MTL - Bastard Male Wife-Chapter 58 Coup

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Two different groups of people, two different directions of killings, involved everyone in it, and people couldn't help it.

Chu Mu put his fingertips on the back of his chair and groaned: "Is there any place where I can use these two things?"

The room was very quiet, everyone was thinking, Xie Tingyue's direction was the same as Chu Mu: "I can find it, I want to fight on both sides, let them get together, shall we not be relaxed?"

"It's easy to say, but it's hard to do. I don't know both sides, how to fight? Pray for their tacit operation, hit the same time, or contact each other first, introduce yourself, and make an appointment?" Li Wang held the tea cup, frowning and worries. "Even if the gangster had the heart, the enemies across from me might not succeed, and the group was unique!"

Hang Qingyu's problem restraint has converged again: "I don't know who the enemy is ..."

King Li was even more worried: "I want to know it's easy to do! My God, I just go out for a whim, how can I know that such an unlucky thing will happen!"

Without asking anything, it didn't seem that Hang Qingyu looked at his husband.

Xiao Yunfeng held his wife's hand, did not speak, but thoughtfully.

I don't know either side, there is no way to reach an agreed alliance ...

Chu Mu's lips were slightly raised, and it seemed to think of something. Looking to Xie Tingyue: "If you don't know, you can't necessarily make an appointment."

Xie Tingyue had a good understanding with him. He knew what the other party was thinking right now, his eyes narrowed, and he smiled like a sly little fox: "Yes, they don't make an appointment, we can hurry."

King Li was still confused, Xiao Yunfeng didn't say anything, and Hang Qingyu responded very quickly: "Xie Gongzi means--we create opportunities for them?"

"You can say that." Xie Tingyue explained with a smile. "The gangsters came to harass, to find the owner Xiao's stubble and even hurt others are the second most important thing. Their main purpose is the opportunity in your hands, the things in my hands . "

The private salt matter was not good enough, Xie Tingyue didn't say it clearly, but Chu Mu Xiao Yunfeng and Hang Qingyu all understood it. King Li did not understand and did not pay attention. The people around the imperial power were used to things that had nothing to do with him and would not ask questions blindly. And the private grievances of these small villages, ask what to do?

Xie Tingyue: "I threw this thing out, guess if they would grab it?"

"Certainly grab it!"

Hang Qingsong understands that this group of people's obsession with salt matters. When there is no shadow, they can make many tricks. This is hopeful. How can they not be desperate?

"As for the supreme driving--" Chu Mu proceeded to speak at the King of Ceremony, "Although we haven't known each other and the information is limited, I always think you have what those people want, otherwise the outcome of the previous crisis will not be It may be so. "

King Li Khan was coming down: "But I don't know!"

Chu Mu smiled: "It doesn't matter if you don't know, they think you know."

King Li really doubted: "This can also lie?"

"As it is physical, it has shape and size. We are well prepared, and they are fooled. Then-"

Chu Mu talked and looked at Xie Tingyue, the two looked at each other and smiled, their eyes were exactly the same.

Xiao Yunfeng groaned: "There are things on both sides we want, we only give one and show the news separately, so that both sides think they want what they want, and the two sides will compete."

Xie Tingyue nodded plainly: "Yes, that's it."

On both sides of the bar, the bandit leader must not be able to beat the wild road. He was pressed to clean up, he will be afraid, he will run away, and he will not dare to make a comeback for a short while. This will have enough time for Xiao Yunfeng to finish his work. It's also convenient.

The other one who has dialed it is by no means simple to win, and will definitely think about why. This thinking has a big dimension. I would like to know the origin of the gangsters. What do I really want to grab? Is he playing an opponent or □□ When you think about it, you will be more cautious. If you do n’t start casually, you will have time to allow them to adjust their arrangements.

But there is also a disadvantage.

Chu Mu looked at King Li: "If you can drag it for a while, you can't drag it forever. These people want to understand. I'm afraid they will chase the driver and try to be wrong."

