MTL - Banished to Another World-Chapter 585

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The flames and other people enter the hall, seeing a mess inside, everyone is mixed together, and disdain is even worse. . .

A new power that has just risen is inferior to all the old forces that have lasted for many years, and what most old forces can't see is the ambiguity of Jiuyuan's status.

The smoldering eyes swept through the small tribal heads in the hall where even the forces of the lower city could not stand. They only thought that Jiuyuan would not do anything. If it was a banquet in the city, even if it was a middle and lower city, it would not be influential. The small tribes are placed outside, and they will never let them come in to the eyes of the city's stakeholders.

I don’t even have a seat, but when I can only stand, the flames have nothing to say.

People who are familiar with the city of Fire see the coming of the flames, and naturally come over a few words.

The three priests of Mucheng looked at the flames, and Zhangkou poked his heart and lungs: "It seems that the blood of the high priest has recovered. Congratulations! It is true that the fire priest is loved by Vulcan. But I How do you feel that your strength is a bit worse than before?"

In the heart of the flames, blood is bleeding, but the skin is stretched tightly. "It is enough to deal with you in the city."

Clumping laughed. "Unfortunately, I am manipulating firewood. I am afraid that nothing will be afraid of fire."

The water priest of the Three Priests of Shuicheng faintly said: "If the fire is too big, I can help you water it."

The relationship between Shuicheng and Mucheng was originally good, and now it is more obvious that the knife edge is consistently directed toward the city of fire.

Due to the ability to restrain the two cities, the relationship between the two cities and the two cities has always been common, and now it will not be specifically intended to repair this relationship.

"Jiuyuan is really amazing. A small tribe that has just developed can make the former priests of the city and the most honored priests of Shuicheng all form alliances with them. I heard that Jiuyuan is in a dominant position in the league? Others The people in the city must listen to their instructions to do things?" The words of the flames are more like a poison.

Crowd counterattacks: "Whoever is the leader, if you are a powerful city, you can also tell us to do things. But when we are working together to deal with foreign enemies, where is your fire city?"

The water waiter smiled faintly. "Who doesn't know the combination of the Fire City and the Zerg, and wants to hide in the dark to take advantage of the hunter. They are waiting for us to fight with the bones, and they will come out and be cheap." ”

The figure of the city of Fire City was smashed, and the face of the smoldering did not change. Union League, he did not want to participate, others could force him to fail?

"Give me! Hold me! Witch, my!" The voice of the milky child shouted from the hall door to the center of the hall.

"Don't give it!" The answer is a slightly older child.

"Bad! Don't give it! Hey!" The milky child was angry and patted the little wings to speed up.

Everyone in the hall was busy evading.

I saw a little black boy carrying a piggyback in the crowd and squatting, behind a... a winged little **** doll flying to chase him.

"Whose race is that child? Is there a winged family?" Someone has never seen the appearance of the nine winds becoming children.

When Jiuyuan heard it, he replied with pride: "No, that is our mountain god!" See, our mountain gods can become people, how great!

What's more remarkable is still behind, do you know what is carrying in the back of the little black baby?

Oh, don't tell you!

"Bad boy! Return the original emperor to me!" An old anger rushed into the hall, and with the sound, a man with a messy hair and beard ran into the hall.

"Zhu Wu Daren!" Jiuyuan people saw him swearing.

The curse waved and waved, and ordered: "Help me catch the little bastard! One did not pay attention, he stole the original emperor, and I didn't dare to see my apprentice! This tricky child caught him. Don't smash his ass!"

Because of these few old and young, the hall became more and more hot.

Jiuyuan waiter bitterly helped the curse to catch people, but the little black slippery was terrible, and in the crowd, no one could catch him.

"Nine original! Hey." The flames shook his head, and a pair of Jiuyuan banquets could not stand on the countertop.

"哧 。." Xiao He passed the emergency brakes from the flames and other people, and turned to see the flames for a while.

People including the flames were a little surprised. If it weren't for the children themselves to stop, they didn't even notice that the little black hair had just ran past them.

