MTL - Bastard Male Wife-Chapter 62 Introduce the monarch

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The girl Rou was obviously flustered and guilty. Xiao Wenshu, who had broken legs, had been pouting, and the atmosphere in front of the hall was silent and silent.

The audience didn't expect a sudden appearance of Xie Gongzi, Swen Junxiu, and wit was unmatched. Such a headache that even the court officials could have clearly noticed so far, and the shy counterpart was silent.

Everyone is not a fool. I can't see if there is anyone behind this. What is the intention? The love story of the girl and cousin is clear.

It's so simple, □□ long-term cooperation with dogs, but also real benefits, and good reputation, everyone has to brag about the great effort to turn around her and indulge in the self, the realities of the acting, even myself believe it!

People are naturally pitiful, or they are hurting themselves. If they encounter such a moment unfortunately, they hope that someone can help them or show a sense of existence. Helping justice seems great, but the pain is not in themselves anyway. But people like to help reason, and they also like to see all kinds of new stories, such as those pink skulls in the words, beautiful women become fairies ...


Someone with a quick turn of the mind has followed Xie Tingyue's words and understood, pointing at the girl Rou and scolding her shamelessly.

Of course, other people followed immediately, one by one, when the clouds and mists opened up, and they didn't know what to do ... They had to follow the flow and prove that they were not stupid!

Not bewildered by beauty, see the truth, is this the essence of smart working people with clear eyes!


"Don't face to this extent, the old man has never seen it in his life!"

"I haven't seen my mother!"

"What's the use of being good-looking? Beautiful women's painted skin is dirty, how disgusting!"

"I don't know how my father and mother raised them ..."

"Such a person can make a marriage contract? He still has a face standing in this room? He wants me to die!

The scene reversed quite quickly and was especially cruel.

The girl Rou was scolded directly.

Since childhood, she has been the object of praise from others.

She couldn't react for a while, and had no experience. She didn't know how to deal with such a scene. In the end, she could only find a reason: "What do you know ... ordinary people, how do you know what love is? That day, I was in danger. My cousin gave up on me, not because he didn't like me, but I asked him to give up. I begged him to give up. I didn't want to involve him ... I gave up on him because I couldn't save him. Standing on the ground, can not involve others in danger. If I am myself, there is no place to die for. I also have to save my cousin ... you ... you have never encountered that kind of life and death choice. What qualifications do you have? I?"

Talking, as if to find the reason for standing, Rou girl became more and more firm, and the voice became louder: "You are not qualified to say me, you are standing and speaking without back pain! You do n’t understand, you do n’t understand!"

Hang Qing sighed: "No, you are wrong. You are nothing. Some people's experiences are beyond your imagination."

Xie Tingyue looked at Hang Qingyun's eyebrows, fresh and spirited, and the precipitation given by time ...

In these words, there is a story.

In today's bureau, the solution lies not in how the facts are, not how Xiao Wenshu behaves, but in the girl Rou. This man has an inexplicable power. As long as he disintegrates it and smashes it, the other party will be defeated.

Xie Tingyue had an idea in her heart, her eyes flashed, and she looked at Hang Qingyue: "This woman's mind, I really don't understand it. It is better to ask my wife, if you encounter similar vicious dangers, how can you deal with it?"

In fact, even if Hang Qinghuan didn't say it, he still had the answer in his heart. The heavy rain that day was dangerous and he had already seen the performance of the couple.

Hang Qingyi thought about it and glanced at Xiao Yunfeng.

Xiao Yunfeng and her agreed to each other, and seemed to know her thoughts, looking at the past very tenderly. He didn't speak, the meaning was already clear, and what he wanted to say, all supported by his wife's wishes.

Hang Qingyi smiled, suddenly turned around and looked around, and his skirt was drawn with a beautiful arc: "My husband has been missing for two years, and everyone must know, but what happened in the middle, everyone may not know."

Hissing air squeaked and everyone's eyes widened.

