MTL - Banished to Another World-Chapter 594

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The suspected point of the original ice is: "I asked a lot of people present. When I was injured, I stood on the outermost side. The position was on the left side of the white-horned warrior. There were several Bianxi students around, because the teacher guided them. The students did not participate in the melee, but the peripheral war. During the melee, the teacher and the school guards had supported the soil shield and the earth wall to block the fight inside, which would spread to the outside students. In this case, the White Warrior wanted to use the bone arrow. Injury to the side, unless you intentionally aim at him, but also sideways."

The son of the leopard who recovered from the loss did not want to pursue it too much. He changed his mouth and said: "Maybe it is a mistake."

Shake his hand tightly. "In this kind of thing, I don't like maybe, maybe, probably these words. Ice, what do you do?"

Original ice, "I want to restore everyone's position at the time."

Mr. Li clenched his fists.

This is a rather cumbersome thing, but it does not hesitate to agree: "Yes!"

The original war did not make a statement, but everyone knew that he would not veto any decision of the priest.

Original Ice immediately ordered the picket team to arrange for everyone to re-position.

"Hey, how do you stand? It was so chaotic at the time, I can't remember it." Someone shouted under the stage.

The original ice is like a chest, "Suemen, you let your warrior stand first, do you remember?"

Sumeno recalled, nodded, his memory was very good, and the situation at that time gave him a very deep impression, and he could not forget to forget.

And as long as one person stands in a good position, others can be like a jigsaw puzzle, one by one, remembering their original position, even if they can't think of it, the people around them will remind him.

In this case, although it is not guaranteed to be completely correct, more than 80% of the correctness can be guaranteed.

In order to prevent the White Horn soldiers from cheating, they were the first to stand up.

Later, the Bianxi people who fought with them also stood up in confusion.

Secondly, it is the soil control warrior who holds up the earthen shield wall.

Then there are the teachers. At this time, Sumen, Mulberry, Ye Xing, Sa Yu, and Mr. Li went down.

Finally, the students, other people will forget, the position of the side is the focus.

Fortunately, the memory of the side is also good. After three turns and two turns, he found the position he had stood before. The friends around him also stood in the memory of the original.

The original ice shows that everyone is standing almost the same, looking at the strict, let everyone stand is actually a strict command.

Strictly smile and ask the side: "Little guy, tell me, why do you know that you are standing there?"

He overtook the little trumpet that the tribe handed him, and put a little game-like attitude on his lips. The child was too faint and too easy to feel too much. He felt that he was sleeping. I feel that the pain in my chest is gone.

The child whispered softly and heard the echo. He smiled and pointed at the white-horned warrior behind the earth shield. He replied: "The priest, I remember this white-horned man, his ear is missing."

Jonno is missing from this ear.

Jonno also looked to the side.

Bian Yue made a face to him and held the horn and continued: "Because he is standing between two earth shields, I am, I am on his side, and I can see his ears clearly!"

"What about his body? Can you see his arm?" He continued to ask.

The child shook his head. "There is a shield. I can only see his head and shoulders and can't see his arm."

The Bianxi patriarch and the big witch snorted.

When I saw the two people standing in the original ice, I understood the meaning of the strictness. After listening to the children, I basically confirmed that Jonuo did not intentionally kill. He firmly remembered the way of solving the case. Whenever he found some difficult cases, he would try his best to restore the scene.

If it is said that this behavior is the beginning of a scientific solution, then the original ice is a solid foundation for scientific crimes, and the ancient means of taking it for granted and asking God.

Let me talk about it now.

Strictly pointed to the position of Su Yue and Jonuo, and asked everyone: "Do you understand?"

Some people still show an unrecognizable expression, but some people suddenly realize.

Speaking harshly to Jonno: "You take out your bow and arrow and make a look at the opposite side of the Xi people."

Jono’s excitement at this time no one knows, who wants to die? In particular, he did not kill the meaning of the Xi children at that time. So he was considered a murderer. Who can be willing?

The more the side is just telling the truth, but for Jono, not only saved his reputation, but also saved his life. Because of this move, Jonuo’s sense of guilt about the Bingxi people was also reduced.

Jonnor listened to the way he made the shot.

"By the side, you stand on the edge of the shield." Yan Mo also told.

The more he smiled and ran to the edge of the shield, he picked up his feet and tried to work hard with the shield. But his height was only about one meter three, and the shield was nearly one meter five. He was also a lame.

There are more people here.

Mr. Li’s face became dark and he looked around. He was about to retreat to the crowd, but he was stared at by the original ice.

Mr. Li stood still, thinking that even if he could be inferred that Jonuo’s arrow would hurt the side, it was completely accidental, but it was not so easy to find the real murderer.

"Do you see clearly?" Strictly look around the crowd. "First of all, with the position of Bian Yue and Jonno, if Jono really wants to kill the side, he will not be facing the Soviet Union. The arm is open to him, but if his arrow is aligned, the more..."

"By the end, if Jono's arrow suddenly points at you, you will find it?" Yan said and asked.

The more I thought about it, the more I laughed and the expression was serious: "It should. I feel very sensitive to danger."