The water waiter and others can't help but think deeply: No wonder so many people can't catch him. The child's ability is a bit special.

There is also a flash of light in the eyes of the flames. If you are so small, you will be able to wake up the blood, or a child with special abilities, if it is in the city of fire...

The flames are moving, but looking at the intimate tone of the child of the cursing witch, he has no thoughts to shake.

However, he wanted to "good" to let go of the child, but the child had a little interest in him.

"Oh!" The cry of the baby came from the back of the little black baby.

The little black backhand patted the back, "Hey, don't call."

"Catch you! Give me the witch fruit!" The nine winds flew over and seized the recital.

Witch? Witch! The smoldering heart madly shakes and widens his eyes and stares at his back.

I still don't know that the nine winds that have exposed the identity of Wuguo want to take out their younger brother.

"Stupid nine winds, don't grab!" Xiaohe untied his back and pinched the face of the nine winds.

Jiufeng opened his mouth and bit him.

"Yeah!" Let Xiaoye come out!

Little black and a small nine wind fight, one hand from the back to pick up a small baby.

Flowing flames: this! This is not the son of life cultivated by the fruit of witchcraft?

But is it so fast? By the way, the Pengpeng people, I said how there are so many people who appear in the Jiuyuan, it must be the priests of Jiuyuan who have been looking for the Zengpeng people, so this child is really the son of life?

That's right! Such a rich and abundant energy atmosphere is definitely the son of life!

Nothing unexpectedly, the smog did not expect him to come down and think that he would gain nothing, but also endure some inevitable humiliation, but he was blessed by Vulcan, even in this messy banquet that was not on the table. See the real living son of life!

Feeling the smoldering of the nose, the water waiter and the clumps not far from him are not feeling well.

However, the two of them also heard that the nine winds were called Wuguo in the scorpion. They were not stupid, and naturally they also thought of the fruit of the witchcraft.

But they converge the shock very well, even if they have a thirst for the Son of Life, but they have established a very good friendly foundation with Jiuyuan, benefiting a lot from Jiuyuan, and now no one wants to destroy this rare. Friendship only strengthens this desire.

Because the babies are suspected to be the sons of life, the clumps and the waters are in the same side, trying to block the flames and others.

There were guards in the hall who saw the chaos and rushed over, mainly because they were afraid that their children would suffer.

Song Jing and Mu Jian, who were responsible for the venue of this banquet, were also afraid of an accident and immediately jumped to the front of several people.

The dark city messengers look at each other, hear it, the son of life!

The worms remain silent, and they are not seen when they whisper to them. Is it important to compete for power and to win the birth of their worm king? That's not even comparable! For the birth of the worm king, let them do anything! They can join forces with the King of Fire and Fire City, and naturally they can become a solid ally of Jiuyuan for the King of Pests.

The Giants seem to react the slowest, bending and laughing and watching the dwarves dance in front of them.

Dwarf: Laozis are not dancing, are you challenging to understand, stupid big!

The winged people wanted to help the nine winds, but they suddenly heard something, looked at each other strangely, and finally scattered around.

The Jiuyuan soldiers were also moving, but they were not obvious. The people in the hall thought that they were only fighting for the fire.

"Nine winds, listen to me..."

The ears of the nine winds erected, and some people brought the sound directly into his mind. "You just did a good job, now it is like this..."

"Hey! Give it to me!" Nine winds patted a small chest, eyes thief bright.

The curse swayed slowly, and the look inexplicably lengthened the voice: "It turned out to be a high priest."

The smog did not dare to take Joe on the curse, and reluctantly gave him a gift.

Curse, "I thought you were dead. How many middle and high-ranking warriors have you sacrificed to help you recover your blood power? Um?"

Listening to the curse, the sound of the fire city is so strong that there is an impulse to burn the curse immediately, but he does not dare.

But how can the flames endure this breath, and now it is back: "A good life energy, this child is the son of life? Today, the original banquet invited us so many people, do you want to give the child of life to a statement?"

How many people sighed in the words of the son of life, and how many people were shaking, and the eyes of the people in the hall were almost entirely concentrated on the little baby.