A county lives there. Everyone is a neighbor. How many secret things are known, but the inside story is not clear. Is it going to be exposed today?

Hang Qingyu: "My husband was harmed and he was dying. All the doctors asked me to prepare for the funeral. I was embarrassed and not obedient. My husband was stunned for one year. I was ignorant and could not take care of myself. I accompanied him. I take care of it. My husband wakes up like a three-year-old child, forgets everything, and often has ignorant words, saying he doesn't want to affect me. He dares not say this again. I have been poisoned by people and ca n’t speak for a year. I ca n’t walk or even hurt my internal concubine. It ’s not easy to get pregnant. I use various methods to express that I do n’t want to affect my husband. My husband did n’t hit me, but he did n’t talk. No matter where he went, it was safe or dangerous. Do n’t go with me. ”

"During these years, my husband and I have faced more dangers. If you are just like you, waiting for others to praise and support, how can you get to where you are today?"

Girl Rou had nothing to say immediately.

Everyone is also very quiet, this ... can't be compared! The girl Rou couldn't see it at all, too low! Moreover, the husband and wife of the Xiao family have never been proud of it, and talked to foreigners about these things ...

Xie Tingyue smiled and looked at the girl Rou: "Look, this couple lives on their own, not on the praise of others. You and your cousin may indeed like each other, but you do n’t understand the changes in the world, your hearts are changeable, and you do n’t have the coping The ability of these situations. You are afraid of danger, you just leave the day, and when the calamity comes, you will definitely perform what you call 'respectively flying'. In the final analysis, it ’s just not enough love. The thing you love most is always yourself. "

Everyone nodded again and again, it makes sense!

Looking at the husband and wife of the Xiao family, they always knew what they wanted, and when they chose the person and the way, they went forward and never gave up. They can follow their own courageous choices, or accept bad results, and exhaust all their efforts to make the day go in a good direction, blossom and bear fruit, and be splendid.

Xie Tingyue said, sighing, "What are you talking about? Singing on stage, or playing with children?"

The blow was heart-wrenching, Rou girl was so heartbroken that she couldn't stand anymore, she just fell to the ground and couldn't cry: "No, it's not like this ... it's not like this ..."

Hang Qinghuan: "I really don't understand what you think. As women, we may sometimes be inadequate, but I will never let go of my husband, even if I might affect him."

Xiao Yunfeng came and held her hand: "Me too, even if I am dead, I will take my wife with me, because I know that whether I live or die, my wife will not be happy."

The two have gone through all kinds of vicious dangers, and now they are transparent. As long as they are together, they are sweet no matter what day they are together.

I don't know why. It is clear that others have no bitter drama, and there are no tears in eachother. Xie Tingyue just feels a little bit sour, and she looks towards Chu Mu subconsciously.

Chu Mu was looking over, and the bottom of Qing Yan's eyes seemed to have undulating tides and surging.

Xie Tingyue understood.

This time, Chu Mu no longer envied the couple because he also had it.

The atmosphere in the hall suddenly turned into a trance.

How wonderful is the Xiao Xiao couple's smile at each other?

Everyone sighed, this is the couple, this is the true love!

As for the love between Rou and cousin, do they have love? That's a joke! What sacrifice, nothing to do with each other, they only enjoy the greatness that they have paid, and it is not the other person who pityes, but the hard-working self at the beginning!

"Stupid, not stupid, isn't it acting, isn't it true?"

"Speaking of which, I have seen such a woman, who is not very good at living, and really live a good life, all understand people."

"Actually, I always mention the past. I do n’t touch the men for their own efforts. For a long time, they will only feel annoyed. They do n’t feel that they owe you, but you think he owes you."

"That is, if a man really changes his mind, it is useless to say anything. He always drags on the past, and it is only you who is suffering."


Onlookers of women have begun to diverge from scolding to arguing for truth.

Rou girl is already stupid.

She was really hit this time, and her faith has been defeated, and she doesn't know how to go ahead.

