MTL - Banished to Another World-Chapter 617

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A team of people entered the market, and the original bustling market suddenly became inexplicable.

Not completely quiet, there are still people talking and making deals, but the ten-degree noise has dropped to three degrees, and the difference is too big and natural, attracting attention.

The team wearing the armored soldiers separated in twos and threes, began to choose to find some people trouble, and screamed, the entire market was quickly stunned.

Both the original war and the Yan Ran were doing their own things just as they did not see this excitement.

A vulture, a look, two small rolling into a ball, this small corner in the lively market is a special warm view.

And this special silence also attracts the attention of some people.

"Brother, is it not easy?"

A group of people stopped in front of the stall. The questioning was a young man wearing a animal skin coat, half-length hair, and casually leaning behind his head with a leather cord. He did not look at the goods on the stall, but he greeted the sweep first. The main family.

The tall man who embraced his lover, backed by a big mound, and looked relaxed and relaxed, looked up and looked at the young people who were about the same family. He replied casually: "It's okay."

The young man with his swaying head shook his head and apparently did not believe it. Hey, this family, the main man responsible for the work at home is so poor that even the double-shoes can not afford to buy, just a pair of big feet. The most pitiful thing is that although the temperature in Wucheng is high during the day, the temperature in the evening is not much worse than the winter in the north. This family, no matter how big or small, is a cloth that does not know what it is, and there is no fur that can be passed away. .

Oh, actually, there are a lot of square fur sitting on the cushion under the buttocks, but this cut fur is obviously made of pieces of scrap, otherwise there is such a large piece of complete fur?

Speaking of it, the texture of the fur looks good. Moreover, although the two little dolls of this family are bare-headed, they are much more delicate than the average child, that is, the children of some high-ranking blood-blooded warriors do not grow well.

Look at the big belly sitting in the arms of my man... woman? That is a woman, it looks like a man, and even the hair is cut short. He has seen too many women who are less like women than this big belly, this is already a good one, and that It doesn't look like a rough woman from a poor tribe. The face doesn't look so good, the skeleton is big, but the skin is much finer.

Maybe which mid-town warrior is out of the middle city? A little bit of connotation, but a long journey to Wucheng, but did not find the master of the trust, can only become the seller's financial day, not the bottom, but it is not much better.

The squatting youth gave this family a rating. I didn’t want to buy anything. The front was noisy, but I hesitated for a while or fell down.

His friend is very helpless. The young man who looks sloppy and barbaric is actually a very soft-hearted and enthusiastic person. He can see a big-bellied woman with several children coming out to set up a stall. He will certainly not want to take care of some.

But is this really a pregnant woman? How do you look more like a man with a fat belly?

Several young people looked at each other and doubted the judgment of their companions, but they saw that the other person was kneeling down, and they did not rush to pull him away. Anyway, they all came out to go shopping, so let's take a look. As for the Wucheng soldiers who are tossing, they are not afraid of them.

Besides, this family looks clean and the goods are neat and clean. It is much better than most stinking stalls. Maybe you can find something good?

So several people squatted in front of this small booth and covered the stalls tightly.

There are not many goods, they are placed on a piece of linen. Even if the table is not up, it will be laid directly on the ground.

"This is the dwarf's paper and pen? Wow! Do you still have bones to sell?" The young people who know the goods whispered out loud.

"Yeah." Slightly smile, sitting in the arms of the original battle, sketching the last line of the latest tossed creature witch.

The young man who heard his voice slammed his head up. "You are not a woman?"

Strictly: What?

The youth looked more closely and carefully.

Strictly let him see, one leg and foot bent, and the other bare foot was licking the soft witch fruit baby.

Wuguo baby has been able to stop him after he has turned over and crawled in a day. The world can't stop him. He often climbs up and down on his two squats. The mouth filled his ankles with saliva. After nine times, the nine winds wanted to pick him up, and they didn't succeed.

Perhaps because of the reason of sitting down, the abdomen that is swollen is much more obvious than when standing up.

He is surrounded by children. Even if he sees some of his eyelids, even if he thinks he is a man at first sight, he will doubt that he is a big belly woman who looks like a man. Of course, most people will only I thought he was a strange fat man with a fat belly and a fat face.

The big hand of the original war covered the harsh stomach. He didn't like someone staring at his priest! Look again, burst your eyes and believe it or not!

I don’t know if the young man of the nephew feels a threat that can’t be said. Look around and embarrassedly yell at the chin. “I thought you...ha, are you a few grades? Are there people who are suitable for strength? Used?"

"Strong strength, how big?" Yan Mo came to a bit of interest.

The young man thought about it and replied: "The adult ironback dragon who can rush over the fastest speed."