Nodded harshly. "Secondly, even if Jono is aiming at the side, because the side is shorter than the shield, unless he takes an upswing and let the shot arrow fall automatically from the sky, such an arrow... the original ice."

The original ice jumped to Jonno's side to do the demonstration, and it was also made that the grass man's archery target was placed at the side of the station.

The arrow falls and is inserted into the grass man.

Strictly, this is followed: "Is it clear? The fallen arrow will be inserted into the human body in a vertical or high-sloping manner, but the arrow in the chest will be flat."

By this time, everyone understands.

The evidence was clearly placed in front of the eyes, and everyone accepted the conclusion that "White-horned people accidentally wounded and crossed" without any objection.

Sumen looked at the star with the incomparable worship of the stars, and even the white-horned warriors and priests such as Mulberry Leaf and Jonah also had a sense of conviction for the first time.

But things have not ended here.

Suddenly raise the voice. "Do you think this is a mistake?"

The Bianxi people looked up and wondered: You can put so much evidence, isn't it accidental?

The original battle was not good. "You are all elites of Jiuyuan now and in the future. Don't tell me, you are really stupid!"

Uh……. The soldiers and the students shyly bowed their heads.

Some of them are so smart that they have already reacted, such as Wuhuan and Sumen.

Sumen may be simple, but not stupid, but he is not suitable for opening now, only thinking in his heart.

The chilling laughter of the original ice sounded, and he didn't care what the people were about his senses. He didn't want to eat a sweet date before the monks like the original war. He said directly: "A bunch of idiots! What kind of accidents can you make? The arrow that should have been shot forward not only turned to the side, but also shot into the chest of a child?"

The people who have finally opened up: ...we can’t do it!

"That's the bone, maybe it can be sideways?" I don't know who shouted.

The original hail went back: "In the case of a partner in front of him? Who is this stupid? Give me a stop!"

Naturally no one is stupid to stand up.

When the leopard listened and saw it now, it was confused. He did not conceal his own imagination. He directly asked the stern: "If the priest is not intentionally killed, and it is not accidentally injured, then how can my son be..."

The Bianxi patriarch suddenly grabbed the wrist of the leopard and his face became iron blue.

The leopard whose words were interrupted looked strangely to his father, "Father, you?"

"I know what is going on." Bianxi patriarchs have a word.

The big witch also wants to understand, and the chest is ups and downs.

"This is a conspiracy! It is a conspiracy against the Bingxi and Jiuyuan!" Bianxi chief shouted out.

The Bianxi patriarch may feel that he was in the dark, and almost let the enemy hidden in the dark succeed, and he sighed with a sigh of relief: "Someone borrowed this melee, deliberately shot the side of the Xixi people with the bone arrow of the white-horned warrior. Provoking my family's dissatisfaction with the priests, they also specially selected the side! The white horns just arrived, they have no hatred with us, and it is impossible to know the importance of the side to my side, I will choose The more you are, the one who has been in Jiuyuan for a while, and who knows the identity of Bian Yue! A poisonous person, a poisonous trick!"

The Bianxi patriarchs are mad. They are famous for their bravery and bloodyness. The most disgusting is the blackmail and conspiracy. The majority of the tribes are relatively simple and easy to be provoked. Perhaps this is why the other party will choose them.

"The leader, the priest, the man must be here! If you find out the person, please be sure to give the villain to me and dispose of it!"

Strictly and the original war, the original battle nodded, "Okay, after the trial, I will hand over the final punishment to you."

"Thanks to the princes and the priests!" The chief of the Bianxi squatted on one knee and stood up again. This is a big gift, and it is his first time to bow to the ninth leader and the priests.

The side leopard heard that another person who hurt his son, the fist was pinched and rang.

The anger of the Bianxi patriarch was also introduced to the ears of the people. I heard that this incident was actually from the hands of the third party, and everyone’s mood was more complicated.

Strictly looking around at the expressions of the people, it is estimated that the fire has arrived. He can do this not only to find out the real murderer, but also to completely solve the hatred of the Jiuyuan people against the Baijiao people, and to lay a more friendly relationship for the long-term exchanges between the two sides. basis.

So the people with complex feelings heard: "I don't want to investigate why someone is so hostile to Sumen, because I know that some of you are deliberately inciting your emotions."

Underneath is awe. Even the priests have said this, it seems that there are really enemy spies in the middle!

The leopard shouted loudly: "The priest, you know who it is? Please tell us!" I must be the first to rush to him and not even know his aunt! Not directly killing, just because he has already woke up from his son and decided to follow the rules of Jiuyuan.

Strictly did not answer him, but said an unexpected extravagant:

"The horned tribes, the white horns of wisdom and kindness, the red horns of the force and the bravery, the black horns defensive and loyal. The establishment of the horned civilization is indeed longer than the hornless, but also because they exist for too long, The interior began to gradually change, and the benevolence of the Baijiao became weak and concession, so that it lost its royal status inherited from ancient times, from the leader to the weakest of the three tribes. The bravery of the Red Horn became Cruelty, stronger than the power of the other two groups, further inflated their desires and desires, and turned them from warriors into slaughterers. The loyalty of the Black-horned people became after the White-horned retreat and the Red Horns became powerful. Ambition, the power of defense has turned into an offensive force, becoming the accomplice and even the main culprits of the Red Horn."

