MTL - Banished to Another World-Chapter 589

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Nita felt subconscious and wanted to refuse.

How can you just let them go so far? "Why, are your noble horned sorcerers planning to speak without saying anything? Or are you still trying to compensate for the damage to my East China and Jiuyuan? Oh, yes, if you guys If you choose compensation, in order to prevent you from paying your debts, we must detain some of your important high-level leaders, and will let you leave when the compensation is reached. Hood, you see you and Nita who stayed?"

Hood and Nita don't want to stay.

Hood’s eyes on Nita, the two close, Hood released the bones to prevent eavesdropping, whispered: “Now we seem to be unable to stay in the East China, but those we arrange are not exposed, we will always I have the opportunity to come back again. Now it’s important to go back and see what’s going on in the family, and as long as we can go back safely, the contract that the hornless person said, we are not fulfilling our performance, as long as they dare to come, we on……"

Nita always felt that the slate contract was not so simple, but even the arrogant Hood witch gave a move. From the temptation to go back to the rush, he did not rebut the other's opinions.

Nita and Hood also discussed a few words, put away the anti-spyware, and raised their voices to the strict words: "Jiuyuan people, we have to sign a contract, but we only signed with you. The other people in the East China want If we want to compensate, let us defeat us first! Or are you Jiuyuan people already able to represent the entire East China power?"

When Nita said this, she looked at the water, the crowd, and so on.

Shuicheng, Mucheng, including the sound city and other forces, many places have been damaged by the horns, they do not want to get compensation from the horns, but hope that Jiuyuan and they kill the horns, Revenge for the dead and tribal people.

But before they came, their city owners and the high priests repeatedly passed them and let them listen to the arrangements of the nine. If there is anything that can't be solved, don't rush to oppose Jiuyuan.

And now they have encountered things that can't be decided, but they can't talk about compensation on behalf of various forces and horned people, and they can't stop Jiuyuan from ending the war with a bloodless way. They can only remain silent and see how Nine is doing.

Strictly will not be on the voice of Nita, he did not intend to represent the entire East China now, and heard the words of the boat: "Well, I only signed with you the nine original self-recovery contract."

"Only one chance, you can't come to my Western continent when you think about it. We all have to recognize this loss?" Nita tried to block any loopholes in the contract.

"Only once, for the sake of fairness, it will start from the day when you have a horned man to be besieged me, and it happens to be seven months. So I will go to the Western Continent to find up for seven months. To calculate. After seven months, no matter how much damage we have caused to the Western Continent, as long as we are still alive, you must agree to let us return to the East Continent safely. If there are other forces to stop, you have to be like us. The same, help us block, and can't hurt me alone."

Hood also began to feel bad, but they could not change their mouths, but they also added favorable conditions to their own side: "In seven months, we will kill the people of Jiuyuan who invaded the Western Continent at any cost until the contract is fixed. That day, we only sent the last person to survive."

"Of course. In addition, in order to avoid the fact that we are obviously going to friendly exchanges but are mistaken for aggression, if we intend to make self-request for the Western continent, we will first tell you clearly. How?"

Hood and Nita looked at it and felt that there was a notice that was much better than no notice.

"The number of people must be limited, no more than a thousand people." Hu De Ling flashed.

"Yes." Strictly busy, I couldn't help but open my mouth. He just wanted to bring a few people to stroll in the past, and find a place where the Western China does not have the treasures. I didn't expect the horns to be like this. Generous, he was allowed to bring thousands of people.

Since the other party is so passionate, he will barely bring a thousand fighters of the 9th level or above, wow haha!

Fortunately, Nita has a clear mind and blocked this loophole in time. "We don't have a lot of experts. You can't have too many masters. Otherwise, it's real aggression, not self-seeking. And we don't have ten." Master!"

"But you have a genocidal weapon equivalent to a ten-level master."

"Up to a ten-level master, nine fighters can't exceed ten."

"You can bring more than ten gods and bones warriors." The strength of the horned people is that they have a hundred soldiers who are equivalent to the eighth/nine level.

"If you don't agree, then this self-recovery contract will be considered." Nita wants to take the opportunity to push the contract down.

Sudden silence for two seconds, a look of loss of face, very reluctantly nodded, "just follow the number of people you said."

Nita's forehead was slightly sweaty. It was strange that they were cheap. Why did he still have an instinct that they had a big loss?

Strictly decided, he wants to go in person, and when he goes back tonight, he begins to learn to store the bones. At that time, thousands of soldiers are equipped with ten, and then at least five hundred snake warriors born with space. !

When you come to me, I will finally negotiate the conditions for self-recovery.

On the spot, the relevant articles were written on the thin board with the nine original characters and the horned characters.

The thin plate was handed to the original battle, and the original warrior was wiped out. Those words were born in nature, and it was impossible to wear them off.