"Oh? Great!" Strictly look at the goods on the stalls. "Unfortunately, I am not particularly suitable for people with great strength. There are only some ordinary swords, the highest six, the lowest three."

"Are you a bone teacher?" The young man asked, may be preoccupied, even if he knew that the strictness was not a pregnant woman, he still wanted to take care of this person's business.


"Then can you help me with one? I want an axe, be sharp..."

Hou Rong used his fastest speed to collect his own tribal goods, and immediately ran to the opposite side of the street. He quickly said to the original war and the strict two people: "Hurry to collect things, these people can not afford."

The words of the youth were interrupted, and when he heard that Hou Rong said that the soldiers could not afford it, he snorted.

"Thank you." Before waiting for the original reaction, he immediately expressed his gratitude to Hou Rong and asked, "Do you know what is going on?"

Hou Rongzheng has to answer that several soldiers have already rushed to this booth. I don’t know if it is because of the small number of people here.

The young man stood up and stood just to the side of the two children. Several of his brothers no longer pick up the goods, but all stand up and silently go aside. Although they are not afraid of the city of Wu, it is better to have less of a thing.

The original battle and the rigor also stood up, and they smiled slightly toward the youth, nodded their gratitude, and hooked their feet to hook the unscrupulous witch fruit into their arms.

The nine winds hug the tight thighs, and he wants to protect himself.

The original war wanted to take away the goods on the booth. The soldiers, like the bandits, actually took the first step to grab the goods and even spread the cloth together.

The eyes of the original war slammed into these soldiers.

The soldiers also thought that the original war was afraid of them, and they were scornful with one eye.

"The flashing and flashing are all gone! Who told you to set up the stall here? First pay the day's stall fee, then immediately pack up and give me away!" The soldiers who came to the monks were fierce and sullen, and their faces were not patient.

The leader’s mouth was not dry and swearing: “I don’t know where it’s coming out. I don’t even want to say hello to sell goods on my site. The eyes are smashed. Are you not there when you come over? Do you see this adult? Or are you all slaves who have been pulled out of their tongues, and they won’t even ask questions?"

As the leader opened, his men picked up the parcels of all the goods and left.

"Stand up!" The original face was cold. "Who are you? Where are the adults? We have already asked the head of the management market when we came, and we also paid a day's booth fee. This place is also his designation. How do you run out and say Receiving what we receive?"

"Hey! The foreigner who didn't see it, even my diatoms didn't know." The leader sneered. "You are the worms? You can't help, now the Dongcheng market has been made by Kuipa. Take over, the booth fees and the fixed positions that were previously paid are not counted!"

"Then why other people..."

"What other people? If you are not satisfied, go find your insects and sorcerers! Of course you can wait, maybe you have a good life. Tomorrow, this Dongcheng market will be your worms again, hahaha! Brothers, go ""

"I let you go?" The original war voice was not high.

"We are willing to pay the booth fee, please leave things." Strictly do things.

"Leave a fart! Look for your worms and adults to go!" The people directly tore the face, revealing that they are coming to grab things.

Is this treating them as soft persimmons? Strictly crying and laughing.

One of the soldiers who had robbed the thing had already turned around, but inadvertently saw the strict stomach. Now he turned back and said: "Hey, are you a man or a woman?"

Hearing this sentence, the other soldiers all turned and looked at the silence.

"Drink! Is this a man or a woman?"


"Which man has such a big belly? It's not like fat."

The eyes of the soldiers were puzzled, and they looked like a stern look like they couldn’t wait to immediately lick his clothes to test his gender.

If they just think about it like this, some people just want to implement it. "If you lick his clothes, you will know when you look at it." When you say it, you will go forward and drag it.

"Wow, I dare to grab our stuff! I dare to sneak in silence! Kill you!" The nine winds opened their mouths.

"Hey!" A soldier flew out.

It turned out that the original battle has already been shot.

The speed of the nine winds is not slow, and the wind blade that spit out directly scratches the faces of several soldiers. He is the wind blade that sprays toward the other's face.

"Ah!" Several soldiers screamed and didn't even react to what happened?

The leader was shocked and shouted: "What are you doing?"

Hou Rong and the young people also stunned. They were not surprised that the speed of the original battle was too fast, but they were surprised that a small doll was actually a blood soldier.

Three or four-year-old blood warriors, is it possible?

But the facts are in front of you, and they can’t believe it.

The original station felt funny. "What are you doing? Of course you are jealous of you. Are your eyes all stunned? If this has not been felt, then I will come again?"

When he fell, he was slap in the palm of his hand. Several soldiers who were rushing to retaliate with blood on their faces were all fanned out by him, and the fallen teeth flew all over the sky.