King Li sighed: "Is there any way, I can only continue to carry it hard! In fact, I only want to survive these days, the weather is too bad, my guards can't find it, as long as these days pass, the guards look for Come, I will still be afraid of them? Willing to chase after them, have the ability to kill me! "

Xie Tingyue: "How did the guards disperse? Do we need to help us with some signals to guide them over?"

"It's not the breaking weather! Suddenly, the wind and rain suddenly opened the eyes, and the enemies were close. But if we were familiar with the nearby roads, we would be able to escape, but there was nothing we could do. I, the more scattered the more, I finally slipped and fell, and rushed out half a mountainside, and lost with everyone-"Li Wang waved old-fashioned," It doesn't matter, no signal, my group The guards are raised in small homes. They are very familiar with me, and I will be able to find them soon, so long as the rain is not so irritating! "

Talking about the ceremony, King Li looked outside and saw that the rain was still there. It was so loud and even more worried: "I just don't know when the rain will stop ... It's a bother for everyone. Your thoughts are pretty good. OK, when did you start? "

"When the rain will stop."

"When the rain will stop."

Xie Tingyue and Chu Mu spoke in unison, and answered neatly and neatly.

King Li stunned, but Xiao Yunfeng immediately understood: "This time point is the most sensitive, others are easy to start, and we are more likely to get out of trouble."

Hang Qinghuan: "But when does this rain stop?"

This is a big problem. One day or two is fine. If it goes on for ten days and a half months, will they follow suit?

Others don't know this, but Xie Tingyue and Chu Mu know it.

It was a certain accident that the heavy rain appeared. No one expected that it would cause a natural disaster, but it lasted for a short time, and it was very simple after it stopped. It would not be a blessing.

Xie Tingyue: "This spring rain will never last forever, just within five days. If there is no sign of stopping, then we must also take action."

Chu Mu nodded: "Now the rain has become a disaster. If it lasts for a long time and there are disasters everywhere, even if we want to calculate, others will not be able to fight. Up to five days, we start as planned. If the rain does not stop, the disaster will increase Big, there will be government relief, and you won't be afraid then. "

Instantly, the room was quiet and everyone agreed on the plan and time.

Li Lidu worry about one thing alone: ​​"They are transparent and understand each other, but I do n’t know what they want. The people who chase me want something big or small, what shape I am. I don't know! If the other person wanted a large pastel vase, but I took a piece of jade pendant, wouldn't it be dismantled immediately? "

The size is different, the packaging is different, and people are not blind. Will you understand if you release it?

Chu Mu laughed: "Zun Jia came here alone, did he carry a large pastel vase?"

King Li stunned: "... right."

What can he bring with him? It must be a small piece!

"It's not right. What can I take with me if I escape? Maybe I want to grab me and let me take them to take home stuff ..."

Chu Mu said: "It's a good thing, we're going to prepare a small car, and it can be big or small."

If this still fails to lie, they can only blame them for being unlucky and unlucky.

"Come on, let's discuss the details ..."

The rain curtain outside the window is like a waterfall, the candle shadow in the house is shaking slightly, five people sit around the table, lean forward, and whisper.


In the blink of an eye, four days passed.

At the last moment of the five-day period, the rain decreased, and slowly, there were signs of stopping. It was getting cold and the wind was not so cold.

King Li had all kinds of worries before, and now he is more energetic than anyone: "OK, we can start!"

Hang Qingyi immediately started making arrangements. Xie Tingri and Chu Mu checked the gaps at the side and timely reminded that Xiao Yunfeng was already a soldier and rushed to the front.

The hands-on day is today, and all kinds of leaks and leaks will be done before.

The wind and rain are heavy, and the terrain is difficult to live. It is difficult to live in others, and it is difficult to live in the Xiao family. The ancestors lived here. They are very familiar with the terrain. The young people are bloody, full of energy, and have good bones and bones. It is not a problem to go back and forth. Xiao Yunfeng picked out some clever outside circles and the news was released.