The original battle made a gesture of cutting off the thin plate, and the lower part of the thin plate was divided into two, which became two identical contract boards.

Strictly handed over the two contract boards to Nita and Hood. After the two sides determined that there was no problem, they first made a vow, signed the real name, and finally dropped blood on the real name.

This kind of contract is the first time for an horned person.

Nita is more cautious, "Why do you want to drop blood?"

He replied with a stern smile: "This is the contract board I made with witchcraft. After dropping the blood of the vows, the violation of one party will be punished by witchcraft."

"What witchcraft punishment?" Nita gas, he did not say clearly beforehand.

"Punished is on both sides." Strictly calming Nita's anger in a sentence, "any party will be punished for violating the contract. As for the punishment... Hey, have you heard the 10,000 ants? Is tens of thousands of ants? Bite your heart together and climb out of your body."

All the people I heard: "..." Goosebumps are all up.

The special turn turned to stare at the silence. The moderate boy of that year also became paralyzed. This contract is said to be binding on both sides. However, Jiuyuan either does not go. It is to burn and rob. They only need to comply with the number of people and the start time of the notice. Others do not. Anything that needs special compliance. On the contrary, there are horned families. If they can not be robbed and killed within the agreed seven months, they will not be able to kill these nine original people for revenge. They will have to watch them leave the western continent with the collected property.

At this point, things seem to have ended. Everyone still has some disbelief. In the East China, the horns who are regarded as the enemy of the whole continent are so confessed. Going back?

Coupled with the rectification contract set by Jiuyuan and the horned family, the faint domineering is revealed. No one can deny that Jiuyuan is really up, and as long as their leader and priest are not dead, or followers It is difficult for Jiuyuan to be suppressed again.

In this regard, people who are more tolerant and more inclusive, such as Shuicheng, Mucheng and Fengcheng, are happy to see it. In their view, the horns of Jiuyuan’s beleagues can be let go, and it’s not like a cruel A force that kills and loves power.

Fire City, Dark City, Sound City, including the empty city, but this is not the idea, they are happy that the Horned Man was repulsed, while being full of vigilance against the rise of Jiuyuan. Jiuyuan grew too fast, and they also had a cheater like a terrible priest who could help the soldiers to upgrade, and gave birth to the son of life. It is almost conceivable that the development speed of Jiuyuan will be faster and faster. Other veteran forces will surely be left behind by Jiuyuan.

If it is before Jiuyuan has demonstrated its strength, these forces may even want to suppress Jiuyuan together, or simply eliminate it. But now the idea of ​​destroying Jiuyuan still exists, but the cost of putting it into action is too great, so that they can only think about it and not dare to implement it.

The messengers of these major forces looked at each other and agreed on the matter afterwards. If a force can't fight against Jiuyuan, then unite! In short, the Jiuyuan family must not be allowed to stand alone.

Who is the curse and Stan?

They seem to be fake, but the look and actions of the people around them have not escaped their eyes.

The small movements of several major forces seem to be hidden, but they have not escaped their perception.

Stan's mouth evoked a very charming smile, still half-closed.

The curse screamed twice, and did not put the little movements of those forces on the heart. He believes that his disciples, since they are brave enough to expose the strength of Jiuyuan, dare to make them jealous, they will certainly have to deal with these forces.

The curse is very happy in his heart. He likes Jiuyuan. He is particularly fond of the local customs and people and animals. Because he likes it, I hope she will live forever. He really wants to squat before he goes to see the goddess, Jiuyuan can be strong enough to no one dare to bully, and now his disciples and his fancy guardian have already done this in advance!

Nita had already seen the people arrested by Jiuyuan, but he carefully observed that those of them did not have horns. In other words, those who were caught can be sacrificed. .

Strictness also seems to have forgotten to ask them to hand over their dark lines, because he knows that even if he asks, the other party will not necessarily tell the truth. When he gives him a bunch of fake lists, will he check or not? It is better not to ask.

The empty city was released by the horned, and the slave bone was also lifted.

The empty city owner and the dusty old people have never happened like the past. They look naturally and thanked Jiuyuan and walked to the side of the city.

Strictly and the original battle looked at each other and did not speak.

The empty city is definitely a problem, but like the hidden horns, they don't want to kill before they catch their handles.

Nita once again asked about the evidence of the demon god, and said that it took time to take it out, and then he would send it to the Western Continent to show them later.

Nita wants to bear the bones, and refers to Sumen in a strict way. It is very simple: "He is my disciple, and the bones will be handed over to him in the future. You should not dream."

Nita failed to kill Summen. Now she can only retreat to the next level. She comfortably thinks: So Suma is a horned man. If he really wants to pass the bones to a hornless man, he can’t help. At least for now, he has no choice.

According to the agreement, the horned people and their bone soldiers must leave the Eastern Continent within half a month. On the way, there will be Jiuyuan soldiers and human faces, who will supervise them.