Xie Tingri, who was on the side, looked at the distressed, and came to help her: "It doesn't matter, you and me, I will not let you be wronged ..."

"you go--"

Girl Rou's emotions have collapsed, covering her ears, her voice sharply resisting.


Xiao Wenshu looked at the girl Rou with complex eyes. I didn't know if it was better to come forward to comfort or not to speak.

Xie Tingyue watched the time was about to hit the iron while he was hot: "Actually, I'm only curious about one thing, Xiao Wenshu, you broke your leg, how did you get down the mountain? Where did you go down the mountain? Why didn't the Xiao family know?"

Like his guess, this time the complaint was that the girl Rou was the backbone. Xiao Wenshu listened to her. Right now she was dull and unable to concentrate completely, and of course she would not give any guidance or instructions. Helpless, I don't know what to do.

But Xie Tingyue questioned in front of him. After waiting for a long time, the court official would knock on the gavel and ask him to answer. There was no way, Xiao Wenshu had to say: "Yes ... someone passed by, took the handle."

Xie Tingyue's eyes slightly lifted, and she knew in her heart that this person must be Yan Hong.

To force Xiao Wenshu to explain his name!

Xie Tingyue continued: "So you may be sure that he passed by to help you or harm you? You might as well think carefully about what happened before, what this person said to you, what was misleading, today's lawsuit Is it true that you think it yourself, or do others make you think that's what you think? "

Xiao Wenshu was silent for a while and didn't speak, but his face slowly became extremely ugly, it was time to suspect it.

Xie Tingyue sneered: "The relatives and relatives who have been around for so many years do not believe it, but they must believe in a stranger passing by? Xiao Wenshu, use your poor mind to think about it. Have Master Xiao really touched you for so many years? You Every day I want him to hurt you, if he really wants to hurt you, can you let you jump to the present? Who do you look down on? "

Xiao Yunfeng just had a strong character and was unwilling to verbal lawsuits, but he did not understand the timing. When he saw Xiao Wenshu's loose attitude, he immediately spoke: "Xiao Wenshu, you have repeatedly hit me. As a homeowner, I don't care about you, but it causes Lawsuits need to be dealt with by family law. However, you are always from the Xiao family. If you are willing to change your mind and go back with me, our ancestors, you know. "

Don't give up any tribe ...

How could Xiao Wenshu not know!

A board can't run, but as long as you go back, there is always a way to live. The man said so nicely, the sky was high outside, but the outside was also very dangerous. If he died ... he wouldn't even know where he was buried.

Xiao Wenshu gritted his teeth and confessed: "I was a businessman named Yan Hong. I broke my leg that day and happened to meet him. I was extremely embarrassed at the time, and my heart was resentful. My story came up with an idea, saying that I am pathetic, pearly and dusty, and he will shine in the future, and I would like to give generously ... "

Everyone understood.

It turned out that outsiders were a mess.

Who is this Yan Hong? What injustice and hatred should be so harmful to others?

This stupid scholar is also stupid, it is not this way to be a face!

The case came to an end here, and the truth had been revealed, and Luli Chaoxian nodded.

The magistrate knew how to break.

The man named Yan Hong was very cunning. Listening to Xiao Wenshu's narrative, he didn't make any real fuss, but just provoked Xiao Wenshu's emotions and guided him to make this decision. According to the law, there was no punishment.

The Xiao family and husband are not guilty, but simply suffer an innocent disaster.

Xiao Wenshu and the girl Rou made this out, but they pitted themselves, making people laugh.

The magistrate thought for a moment, and the gavel gave a shot: "Xiao Wenshu, my official asked you, can you continue to sue Xiao family master?"

Xiao Wenshu shook his head immediately: "No more, no more ..."

County magistrate: "The case has insufficient evidence. The plaintiff also provided reasons for it. It was a plaintiff. The Xiao family was not guilty and was released in court. The plaintiff made a false accusation and punished according to the law. You broke your leg and got a serious injury. The whipping was waived and replaced with a fine. Are you both recognized? "

Xiao Wenshu shook his lips, his eyes flushed: "I ... I ..."