The white horns such as Mulberry found that they could not deny the analysis of the three tribes.

The sighs rang, "The last battle between the refining bones and the intelligent creatures of the Eastern Continent in the past was because the refining people lost their correct guidance. They wanted to occupy the entire East Continent and even regarded all living things in the East China as their materials. The Baijiao people are unable to stop them. They can only keep the bones belonging to the royal family in the East China. They want to completely separate the Baijiao and the other two groups. Unfortunately, once the war begins, they will not be useful if they want to stay out of the way. The White-horned people who like war are also forced to get involved because they are not as powerful as the other two races, and the other two groups deliberately delay the support, causing the White-horned people to die more than the other two. Finally, the White-horned King wants to keep The tribes all died in this war, and the ancestors of the Baijiao also thought that the blood of their horns had been cut off."

These are the past events that Zanbu told him about the smelting of the bones, and his later conclusions about the horned people.

Strictly speaking here, a slight meal, asked: "Do you know why I want to mention this?"

Everyone meditates.

After a while, only the daring children raised their hands twitchingly. "Because you want us to know if other... 呃, the hornless tribe does the same, we will not be involved in the battle. Are you tired?"

Strictly laughed and inclusive: "A correct answer."

Children are too excited to be themselves.

Other children watched the child get praise, but also zoomed in and raised their hands.

Strictly like playing, name the children to answer questions.

The second chance to grab the opportunity is the side, the child did not cover the circle around, screaming: "You all guess wrong! The priests are telling us that we must be strong! More than other hornless people powerful!"

The true smile is revealed in the eyes of the eyes.

"Oh?" The original battle squinted and looked at the teenager with interest. "Why do you think so?"

The more the legs are softer, the nine original people are more afraid of the leader, and he is no exception. The voice of the child trembled, but still bravely said: "If ... the white horns did not lose the status of the king, if they ... can continue to lead the horned people, the last war will not happen, they Nor will it be driven out of the East, and now it will not turn back to the East.

Severely clap, "Sell it well!"

It’s really a child that is so valued by the Bingxi people. It’s really not easy to know this at a young age. Although the child's words and his purpose are a bit of awkward, it is also very good to think of this.

Original battle, "Your name."

The more the face turned red, I only felt that the sky was flying all over the sky.

Others find it strange that the leader does not know the name of Bian Yue? Ming Bianxi people shouted several times.

But the thoughts of the side leopard, the Bianxi patriarch and the great witch are different. They know that this means that the leader really began to value the side, and asking his name is a kind of recognition and respect.

The Bianxi people are a little excited, but this is the big tribal leader they have trusted, or the most powerful warrior of the ultra-powerful tribe who has defeated other horned people who are helpless in the upper-wall power! Can you get the approval of this, can that be the same?

The original battle looked more and more trembling, thinking that he was afraid, had to slow down the voice and asked again.

The more and more fiercely shouted: "My name is Bian Yue! Bianxi people! The leader is on the top, the priests are on the top, Jiuyuan is always strong! May the ancestors and beast gods bless the nine stars like the stars in the sky, never fall!"

Strictly: ...Children, can you slow down? My words have not been finished yet.

The reality tells the sternness: No.

The emotions of adolescents are the easiest to be provoked. The child shouted with enthusiasm and shouted under the big and small. "The leader is on, the priest is on, and Jiuyuan is always strong!"

Shouting is not enough, even shouting five times, louder than once, more than once and over!

Then the voice of the adult warrior followed, and the Bianxi people shouted loudest.

The original war haha ​​laughed, took out the ink, and exalted. "The ancestors are on the top. I swear by the soul of the war. I will build the most powerful force together with the priests. Anyone who insults me to bully me will definitely Kill it!"

Strictly want to give him a white eye, what are you busy! It is such a good atmosphere that his priest naturally cannot remain silent.

With a stern hand, there was a scepter in his hand that was specially refurbished to him. This scepter is exactly the same as the scepter on the statue, but the stick has more strange luster, and the top of the scepter is a A round nine-level crystal with a large fist.

The scepter's scepter was lifted up, and the scepter suddenly burst into a dazzling golden light!

"The ancestors are on, the gods and the spirits are on, and I will swear by the witches, and will surely guard the Jiuyuan and the Fuqiang Jiuyuan together with the leader, so that the people of Jiuyuan will become the most enviable in the world. I am the nine original, will kill!"

Everyone followed and shouted: "Behind me the nine originals, they will kill!"

After the continuous high shouting, in the highest / tide of the atmosphere, the scepter of the scepter suddenly pointed to the crowd: "Catch him!"

The author has something to say: The author and the reader's operation column displayed after landing still do not display, but fortunately the customer service gave a shortcut and directly logged into the update page. I saved this page, beware that the same thing will happen~~

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