"Is it felt this time? Do you want to come again?" The original warned these people to be strict with their hands, obviously can solve them all at once, preferring cats to play mice, and grinding them piece by piece.

The leader suddenly grabbed the whistle hanging around his neck and screamed loudly in the entrance.

Speaking silently, it seems to be learning with Jiuyuan?

The leader blew his whistle and got bigger again. He opened his mouth and groaned. He ended up threatening. "You don't run. You guys outside the city dare to do it to me in Wucheng. Even if you have insects behind you, your family will not. I want to escape!"

The original battle laughed, "I don't know if we can't escape."

"A war, this person's mouth is too dirty, give him a good wash." Slightly bent to pick up the witch fruit.

"Follow the order!" The original war grabbed the leader and slammed into the ground.

The leader's mouth was smashed, his teeth all fell, and the blood flowed to the ground.

The leader is not afraid now but fear. If he said that he was just a big idea, now that he is ready for 100,000 points, how can he still not flash? No, he didn't even see when the other party shot.

He is an eight-level fighter, which is why he dares to be so arrogant in the market. And if he can fight him without any help, will he be a few fighters? Where does this family come from?

The nine winds hated the others and robbed him of things. They took the parcel back and rushed back, and gave the soldiers a few paws.

Wu Guo is very excited and happy.

Severely sighed, he really planned to have a low-key family to play for a few days, and did not want to attract attention. But this is the case. It is often counterproductive. The more you don't want to, the more you will be.

This is a small one, it will definitely come to the old, and playing low-level will definitely come to the advanced, every time. Or do they directly solve Quipa?

Onlookers, Hou Rong looked at the changes silently, and the eyes of the young people of the nephews had long since seen their eyes bright.

"Brother, great!"

"Is the bones still?" Compared with Hou Rong’s busy homework and warnings, the young people dared to stay in the side when the soldiers were running and had the meaning of shooting. The youth also intentionally or unintentionally protected the two dolls at the beginning, which made him The senses of the youth are better. Although he does not need the warnings and help of these two people, he does not want to owe this person.

"Yes, of course."

"Two nine-level crystal coins."

"Ah? So expensive?" The young man opened his mouth.

"Do you want to say no?"

The young man hesitated, and his companions whispered to him, letting him not make a decision.

"Don't mess, they might be a liar." The companion reminded him.

The young man gritted his teeth and looked at him with a sharp eye. "I don't think he is like a liar."

His companions clamored for swindlers, of course, not like a liar, which liar is like a liar.

Strictly grinning, while watching the original soldiers to clean up the soldiers, while looking back and said: "This price is only once in life, I see you pleasing to the eye, only to ask you two nine-level coins, if you change someone else, Ten times can't get it."

When the young people think about it in the future, they don’t know how they believed each other. But they are two nine-level crystal coins, almost equivalent to all his property.

But he took it out, stupidly changed something like mud. At that time his companion, his family, how many people stupid him stupid, but then? How many people envy his good fortune.

This is the famous Jiuyuan witch in the future! Don't say two nine-level coins, that is, one hundred people also want to see if others are willing to sell! Some large tribes, for a Jiuyuan witchcraft, will not hesitate to lead the whole family to Jiuyuan. Just wait, wait for it!

Strictly asked the young man of the scorpion, he also asked Hou Rong, but he also said that he only has one spot in his hand, and if he wants it, he needs to wait a second.

Hou Rong originally did not intend to have bones, not to mention the price is so expensive, he also consciously did not help the youth, and now refused the goodwill of the youth.

The big belly youth did not insist on the words, but just gave him a six-level bone knife, which was the settlement of this reminder.

After waiting for Hou Rong to know what he missed, he really regrets it! However, perhaps the ancestors bless, their Ling monkey tribe directly joined Jiuyuan later, after he waited for a long time, but after all, he still waited for his Jiuyuan witch.

Now of course, everyone does not know what the Jiuyuan Witch is. Strictly see that there are a large group of people coming to this side. I don’t want to bring trouble to other people. Now I will throw the simple version of the witch he just made. Scorpion youth. This is a test item, which is the most basic force, and it is also suitable for young people.

The young man was very simple after he got the thing. He didn’t look at it and threw two yuan coins.

Suddenly holding Wu Guo suddenly disappeared, the scene only left his echo: "A war, nine winds, this witch city is too chaotic, since the twelve priests do not matter, then we will help them clean up!"

This is very arrogant, and everyone who hears feels harsh. However, everyone did not think that after only one night, the city of Wucheng would change...

The author has something to say: I admire myself, even poked out this chapter with my mobile phone~