowed down to salute and said goodbye.

Xie Tingyue didn't leave immediately, there was no way, Chu Mu didn't know where it was!

"His Royal Highness, just before your husband ---"

The prince seemed to know what he was going to say, grinning at the corners of his lips, and pointing his finger: "Isn't it here?"

Xie Tingyue turned around and really saw Chu Mu.

This person is still in a wheelchair, with a graceful and elegant pose and a smile. Unlike before, the corners of his robes are stained with blood.

Behind him was the long follower who was always with him, his body was clean, there was no trace, and he only carried a person on his shoulder.

This situation will be worried for others, Xie Tingyue knows at first glance. Chu Mu should have encountered something. The danger was not great, and he resolved it by himself. Changzhi has always been intimate. He knows Chu Mu's glance best, so he didn't intervene.

But who is Qin Ping on his shoulders?

Just thinking, Qin Ping came over and threw people to the ground.

Xie Tingyue looked at Long Qinglin.

It was like being beaten up by someone, Long Qing Lin was covered with blood, and was hidden by a hidden weapon into a hedgehog. These hidden weapons were very short. It was not fatal to penetrate into the meat.

Xie Tingyue could tell at a glance that this was Chu Mu's.

Only the hidden device in his wheelchair can achieve this effect.

How did Long Qinglin mess with him?

Chu Mu has never acted impulsively. Well, the hedgehog effect may be a little impulsive, but he decided that he would not be impulsive. If he dares to treat Long Qinglin like this, he must see something--

Xie Tingyue looked to the Prince, thoughtfully.

Because of this change of vision, he didn't notice. At the same time, Chu Mu looked at him at the same time, his eyes were as real as if he saw his feet from head to head, and he was sure that nothing was happening, and the black tide at the bottom of his eyes faded a little.

Sure enough, as he expected, Chu Mu did not need to explain. Chu Mu had just given a salute, his mouth opened, and the prince spoke.

"Guzheng ordered to look for this person, lest he run away. It is exactly what you sent."

This means ...

Is it related to the so-called assassination?

Prince: "Come here, take it down, so that you can take medicine and take care of it carefully."

Xie Tingyue frowned.

This sentence is like mercy again.

What is the Prince's attitude towards Long Qinglin? He didn't understand.

In thought, his hand was held by a gentle big hand.

Xie Tingyue turned her head, her eyes were full of questions.

Chu Mu smiled and compared her lips with a few words: "Go back and say."


People from all walks of life had many eyes and misgivings. Until they returned to the small courtyard at home and closed the door, Xie Tingyue and Chu Mu sat down quietly and talked in peace.

Chu Mu: "The assassination of the prince ... It is true. Someone really wants to be bad for the prince, but the prince is aware of it and avoided it." He restrained Long Qinglin and found something. The facts are very consistent with his conjecture. Then go with the flow and want to call out the traitors around you. "

Who this traitor is is self-evident.

Xie Tingyue felt a little weird: "Long Qinglin betrayed the Prince? Why?"

You should know that Chaotang is not fighting for reserves. The prince will be the staunch emperor. He is loyal to him and has a promising future. Why betray him?

and also--

"Are you showing nothing?"

The Prince was obviously not enough like that, and he wanted to catch more things. It was difficult to spread the whole game.

Chu Muqu flicked Xie Tingyue's head: "Are you so stupid?"

Xie Tingyue held her forehead and gave Chu Mu a glance: "The only thing he can't do is happen, what about the helper?"

Chu Mu's eyes were dim: "The roots and shoots tissue."

Xie Tingyue: "What's up with them!"

"The assassination operation was initiated by the Genmiao organization," Chu Mu told all the princes that he had accidentally seen, and all told Xie Tingyue. "The people in this organization, you know, are very cunning, all dead, very Difficult to catch, the prince caught alive this time. In addition, Long Qinglin is likely to be related to this organization. "

Xie Tingyue was somewhat surprised: "Long Qinglin is also related to Gen Miao?"

Chu Mu noticed his words: "Also?"

"Well," Xie Tingyue nodded, "Wu Kui, the leader of the Chiman Mission, showed me a picture with a sinner on it, and the pattern of the root and seedling tissue was painted on his hand."

He recounted what happened before, especially in the "Picture of the Qishan Feast". He painted the sinful slaves in the corner and made a mark. For the Chiman people, such people are slaves, they are their own, they can Feel free to drive people.

The painting is very large, and the slaves only occupy a small corner. The pattern on the hand is not clear, and it is not noticeable at all. But who is Xie Tingyue who is familiar with this?

There was a dark wave at the bottom of Chu Mu's eyes: "So, the Long family, the mission, the root and seedling organization are one ..."

Behind the mission is the entire Chiman Kingdom, supporting such a large organization, and buying the court officials, it must be very big!

Xie Tingyue also understood: "If someone wants to do something, they must have done a good job and found a scapegoat. Even though the prince knew what was going on, he caught a few people and couldn't find enough confession. Long Qinglin can be ruthlessly rectified. Long Qinglin can be a breakthrough. For the time being, he cannot be killed. The prince must be kind, but he cannot help but doubt. If such a big thing happens, it is too false to really doubt ... "

"So Long Qinglin may be released without sin?"

Chu Mu rubbed Xie Tingyue's head, his eyes flickered slightly, with a pamper he couldn't detect: "It doesn't matter, the prince will not let people run away, but letting the tiger return to the mountain for the sake of the overall victory."

Xie Tingyue actually understands.

Long Qinglin is too clever, the Crown Prince always has to act like a bureau in order to cheat people.

Just a little uncomfortable in my heart.

Long Qinglin is so annoying!

"Then you and the Prince—"

Xie Tingyue always felt that something was wrong.

Chu Mu did not hide: "He should be suspicious of my identity, but not malicious. There should be some action when he returns to the palace. Soon after, the family will come."

This coming person refers to the person in the palace.

Xie Tingyue: "Your life experience ..."

Chu Mu shook his head: "I don't know, but there will always be an answer."

Xie Tingyue touched Chu Mu's hair: "Well, soon, don't worry."

"Listen to my wife, I'm not in a hurry," Chu Mu took Xie Tingyue's hand, "the events that happened today are detailed, and everything around me will have answers, but Madam you? Then Wu Kui, what happened?"

Xie Tingyue frowned: "You feel it too? He seems very unusual to me."

Chu Mu: "Yes."

Xie Tingyue: "I don't know why. He seems to care about Tao Mushu very much and thinks I am his disciple ..."


Xie Tingyue also described the scene at that time to Chu Mu in detail, and said that Wu Kui said that Tao Mushu had written a book--

He suddenly patted his thigh!


"Great Power Economy"!

Could it be it?

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