MTL - Banished to Another World-Chapter 656 Extra seven

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Original ice found that the guys on these two days were a bit odd.

Look, come again!

The man slammed the beast back and no longer immediately threw it in front of him as usual, but hid not far away to sneak up on him.

Yes, I am secretly watching him!

The branch that had just sprouted in spring failed to block his unshaven face. The man hid behind the branch and only showed a pair of eyes staring at him.

The eye was a little confused and it was like examining him.

The original ice often ignored him, sitting on the ground and grinding the leather rope with stones. After the grass rope broke him several times, he upgraded to a leather rope.

They are now in the nest of a beast, and of course the beast has been killed by the madness, and they were eaten by them yesterday. Because the beast has just died, this nest and nearby are safe in a short time.

Nowadays, every time he needs to go out for a long time, he will find such a beast's lair or simply grab the beast to come back to help him to look after his family, and he will be left in the "home".

Seeing that he was going to break the leather rope, the man finally came out of the bush.

The spotted deer caught was thrown aside, and the man grabbed his wrist and raised it.

The original ice turned upside down, his expression was indifferent, and there was no extra emotion in his eyes.

"Run again, interrupt... your legs."

Fuck! This madman finally remembers how to say it? There was a hint of surprise in the original ice eye.

The man bent over and picked him up, and he ignored the dinner on the ground, holding him through the trees and heading for the nearby spring.

The beast is nesting here because it has a spring eye. The spring water from the ground forms a very shallow otter. The water flows down the rot under the rot. Maybe it will take a long time to form a Natural swamp, but for now, it is a livable place.

"Hey!" The original ice slammed his legs and picked up a splash of water.

The spring water is extremely cool and extremely cool.

The guy didn't feel so much, so he soaked his legs into the spring water.

The man grabbed his ankle, and he pulled him to the water.

Original ice didn't want to talk to him. At this time, he had to speak: "Do you want to freeze me?"

Nowadays, many of the original people have learned a lot of strange words with their priests. Everyone does not delve into the meaning and feels interesting.

"Wash. Stinky."

"...Do you dare to stink me?" The original ice was anxiously laughing. "Why don't you look at yourself? Dirty is worse than the wild boar living in your own pile!"

"Wild pig?"

"That's why, why aren't your tribes raised? I thought we had something good about Jiuyuan, and you all rushed to learn! I didn't expect to be left by you." The original ice was cold and full of sarcasm. .

He did not say anything, grabbed his feet, took the spring water and gave him the thick mud and blood on his face, and began to wash his legs.

The original ice was cold and the muscles were tight, and several times I wanted to recapture my legs and feet.

The dirt was removed and the original appearance of the two legs slowly emerged.

The thighs and calves are fine, but there are many scars on the ankles and the soles of the feet. The left thumb has a blackish color, and the nails are **** when pressed.

This is all the case, and this person has not even called out.

The man gently pinched the slightly floating nail and pulled it out.

"Ah!" Unexpectedly, the original ice hurts.

The black blood dripped into the spring water, but it fainted a small pink water circle.

After the torture of my nails was pulled out for a few days, the original ice was relieved, and it was even more uncomfortable to see the crazy chief.

If it wasn’t for the other party’s glory, he would throw his shoes and socks, including the storage bones, and he would use two bare feet to trek in the deep forest. A few days ago, he finally broke the ropes, eager to escape and did not pay attention to the hidden stones and dark pits under the deep rot leaves. As a result, he kicked a piece of stone buried deep in the soil and hurt him on the spot. Almost stumbled. Later, I managed to escape. I didn’t run a few steps and stepped into a pit. I almost didn’t break my calf!

The man looked up at him and touched his leg. It seemed to calm him.

After a while, after all the blood was removed, the man grabbed a small parcel wrapped in large leaves from the belt of the leather skirt.

Open the parcel, which is the kind of mud that has treated his joints.

But this time the man didn't apply the mud to his wounds. Instead, he picked out a few fresh plant leaves and put them in his mouth to chew, chew, spit it out, wipe it on his wound, and then Carefully smear with the mud.

"I need shoes." The original ice tried to convince the other party again.

The man picked him up.

"Hey! I said I need shoes!"


From this day on, the relationship between the two has changed a little.

At least the original ice felt that he could finally do some simple communication with the other party, instead of doing what he wanted to do, no matter what he said at the beginning.

Slowly, he had shoes, leggings instead of pants and socks, and a rough bow and arrow as a weapon.

But there is only one thing, how can the person refuse to promise him.

This night, the original ice hands clasped the roots of the head, gasping in the mouth, and the body twitched.

The man refused to let him go until this time, but he was more excited to collide in his body.

In the original ice eye, the tears of rationality were forced to be born, the body jerked high, and the inside tightened the person tightly.

The man excites the beast that is extremely excited, and the speed of the waist is almost incredible.

The original ice could not help but shout.