Everything is ready, a few Xiao family members, the strong young man carried a slider out.

Traveling on flat land is too tiring, people will take a sedan chair, a horse-drawn carriage, and only use a sliding rod on the mountain road. But this time the slider is not the same. It is not just a bamboo chair with a bamboo curtain gauze on it, which wraps up an independent space, which separates people's sight and is somewhat high-end.

The rain is about to stop, and the road is still not very good, but the boys are fast, and they have traveled for half an hour, far away from the mountain.

It was quiet around.

The gangster was lying in the grass, sulking his face and not daring to move, his eyes were excited: "Really? Is that thing really inside?"

"It's true! The youngest asked for the truth, and said that Xiao Yunfeng was worried about losing it during the transfer, so he just sent it out and hit the west, thinking we couldn't guess—"

"Well? You see, those people carried it so easily and their footprints were very shallow. There weren't any people sitting in that slider, it must be right!"

The gangsters were immediately excited, flexing their muscles and preparing for action.

After taking a few more steps, the young man who raised the slider spoke: "I said there were a few brothers, they stopped and stopped."

"what happened?"

"I drank too much tea before I came out, and urinate. How many brothers should we rest together?"

"Not tired, take a break--"

"What about urinating? Anyway, it takes a long time to urinate sooner or later, and we will urinate sooner or later. Let's come together and stop walking later."


A few people have discussed, put down the slider, turned around and walked towards the roadside tree.

The gangsters' eyes suddenly light up, chance!

Do not move when this time moves!


The gangsters jumped out immediately.

The **** scares of several savvy lads turned back: "What's going on?"

When I saw others rushing forward aggressively, holding a sword, his face was not good, and the number was quite large. How dare the young men carry it? Immediately rushed to the mountain.

What the gangsters want is that things are not human lives. Others cooperate so wisely and cannot chase them.

The Xiao family lads did not fall, they ran fast, and none were injured.

The gangsters thought that they were lucky, and when they got caught, they didn't expect the mantis to catch the cicada. The yellow bird was behind, "咻 ——" A feather arrow came straight into the air and shot directly in front of their toes. The threat was obvious.

Whenever you dare to step closer, you must shoot!

Damn it!

The gangsters all looked up to find the target, their eyes were savage.

Who are they? Knife licking **** rivers and lakes! It's so hard to get to this day, even the boss's life was caught up, and the salt deed was right in front of him, and it was immediately successful. Someone came to pick the fruit?

Thinking beauty!

That's all their future and hope!

The gangsters will not give up easily.

Can there be more trained organizers, more precise movements, clearer goals, and not want to fight? Accompany naturally!

Hitting on both sides is the scene of the smoke of battle, you die.

When the news came back to the top of the mountain, Xie Tingyue was relieved: "It's done!"

Chu Mu smiled: "Well."

King Li is so happy, his fist is in the palm of his hand: "Success! Great!"

Hang Qinghuan was a little worried about her husband in the forefront. Fortunately, when the boys returned, she said that the owner didn't come forward, and only looked away, she was relieved.

With more and more news coming back, the scenes of crossfire on both sides became more and more exciting.

"The owner asked Xiao to return, and both sides completely fell into the pit, and his eyes were red!"

"The bandits took the lead because of their proximity!"

"There are more and harder people on the opposite side. The bandits are unbearable and back off!"

"The bandits fight back, just not letting the other party wish!"

"A lot of people died!"


Xie Tingyue and Chu Mu steadily sat on the Diaoyutai and became more and more relaxed. Li Wangxi held a tea cup around the house to turn around, and Hangzhou Qingyu became more and more relieved.

The two parties 'actions were as planned at the beginning, and in the end, the results did not exceed Xie Tingyue and others' expectations.

The slider has been 'dismembered', all the trivial things have been turned over, and both sides have retreated. The gangsters suffered heavy casualties and fled with their tails. The opposition organization did not stay long, and the organization quickly retreated.