He has no money.

Xiao Yunfeng immediately arched his hand: "Master, I recognize Xiao family! I can put money on the tribe and wait for him to return it every day."

With the gavel sentenced by the magistrate, a farce ended.

The onlookers watched the addiction, Zantang officials were wise and righteous, loved the people as sons, praised Xiao ’s family members for virtue, the clan was hopeful, and thanked the second son for being smart and handsome.

Only one person is unhappy.

Yan Hong dropped the tea directly, his face was somber: "Useless things, mud can't help the wall!"

I had a good chance. Xiao Wenshu forgot about it. The girl Rou was a good one, and her mind was set almost immediately. Letting these two people hold Xiao Yunfeng, entangled and noisy, so that Xiao Yunfeng could not help Xie Tingyue, which was convenient for him to engage in Xie Tingyue.

And in recent days, his image has been greatly damaged. The people complained. He had to find a way to turn his attention. The case came out and became louder. Do the people have no time to say bad things about him?

As a result, things did n’t work out.

It's still Xie Tingyue, why is his mouth so tricky!

"Okay thank you two--"

Yan Hong gritted his teeth.

This trip to Qingxian originally originated from a transaction, but now he has hated Xie Tingyue, and he will not be named Yan unless he kills you!

"Dongjia ... what shall we do next?" The shopkeeper on the side looked at his face and asked tremblingly.

Yan Hong pinched his brows: "Did the grass be found?"

Treasurer: "We have been busy making money. This has just come up, and we have only heard limited news ..."

"Look for it now, immediately, look for it!" Yan Hong narrowed his eyes. "Then Xie Er left Beijing and ran to this county quietly. There must be a lot of news about grass dyeing here!"

He is very sure about this exclusive news!


On Xie Tingyue's side, there was finally time and Lu Li Chu Mu to elaborate on her plan to deal with Yan Hong: "Dye grass."

Lu Li is dissatisfied with Yan Hong's practices, the law cannot control, and this person must also suffer. However, generally fines do not work, Yan Hong has made so much, and giving up money will not hurt the muscles and bones. How can I really punish them? Yan Hong, let him know?

Simple, make him suffer a lot, and make him hurt.

Holding the tea cup lightly, Xie Tingyue raised her eyebrows slightly: "Isn't he still dealing with me? I was too busy making money before, but now I have a lot of money and I have time to confuse others to do things. I must have time to move."

Chu Mu laughed: "You want to give him a suit."

"I didn't talk about a sale with the Xiao family? Let them help to put a word out, not about silk, but about dyeing grass. I begged them to buy it on their behalf, afterwards," Xie Tingyue smiled and said, "Let the Xiao family do things 'Always accidentally take a slow step', Yan Hong must not actively buy all these dyed grasses into the bag. Can I make a big pit? "

Lu Li instantly realized: "But what you really lack is not dyed grass, but mulberry silk. Let Yan Hong pay a lot of money to buy these things, and finally he can't sell them in his hands and lose him!"

Xie Tingyue frowned and smiled brightly: "Yes."

When he had a holiday in Beijing before, he had this plan in his mind, and some preparations were also going on in private. Now everything is going well, and with the addition of the Xiao family friend, it will naturally come to pass. It is a good time to close the net!

"The best thing to do is to ask King Li." Chu Mu whispered.

Xie Tingyue and Lu Centrifuge were able to understand, and they both understood the meaning of this remark. After all, Yan Hong ... there is an older sister or younger sister, who is doing maggots at Li Wang's Mansion. A big event, let's just say something back.

You can also ask directly, without the hint of turning.

King Li has been in the most prosperous urban area these days, protected by the government, and has not encountered any assassinations. He is in a good mood. He is confused when he hears the question: "This ... you have to engage in Yan Hong, what is the matter of Wang ? "

Lu Li coughed and looked around, his voice lowered: "I heard that the rich merchant named Yan had a sister in the royal palace ..."