Strictly lazy to trouble, directly transferred these people to a small island off the coast.

Knowing that there is a thousand miles of transmission, Nita and others are blind and jealous. They see that they have taken out a bone-like bone device. It is impossible to imagine that a hornless person has refining it more than a broken door. The transfer of bones, which also makes them more frustrated, if the bones are not as good as the hornless, how do they fight the hornless demons of the East China?

Nita suspects that this bone transporter is related to the teachings of the ancient souls in the bones. It also wants to get the bones more and more. Later, it has sneaked into the East Continent many times and found a lot of trouble for Sumen. Every time, he retaliated and went back. If it wasn’t for Sumen’s use of Nita as a sharpening stone, he would kill Nita.

I will not mention it later, and say it now.

Wang Peng left a person to face Peng Peng, let him stare at these horned people back to the Western continent, and he did not go back to the center of the mainland, still flew to Jiuyuan.

The central continent is too boring. He always feels that there will be many interesting things happening with that little witch.

Time is back to the night.

Strictly brought the messengers of various forces back to Jiuyuan City. Because there was no threat from the horns, Jiuyuan showed its terrible strength. Everyone was able to sit down and talk friendly.

And the key thing they want to talk about is the demon god, who does not expose the blood stone, but only that he will look for evidence.

In the end, everyone will meet in Wucheng for about a month, and the main minds of all major forces will come.

At about the next time, everyone knows that a party after a month is equivalent to an early nine-city gathering. This gathering is not only about talking about the demon god, but also focusing on ranking and dividing the site.

The flames of the city are afraid of revenge in Jiuyuan, and they will leave when they finish talking.

Xiaohei tried to smack the witches of his little ankles and said, "Master, just let them go?"

Slightly laughing, wiping the little **** with the warm wet cloth, maybe the original emperor will be a great existence in the future, but now he and the ordinary baby are not much different, at least on the surface.

"Master!" Xiaohe pinched the little bird of Wuguo and was kicked by Wu Guo.

Strictly finger-shot, a few drops of hot water splashed on the little black face. "Naughty eggs, do you think that the fire city is not pleasing to the eye?"

"Yeah!" Xiaohe nodded hard and complained: "The old man wanted to kill me several times!"

"Reassure, no one in this world can bully my strict people without paying the price." However, he does not intend to take his own shots. There are many children at home, and there are many people who are so powerful. It is better to let them do more. Xiaole... is also a child.

"This gathering, Xiaole will also go to Wucheng with us. You and Wuhua will discuss with them, see who wants to go, and go there together. We should pass the fire city on the way..."


When the words were not finished, they were rushed up by Xiaohei. "I am going to go!"

"Go to Xiaole and say, if he agrees to take you, then take you with you." Strictly pat the apprentice's little ass, and smack the sorcerer of the **** egg to him, and find another dad of the child. They will be very busy tonight.

Xiao He holding the witch fruit turned and ran to find Yan Xiaole. Because of his special soul, all the children who communicated with Yan Xiaole were the best.

Probably people are grouped together, things are gathered together? Xiaole’s answer is particularly pleasing, and he is now helping to answer the battlefield, but he should come back with the answer tonight.

The original battle was still in the Chamber of Deputies and the original ice. They solved the fine works and follow-up matters, and strictly became a priest. They did not have to be present. He had his business to be busy.

The trip to Wucheng has to be discussed very well. In addition to the city of Fire, the dark city has to go there. In addition, the witch city is now losing its language ability because of the witchcraft. The twelve witches are divided into two factions. The witch city is already in name only. They will never be less.

In addition, there is still some uneasiness in the sternness. He solved the problem of horned aggression, cultivated the fruit of witchcraft into the son of life, and saved so many slaves and slaves. In addition to the last one, the guide has given a reduction. The scum value, the other two he thought the big head did not move, why?

Unfortunately, the guide does not have a function of answering, he can only wait unilaterally, and this micro-striping feeling is not very good.

Just halfway through, I met the special singer who came to resign with him.

Ding Ning Dingfei two brothers stopped the monk.

Strictly signal that they do not need to stop, take the initiative to go to the list.

"Are you leaving? When are you going?"


"Thank you for your help this time." Yan Mocheng said.

He shook his head. "I didn't help, it was all solved by you."

He did not argue with him. He had already recorded this person's feelings in his heart, and because he had taken the initiative to help, he did not try to ask the land where they found the ruins.

"After a month's party, I will come." The eyes are as hot as magma.

Strictly avoid his eyes and laugh: "I know."

"One day our two tribes will become enemies." The auspicious sentence is affirmative.

"I know."

Jun suddenly took a step forward and Zhang arm hugged him tightly.

Strictly wanted to flash off and hold back.

Ding Ning Ding Fei: The leader is going crazy!

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Slightly dumb. The young man put him too close, and he was able to clearly understand the desires and hopes of the youth.

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