Xiao Yunfeng returned: "I followed my post for a while and followed it up. They all retreated very far. It seems to be a few days away."

King Li cried, "So are we safe for now?"

Xiao Yunfeng nodded surely: "Yes, at least for a few days, neither side will move."

"That's great," Hang Qingzhang said, "we should arrange to go down the mountain to clean up."

The weather was really good. As soon as the rain stopped, the sun was about to come out, and the house under the mountain didn't know what was going on. We had to arrange for people to clean up, and then lead the old, weak women and children together to go home.

Xiao Yunfeng looked at his wife with a gentle look: "Okay, you can arrange it."

King Li has already looked out, looking forward to his guard.

Xie Tingyue and Chu Mu sat firmly and showed no sign of movement. Their main purpose this time was the Xiao family, and the rain stopped, so it was better to move with the Xiao family.

Who knew the surprise was more than that, Luli sent someone over. He sent a confidant, and Xie Tingyue and Chu Mu recognized it.

The long-satisfied man saluted and told the master and his son one by one.

The heavy rain caused disasters. The floods around Qingxian County were severe. Luli was too busy to beat his head. He was very worried about them and sent people to look for it. He finally noticed the mountain. Knowing that they have had a hard time, Changjiu just kicked his feet, and the follow-up food and medicine, including her husband, arrived soon. Ask them to help calm the people. Do n’t panic, have a lot of illnesses, and if you have time, you ’ll be away. Will come over.

Chu Mu laughed: "Your grown-up has arranged for us a great deal!"

Xie Tingyue understands that the heavy rain is ruthless, and people are unavoidable. However, Xiao Yunfeng and Hang Qingyun are capable, and they have led the Xiao family very well. Even if everyone works hard, their mental appearance is good, their attitudes are positive, and panic or whatever, No need to soothe.

As soon as I spoke here, King Li came over and said goodbye, saying that it was the guard.

In this case, everyone is not good to stay, and bid farewell to the ceremony king.


The people around were busy, but the front of the corridor was quiet.

Xie Tingyue exhaled a long breath: "It should be all right now?"

Chu Mu didn't speak, she took her hand and left.

Xie Tingyue was confused: "What's wrong?"

"Someone is watching you over there."

Chu Mu pursed her lips, the boss was unhappy.

Xie Tingyue turned around and didn't see who was watching him at all, maybe others just scanned his eyes casually?

Was Chu Mu scared because she was so scared that she saw a snake when she saw Cao Sheng?

This is not good.

"What's the matter? Why are you afraid to see others in broad daylight?" Xie Tingyue said carefully. "As long as we are outside, will we be seen by others."

Chu Mu wrapped his hands around, grabbing his waist, possessing full meaning: "Some people just can't do it, I have to let them know that you are mine and you can't just look at it."

Very determined.

Xie Tingyue: ...

The life crisis is over, the natural disaster is over, and everything is proceeding in an orderly way. It is rare to truly relax.

Relax and let your head go empty, thinking a little bit more.

Xie Tingyue always felt that ... it seemed that somewhere was neglected.

That night, while Chu Mu was asleep, he got up quietly and went out in a cloak.

The night breeze was very cold and still bearable. When I walked into the open space, I felt that the sky was high and the stars were beautiful.

Xie Tingyue sat on the big stone leisurely and slowly sorted out her thoughts.

The heavy rain is ahead of schedule, but fortunately, the momentum is also very fast. The disaster is not serious. The things he prepared will definitely come in handy. The previous plan was sufficient. Even if he was not present and did not give instructions, the people knew what to do.

Hang Qinghuan and Xiao Yunfeng cleaned up and down the mountain together, and made a personal statement. The two matters will be discussed later, especially business, and the house will be cleaned up as soon as possible. He and Chu Mu will be invited as guests.

The exchanges on both sides went smoothly.