... for a long time, everything finally subsided.

The man was heavily pressed against his body, and his hands were imaginary around him.

A warm gasp spit in his ear, soaking his ears.

The original ice twisted his head, and the man suddenly opened his mouth and bit his ear, and then released.



"My." More certain.

"Go to hell!"

"Dead, it's mine too."

The original ice brother is mad!

"Let's talk." The original ice tried to suppress the anger. "How much do you think now? Do you remember who you are?"

“Special, the chief of the Dingyi tribe.”

The original ice was quiet, and then roared: "You and his mother are all thinking of it! Very good,"

When the words were not finished, he listened to the person who was pressing on him and said, "I told you, the original ice of Jiuyuan."

The original ice was stunned and suddenly disappointed. "So, in addition to re-remembering what you said, the rest still didn't think of anything?"

The man came down from him, lying on his side, and looking at the roots of his head with him - they rested in a hole in the ground tonight, a very dry, safe environment.

"Is it important to remember these?"

"Of course it is important."


Oh, your mother! "You are a tribal chief, or a very large tribe. If you are missing, your tribe will definitely be chaotic. You are not afraid that your enemies will take the opportunity to attack you?"

"No one can take my things away."

"Hey." The original ice disdain.

The man thought about it and changed his mouth: "If I am taken away, I will grab it again."

"You don't want to go back, it's your business, but I want to go back."

"You don't want to kill me?"

"When I go back to save my strength and find a helper, you wash your neck and wait."

Then, how silly will I let you go back? It was crazy but not stupid. He patted the people around him and turned him over regardless of the other side's struggle. He rode again.

After nearly a quarter of getting along, he has found that his prey only needs to give him free time, he will try every means to think how to escape and kill him, want him to obey, want him to be jealous, there are only two ways, one It is the inability to struggle with the other party, and the other is to make the other party have no strength, and he prefers the latter.

Original ice wants to refuse, but the more he refuses, the more the other party is doing, and this is no better than where you are.

If he is honest, then the person will be gentle, at least let him feel a little faster / feel, rather than the whole process is like a beggar.

There were a few slaves in the original ice. There were a lot of experiences in this area. Sometimes he couldn’t help but think: If he used to be gentle on those slaves, he would only vent his desires and hopes. Really **** is a bastard!

About half a month later, the original ice looked at the fading mountain forest and asked the man who locked him with a metal chain: "Where are you going to take me?"

"Ding Wei."

The original ice closed his eyes, the answer was not as he expected. As early as the day when the other party could use metal to become a chain, he would have foreseen that 90% of this person might return to his tribe.

"Let me. Take me back to Ding Yi and I have no benefit to you."

The special answer is very simple: "No."

The original hail frowned. He imagined the possibility that he was brought back to Dingyi. First, if the power of Ding Dian Wu is not weaker than others, as long as the other party is not stupid, then he should take him as a hostage and exchange some things with Jiuyuan. Even if you don't want to be awkward, you can't do it.

But this situation is the last thing he wants to see, even if it allows him to go back to Jiuyuan safely. As long as he thinks that he is being exchanged as a hostage, all the upper layers will know about it, and the original ice feels that he can no longer stay in Jiyuan.

There is also a second possibility. It is said that the great singer of Ding Yu is very hateful of the Jiuyuan people, so the other party may use his head to sacrifice their former chieftain.

If you are killed in this way, then there is nothing to say, anyway, the sternness and the original battle will definitely avenge him. Ding Yi does not want to hold this thing for too long.

In addition to these two possibilities, there is a third one, that is, this mad chief is not willing to use him as a hostage exchange benefit, nor will he kill him, but will leave him in the trip until he Get tired or completely restore your memory. Even if the other party does a little, it is possible to abolish him as a slave of a special function.

If this is the third possibility, the original ice feels that even if it is strict and the original war will destroy the whole tripod in the future, and cut the special slash into pieces, he will die!

So before he arrived in Dingyi City, he now has only two roads left: either to escape or to commit suicide.

Original ice couldn't help but think, what would happen if they changed their silent witch to encounter such a thing?

First of all, that person will definitely not choose to commit suicide. Secondly, the man will try to survive, even at the expense of the great, just like the small slaves of the Yanshan people who fought the original war. In the end, either conquering the shackles or killing the shackles, maybe the Dingyi tribe will be turned upside down, and the dynasty will change into Jiuyuan.

Original Ice also knows that if he wants to live, if he wants to get more benefits and revenge, the face and self-esteem must be placed under the buttocks. It is not a good idea to do the right thing to control him.

However, I have said a word: Jiangshan is difficult to change. To make him want to sell his enemies, it is harder than letting him commit suicide!

I can do it by verb, I can try it... no! He just wants to kill the bastard!

The original ice is very eager to see a moment at the moment. He wants to ask him, how did he finally solve himself in the end?