The curse immediately changed his face, and he did not give face to himself: "You are a fart! You want everything in the city of fire, you want to be the owner of the East Continent, and you want the son of life, even at the expense of cooperating with the refining bones." The Alliance also provides them with various kinds of support! You said that you can do things that are not punished by the gods. Why don’t you just dig a pit and burn yourself to death? The province has come to shame and harm the public, believe it or not. Curse now that you are being killed!"

This curse is too vicious, and the flames are moving back one step.

"Yeah!" Wu Guo came to see the big backing, and began to command.

Black eyes blink. He can play with Wu Guo everywhere, but also let Wu Guo not protest, of course, he has two brushes, such as the meaning that Wu Guo wants to convey, he can "understand" half.

In fact, the nine winds can understand a little bit of witchcraft, but he is only interested in Wu Xiao, a small person who sees him and wants to pounce on him.

Wu Guo raised his little feet and took him several times. Fat bird! Dare to call my brother, your family is my brother! Oh, I don’t want you to be my brother, my brother is only one!

"Brother!" The nine winds are not afraid of pain, and they firmly want to hold the witch fruit.

"Yeah!" Don't mess, go!

Nine winds are sad, Wu Guo prefers to play with a small black ball, and is not willing to play with him.

The little black touched the soft fur of the nine winds, and both hands picked up the witch fruit.

Wu Guo’s face is facing outwards, and the little bird is tilted high.

The nine winds felt dangerous and immediately flashed to the side.

"Biu -" The little soft baby looked innocent and looked super-lightly... Sprinkled a pee on the flame.

"Yeah!" Show you, oh!

Xiaohei: So disgusting!

Everyone: ... Why is such a soft little baby looking so arrogant?

Can't understand the witch fruit in the oh, what the smoldering skin can not help but twitch, he was actually despised by a little baby!

He swears that he saw the words of contempt from the face of the little baby, and the actions of the other party completely clarified his thoughts.

This little nephew dared to pee on him! ?

The flames were furious at first, but the other party was just a little baby. As long as he showed a little anger and reprimand, he would not have to see anyone else in the upper priest, but would he have to endure such humiliation?

The flames did not start, and his extremely eye-catching confidant shouted out for him: "Bold!"

Xiaohe holds the witch fruit and jumps back very quickly like a big squirrel.

The water servants and the clumps also set off at the same time, they want to block the possible attacks of the smoldering belly.

The curse did not move, only smiled in the shade.

The scent of the heart of the flames blamed the face: "This is the hospitality of Jiuyuan? Not only let the little scorpion come in and scream, but also allow these little scorpions to rush to the guests casually?"

Song Jing and others listened to the flames and took a small scorpion, and their faces were pulled down.

Xiao Hei explored his head. "The original Emperor never squats casually. He only rushes to the bad guys and the people he hates. The original Emperor hates you!"

Song Jing and others even turned out to be a person that the Son of God hated, and they were even more dissatisfied with people like the Flame.

The confession can only be loudly reprimanded: "The rude! The cursed sorcerer, no matter who the child is, we are invited..."

"You still don't deserve to talk to me." The curse faint.

If the ventilator did not say anything, he would die and his face would turn red.

The rush of thoughts turned.

Suddenly! Xiaohe shouted: "Who is attacking me!"

"Hey!" The nine winds instantly turned into birds, and they rushed in the direction of the sneak attack.

Unfortunately, that direction is exactly where the Fire City people are.

The flames are discolored.

"The heart is really narrow, even the children are playing!" Xiao Black single-handedly caught the little witch fruit, and made a big face to the flame.

Congsheng also said: "But a little baby who is not sensible, and the flames, you are really living more and more back!"

Curse witch anger, "You really dare to start with my people!"

It wasn’t me who shouted in the vent, but he was not sure if his men’s men were humiliated and secretly started.

The nine winds fly too fast, and the Fire City soldiers can't force themselves to fight back.

Nine winds: "Hey!" I am not arresting you, let it go!