The ambiguous things on the deed have been understood, and private salt trading must not be done anymore. Naturally, this 'owed account' cannot be recovered. Even if it is a black business, there is a reward to be paid. He is not as big as Sun's face, he has not done anything, and dare to say that others owe her account.

To understand is to understand, how to deal with this time, we must think carefully.

Private salt trading ca n’t be done, but silk is OK. Qingxian is the main place for sericulture. This time when the natural disaster struck, Xiao Yunfeng also did a good job of transferring. Although it was damaged, more was left. The output will not be in the future. less. This year, silk will definitely rise in price. He bought it at the market price to ensure Xiao Yunfeng's profit. With this friendship, it will not be a problem.

This year's Lanyingbu market is definitely stable!

And ... Chu Mu.

This trip is very good, no illness, and crisis management is smart enough and very powerful. But there is a problem. Before the atmosphere was tense, Xie Tingyue didn't expect it, but now he can't ignore it.

In the short time that he met Li Wang, Chu Mu clearly guessed the purpose of the other party's organization. Is this really a word of wisdom? Does Chu Mu have any knowledge of the organization ...?

When this problem comes up, another problem cannot be suppressed.

Is that organization very dangerous, is there any special connection with Chu Mu? Chu Mu did not mention anything to him. After getting along for a long time, he also has some understanding of Chu Mu. If it is an ordinary little thing, even if it is a big danger in the eyes of others, Chu Mu will not say that Chu Mu believes in himself and believes in him.

Having said this, he wouldn't care about it. Without saying ... it must be very special, very dangerous and dangerous.

It is impossible for him to tell others casually about his rebirth experience, but think about it carefully, every node that should be taken care of is Chu Mu. Is it all a coincidence?

Or was Chu Mu embroiled in right and wrong, having to consider so much and pay attention to so much?

There are so many questions, but there is only one answer, and the other party is not yet cooperative.

Xie Tingyue looked at the starry sky and sighed quietly.

When Zhengjue was cold and cold, when he wanted to go back, a familiar figure appeared in his vision.

He was sitting too high, and his vision was too good. There was a clear view of everything underneath, and he sat quietly without making any noise. No one noticed, but he recognized who it was with one glance.

Chu Mu and Qin Ping.

In front of Chu Mu, another man was kneeling.

This man leaped with great merits and was very respectful to Chu Mu. Xie Tingyue could not hear what he said, but saw him holding a stack of papers in his hands and handed Chu Mu.

Chu Mu looked down.

Xie Tingyue suddenly remembered the secret room in his study.

Chu Mu ... What are you doing?

This person seems to have a high level of martial arts, so Chu Mu is not the only one around him. Qin Ping, who is capable of martial arts, is there anyone else?

But when did this person come? Or is it not far away? So many crises before that, did he know, what instructions did Chu Mu give him?

Xie Tingyue frowned, not even the pillow man accompanying him day and night did not find this person, or these people hid deeply, and was very careful. Chu Mu is so taboo, who really want to avoid? Secretly planning?

The more I think about it, the more mysterious Chu Mu feels. Some positive things are doubted now.

Xie Tingyue licked her lips.

The last time I saw the study's back room, he avoided it. It was a subconscious action and the result of thinking. He didn't think that Chu Mu would be willing to let him know about it. He should not bother, or deeper, he was afraid of being trapped with Chu Mu Deeper.

But this time, he felt a little bit out of the way.

He suddenly found out that he could not accept the fact that he was too far away from Chu Mu and the two did not care about each other.

Then he moved.

He kicked a stone and made a sound.

Qin Ping and the kneeling man both found them, and immediately turned to look at them. Both turned their heads. Chu Mu naturally turned his head and saw Xie Tingyue far away.

Both were a little panicked, but Chu Mu waved his hands lightly, let the kneeling person step down, and asked Qin Ping to push him to Xie Tingyue.

"It's so late, why can't the lady rest and sit here?"

Xie Tingyue looked at him calmly: "What about you? You didn't mean to stay with me for an instant, why did you pretend to fall asleep and lie to me and sneak here?"

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