The original war was reluctant to leave the sternness, and it was hard to follow. The name of the squad was "to inspect the territory and establish diplomatic relations with his territory."

The two and the nine winds together for a long time, they all the way to inquire about a variety of animal insect plants, from the place where there is smoke to the deep forest and old forest, and from the mountains to the tripod.

The only comfort is that according to the feedback from animals and plants, the original ice should still be alive, and live a good job, that is... cough, the wild man who catches him seems to be sexual/excessive, sometimes The original ice was not able to walk even if it could not be done. The residents in the mountains are also quite gossip. They can even describe the length and posture of the two people, which is described by a gorgeous snake with a ring-shaped scar. It is the most vivid and vivid, and it is said that it has been seen several times.

"You humans can always send emotions anytime and anywhere! The male who is particularly cruel to the snake has bullied another one very badly. The other is often bullied and crying loudly. Many households in the forest have heard it, and pity."

"Yeah, the weaker man has escaped many times. Every time he gets back, he will be miserable, and his **** will be swollen!" Several snakes gathered together to convey the intelligence they knew.

Strictly repeating.

The original war corner was slightly invisible and slightly opened, and the content of the strict retelling was more discounted, but he could make up his own brain.

Strictness is the same as feeling, only the original ice is distressed, and the eyebrows are wrinkled. "Do you know which direction they left after leaving the forest?"

"You want to know that the whereabouts of the two must go south along the stream. There is a great plain there, a lot of human beings, and when you go there, you ask other creatures."

"Thank you." Strictly paid the reward, made a whistle, let the nine winds take him and the original battle along the stream to the south.

Nine Winds has now established a distorted deep feeling with the original war, and finally agreed to let him sit on his back.

The original battle sat behind him and took his waist. He said nothing at all: "According to the content you retelled, the savage is probably a metal-controlled warrior, and the level is not low."

Strictly press his forehead. "Do you think the situation of the savage sounds familiar?"


Strictly meditating, suddenly asked: "Do you say that after the return, will you immediately absorb the blood stone suspected of gold energy?"

The original battle did not hesitate: "If I were him, I will."

"That's 80% possible."

"You mean that the savage is likely to be a special singer?" The words of the original war swelled slightly, and the tone was a bit pleasant to hear.

Strictly and he lived for such a long time, how could he not hear his true emotions, and now he gave him an elbow, "Don’t gloat! Think about the temper of ice, think about the identity of the savage, if the savage It’s a big deal, it’s not as simple as killing a savage who bullies the original ice!”

In the original battle, I tried to tighten my skin and put forward my conscience suggestion: "If you can't kill, then let the other party pay for it. How do you feel that you have married us to our nine originals?"

Strictly: ... I should not agree to let this animal come out with me! Look, simple things can make him complicated, not to mention that it is really not easy to think about it. I can only hope that the savage is not a special savage. If it is just an ordinary and powerful savage, then it is good to kill it. Bring back to Jiuyuan and give it to the original ice for a lifetime. How can you say it? But if that person is really special...

Suddenly grabbed his forehead, he felt that he had encountered the biggest problem since the division of Jiuyuan.

The idea of ​​the original war was completely different from that of his priests. As long as he thought of the savage who was brought together with the original ice, he was in a good mood.

I heard that the original ice was done badly? That!

I heard that the wild man was repeatedly poisoned and pushed off the cliff? That!

I heard that when the two men left the forest, the original ice was tied by a chain that looked like metal? Oh, tied up! It is best to tie them together for a lifetime!


"Ah-oh!" The original ice went well and made a big sneeze.

A hanging nose hangs under his nose.

When he turned back, he wiped it away with his hands and did not take it away. He took off the animal skin on his body and spread it on the original ice.

The original ice was not touched at all, his original underwear was warmer, and he was all thrown by this person! Let him go and find that this person is now coming back with a **** bear skin!

"Hey, do you want to tie me back to Ding?"


Ah, your mom! The original ice is also known as the cool man in the Jiuyuan. It is so bad that it is completely unsatisfactory. But others are like this. When this other person is still an enemy, it is extremely uncomfortable.

Every time he uses a word to reply to him, or directly give him an answer with an action, he can't wait to call him on the other's face, and call people to a hundred and eighty thousand miles away!

"We have already entered the border of Ding Ding?" The original ice suppressed the anger and found nothing.

Special, "Well."

The original ice was swayed by his nasal voice and rushed to the top of the brain, and walked for a while.

In the evening, when I was fed, I was crushed on the bearskin and I was made to do it. When I was half done, I suddenly reacted: No! Didn't this guy have lost his memory, so how did he know that they had entered the border?

The author has something to say: Modify the bug


Strive for the next chapter to have a result~

No. 15-18 will go out to attend a conference, and will read the comments on the way, but I am not sure if there is time to write it. You can pick up the squad, the content has exceeded the magazine serial~~

Thank you for your friends' nutrients and mines ^^

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