"Last name Yan?" King Li thought for a long time before thinking of a person. "I have a house that looks like the last name Yan-no, this surname Yan came outside with the name of his own king? Who is he? The Yan family is also not very virtuous. In the past two years, the king hasn't seen her so much, how dare he harass the moth outside? "

King Li is very angry and solemnly looks at Lu Li: "Master Lu can only do things fairly. My king is the most annoyed by this kind of fly camp, so he must be punished severely!"

Lu Li is very satisfied, elegant and respectful: "Wang Yeying, Xiaguan will handle it impartially!"

Of course, Xie Tingyue and the Xiao family had no problem discussing it, Xiao Yunfeng agreed.

Hang Qingyi seemed to hate a businessman like Yan Hong in particular, and was very firm in his attitude: "I think Xie Gongzi is still too kind. How can this be enough? It is only good for the surname Yan to lose his home!"

She made a secret decision under her heart, and must be careful to add a few firewood to make the fire more powerful.

The news of the Xiao family's quiet acquisition of dyed grass spread smoothly. It was delivered to Yan Hong's ears along with where and how much.

Yan Hong didn't know it was a pit. He thought he had the enemy's first chance. This time he won it, and he was decisive.

Yan Hong began to appear everywhere, buying Dan Cao one step ahead of schedule.

Hang Qingyu began bidding.

Dyeing herbs is not something expensive, but things are not afraid of being good. They are afraid of grabbing. If someone robs, the relationship between supply and demand will change, and the price will naturally rise.

Yan Hong encountered Hang Qingyu in various places. The two sides were very powerful. The more powerful, the more real. This proves that the grass dyeing market is so large. Xie Tingyue must have so much!

Not only did Hang Qingyu work alone, he also pulled Xie Tingyue and asked him to perform. No matter how good it is, entrusting things to the snake, you can't do nothing by yourself?

Xie Tingyue was bitter and bitter, and went around.

Yan Hong, who had "random encounters" a few times, had to pretend not to know anything. He stepped forward and greeted him, "What kind of fortune is Boss Yan? It looks a bit grassy ..."

Yan Hong is most wary of him now. The timing is still immature. Of course, he can't let the other party see his hole cards, and laugh and play haha: "It's just some herbs, and it won't make a fortune."

Xie Tingyue frowned: "Herbs? Why do I look a little like the dyeing grass my family uses ..."

Yan Hong: "Absolutely not, Xie Gongzi turned off!"

As he spoke, he was also able to command the treasurer with his hands behind him. The treasurer was clever, and quietly entered the shop to find a herb. He pretended to be taken out of the container: "Xie Gongzi, look, it's just the herb."

Xie Tingyue looked really disappointed: "... Oh, it turned out to be a herb, but it was chaotic because I cared."

Dodge once and hide twice, Xie Tingyue's harvest is not good, his face is getting more and more distressed, and Yan Hong is getting more and more proud. He still has a wealth of money and a high level of skill. Although how much money has been spent, as long as he monopolizes the inventory of dyed grass and lets Xie Tingyue beg him, what price will Xie Tingyue have to give?

When he was so proud, he also pretended to be concerned: "What's wrong with Xie Gong recently? If you have any worries, why not talk about it, maybe I can help you?"

Xie Tingyue's expression was stiff, she stopped talking, and finally quit: "No, nothing, hehe."

Yan Hong was so proud to be able to bloom flowers, anxious to laugh on her hips, when you begged me!

This drama is the same. One person sings too monotonously, two people sing easily and can be seen through. Three people and four people are drawn into the water. .

Xie Tingyue didn't have to be careful at all. Xie Tingyue was full of confidence. All kinds of brain make up for victory in the future. Xie Tingyue begged him in various ways.

Not only will you be able to earn a little harder, but you will also be able to win the beautiful girl, how fast your life will be!

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