The Fire City warrior couldn't understand what he was calling, watching his claws grab the heads of their heads and attacking them.

Nine winds are angry, well, you are a group! Then let me know you! Puff puff!

The curse stopped the flames, "Let your men stop!"

The flame body retreats, "You stop first!"

The wooden archer is on the small bow and arrow on his arm. His arrows are poisoned, and he will die!

When others saw that the situation was wrong, they let the venue open.

Xiao He saw the cursed witch's eyes and immediately fled to the crowd with the witch fruit.

The original ice stood on a high place, and the eagle eye stared at the two small ones. The sneak attack was too sudden. Except for the direction of the nine winds, the others did not even notice.

Opportunity! The sneak attacker yelled in his heart.

Unfortunately, the child did not know what special ability, even escaped his calculations several times.

Seeing that the child is not a child, the sneak attacker immediately becomes the other person in the dark room. He wants to cause chaos, and it is best to get rid of the son of life. Ambushing in Jiuyuan for so long, although today is not the best time to start, but this is already the best opportunity, let him let go.

The screams rang frequently, and in less than a moment, the banquet hall was chaotic.

"Someone sneaked!"

"Catch the son of life!" I don't know who is yelling.

"Protect the Son of God!"

"Evacuate guests!"

"Don't mess!"

Some people are trying to fish in the water, and they can’t wait to make the current situation more chaotic.

The Jiuyuan soldiers encountered this situation for the first time, and I don’t know who shouted: "Close the door!"

This is good, the small chaos has become a big mess, roar, screams, all kinds of sounds are ringing.

The wise man quickly hid in the corner, trying to avoid the invisible attack.

The Huocheng people were besieged by the Jiuyuan soldiers.

The strange thing is that a curse can make everyone down, but he has not moved.

However, seeing the flames did not move, everyone seems to have some understanding, maybe the wizard is also preventing the flames from making a big move?

Also, the hall is also a closed environment, so that the fire city soldiers can fight, and the people in the hall must kill at least half of them.

The Fire City warriors did not dare to make a big move - Song Jing and others are staring at them, they can only play with the small fireball and the nine winds.

The nine winds and small fireballs were so happy that they were forgotten.

"Hey!" Xiao He, who was optimistic about the road, ran into a man with an extremely hard body.

The singer who deliberately blocked the road grabbed the child's collar and wanted to throw him to the Jiuyuan people with a cleverness. But when the child still had a baby in his hand, he temporarily changed his attention and changed to only him. Neck, don't let him run around.

Xiaohei is not afraid, Wuguo did not respond, indicating that this person should have no bad eyes.

These two bad guys are all courageous. Seeing that they can't escape, the big ones are small, simply stand in front of them and watch the fun.

Song Jing and Mu Jian saw that there was no intention to take the children, but also the meaning of protection. They put most of their hearts on the people of Huocheng.

Original ice put all his mind in the hall, and someone just told him to let him not care. He didn't quite understand before, why did he secretly send a letter to let Xiaohe bring the original emperor back, and let him come back to the banquet hall when he came back, just as if he was afraid that others would not know that the emperor was the son of life, now he seems to feel A little bit of it is coming.

The arrest of Xiao Hei did not move. He didn't move, and the few people he brought did not move.

Wu Guo was caught uncomfortable, screaming.

Xiao He regained his grip.

When he looked down at Wu Guo, he suddenly felt that this little baby seemed familiar.

Witched fruit stared at the sacred, saliva left: good energy, looks good.

"Oh!" Handed Xiaoye to him.

Xiao Hei ignored him.

Special attention to the export of Wuguo fruit, the disappointment quickly moved away.

Wu Guo: Mom! I dared to abandon Xiaoye, thinking that I can't see Xiaoye! I am waiting for you, waiting for my grandfather to grow up!

There is more and more chaos in the hall, and more and more people are involved.

The original ice eyes locked a few people, sneer: grab you! It’s really deep enough to hide!

Just when the situation became a little uncontrollable, everyone couldn't help but make a big move, and a burst of white light lit up.

Awkwardly, the people in the entire hall were gone.

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